Meticulous May?



  • kimmydear
    kimmydear Posts: 298 Member
    This is such a good challenge for me! I'm being meticulous and my diet is not as good as I thought. Darn those baked chips and candied nuts. Okay, so this is actually a really good practice for me. Thank you to the OP!
  • 60to35
    60to35 Posts: 297 Member
    2 good days after a couple of tough days last week. Held my carbs well but ate too many calories. Also had a couple of jello shots on friday night which seemed to trigger extreme carb cravings on saturday. I think my carb tolerance is extremely low. No more sugar or alcohol.
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    A beautiful Autumn morning here in Australia, birds chirping, soft grey sky, and this is day 4 of May, my 34th day in a row. I am enjoying logging daily, meticulously, and keeping my focus on

    eating like I love myself
    moving like I love myself

    It's weird in a way that any of us ever lose that inborn habit... that inborn sense of what we need, in hindsight none of our parents would ever really have wanted for us to lose our innate desire to eat and move like we love ourselves :)<3
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    SW (Dec '15) 247
    SW (5/1/16) 198.2
    CW (5/2/16) 195.8
    GW (5/31/16) 193
    GW (Dec '16) 175

    Food choices: good
    Exercise : good
    Once again I'm at the 50 lbs lost point. Wonder how many hours (days ?) it will last this time ??? :D
  • vilenski193
    vilenski193 Posts: 49 Member
    Check in. Day one done. :p Was stressful and missed the idea of food but powered through! Working out tommorrow. Hoping for another good day !
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    edited May 2016
    @baconslave how about old school? Whilst camping, write what you eat and a guess at weight in a journal or scrap paper even. You can retro fit entries into mfp if you are super keen but at least the act of writing it may help in terms of accountability.

    On the vodka front, my DH worked at a brewery and did looked into distilleries. The truly distilled alcohols with less impurities take time and this cost more. You are reacting badly to cheap vodka probably because it is indeed cheap impure vodka, or alternately you seriously know how to party!! :) low end whisky can be just ethanol and flavouring or ethanol plus a dash of true distilled whiskey. Good arguement for spending more but may mean drinking a little less to afford it: healthier?
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    Good morning @StephieWillcox I am in the Netherlands and we have a blue sky morning. Gorgeous. Hope likewise. I am sitting here with my BPC. I did well logging and eating during the day. My witching hour is 7ish when the legacy of carbs with mum kicks in. Need chocolate and the dried Australian apricots she bought me, not realising I have a sinus reaction to both. They are sooooo yummy.

    CW 56.5kg (up from 54kg in jan to march courtesy KL trip n mum's visit).

    Did Do-in /Shiatsu relaxation class on Monday and Jewelry class last night. Off to yoga class tonight, for first time in NL. 18 mths since Yoga in India. My meticulous May I am looking at carefully managing energy levels- activities and foods can rejuvenate or stress and I am targeting an improvement from needing days to recover from a week of mum here to less to recover from her being here 2 weeks. Based on her first week here, it is going to require some me time n boundaries on food and connection time plus connecting here. Good luck everyone!!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Good morning @SamandaIndia !

    It's a beautiful day here too. I just dropped my daughter off at nursery and now I'm waiting for a bus back into town to go to work.

    I can't believe how much the weather has changed from last week's freezing temperatures!

    Unfortunately have professional development at lunchtime today so I can't go to the gym, but since I'm so sore from yesterday that's probably a good thing. I hope you enjoy yoga!
  • zippyten
    zippyten Posts: 5 Member
    im in as i'm new to this and work shifts so i need to learn how to work with it but keep logging.
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    I hate not knowing what I'm eating.
    I know what you mean, I spent the last few days in a hotel, and while I can fairly accurately log fresh greens, tomatos etc, and canned or packaged fish, its impossible to know exactly what is in eggplant with salsa- could be 400 cals or 1200 cals. Its giving me a surprisingly positive and new I must say, appreciation for preparing all my own food.

  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Day three was good; a bit heavy on the protein and low on the fat, but carbs and calories were under. Didn't finish my entry until this morning, lol - had a late night snack that I didn't get to enter right away, but the entry did get finished. Head cold is feeling much better, I imagine my appetite will be up today, or at least by tomorrow.
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    Day 3 is under way. I've pre-logged my food for the day so I'll just have to do a little tweaking with amounts at the end. I'm back to trying to really watch the protein amount. Trying to stay on the lower end. My All Animal April had me eating more protein than usual and it did nothing to help my weight.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    SlimSonic wrote: »

    14 weeks Friday until my holiday in France

    Oh jealous! I studied French for 6 years between high school and college but I never got to go.

    Beginning day 3 today.
    Previous weight: 163
    Current weight: 161.6
    I ate about 70 cals too many yesterday. DH bought up a bedtime snack after I had eaten up all my calories for the day. But it was sharp cheddar and bbq pork rinds and I was hungry so I had a couple bites. I figure if I was legit hungry then I'm ok.

