

  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member

    This is so bittersweet! I've had such a good time during this challenge, I hate to see it end. @MissionEnforcer and @hawkins410 have done such a terrific job with this Amazing Race. I hope there is another coming up that I can participate in. And thanks to @120maggie for keeping this team on track! Everyone on this team is incredible.

    Challenges completed and I will be alternately grading and working out today. @Ingrid2017, Fluffy has inspired me! I'm going to try snow shoeing for the first time today (hopefully anyway - need to be sure I can borrow gear)! Minutes will be forthcoming!
  • aenglehardt347
    aenglehardt347 Posts: 193 Member
    Shoveling snow was a lot of minutes for me already this morning! Did our sidewalk in front of the house, 2 porches with stairs and a path to our cars. My husband was doing the drive with the snow blower but I had to brush off the cars and move the so the area could be cleaned. More snow coming...more minutes will rack up. I did 90 already and will go back out later if the lake machine keeps up after this system snow.
  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 5,010 Member
    All you guys Rock!!! Was going to settle in and wrap and finish tree but husband suggested we take the dog for a snow romp. Headed out to a 4 mile trail. Not sure how much of it we will trudge through!! To wet for our skis. Am sure we will all be worn out!
  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 5,010 Member
    It was me!! My phone frozen when I was swiping and somehow @mckelfam got a 2700 min day!! Sorry team. Please fix @mckelfam
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    120maggie wrote: »
    It was me!! My phone frozen when I was swiping and somehow @mckelfam got a 2700 min day!! Sorry team. Please fix @mckelfam
    She's working out right now! :)

  • CKS0806
    CKS0806 Posts: 460 Member
    Can we keep the team thread open for support and motivation?
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    mts7471 wrote: »
    Can we keep the team thread open for support and motivation?
  • CKS0806
    CKS0806 Posts: 460 Member
    hawkins410 wrote: »
    mts7471 wrote: »
    Can we keep the team thread open for support and motivation?

    Thank you.

    Thank you to both of you for hard work and support and motivation. And the team leaders for support and motivation.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    edited December 2016
    For challenge #2 I did “HIKING THE NA PALI COAST” (8 mile run outside). I ran 9 miles today. I had planned for 10, but my ankle started really hurting so I cut it short. Actually, I ran 8.8 than decided to walk the rest, but then it was too cold, so I finished running. Anyways, I chose this challenge because, well it just makes sense to me. The beauty in running (or walking if you so choose) is that pretty much anyone can do it, pretty much anywhere, with pretty much no specialized equipment. Yes, if you are going to run in single digit temperatures, as I did today, you are going to need some quality cold weather gear. But really for the most part, all you need are a good pair of shoes. A good pair of running socks is helpful. And then you just go outside and do it. No driving to the gym. No special equipment. No fighting for machines or equipment at the gym. It's simple. And the endorphins are pretty damn awesome!

    Your turn @tonilogan .......
  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 5,010 Member
    @katharmonic Thanks for sharing your stats. That is the real win! All the extra time we have done getting strong and healthy! @mswanger09 thanks for the inspiration in your reindeer life choices. They are so true for all of us!
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    reposting for @MissionEnforcer .......
    ka97 wrote: »
    1. log the food, all of it
    2. pre-log during the work week
    3. eat veggies, lots of veggies
    4. measure everything on the kitchen scale
    5. run run run
    6. sign up for races - I find I do better when training for something
    7. lift heavy things
    8. keep trigger foods out of the house
    9. It's not totally new since I started a few weeks ago, but I'm going to keep up the kickboxing classes at least until March. And for the holidays.....drink water in between alcoholic drinks.

    I've got a 10 mile run planned for today. Will update on challenge #2 when that's done.