Please allow me to introduce myself...



  • jbrack381us
    jbrack381us Posts: 345 Member
    Hi, all! My name is Joe and I started WW in June 2011. I lost a little over 100# by Aug 2012 and then proceeded to stop WW, start old habits, and gain back nearly all the lost wgt as a result.

    Now I am back to being mindful of calories. Moreso because my DW got serious about WL. Lost 20# since Memorial Day and I am in a good place right now with WL.

    It is good to see a number of familiar folks here. I have missed the shared sense of purpose that this community can provide.
  • misterhub
    misterhub Posts: 6,256 Member
    edited July 2016
    My name is Greg.

    I live in Oregon. I live in San Diego. I live where there is work.

    Been with GOAD pretty solidly since 2008. Intelligent group of folks. Very straight forward, blunt, but supportive.

    I've dropped below 200 twice in the last 15 years and managed to gain it back. But, I am working to make it stick this time. So, forgive me if I am reticent about making absolute statements.

    I also am on SparkPeople as misterhub.
  • goldenfrisbee
    goldenfrisbee Posts: 1,640 Member
    edited July 2016
    My name is Chris and I live in Algonquin, IL a northwest suburb of Chicago. I started WW in 2014 a few weeks before Kim (minimyzeme), but unlike Kim, I did not stick with it. I lost 50 lbs following the Simply Filling plan and really liked how that worked. But I stopped paying attention to everything I had learned and have now gained most of that back.

    It's funny, because I got frustrated that I was stuck at 50 lbs lost for almost a year and instead of being happy that I was lighter, I allowed reckless eating to take over and I'm almost back to square one.

    Anyway, that is the past, and I'm not going to beat myself up about it. I did the best when I was accountable to others and posting regularly on the GOaD community board. So here I am ready and willing to change my lifestyle.

    I have my youngest daughter living at home with my wife and I and our 3 year old granddaughter (she's helping me blow out the candles for my 57th birthday in my profile picture) I need to drop at least 100 lbs for my health as well as to keep up with my little shadow.

    Using same user name as on WW.
  • Ladybug0220
    Ladybug0220 Posts: 2 Member
    I am Ladybug0220 and I was on WW Goad as Ladybug. My name is Amy and you may have seen me occasionally on the FB Goadie page. I haven't been on the WW Goad page in several years.

    I had twins 2.5 years ago at my highest weight ever. In December 2015 I took a slightly different route to weight loss and had a vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG or gastric sleeve). I am down 98 pounds since last summer and 80lbs since my surgery in December. The surgery is just one tool for weight loss. I still have to work on my eating habits and triggers.
  • Philtex
    Philtex Posts: 932 Member
    Welcome Amy!
  • luckynumber4
    luckynumber4 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi - I'm a former GOAD-er from years past (10 years ago?). Of all the boards on WW I found this one the most enjoyable and useful. As I went to rejoin WW I learned the boards are going away - as they are one of the places I found the most support (direct and indirect), I was glad to see GOAD picking up in a new place.

    My first time around I lost 40 lbs, and have since regained ~20. I've also become a mom, finished a PhD, changed jobs... Lots of reasons to lose - and regain - focus.

    I've used MyFitness Pal for a while, but never much cared for the boards. Until now, I guess!

    I'm curious: will you (the royal you) be continuing to use WW as well, or will you shift all of your tracking to here?
  • nick197785
    nick197785 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi - I'm Nick197785 - on WW Goad I was Rich 77. WW lifetime member, lost 40 put 12 back on. Goal is to loose that 12+. I enjoy running, lifting and yoga. I found a bunch of good advice and encouragement on WW Goad board years ago. I haven't been very active lately, but with this change, we can begin again.
  • crewahl
    crewahl Posts: 3,901 Member
    I'm curious: will you (the royal you) be continuing to use WW as well, or will you shift all of your tracking to here?

    LOL - first time anyone other than King Steve was referred to as "royal".

    I suspect most of us are bringing our evolved baggage from WW. for some like me that means tracking on WW and communicating here; others use the knowledge they gained from WW to so what works for them.

    So this is very much a "come as you are" sort of community, just as in days of yore.

