time to re june vate - daily checkins for june!



  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    pamcuster wrote: »
    Hey everybody!
    I joined this group just today...I've been on MFP forever, but just started the SL program two weeks ago (today was my sixth workout.) Looking through all your posts here, I have learned that I am embarrassingly weak! (Well, I kinda already knew that! lol!)
    Anyway, would you all mind if I tag along/join in?!

    I just started a month ago - welcome!
  • ninenines
    ninenines Posts: 197 Member
    We all start somewhere @pamcuster so welcome!
  • ninenines
    ninenines Posts: 197 Member
    Well I've officially made the move from Stronglifts onto my first cycle of Wendler 5/3/1 today. Think I'll still hang around here if it's alright, I haven't found anywhere else quite as active.

    I'm going to run the Boring But Big accessory pattern, but I'm crossing over the lifts, so squat accessory on deadlift main days and vice versa.

    Main: Squat
    Warm up, then 5@30kg, 5@33kg, 5@38kg
    Accessory 1: Deadlift
    5x10 at 40kg
    Accessory 2: Hip Thrust
    5x10 at 50kg
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Am dead beat! Just done an hour of circuit training and half an hour on the crosstrainer. am waiting for hubby to finish his workout and then I'm having an afternoon of batch cooking healthy meals.

    Followed by trying to work out how I used so many pans and looking for all my containers to store it in. It's like socks....one minute you have matching items. Next minute you have lids and tubs that do not fit!!
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    kimiuzzell wrote: »
    Am dead beat! Just done an hour of circuit training and half an hour on the crosstrainer. am waiting for hubby to finish his workout and then I'm having an afternoon of batch cooking healthy meals.

    Followed by trying to work out how I used so many pans and looking for all my containers to store it in. It's like socks....one minute you have matching items. Next minute you have lids and tubs that do not fit!!

    Story of my life! My roommate eats a lot of yogurt so I end up using those empty containers to store my meal prep.

    Decided to take a rest day today and spend it with family. Happy Sunday!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Story of my life! My roommate eats a lot of yogurt so I end up using those empty containers to store my meal prep.

    this. and the lids make a great oh-darn-i-need-to-chop-something surface, for when you don't feel like sanitizing a real chopping board afterwards. i use them to slice meat and then just put them in the recycling bin.

    could work out, haven't decided. maybe making croissants first will help me to make up my mind.

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited June 2016
    proud of self for doing the first workout of my deload week. i got my bench press and my squat out of the way, and did band pulls, cable pulldowns and (light) rows as accessory work. both of them will come up again on friday in trainer time for this week. didn't actually check what the weights were meant to be, so i ballparked it and went five pounds 'too' heavy on all sets for both lifts, but i think i'll live.

    i took it really easy and felt really great doing it. i just wanted a fun workout and that's what i got.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Oh how I ache!! Sooooooo glad it is rest day today!!
  • ninenines
    ninenines Posts: 197 Member
    Bench Day, Week 1
    Main: Bench Press
    Warm up sets, the 5@23kg, 5@27kg, 10@30kg
    Assistance 1: OHP
    5x10 at 15kg
    Assistance 2: Chin-up (band assisted)
    10x5 with three bands

    I'm really enjoying the set up and simplicity of the Wendler workouts. It was a bit confusing working it all out to start with, but actually doing the workouts is nice and straightforward.
  • spritey86
    spritey86 Posts: 70 Member
    edited June 2016
    Squat form gone to poo with the weight. Almost as if my upper body couldn't help with the lift and it was all legs. It felt bad doing it and afterwards my glutes were really sore. Thinking of de-loading and working up again as my lower back seems to have suffered from it today. Wish there was a clear way of knowing when not to add other than the feeling afterwards. Live and learn, listen to your body!

    Wont lift again until my back feels normal again. Just feels lightly strained, lower to mid back either side of my spine.

    Squats: 10x 20kg, 5x30kg, 5x40kg, 5x5 55kg
    Bench: 10x20kg, 5x30kg, 5x35kg, 4x5 & 1x4 at 37.5kg roll of shame :(
    Row: 5x5 47.5kg
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    Today was a hot mess.

    It was like the battle of the serengeti to get to the squat racks. Guess I'm the prey because I didn't make it in time.

    I don't know whether or not this was wise, but I did a couple of sets on the leg press and then started off with the bench.

    Bench press - this is where I asked previously about starting on the second peg. I tried it with just the bar and I realized it gets in the way when I'm trying to push the weight up. I will definitely stick to the top peg - I don't want it to fall on my face when it has more weight on it. 1x5 @ 45lbs and then 5/5/5/3/2 @ 65lbs. This was my first attempt at this weight - I am definitely going to need a spotter or do the roll of shame. It is getting tough - even utilizing the three minute rest periods.

    Squat - 1x5 @ 45lbs, 55lbs, and 65 lbs. 5x5 at 100lbs. I am definitely struggling to get the bar off the pegs now that it is heavier. I have to psych myself up to do it and then it is a tough set. Not impossible - just hard. I want to try again at 100 lbs on a better day - and maybe a day where I didn't bench first.

    Row - 1x5 @ 45lbs and then 3/3/0/0/0 at 65lbs. Second fail on this one - but I also ran out of time. I have to find a way to maximize my time better - the workout is getting longer because I am resting for 3 minutes instead of 1.5 now. I work out in the mornings before work and I really only have an hour.

