Before Christmas 2016



  • Oh, and I weighed in and am down to 18.9% fat so thats down another 0.3%. No shift in the weight though, still at 67.9kg!
  • Also it's hard work logging accurately in mfp as UK food labels show net carbs and fibre separately, but all the American ones on mfp show huge total carbs that I would need to remove the fibre from. It's so much effort

    Hi Stephanie, on the desktop version of myfitnesspal you can change the things it tracks on the main dash. I think you need to go to settings. If you cant find it, i'll take a look for you and let you know! I have changed it so it is measuring carbs, fibre, fat, protein and salt. This makes the calculation much easier. Also on the mobile version, if you click 'nutrients' at the bottom of your diary it gives you a breakdown of what you have eaten including carbs and fibre. So the only calculation you need to do is subtract the total fibre from the total carbs at the end of the day!
  • treehugnmama
    treehugnmama Posts: 816 Member
    nice loss option yay
    nice fat loss do you know that? just curious to what my fat % I know it's high but nice to see the progress.

    I had a bad night eat g last night but that's behind me. I don't eat bread but did last night.

    good swim today...pool days are numbered so trying to make the most of I burn more when the water is cold...I like to tell myself that.

    I cut out refined flour and sugar and starchy vegetables in may and started swiming I have lost just over 50 lbs. I feel great with cutting out the wheat. I try and keep my carbs under 100. I don't do net carbs just carbs. it finally broke tje constant hunger cycle for me. good luck!
  • Got2lose43
    Got2lose43 Posts: 9 Member
    Welcome Stephanie.. im new to and in the uk:) ...... I feel like I have lost the plot with food this weekend.. Ive not tracked and I need to ...tomorrows a new day and thankfully no partys etc due for a while which makes it easier for me to stay on track...Ive still kept away from rice,pasta,potatoes.... I have had one slice of bread in 2 weeks which I had today and feel guilty now lol ...heres to tomorrow and staying on plan :)
  • MoonKat7
    MoonKat7 Posts: 358 Member
    Today my cals are over but the carbs are 44g
    been tired all day I even dragged myself to the gym.

    water 3L

    Workout: shoulders and 30 min spinning

    Hope you all had a great day!
  • Also it's hard work logging accurately in mfp as UK food labels show net carbs and fibre separately, but all the American ones on mfp show huge total carbs that I would need to remove the fibre from. It's so much effort

    Hi Stephanie, on the desktop version of myfitnesspal you can change the things it tracks on the main dash. I think you need to go to settings. If you cant find it, i'll take a look for you and let you know! I have changed it so it is measuring carbs, fibre, fat, protein and salt. This makes the calculation much easier. Also on the mobile version, if you click 'nutrients' at the bottom of your diary it gives you a breakdown of what you have eaten including carbs and fibre. So the only calculation you need to do is subtract the total fibre from the total carbs at the end of the day!

    Thank you Victoria, I will check that out!x
  • MoonKat7
    MoonKat7 Posts: 358 Member
    Today's motivation. New day new week new mini goals. Make it a great week!

    Today's laugh hehe ... Drinking my coffee as I'm posting it lol
  • I have a you place equal importance on macros and calories, or does one trump the other? If, for example, you were near your daily calorie limit but your percentages were off, would you eat something high fat that would rectify your macros but take you over calories, or would you be content with a calorie deficit?
  • MoonKat7
    MoonKat7 Posts: 358 Member
    I have a you place equal importance on macros and calories, or does one trump the other? If, for example, you were near your daily calorie limit but your percentages were off, would you eat something high fat that would rectify your macros but take you over calories, or would you be content with a calorie deficit?

    I put importance on both. Even if you're far from your daily macros percentage. A calorie is a calorie and will effect your weight loss.
  • gorilita
    gorilita Posts: 80 Member
    Happy Monday!!!
    My weekend was great in terms of working out and being active but diet wise I give myself a C+. On Saturday I ate two out of three meals out so my calorie calculations are not as precise as I would want them to be. Also, I drank beer yesterday which was my only cheat. Moving on with the new week. My trainer is weighing me in on Wednesday. My small goal is to be 2 lb down from last week. I hope yesterday's cheat didn't negate all the hard work I put in since last Wednesday.
  • MoonKat7
    MoonKat7 Posts: 358 Member
    gorilita wrote: »
    Happy Monday!!!
    My weekend was great in terms of working out and being active but diet wise I give myself a C+. On Saturday I ate two out of three meals out so my calorie calculations are not as precise as I would want them to be. Also, I drank beer yesterday which was my only cheat. Moving on with the new week. My trainer is weighing me in on Wednesday. My small goal is to be 2 lb down from last week. I hope yesterday's cheat didn't negate all the hard work I put in since last Wednesday.

