

  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,174 Member
    Cheriels82 wrote: »

    Somehow we are the only team not in Peru yet. Come on guys we can do this!

    Ah Buggar me! I could help with that. I'll try to post what I have tallied so far when I get back from the vet. :-/
  • glossysweetums
    glossysweetums Posts: 121 Member
    Ok so have entered my numbers up until today As I'm gonna go workout now. I'm not gonna get challenge 3 done-unfortunately I enjoyed some wine last night and went out for lunch today which I know will put me over because I can't even think of all the food I had and the cost of it calorie wise. I'm going to do challenge number 2 tonight so that should be fun.

    Also I'm noticing a lot of 0's on the spreadsheet so far for this week..hope some of those teammates log on a bit and help us out :)
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    Hey team... finished my climb earlier... sitting at 1890 thanks to my boy and his need of things up or downstairs.. and mom can do it easier and quicker than crutches kid can.

    Thanks @summ72 and @enuf200 for your kind words.

    Got some unexpected exercise today.. and thankfully im not really logging cause i dont think they have deer dragging as exercise..but i know it was mega work. Along with the hike to get back to dad and little guy. There is one little guy that thought 2016 was the worst ever after his misfortune lately.. but getting a 10pt to mount sure made his week. (And mom has some super lean meat for dinners coming soon!)

    Sleep is gonna come soon and happy Sunday team.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Well, I finished the step challenge today. I had to judge a speech competition at a local HS and 3 of my 4 rounds were in the basement level, plus I did the stairmaster again at the gym. Going to stop counting now. I also should be well under calorie goal today, so as long as I manage to do it again tomorrow, I should have those 5 points as well.

    Steps = 1864
    Dance videos = 6/6
    Days under calories = 4/5
  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,174 Member
    13 hours later. This is why I don't log often. :/

    These are my stats thus far. They are a bit jumbled due to two day schedule days, 2 days no sleep, and a sadness. I did the best I could decifering what day ... Well honestly, what day I thought it was at the time. It's been a week. I digress.

    Mon. 378. (Plus carry over from sun eve)
    T/W. 419. (2 day-ish span)
    W/Th. 372. (Sorta same "")
    Thur. 216. (?Later that day...? Lol)
    Fri. 34. (I just saw an arrow that
    Points Thur cardio to Fri.
    Makes sense now. :/ )
    Sat. 74

    Challenge 1- 1778 steps. Complete!
    Later in the week I saw "1/2 up 1/2 down" in my notes. Golden!

    Challenge 2- Crap! I thought about it when I decided to dance clean the house this week (x2)! Lemme get back on that. ( HIGHLY RECOMMEND DANCE CLEANING!!!! )

    Challenge 3- DONE! Unsolicited commentary... Please. I came back from my two week eval showing an almost 9 lb gain (could have been 6)! That had to go.
    I didn't tally Monday tho. Although I got in enough activity and exercise to warrant a splurge (or three haha) I still didn't feel like adding up the calories that day. I'm in the clear today tho.

    Oh my gosh, I have lots of notes. I forgot this was a quick logging.

    That's what I have for now. Off to dance the night away!

    Cheers team 3!

  • RunRaineyRun
    RunRaineyRun Posts: 301 Member
    edited December 2016
    I've logged my gain this week, though it pained me to do it!
    I was under calories (just), and I've moved a lot, but last week's TOM gain just kicked my butt! 10.1lbs!! Yowza. I managed to lose 7.8lbs of (presumably) water weight this week, but sadly wasn't enough to be a loss on the spreadsheet.

    Onwards and downwards!
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    Challenge 1 - 1504/1778 - will finish today
    Challenge 2 - 6/6
    Challenge 3 - 5/5! I'm so happy that I completed this! It's getting easier!

    Have a happy sunday everyone!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    @Dictorbutt, got you added!

    I am so sorry, team! I need to apologize to you all. I thought I fell into a pothole Tuesday evening, but it was actually the rabbit hole, because since then Alice and I have been enjoying an all-you-can-eat carb buffet with the Queen of (sluggish) Hearts and the Mad (f)Hatter! Thankfully, I didn't see any of you there, so I know you are all having a good week!

    I will message all of you who still haven't entered anything on the spreadsheet. You can save me some time by getting on that right away!
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    I "logged" on the sheet for the week...about an hour total. I spent 2 full days, plus 2 evenings after work in bed. I'm starting to get better so I will try to do the videos but my head is still very wonky when I move too much. I did get the steps done. If I can stay under today, I'll have the calories done. Yesterday was a "don't care" kind of day because it was a big football game and I could finally taste food and my husband likes me to have days where I don't worry about the food. I was almost 2000 calories over! But looking at my average for the week, if I spread that out, my calories for the week average 200 over goal each day. That sounds bad, except that maintenance gives me 500 extra calories a day. After a couple days of allowing this binge to clear out, I should not have gained weight this week.

    It's a journey and I want it to be a lifestyle. That means I have to learn to balance the binge day with an overall healthy diet.

    So I've now had two weeks in a row of terrible exercise minutes and marginal eating. Part of me is ready to give up, try to make it through the holidays and begin again in January. But because of this challenge, I want to finish strong with the team. If I can make it through the holidays and keep losing a pound or two, I think that will set me up for better 2017 success.