    I'm going to stay at these weights and work on getting the form right. I don't want to go too high and injure myself.

    Tomorrow is kickboxing and then Wednesday is workout B.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited June 2016
    spritey86 wrote: »
    Row: 5x5 47.5kg

    holy cow though - hundred and five pound rows????

    wow :tongue: it's juuuuuuust possible you might have been using your lower back/waist muscles more than you knew to help you with those. not to diminish your achievement at all, but it's something that comes to my mind as i think i just aggravated my own ql recently by getting aggressive with rows.

    something to think about. with a fully bent-over row, the weight's even further away from your hips than it probably gets with your squats. and you're basically using your glutes and lower back muscles to keep yourself anchored . . . plus, rows are explosive so that could have meant a jerk kind of force on those muscles each time.

    in theory at least.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Lifts today:
    10min warmup
    Squats: 2x5x45, 1x3x75, 5x5x110
    OHP: 2x5x45, 5x5x70
    Dead: 1x5x130

    I almost canned the whole thing. The last minute or so of my warmup I had to sit down and put my head between my knees. I felt dizzy, nauseous and had cold sweats - no idea. I woke up in the middle of the night with the same deal, too. So I rested for a few minutes and went ahead with the lifts. They were fine, but I'm exhausted now. I may or may not take a rest day tomorrow depending on how I sleep/feel.
  • 5minty
    5minty Posts: 85 Member
    Hi @pamcuster , welcome, this is a great group, I love being here :) Don't worry about your numbers, your form is so very much more important then the amount of weight on the bar!

    SL-B Workout

    Squat: 45lbs 1x5, 75lbs 5x5

    OHP: 45lbs 4x5, 50lbs, 1x5

    DL: 45lbs 1x5, 65lbs 1x5, 135lbs 1x5

    BB curl: 30lbs 3x10

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,138 Member

    Squat-1X5X 55/65/75, 5X5X 85
    OHP-1X5X 45/50/55, 5X5X 50
    DL-1X5X 135

    Kettlebell Swing

    Russian kettle bell swing-19X10X30

    Walk 1,000 Mile Challenge

    5.5 mile hike

  • lwhayes820
    lwhayes820 Posts: 145 Member
    Week 9 / Day 25 / Total Weeks 15
    Workout A

    Squats- 5x5 @ 160lbs - agree with @DDHFree - felt really good today. Felt strong!

    OHP/5x5 @102.5lbs - was hard, but made it. Deloaded from 105lbs.

    Barbell Row-5x5 @ 100lbs - deloaded last week and building back up. Felt my back muscles working.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    done my deadlifts for this deload week. also re-did my squats, and added rows at a deloady kind of weight too.

    dl 60/75/100 because i just can't follow instructions, can i? the last set was 10 pounds heavier than it should be.

    squats just because i know it's possible to squat every workout and i'm doing that. guy showed up just as i was putting my hands on the bar and demanded to know how long i would be. i told him i didn't know yet, which is true. man did he cop an attitude. SUCH an attitude. seems he 'had a heavy set' to do. seems something was wrong with the universe in that it allowed me to be in the rack already when he came in. seems like something or other should have happened when he said 'heavy set' but i didn't know what and i didn't like him, so it failed to happen. i did offer the usual 'i can let you know when i'm done' but he just stomped off without answering and did huge noisy angry sets in the smith machine right beside me.

    his attitude pissed me off so deeply i was half tempted to spend the whole afternoon squatting my little small weights just to spite him, but luckily reason prevailed. believe it or not, i did four warmup sets, 30 second rest breaks and three straight work sets - and STILL he was pissed and sulking when i told him i only had two sets to go. so fack that, and i did a couple of extra sets just because.

    took one of my cheese croissants with me for post-gym and was glad that i did. stopped on the way home to buy peaches because eat-something-that-grew-on-a-plant post-workout experiment. and now home.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,138 Member
    canadianlbs - what a jerk! Good for you with the extra at the end.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Good on you for sticking it out and staying longer. What a jerk indeed!

    I did bodycombat before work this morning - something I've not done since I started lifting, but just fancied a change (and the squat rack was full, so I was going to have to do something other than SL anyway!).

    Quite enjoyed it, and will love the calorie burn it produces, but now I just want to sleep at my desk.....I thought it was supposed to energise me!! oh well....haha!
  • spritey86
    spritey86 Posts: 70 Member
    spritey86 wrote: »
    Row: 5x5 47.5kg

    holy cow though - hundred and five pound rows????

    wow :tongue: it's juuuuuuust possible you might have been using your lower back/waist muscles more than you knew to help you with those. not to diminish your achievement at all, but it's something that comes to my mind as i think i just aggravated my own ql recently by getting aggressive with rows.

    something to think about. with a fully bent-over row, the weight's even further away from your hips than it probably gets with your squats. and you're basically using your glutes and lower back muscles to keep yourself anchored . . . plus, rows are explosive so that could have meant a jerk kind of force on those muscles each time.

    in theory at least.

    I didn't realise that was so heavy for rows? Rows always feel great for me. I only assumed squats were the issue because of the 'good morning' movements and feeling absolutely battered after doing them. I usually do a bit of cardio after my weights but sacked that off on Sunday. Felt exhausted.