    On Tuesday stop drinking water or tea etc at 7 pm. So that on Wednesday you'll weigh in without water weight.
    Every 2 cup = 1 lbs
  • MoonKat7
    MoonKat7 Posts: 358 Member
    Today carbs 49g
    Water 3L

    Workout #1: legs, abs and 30 min spinning

    Workout #2: had to cover for my co-worker as she got stuck in traffic
    Whole body, abs and 30 min spinning

    My dinner:
    100 g eye of round beef
    100 g broccoli
    50 g fresh cut lemon
    Dash of crushed chilli pepper
    Raspberry tea

  • gorilita
    gorilita Posts: 80 Member
    MoonKat7 wrote: »
    gorilita wrote: »
    Happy Monday!!!
    My weekend was great in terms of working out and being active but diet wise I give myself a C+. On Saturday I ate two out of three meals out so my calorie calculations are not as precise as I would want them to be. Also, I drank beer yesterday which was my only cheat. Moving on with the new week. My trainer is weighing me in on Wednesday. My small goal is to be 2 lb down from last week. I hope yesterday's cheat didn't negate all the hard work I put in since last Wednesday.

    On Tuesday stop drinking water or tea etc at 7 pm. So that on Wednesday you'll weigh in without water weight.
    Every 2 cup = 1 lbs

    I'll do that for my own weigh in in the morning but he weighs me in in the afternoon so with all the food and water it usually is 3lb more than in the morning. Thanks. Nonetheless, If I lost fat it should be less than last week at the same time of day.

  • gorilita
    gorilita Posts: 80 Member
    I am back on track today. Stayed within my calories despite being hungry all day. Just finished my hour long workout. Why is it so much easier to be good during the week?
  • MoonKat7
    MoonKat7 Posts: 358 Member
    Been away today, I over trained yesterday and today, VERY sore and had a nap in my free time.

    Today ended up being high carbs. 3L of water

    in 2 days, I had 4 workouts, 3 whole body and 1 legs, 4 abs, 90 min mountain biking. I wouldn't be this sore if I didn't cover my co-worker class. Tomorrow is rest day and back on track with low carbs.

    Hope you all had a great day, everyone has been very quite today!
  • gorilita
    gorilita Posts: 80 Member
    MoonKat7 wrote: »
    Been away today, I over trained yesterday and today, VERY sore and had a nap in my free time.

    Today ended up being high carbs. 3L of water

    in 2 days, I had 4 workouts, 3 whole body and 1 legs, 4 abs, 90 min mountain biking. I wouldn't be this sore if I didn't cover my co-worker class. Tomorrow is rest day and back on track with low carbs.

    Hope you all had a great day, everyone has been very quite today!

    That is a lot especially with your low calorie intake. You are definitely due for a day off. So am I though. I haven't had a day off for over a week. Tomorrow I will get "destroyed" by my trainer so Thursday is off for sure.
    I stayed within my calories but my macros are a bit off. Not bad as net carbs just 33 but still over the goal. I did an hour of spinning. It's fun even though, or maybe because, the hills were really challenging.
    Enjoy your rest day tomorrow!
  • treehugnmama
    treehugnmama Posts: 816 Member
    rest day I think I need one. my workouts were great this week.
    my sleep was lacking 30 minutes a night.
    my weigh in I was up just under half a pound but it is shark week so that usually happens.
    food I will be honest I had a few days that I ate things I don't normally.
    water did just ok.

    goals for this week no after dinner snacking or if I'm trulyhungry must stay under 200 calories.
    sleep 8 hours a night.
    more water.

    hope everyone that weighs in today has a great weighing.
    good day to all.
  • MoonKat7
    MoonKat7 Posts: 358 Member
    Thank you gorilita!

    It's a rest day for sure. I can't walk. It takes me 30sec to sit. I have to hold to something to assist me when I stand lol oh my so much pain.

    For those weighing in. Hope it will go well!
  • treehugnmama
    treehugnmama Posts: 816 Member
    MoonKat7 wrote: »
    Thank you gorilita!

    It's a rest day for sure. I can't walk. It takes me 30sec to sit. I have to hold to something to assist me when I stand lol oh my so much pain.

    For those weighing in. Hope it will go well!

    ahhh hope you feel better tomorrow !!
  • MoonKat7
    MoonKat7 Posts: 358 Member
    MoonKat7 wrote: »
    Thank you gorilita!

    It's a rest day for sure. I can't walk. It takes me 30sec to sit. I have to hold to something to assist me when I stand lol oh my so much pain.

    For those weighing in. Hope it will go well!

    ahhh hope you feel better tomorrow !!

    Thank you. :). I'm sure my body will be stronger next time I workout.