    Anyway. Happy logging everyone. :+1:

    Current weight: 159.8
    Calories about perfect yesterday. Hoping to at least achieve 157.0 by the end of the month.
    I pre-log my day. It makes things much easier.
    I'm also doing the Meatless May challenge by eating Meatless lunch every day. Just to give support. It's not so hard. :wink:
  • kimmydear
    kimmydear Posts: 298 Member
    We are going camping this weekend too. At least it is only a couple of days.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I'm checking in here because I haven't posted recently. I've been logging meticulously so far in May, with 2 exceptions:

    1. I haven't logged non-calorie drinks (water, diet soda, tea). For the longest time, I didn't log any of this, but last Aug. decided to log diet soda while I tried to wean myself off of it. That was successful, but now I'm starting to drink more again, but I haven't been tracking exactly how much.
    2. I went to the gym Mon. night and realized this morning that I am pretty sure I didn't log the last exercise I did before leaving. I can go back and do that.

    Also, Mon. was the first time back at the gym after several months. I work FT and I'm a FT grad student, plus live in a rural area where going to the gym means 1 hour round trip driving + workout time (let's say 60-90 min.) for a total of 2 hr. time block commitment. So I went Mon. and planned to go tonight, but my arms, shoulders, and back (the muscles I worked Mon. and plan to work tonight) are still very sore from Mon. I'm not sure if I should go tonight still or not.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    I'm checking in here because I haven't posted recently. I've been logging meticulously so far in May, with 2 exceptions:

    1. I haven't logged non-calorie drinks (water, diet soda, tea). For the longest time, I didn't log any of this, but last Aug. decided to log diet soda while I tried to wean myself off of it. That was successful, but now I'm starting to drink more again, but I haven't been tracking exactly how much.
    2. I went to the gym Mon. night and realized this morning that I am pretty sure I didn't log the last exercise I did before leaving. I can go back and do that.

    Also, Mon. was the first time back at the gym after several months. I work FT and I'm a FT grad student, plus live in a rural area where going to the gym means 1 hour round trip driving + workout time (let's say 60-90 min.) for a total of 2 hr. time block commitment. So I went Mon. and planned to go tonight, but my arms, shoulders, and back (the muscles I worked Mon. and plan to work tonight) are still very sore from Mon. I'm not sure if I should go tonight still or not.

    I'd rest them. You can do legs instead if they aren't sore. But if your upper body is still that sore, you need more recovery for those muscles.
  • SarahKratos
    SarahKratos Posts: 58 Member
    edited May 2016
    Has anybody ever drank bullet proof coffee? SW153 CW 151.4 I am dreading this weekend as my husband is celebrating Mother's Day for me and my children. I have a feeling my daughter will be buying me a French silk pie as usual.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    flash0826 wrote: »
    Has anybody ever drank bullet proof coffee? SW153 CW 151.4 I am dreading this weekend as my husband is celebrating Mother's Day for me and my children. I have a feeling my daughter will be buying me a French silk pie as usual.

    @flash0826 - If she's old enough to buy you a pie, she's old enough for you to talk to her about your current dietary restrictions. If you do it in advance, since her likely goal is to make you happy, and you have alternatives for her to get, I bet she'd be on board with it... No reason to make yourself miserable to make others happy, especially given the fact that if they realized how miserable you actually were, they likely wouldn't be happy either....
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    edited May 2016
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    flash0826 wrote: »
    Has anybody ever drank bullet proof coffee? SW153 CW 151.4 I am dreading this weekend as my husband is celebrating Mother's Day for me and my children. I have a feeling my daughter will be buying me a French silk pie as usual.

    @flash0826 - If she's old enough to buy you a pie, she's old enough for you to talk to her about your current dietary restrictions. If you do it in advance, since her likely goal is to make you happy, and you have alternatives for her to get, I bet she'd be on board with it... No reason to make yourself miserable to make others happy, especially given the fact that if they realized how miserable you actually were, they likely wouldn't be happy either....

    Yes, BPC made with a decent blender is yum! I agree with @flash0826 that you can help her achieve her goal of making you happy. That is a wonderful gift. 30 years between seeing my mum express joy when I was in my teens and last week. My sister and I were so delighted that we both were very close to tears that something we had done had bought her genuine joy. Encourage you to do that so your daughter can feel true joy rather than the fake variety.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    edited May 2016
    baconslave wrote: »
    I'm checking in here because I haven't posted recently. I've been logging meticulously so far in May, with 2 exceptions:

    1. I haven't logged non-calorie drinks (water, diet soda, tea). For the longest time, I didn't log any of this, but last Aug. decided to log diet soda while I tried to wean myself off of it. That was successful, but now I'm starting to drink more again, but I haven't been tracking exactly how much.
    2. I went to the gym Mon. night and realized this morning that I am pretty sure I didn't log the last exercise I did before leaving. I can go back and do that.

    Also, Mon. was the first time back at the gym after several months. I work FT and I'm a FT grad student, plus live in a rural area where going to the gym means 1 hour round trip driving + workout time (let's say 60-90 min.) for a total of 2 hr. time block commitment. So I went Mon. and planned to go tonight, but my arms, shoulders, and back (the muscles I worked Mon. and plan to work tonight) are still very sore from Mon. I'm not sure if I should go tonight still or not.

    I'd rest them. You can do legs instead if they aren't sore. But if your upper body is still that sore, you need more recovery for those muscles.

    I don't strength train legs (I know it is taboo around here, but I have a plan and purpose), but you are probably right... should give it another day to see how I feel.

    ETA: Maybe I'll go for a run, though.