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Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    Stage 5 of Strong done and off to the Dominican for a week with my husband, our two boys, and two other families. I'm hoping to work out a few times at the resort's gym but more to keep myself feeling good and to make the return home to routine easier than for any other reason. My diet has been not great the past few weeks - just too busy getting ready for the trip - so I've got to tighten things up once we are home.

    Enjoy your trip....the lifting can wait, I promise!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    I will lift, tomorrow! The first time in a week, so I won't be UPPING the weights, or anything, and will really listen to my body as the day goes on.

    I will only get in 2 x lifting workouts this week and 1 x cardio. But, by next week, everything should return to normal and I will be better for it.

    I had to write down "160 lbs" on a form, today, for "what I weigh" and that is 10 lbs greater than any number I have seen in 4- years, or more. :(

    So, I want to get back down to 150....and despite 16 months worth of effort, I seem UNABLE to slip back into the 140's....so, I will abandon the 140's, at this point, and force myself to live in the 150-152 range, which I can totally do.
  • tchrmom04
    tchrmom04 Posts: 84 Member
    Sounds like everyone is having fun today for the holiday. It was fun for me not having to go to work.

    Since I was off work I was able to do a double workout and get it done in the am! :) I did Strong Phase 1 Workout A (3rd time) and then followed it up with a Zumba class in place of the intervals.

    I upped my weights for the goblet squat and the 3 point dumbbell row to 35 pounds. I am sticking here though and not increasing. I didn't go as low in my squat and could barely finish the set of rows. So hopefully - I am at the right weight for those.

    I am not using any weight for the step ups either. I am stepping up using a weight bench at the gym. The top of the bench exactly hits my knee - so I think it is a good height. I "might" try some low weights the next time I do this workout (Saturday). I can "feel" the workout today - so I am hopeful - last few times it has seemed like I'm doing less than a Body Pump class. I know it is better for me - I'm doing weights 3x week versus 1 Body Pump class a week - but I just don't want to lose any strength I've gained from it. :)

    Well - happy Monday night everyone! Here is to all of us making great progress this week!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    tchrmom, I am very sure you will feel the benefit soon - I used to do lots of bodypump etc classes, but am a complete convert to the weights room! Stick with it, and you will see progress. Nothing to stop you doing bodypump etc too, but you will notice a change in your form as you become more "technical" doing Strong or NR, whereas with pump you simply don't get time to check and correct (in my experience, at least!).

    I lifted yesterday - did SL and Strong. At this stage it is more like doing SL but with accessories, so I feel quite good here, but I know that as the stages progress, I will be having to do one or the other, most likely.

    Beeps, weight is just a number. I'm still at more or less the heaviest I have ever been (apart from pregnancy) at about 162 lbs (heaviest was 170lbs in September), and considering I was 140lbs quite comfortably 4 or 5 years ago, it is most frustrating in many respects, but I know that its unlikely to change considerably, and much as I would like to be 150lbs again, it probably isn't going to happen without me starving myself (and I've learned that THAT isn't an option either!). You're doing fine - concentrate on your health for now, keep lifting when you can, and the rest will fall into place when the time is right.

    No gym planned for me today, as I lifted yesterday, but thunderstorms today mean my pre-work power walk was abandoned, and with no way of scheduling any real exercise in today, I am going to have to make sure my eating is on the low side to retain a deficit. Over the bank holiday weekend my number of steps were low and my calories were high. It's what holidays are all about, of course, but I can't continue in that vein through the rest of the week. It's our first wedding anniversary next weekend and we are going away, so more food of the rich type then, I expect *drool*.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    Thanks, kimi....wise words, indeed.

    Maybe some of the scale weight is this belly bloat that has arrived and maybe when the tumor is removed, the bloat will also deplete. I sure hope so!

    I lift, today. BOOM!
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Beeps, I bet that stupid tumor weighs a few pounds. Easier to lose weight the regular way, I'm sure, but you do what you gotta do! You look great and totally ripped in your photos anyway.

    Kim - Happy Anniversary! You only get one chance at a first anniversary, so you better live it up!

    Sherry - I think you have the right idea by concentrating on form rather than upping the weights too quickly. It will pay off in the end!

