Daily check in



  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    @rainey4 glad to see you back

    @Northern37 still sniffling...yuk...but I am so exited for you

    I want to commit to another round when I get back from mini trip...so end of March ..better watch out cause here I come :)
  • Northern37
    Northern37 Posts: 86 Member
    @germany03 I will be waiting for you.

    I did a 30 minute walk on the treadmill this morning. Was up a little in weight but this round lost 5 inches overall so not to bad. I feel as though I am not losing like some other people I have seen. I know we all lose differently but it seems like my body doesn't want to get rid of this weight. Anyways, enough of me whining. Have a fantastic Friday!!!
  • Northern37
    Northern37 Posts: 86 Member
    I have fallen off the wagon so bad this weekend. Really need to get myself back on track.
  • Northern37
    Northern37 Posts: 86 Member
    I set the alarm to get up and work out this morning before work. Round 3 day 1 completed. I upped my weights and boy am I feeling it. Hope you have a great Monday!!
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    @Northern37 so glad you are back on track...how has the first week treated you?
    I am back from mini vacay and first thing I did was 3 day quick fix...4 lbs later I am actually weighing less than when I left for vacation but I feel much better. They had alot of salt in their food ..or so it seemed to me...but I'm wondering if my body needed all this confusion to get woke up again.

    Well ..plan is to keep eating clean (ish :) ) throughout the weekend and start another round on Monday...fingers crossed.
  • wallbrig2209
    wallbrig2209 Posts: 4 Member
    On day 7 here! Yesterday I decided to double up on workouts and did cardio fix and dirty 30. I feel great today and lost 4lbs so far! Today should be my yoga day but I don't like yoga so I'm going to switch out for something else! Also today I'm going to take progress pictures to see how I progress over the next 3 weeks! I can tell a big difference in my appetite. I'm not composed and don't have as many cravings and definitely more aware of my body!
  • kcrenshaw2005
    kcrenshaw2005 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone!!! I have been doing 21DF for quite a while now. I'm on round 2 of 21 day fix, but it's the extreme. Finished the regular 21 Day Fix and then jumped into the extreme version. I like all of Autumn's programs.

    Been on MFP for several years but haven't been on lately (like the last 2 years). Trying to come back for accountability and also see if I can't figure out how to input my containers. Anyone have suggestions?
  • rainey4
    rainey4 Posts: 164 Member
    edited May 2016
    Day 2 of doing CIZE - but am following 21 day fix diet plan (CIZE uses the containers as well, but I prefer Autumns) - down 1.6 lbs.
  • MrsVBecks
    MrsVBecks Posts: 32 Member
    I'm on Day 10 of the 21DF. As of Sunday, I've lost 3 lbs and 4 inches. One of things I noticed is that my cravings have gotten better. I've been pairing up a protein with a salad for lunch. I've been mindful to eat more slowly. Im seeing that I'm not itching to snack 2 hrs later.
  • raelorien
    raelorien Posts: 71 Member
    Just finished a round on Saturday and I am pleased to say that I am down 5 lbs, and 2 inches off of my belly! Next round started today.
  • raelorien
    raelorien Posts: 71 Member
    Just finished Round 2. 2.6 lbs lost, measurements stayed mostly the same. This week I am trying out some new videos to keep things fresh, and next week it is onto Round 3.
  • rainey4
    rainey4 Posts: 164 Member
    Well after slacking off big time - I am back. Feeling really uncomfortable with my self so its time to get butt back into gear.
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    Ok..took quite the break...my clothe can definitely tell....ack.....but today is a new day (first day back from Vacation no less) and I am starting a new round...so new round ..here I come
  • rainey4
    rainey4 Posts: 164 Member
    My clothes are feeling not good too. Back today - journalling (on paper) in a food diary, and i am tracking my containers on an app on my phone.
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    Ok @rainey4. ..here we go ...Round X / D1 :D ....
    Stuck to my food plan and did 1hr Water Aerobics and 1hr of Aqua Zumba to make up for today's workout. So far off to a good start.
  • rainey4
    rainey4 Posts: 164 Member
    Hi Germany03 - was on plan yesterday, drank my water. Now Day 2
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    Woke up energized...since it was my late day I decided I would bake the chicken I had in the fridge (I know right ..who bakes a whole chicken at 8am?!)...and I made a Quinoa breakfast casserole I can eat the next 4 mornings ...no exercise today buy stayed well within my container count.
  • rainey4
    rainey4 Posts: 164 Member
    On day 3 - down 5 lbs. way to go @Rx/D2 - planning is key. I bought a whole cooked chicken so i have chicken at work this week. Of course totally forgot its fish sandwich day - will have to find someone to give it too.
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    Wow @rainey4. .that's amazing results already!! I hope you found a taker for your fish sandwich ..haha.
    Stayed within my container limit and did another water aerobics class.
  • rainey4
    rainey4 Posts: 164 Member
    I did actually. They gave me a bite - yummm, I knew what I was missing. Stayed with my container limit and went for a walk.