    Sorry this was a long post. Don't know if I'm telling you guys or if I'm trying to convince myself haha. Thanks for listening!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    BJerzy wrote: »
    I "logged" on the sheet for the week...about an hour total. I spent 2 full days, plus 2 evenings after work in bed. I'm starting to get better so I will try to do the videos but my head is still very wonky when I move too much. I did get the steps done. If I can stay under today, I'll have the calories done. Yesterday was a "don't care" kind of day because it was a big football game and I could finally taste food and my husband likes me to have days where I don't worry about the food. I was almost 2000 calories over! But looking at my average for the week, if I spread that out, my calories for the week average 200 over goal each day. That sounds bad, except that maintenance gives me 500 extra calories a day. After a couple days of allowing this binge to clear out, I should not have gained weight this week.

    It's a journey and I want it to be a lifestyle. That means I have to learn to balance the binge day with an overall healthy diet.

    So I've now had two weeks in a row of terrible exercise minutes and marginal eating. Part of me is ready to give up, try to make it through the holidays and begin again in January. But because of this challenge, I want to finish strong with the team. If I can make it through the holidays and keep losing a pound or two, I think that will set me up for better 2017 success.

    Sorry this was a long post. Don't know if I'm telling you guys or if I'm trying to convince myself haha. Thanks for listening!

    Sorry you are frustrated right now. A few folks are setting their mfp numbers to "maintaining" for the holidays and have found that a lot easier physically and mentally. It might help you with not wanting to give up and staying in the habit of logging onto mfp through the holidays. Again, just a suggestion.
  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,174 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    @Dictorbutt, got you added!

    I am so sorry, team! I need to apologize to you all. I thought I fell into a pothole Tuesday evening, but it was actually the rabbit hole, because since then Alice and I have been enjoying an all-you-can-eat carb buffet with the Queen of (sluggish) Hearts and the Mad (f)Hatter! Thankfully, I didn't see any of you there, so I know you are all having a good week!

    I will message all of you who still haven't entered anything on the spreadsheet. You can save me some time by getting on that right away!

    Thank You!
    And OMGOSH I love your rabbit hole references! :) "Mad (f)Hatter" haha!!
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    @BJerzy - i totally get how you are feeling. I completely stepped away last week - was mentally done with it all. Took off my fitbit, ate whatever and was basically a slug on the couch. I did feel guilty to the team, I was felt horrible and seemed to be a bear to my poor family. However, it was a break I needed. I came back with a clear head this week and looked forward to all the challenges. Sometimes you need a break. It's that simple. Be kind to yourself. Like you said, it's a lifestyle change and I'm sure you are well on your way to that. Try not to beat yourself up over a bad day or even a bad week. It's all good! :)

    I finished my workout for the day and finished the stair challenge! Total - 1856. All challenges complete and I updated the spreadsheet. Did it now, cause I tend to forget Sunday nights!

    Have a good day everyone :)

  • summ72
    summ72 Posts: 246 Member
    Yeah Sunday night...

    I finished journalling 5 out of 5 days and thanks to what seems like 5,000 loads of laundry and the washer and dryer on the 2nd floor I finished the step challenge.....

    Exercise minutes added....
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! I'm on my last day of the calorie challenge, and I'm going to be under for sure, so I'm going to enter it now for fear I will forget later. I didn't get a workout in today, but I did clean my bathroom and kitchen floors which worked up a sweat, so I included an hour of that activity (it actually took longer).

    Can't wait to see where we're headed next!
  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,174 Member
    Quick update post in case someone can add in quick for me.

    Added to Sat.. 50 min.
    Sorry but last night was pathetic. Of the four hours spent dancing I would reluctantly say 30 min counted. Plus a 20 min walk between hotels. It was just boring. I tapped a toe harder 100 lbs ago. :(

    Challenge 1- Done
    Challenge 2- Done!
    Challenge 3- Done.

    And 143 for Sun min.

    Thank you!
  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    Congrats to everyone we made it.
    Plus a huge applause to all of you who completed the challenges. the steps were hard, and the dancing looked like fun (ashamed to say i never made it there... work and life and town christmas party that i forgot all about got in the way),

    kids and us still under the weather, it keeps coming and going, so very much hoping it is going away for good and soon. my sister made it safely back home and have been unable to visit her - can very well go and get a pregnant lady sick with an eternal lasting sinus/cold/ whatever the heck this is. (asides from seeing her would love to get rid of the dozen giant tupperwares of baby clothes and the like that have sorted out for her and have been walking around in the house for the last two weeks !)

    ok on to the next place and the next challenges (which i hope to complete all of, really seriously do)
    night all
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    Well, I failed at 5 days under goal. At the moment my hunger levels are through the roof and, apparently, I can only stay at goal 4 days a week. I'm still pleased with my progress of maintaining but I am sorry to not last one more day for the team.
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    Week 8 destination is posted. The spreadsheet will be available about 6am Pacific time.
  • MissionEnforcer
    MissionEnforcer Posts: 411 Member
    The Spreadsheet is up and running!
  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,174 Member
    I'm completely Awed by this weeks destination (ALL the info provided!!!))!!! I will have no problem spending a month in Vancouver between races!!
    I can't wait to get started!!

    One of the challenges fits EVERYTHING I've been going through recently.
    Still searching for the proper way to thank those responsible for... Helping Me. :blush:

    I feel this is going to be an Amazing and Victor-ious week!!