    Today I ran 2.5 miles, it was already sort of hot and sticky at 5 am.

    I also just sat here and placed an order for a Rogue bar and new Olympic weights. I'm psyched and can't wait for them to come in!

    Need to get back on track with eating. This weekend at the beach was tough and I ate way too much cheese and crackers and chips and dip. I could live on cheese and crackers. (And I did live on cheese and crackers through the first 3 months of both pregnancies). So back to careful counting and logging, and no more "just one more cracker and a little more brie".

    However, I am considering dropping down to a smaller deficit in another month (0.5 lb/week loss) once I get to stage 7, hopefully at that point around 145 lbs (5'5") with about 15 left to lose to goal. Phase 3 looks hard and I wonder if I got a bit more fuel if I could make more progress. Anyone tried something similar and did you see results?
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I've been doing a smaller deficit for a few months (or was) and while it's nice to not drop down low in calorie count just to lose a lb a week, it had some trying times with the scale because fluctuations can make it seem like you're not making progress. At least, that is something I noticed.

    With the rather quick move, I decided to take a full break. I had done not tracking or lose tracking for small vacations and holidays, but decided to not track or worry about macros for right now as I get everything packed, eat out on occasion with coworkers who I might not get to see again, and deal with the stress involved with all that I have going on.

    I'm still eating vegetables when I can and making sure I have some protein per day. It's just nice to break away a little from the constantly trying to get a specific amount every day. I'll resume tracking and macros in LA, though will be limited due to mini fridge situation in studio until we find a bigger place, but I'll make it work.

    Lifting and cardio will continue along with packing. I started and have a couple of things in my car, so one step forward. Plus, I don't work for the next two days. Yay! Time to get stuff done.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Sounds like a sensible approach, Dawn. Once you are settled in the new place you will soon get back into a workable routine. Until then, just run with it!

    The squat rack was busy at the gym this morning when I was there before work, so no temptation to do more than my second workout B of stage 1 plus some crosstrainer intervals. I could definitely feel myself working....when you look at the schedule on paper, it doesn't seem a lot, but when I'm part way through, I'm definitely giving it respect!!

    Food wise, I'm doing alright - have discovered Joe Wicks (AKA The Bodycoach) "Lean in 15" meals. Seriously good food that my whole family love, and mostly (as the title suggests) prepared and cooked in little more than 15 minutes. It's made a big difference to what we are eating recently, and I'm enjoying the prep as well as the scoffing!

    Also embracing "meal prep Sunday" and batch preparing my lunches for work for the week. It seems to be working so far. Although, now I want a snazzy coolbag to carry my lunch in - there's always something to spend money on!!!

  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I'm still here working out. Have been less active in new job than I'm used to so have cut cals a bit to compensate - boo. Had PT session yesterday to review program and set some goals. Go away (UK) next week so hoping to come back with a refreshed attitude
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Have a safe journey, Jo! I look forward to hearing all about it, and your new goals, when you get back.

    In other, obviously very important news.....I just bought a lunchbag. Not the one I *really* wanted, but still pink, girly and completely unnecessary!!!!!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Ah it's been a while since I checked in - will catch up with post shortly but I hope everyone is getting on ok.

    Stronglifts today:

    Squats: 5x5 @ 32.5kg
    OHP: 5x5 @ 22.5kg
    Deadlifts: 5x1 @ 55kg (I'm writing it that way round as I'm resetting after each deadlift to ensure I pull properly

  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    kimiuzzell wrote: »
    Well, I have just had the privilege of meeting the very lovely @suelegal for a coffee while she is on her whistle-stop trip to the UK! Amazingly she was visiting just 100 yards or so from my office, so it was a chance that just couldn't be turned down. Such a shame we didn't have longer, but I had nipped out of work and had to come back to my desk....and they have a date with the English tradition of fish and chips at the seaside this afternoon!

    Sue, when you get to read this - thank you!! It was a pleasure to spend time with you both :)

    Kim it was totally my treat! It was awesome to be able to put a face to your name! I really enjoyed our little visit! Thanks for taking the time to say hello!

