Failure is not an option



  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Hey Kell, it's been a couple weeks, how are things going?
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Hey guys
    I've been MIA. Sorry about that. I dropped the ball completely. My mood went down, my desire to go to the gym went down, my eating of crap went up and i just felt all over like SH....well you know. I have been trying to get my mojo back and its been really really hard. It doesn't help that my knees swell and get very sore every 10 days which puts me out of action for 4-5 days and I find if im not at the gym then my nutrition suffers. On top of that I found out last week that I'm slowly losing my hearing and currently need a hearing aid in one ear. That knocked me for six as I wasn't really expecting it. I have an appointment with a Rheumy on the 18th of this month to see about my knees so here's hoping he can tell me how to make it better.

    So with all of that going on I kinda let things go. However. I have a new motto. "be Better than Yesterday" and that's what im aiming to do. I went to the gym today and had a PT session and we did my favourite exercises like lifting heavy. I love it. I have also asked for a new program cause i was getting a bit stale on the old one. This new one is going to incorporate more strength work so I'm really excited about that. 10 days ago i entered my first fun run in 20 years it was a 5km (3.1mi) run which i did as a walk. It was also a colour run where at intervals you went through a checking gate and got sprayed with coloured powder. I was a mess but loved it and was so proud of myself. I'm hoping to do another one in October. So slowly but surely im clawing my way back. My nutrition needs a bit of work but as of tomorrow I'm going to log absolutely everything I consume to that I can hold myself accountable

    A massive Thank you to @50extra for checking on me and encouraging em to come back. You guys are all awesome and I love reading your journeys. You all inspire me so much
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    YOU'RE BACK!!!! I've spoken to you on message about the current medical hurdles you are having so I'm going to leave that alone.

    As for the rest of it...

    Great to hear about the new lifting routine, I'm hoping to start lifting soon so hopefully we can share some advice or anything cool we find with it. I haven't lifted seriously for many years so you are the veteran compared to me.

    I had noticed that you have a fancy new profile picture and assumed it was from that run. Great job in entering it and completing it. Who cares that you walked it, as many posters go, you're still lapping the people that are sitting on the couch!

    Just so you don't feel like you are alone in this, many of my friends on here went through a tough patch over the last few months. The important thing is realizing that this happened and finding a way to move forward, one step at a time. In regards to your diary, the very first step is logging so that you know exactly what you are eating, then after that devise a new plan to get you to where you want to be.

    I'm pumped that you're here again, I look forward to your updates every day that I log on!
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    I'm pumped to be back man. I really feel my mojo is coming back and a lot of it is due to you encouraging me to come back here. i can't thank you enough.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @Kell2912 So glad to see you back! I hope you get some answers about your knees and I love your motto!
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Hey Kell, I seen that you posted a nice .5kg loss yesterday. Wondering if you got a chance to do the new workout and if so, how did you like it?
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Ok a lot can happen in 4 days.
    I'll start with training. Firstly i did my 1RM trial of deadlifting heavy. I maxed out at 75kg (165lb). While it was not the 80kg we predicted i was super stoked. At the start of the year i could barely tie my shoe laces without getting winded and now 7 months later i can left 69% of my weight. I got such a buzz out of doing that. I have a video and will see if i can post it here.

    I have had a run through of my new program which is concentrating on resistance and strength training with elements of cardio and functional training as well. I love it. It's different to what I have been doing and catering more to my fitness interests. I did day one today properly and OMG i'm shattered it was leg and back day. My core got a massive workout as well. I'm already stiffening up and I reckon going to the toilet is going to be interesting tomorrow. I loved every minute of it though.

    I have also been doing a couple of classes at the gym just to break things up and also get to know some of the others at the gym. By nature I am a very social person and need that contact. On thursday nights I do a Tabata class and on Saturday mornings I do a crossfit class. They are different every week and always interesting.

    So all in all my training seems to be back in the green zone and i'm burning good calories.

    This brings me to my nutrition. Since i posted on the 5th i have been on a massive binge. Chips, chocolate, sugar, salt, all the poorest choices I could make. I have been trying to analyse what made me go off the rails so bad (and I have been making poor choices for a few weeks now mainly involving chocolate) and I have come to 3 possibilities:
    1) Lack of will power
    2)PMS (especially this week)
    3)I have been eating at too much of a deficit

    1) Lack of will power: When I have my mind set to something I can't be swayed. Now this is good when im determined to eat clean but when it wanes i lose the plot completely. I need to find a way to still stay focused when the motivation is gone (thank you OCD)

    2) PMS pretty self explanatory really. It happens I know it happens and has been happening every month for many many years and yet i still cave to it. Ergo read number 1

    3)Eating at too much of a deficit: MFP has my calorie level at 1650 per day. For the last few months i have mostly been eating at 1000-1200. Clearly this is not enough fuel for my body especially when I have a BMR of 1623. I think my body went into starvation mode. I was fatigued, I was sore and felt like I was dragging myself everyday. I was putting it down to working night duty all the time. However now i have eating out house and home and fueled my body (albeit with poor choices), I have energy to burn and am doing PB's all over the place. So I am going to try and eat as close to 1650 each day as I can without going over it as see what that does to A) my ability to stay on track and make healthy choices, B)my weight loss C) my energy levels

    I think half the reason I lost my mojo was because i wore myself out. I was fatigued and just lost the plot. Another interesting thing to note and @50extra picked it up. I did post a 500g (1.1lb) loss earlier in the week before I went on my big binge and after it where i spend 3 days eating anywhere between 2000-4000 calories I only made a 700g gain. I would have though I would have gained far more than that and I was expecting it. It says to me my body was screaming out for fuel.

    So this is where I sit at the end of this week. Weary and sore but in a good way and looking forward to what next week and a shake up of the entire operation will bring........stay tuned.

    P.S can't post the video :(
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @Kell2912 How are things going Kell? Haven't seen anything from you in a while.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    @WifiresGettingFit hey hon. No I went MIA for a bit. Totally lost the plot, decided I didn't want to do this anymore. I quit the gym and started eating all measure of garbage. This was 3 weeks ago. I had a massive case of health fatigue. I was so mentally tired from trying to be healthy that i just broke down. Being active and healthy is not something that comes naturally to me and it was taking a lot of effort to stay focused and healthy.

    I've done a lot of soul searching in the last 3 weeks and i have realised that how I feel now is not how I want to feel for the rest of my life. I am missing the gym terribly. I want to get back to feeling good like I did when I was on the top of my game. So i'm just taking one day at a time. As i mentioned above I think I was eating at too much of a deficit and i was tired and hungry all the time. I'm going to be a bit more relaxed while still staying within my calorie and macro perameters.

    My focus in doing all this has changed too. Im no longer focused on doing this for weight loss. I eat healthy to be healthy and I go to the gym because I love it. Losing weight will be a by product not the end goal.

    Yesterday was a good day. I ate well and had a small walk. It's a start
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @Kell2912 I'm sorry you were having a rough time. I'm glad that things are getting better and that you had a good day yesterday! I was glad to see a post from you!
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    @WifiresGettingFit thanks hon. it feels good to be here. And im feeling better for getting my nutrition back on track. Now just to get back in the gym
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @Kell2912 You're welcome =)
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    Hey you look like you had fun on your color walk. I too have been MIA. Glad your back. I think I like your idea of letting weight loss being a byproduct of getting healthy. The focus on weight is overwhelming sometimes.

  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @Kell2912 How have you been? It's been a while since you've checked in. Hope everything is going good!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @Kell2912 I don't think you're logging into MFP at the moment but I hope things are going well! Hopefully soon you'll check in, it would be nice to hear from you!