

  • lynnjano
    lynnjano Posts: 149 Member
    @lbenson2006 Ohhh Leslie, I am so sorry for the loss of your Grandma, "May Her Memory Be Eternal", Lynn
  • Annampea
    Annampea Posts: 65 Member
    On this Thanksgiving Eve, I would like to pause and say that I am thankful for my family, health, and our puppy. I'll just keep it simple.
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Thursday!! :)
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    I am thankful for the closeness of my family. I am thankful that I met my husband and for the life that we share. I am thankful for having a good job and working with some amazing people. I am thankful to have made the decision years ago to start trying to make myself a healthier person (quit smoking 1/2/07, started this journey in 2008 and recommited the beginning of this year). This will probably forever be a work in progress but to be on the right path is huge!! I am also thankful for the amazing support to have through MFP. I have had some rough things happen this year and to have this support group to help me through it in a more healthy manner means a lot. (Except I'm faltering this time since it's coinciding with vacation.)
  • Brittanypomales
    Brittanypomales Posts: 60 Member
    Ah, NY, born and raised in New York City until I was 12 years old. Never went to the parade though. Try to catch it every year on tv though.

    I am grateful for my roommate. He has been the one stable consistent thing in my life for the past two in a half years while the rest of my life has gone through it's ups and downs.

    I am thankful for my job. I used to work in hospitality. Weekends and holidays didn't exist and "I" was not a person but a robot to serve the customers. I am grateful to be away from that line of work to allow me to enjoy the finer things in life including thanksgiving. This was my first time cooking and am proud of how my meal came out!

    The list continues with family, friends, health etc.

    Hope everyone is having a happy thanksgiving!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I had intended to run a 15K with my sister this Thanksgiving like I normally do, but I hurt myself doing the Rockettes' Workout, so I simply walked 5K instead. I also missed a day of exercise because I wanted to rest my injury. Sorry! Disappointing, but better than nothing and I got the challenge done. I'm thankful that I can walk a 5K, so it's all good. ;)

    Hope everybody is getting through the week and doing relatively well. <3
  • kimmy5280
    kimmy5280 Posts: 367 Member
    I've been out of town this week for vacation/Thanksgiving. I've been active which is great because my eating has been active too. I'm in Southern California and have hiked to the Hollywood sign twice (bucket list item for me). I did it once with friends from my college days and again with my sister, my niece and nephews. My husband and I did our "turkey trot" yesterday, we walked along the beach for 2 hours and I loved every minute.

    Happy Thanksgiving Team Two. I'll check back in and share a few things I'm thankful for and when I complete the Rockette challenge.
  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    Happy Friday hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Did a 10k in the AM not my best time but in my defense my shoulder had been hurting me.
    I am Thankful for a healthy body, I am thankful for a job, husband , 4 wonderful children & 6 beautiful grandchildren. It's time for me to get back on the wagon( diet) . I have gained weight during this amazing race hopefully it's just water weight but I feel yucky . I'll have to use my computer to post my minutes because my phone keeps getting kicked out
    Hope you all enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend. I am on call this week so have had a hard time posting this week
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Dan - I so hope everything with your father is getting better. I will be thinking about you and your family. It is truly amazing how much the support on here can help us cope with the stressors of life.
  • sabreena86
    sabreena86 Posts: 132 Member
    Hello all , how are you doing , happy thanksgiving to all of you :*

    I'm really thankful for many things and blessings in my life, I can not count all them but i'll mension some of them :

    My Faith and satisfaction with everything that is destined to me

    My family and my friends and people I shared their shells and fond memories

    Good health, no diseases, no smoking, no alcohol, plus I PLAY SPORTS

    This group of MFP and all the encouragement and boost morale
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    This week has not been the greatest for me. My work schedule was different, kids were home, and of course Thanksgiving dinner didn't help ;) I managed to catch a cold too, yuck!

    I'm thankful for many things everyday... kids, family, friends, health, and the ability to provide and support the people around me. But the one thing I'm extremely grateful for this year is my new positive outlook on life. I've always been a pretty optimistic person but recently I decided to make that a priority and focus on the good and appreciate the little things in life. I will not let obstacles get in the way of my goals and I will live life with no regrets and I will stop and smell the roses along the way. With this mindset, I really feel like everyday is a little brighter and I absolutely love it <3
  • Annampea
    Annampea Posts: 65 Member
    I completed the 5K on my treadmill this morning while watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade with my kids. Then I used the Rockette's challenge to stretch out after the walk and finish watching the parade. Tomorrow we celebrate my daughter's 15th birthday! Hoping I can stay on track and not eat too much.
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 875 Member
    5K done tonight. Husband wanted me to wait until after a football game he was watching so he could go along. The problem was it was dark outside and I tripped on a crack on the sidewalk. Luckily I only have a few scrapes and aches, and I saved my new phone from any cracks. I've been making poor food choices in the evening, I need to stop that.
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    Got my 5km in walking in the Santa Clause parade tonight!! I'm knackered!!!
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA. Had a really busy week with lots of appointments so I haven't been doing as much as I should. Need to improve my eating too. Next week will be better since I'm starting the gym tomorrow.

    Hope everyone is doing well.
  • seylerg344
    seylerg344 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I am very thankful for my husband this year and celebrating our first Thanksgiving together as a married couple. I am truly blessed to have a guy who supports me and knows all of my flaws and still loves me just the way I am. I am also thankful for my family as they are my greatest support system. :)
  • kimmy5280
    kimmy5280 Posts: 367 Member
    I'm thankful for much in my life; particularly my family and friends. I appreciate my career and all it allows me to do. Today, I'm especially grateful for my husband. We are celebrating our 12th anniversary today. I still feel like I've won the husband lottery and given the chance I'd say "yes" all over again. He is my best friend, he is fun , kind, adventurous and doesn't make fun of me when I'm trying to imitate a Rockette in our living room!

    Happy Thanksgiving to each of you on Team 2. I'm thankful for you too and wish you all love, heath and peace this holiday season. XO!
  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    Finally managed to get back on here, man its been a crazy weekend.
    I did not participate in a Turkey Trot but I did get caught in traffic by one on my way to climb my little mountain. I did end up walking 4.65 miles that day, once I managed to get around the traffic, so still got the Turkey Trot distance and then some in. Had a nice quite Turkey day with the in-laws at my house, went black Friday shopping, supported my cousins small business Saturday sale and then today put up and decorated my Christmas tree.
    Surprisingly my little 90 pound almost 1 year old Crook (puppy) was an angel during putting up the tree and decorating it. Hopefully he will remain that way, although I have no hopes of perfect innocence for the next month. I know I will lose an ornament or 2 in the that time. OMG I cant believe Crook is going to be a year old in a week.... Wow this year has flown.

    Ok everyone, signing off for the night, will check in tomorrow to see where ew are off to next. have a wonderful night and hope all your weeks are great!!