    The trip was terrific! We really crammed way too much into too little time, and rain hindered some of our sight seeing, but all in all it was a great trip. Top of the list? Meeting with Kim, visiting family in Germany, stop at Stonehenge and WALES! OMG it's beautiful. I could easily live there!

    We're home now - actually arrived home on Sunday and breezed thru customs amazingly in less than 40 minutes! I then took my husband out to dinner - it was his birthday, and ate sensibly, salmon spinach salad and a small end piece of freshly made bread. Airplane food was not great but the chicken was passable, at least.

    Monday was a lazy recoup day. I was back at the gym on Tuesday, and back at better eating too. The scale said I was up a pound on Monday morning but I really think most of that was water and bloat from sitting for 12 hours. It was down a few on Tuesday.

    I'm doing the new workouts my training partner received last week. I really do much better when challenged. She's 20ish years younger than I am, and much stronger, but just working with her makes me push myself more. I think once we finish up her subscription with this online trainer, we're going to try Bret Contrares STRONG CURVES

    BEEPS, keeping you in my thoughts!
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Suelegal - glad you had such a fun trip! You will have to let me know how you like Strong Curves, I am intrigued by that program as well!

    Stephie - awesome workout! How do you like Stronglifts this time around as opposed to Strong?

    Kim - LOL about the lunchbag! I use a very fashionable plastic grocery bag that I shove in my huge purse, ha! And then I bring it home and reuse it until it rips. What kinds of things are you prepping in your meal prep?

    Jo - have a fun vacation!

    Dawn - Thanks for the feedback on smaller deficit. Did you notice an increase in progress at the gym during that time as opposed to the 1 lb/week deficit? Good for you for taking a break when you need it!

    I did Strong, Stage 6, Workout B, #1 today
    Suspended jacknife - took me a few tries to get the hang of these, but actually kind of fun, 2x10
    Split stance cable lift - 2x10@35 lbs
    Back squat to box with pause - used my son's bathroom stool, which I measured as 10" high. 3x6@30 lbs
    Chin up - 3x6 with 100 lb assistance band, mostly did negatives where I pushed myself up, hung at the top for a few seconds, then went slowly down
    RFESS - 1x6@16 lbs, 2x6@20 lbs Can definitely tell I am stronger since I last did these!
    DB neutral grip bench press - 2x6@27.5 lbs, couldn't get them up the last set so dropped down to 1x6@25 lbs
    Intervalsx10 minutes

    My new Rogue set is on the way and some parts are due to arrive tomorrow. Wow they are fast! I'm super psyched though. Maybe I'll finally feel like a real lifter?
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    I'm prepping a whole variety of things, from chicken and chickpea stew in the slow cooker, to fancy tuna salad that I stuff in Pitta bread.

    Check out fitmencook.com for an amazing set of ideas. Nom nom nom!!!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    AigreDoux wrote: »
    My new Rogue set is on the way and some parts are due to arrive tomorrow. Wow they are fast! I'm super psyched though. Maybe I'll finally feel like a real lifter?

    What are you getting? I bought the smaller weight set to give as a gift to my workout partner. We use the 1.25s occassionally but not much else.

    Kim, I am on Fit Menu right now! Great ideas there!

    Today I did a light leg day, trying to get back into the swing of things. I did extensions (leg and back) decline press, curls, abductor and adductor, and glute bridges.

    Tomorrow is the real leg day! I'm prepared to be sore!

    Love the attitude and motivation here!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 655 Member
    How cool that you guys got to meet! @suelegal and @kimiuzzell!! Love it!
    Sue-you did a much better job on vacation than I did! I'm up 10!! Eek!
    Kim-lol at your cute lunch bag to go with your new menus. What ever makes healthy eating fun is a good thing!
    Beeps-forgive me, but I missed something. What tumor? Hope you're ok!
    I went to London, Paris, Rome, Florence, and Venice! Loved it all, but Paris was my favorite! 15 amazing days with dh and my 2 girls. Exhausted but happy :)
    Aigre-cool! Love new equipment! You're doing great!
    Jo-have fun! You need a break girl! Enjoy!
    Stephe-you're doing great!
    Dawn-bit by bit you'll get there! KUTGW!