  • minimyzeme
    minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies and oldbies. Ironically, maybe WW did us a favor by dumping their boards. It's great to have a full (and still filling) roster of folks over here!
  • steve0mania
    steve0mania Posts: 2,980 Member
    Yo! It's Steve0mania. I lost ~50 pounds via WW, and have kept most of it off since then. I do float at 10-12 pounds above my personal goal weight, but have been below my official WW goal the whole time.

    Related to a question above, I haven't paid for WW in years, and was always too lazy to bother going into a center to weigh-in just so I can get WW eTools (or whatever). I've been an "intuitive maintainer" for a few years, so it didn't seem worth the effort.

    One unintended consequence I've noticed since moving to MFP is that I've started tracking my intake again. I figure maybe it's time to put forth a bit of effort to re-drop those last 10 pounds!

    As someone said, maybe WW *did* do us a favor by dropping the boards!
  • beachwoman2006
    beachwoman2006 Posts: 1,214 Member
    One unintended consequence I've noticed since moving to MFP is that I've started tracking my intake again. I figure maybe it's time to put forth a bit of effort to re-drop those last 10 pounds!

    Right there with you! While I'm still not "perfect" about tracking, I have been tracking *most* things here on MFP. I'm still pretty much following the Core program, but this gives me the opportunity to see how well I'm staying within the recommended caloric intake (for me that's about 1200 calories a day). I'm happy to say that since I started doing that, I've dropped about 2.5 of the 10-15 I need to lose to get back to my personal goal weight.

  • beachwoman2006
    beachwoman2006 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I had twins 2.5 years ago at my highest weight ever. In December 2015 I took a slightly different route to weight loss and had a vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG or gastric sleeve). I am down 98 pounds since last summer and 80lbs since my surgery in December. The surgery is just one tool for weight loss. I still have to work on my eating habits and triggers.

    And might I add that she has two ADORABLE little girls who are growing up way too fast!

    Amy, glad things are working out for you! As I've always said, I have no problem with people having the surgery as long as they realize that they still have to make lifestyle changes. And it sounds like you know that! I'm happy for you!

  • goldenfrisbee
    goldenfrisbee Posts: 1,640 Member
    WW introduced me to a common sense way to lose and then maintain weight loss. GOAD and meetings helped me with accountability. I went back to a meeting a couple months ago and there were no more men in attendance. There used to be several couples when my wife and I attended. It is such a different dynamic now, and not too much to my liking. I'm going to try this on my own with as much assistance as I can get from this board. If this doesn't provide enough accountability for me, then I will go back and ask if there are any weekly meeting that have a more balanced attendance of both men and women.
    MICHGOLFER2 Posts: 197 Member
    Hi. My name is Jane and I have been on and off WW for a number of years. At one point I was 50 pounds lighter than my highest weight. Currently, I am 42 pounds down. I'm 62 years old, love to golf, and I enjoy reading, gardening, and football. Go Broncos!
  • crewahl
    crewahl Posts: 3,901 Member
    Welcome, Jane!
  • lgoodwood
    lgoodwood Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm Laura, Lgoodwood here and when I was on WW. Had lost 100 lbs, ran a 5k and then got cocky. Currently about 40 lbs above low. :( Am going to be using Value Diary app to track if I get back to it. Missed you "guys". :)
  • goldenfrisbee
    goldenfrisbee Posts: 1,640 Member
    Boy o boy, can I relate to that. It was so easy when it was new to me and then it got hard. Now I am back with more humility and taking it a day at a time.
  • SoFLpeg
    SoFLpeg Posts: 15 Member
    SoFLpeg, aka Peg, aka CaseyDoglet at WW. While I have joined you all here, that now makes 4 places I have to go to find WW refugees so I am unlikely to be around much. In general I find the MFP boards a bunch of drivel so I don't check them. Ever.

    After dropping almost 40 lbs on WW online only I got fed up with paying for crap technology and switched to MFP where I lost 30 more. I put 10 of those back on but feel a bit better here, I know I was too thin at 150. Not that I would mind getting back there but apparently not enough to actually work at it.

    I mostly don't even use MFP much any more, I've moved to more intuitive eating and it seems to be working for me. Though I am likely to track again once I start marathon training (next week, eek) to be sure the macros are lining up appropriately more than for the calorie tracking.
  • minimyzeme
    minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member
    Peg/Casey, I've really appreciated your participation on GOAD the last couple years. You've provided some great perspective / experience, especially as I was moving from losing to maintenance. Many thanks!