    I'm starting a new lifting plan, 4 days, Thinner, Leaner, Stronger. I'm stuck in a similar weight range that Beeps and Kim mentioned, which isn't that bad to me (5'6"-used to weigh 275lbs, so I've got a good appreciation for where I am) but I haven't give up on whittling off a few more lbs. I'm running a deficit, but calorie cycling instead of the same number each day-IF like. It worked well before vacation but I'm having a hard time sticking to anything after vacation :open_mouth: . I'm still fighting the good fight. Did my first new workout today, and it was a lot of chest work for me. Hoping it'll do what the author says it will ;).

  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    Holy bananas! I missed a lot since last Friday! Sounds like everyone has really been having a blast!

    I took the fam to visit my parents and brother in Iowa. It was a great trip for the most part (except for the driving)! Had planned to get two workouts in while I was there, but we got too busy meeting up with old friends and having adventures that I never got the chance. As a result, I gave up trying to finish Stage 1 of NROLFW, and skipped to Stage 2. I was bored anyway. :)

    Started Stage 2 today, though.
    Front squats/push press - wasn't sure how to really do this one, even after watching a bunch of vids, so I started with 75/5, then 65/5, then decided to just do the bar (45/10) to get positioning down and get used to the push press at the end.
    Step-ups (hate!!) - 2@60/10
    Dumbbell one-point row - holy man do I need to learn some balance. I felt like my body was twisting while doing these...I'll have to watch some more videos 15/10, 20/10 (could have done 25, but trying to get used to the movement first)
    Static lunge (with rear foot on bosu ball) - 40/10, 20/10
    pushups, bw@0/10x2
    planks, 60secx2
    horizontal wood chop - 2@20/10

    I only have an hour to work out so I had to skip most of the rest periods and power through. That's why there a significant drop in weight on the static lunge. my pushups were crap. Do you ever have days where you can do something just right, then the next time, it goes to crap and it feels like the hardest thing you've ever tried to do??
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Aigre - I didn't really notice any different but I've done all of my lifting on a deficit to begin with and I was doing the meet prep during the early part of this year since the meet was in April. I didn't pay enough attention really to tell if there was any increase. Just know the week leading up to meet when I did drop to low calorie that was terrible but I was also recovering from a cold at the same time. My increases have slowed down a little but it's partly in-between programs and getting a little past the "newbie" phase, though still under the 2 year mark for how long I've been lifting.

    Today I met a couple coworkers for sushi then went with one to starbucks. I just had cold brew for the coffee but had plenty of sushi beforehand because it was a place where you pick the little plates with color coding for pricing. Fun time.

    I considered lifting but I'm going to the gym tomorrow. I'm going to film a "full day of eating" and do bro foods. It'll be fun. I have an "omelette" maker that basically cooks eggs into a football shape, so will start with egg whites. I might go to Portland and try working for a bit but also really want to catch a food truck when it's open cause I saw it once when walking around there but it was closed. It's called the cultured caveman. hehe Also, will go to gym and do upper body workout (bicep curls, naturally) and have post workout protein shake. Going to have fun with it.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    So much going on in people's lives! Good times :)

    I managed to workout this morning before work. I was feeling the effects of yesterdays session in my legs so opted for a HIIT session. 20 mins @ 30 secs on/30 secs recovery of battleropes, kettlebell swings and kettlebell squats. Boy, for 20 mins it doesn't half work you hard!!

    Then onto the Crosstrainer for 15 mins graduated intervals. Did this yesterday with ease. Today, my legs were saying "really??????"!!

    Porridge with chocolate whey powder and almond milk topped with blueberries and raspberries for breakfast when I got to work. Oh yeaaaaahhhhh!

    Have a good one, lovely ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    The pelvic MRI was not a very good experience. The abdominal MRI was much faster/better. I have cd-images of all the scans. It is CRAZY how LARGE the tumor is! I have compared my images to *kitten*-tons on google, but cannot confirm "benign" or "malignant".....i meet with my family dr on Monday, but might try and call my gyne to squish me in tomorrow morning.

    I only had time to get "lifting" on Tuesday of this week....have been working (and going to dr's appts) all the rest of the time. Likely will get one cardio session in on Saturday. And then I should be back to "regular" schedule (3 x lifting, 1 x cardio) next week.
