
  • dawnsch1995
    dawnsch1995 Posts: 97 Member
    Hi everybody! I came down with a sinus cold this week and was in bed for 2 days and just getting through work and daily stuff was all I could do this week. Not a great way to end the race that I love so much! Thank you to @MissionEnforcer for all your hard work!
    I was gonna do the sumo challenge but only got 50+ squats in sorry!
    Here are my 9 lifestyle choice's:
    1. Drink my water!
    2. Rest when I need to ,listen to my body
    3. Continue the "rainbow" plate lots of fruits and veggies
    4. 10000 steps per day
    5. Take my vitamin supplements
    6.logging in for journal
    7. No eating after 8pm (limit snacking)
    8. Portion control
    9. I really want to get into a routine of doing Yoga everyday day for stretching and relaxation!

  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    HI all! I am back & as I said I chose to do a step challenge, this week because I was on a cruise ship all week with lots of steps to climb, up and down. So CLIMB THE INCA TRAIL, is the challenge that I completed. It helped me from staying out of the elevator, and climbing the stairs!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    edited December 2016
    My Lifestyle choices are:
    1. Take my supplements
    2. Limit restaurant & processed food
    3. Eat lots of veggies & some fruit
    4. drink water (3L)
    5. 10000 steps per day
    6. log all food
    7. keep alcohol to a minimum
    8. Exercise daily
    and the last one that I really would like to add to my life is:
    9. Daily meditation or yoga. I started before vacation & it really makes a difference in my stress levels.
  • ldrichmond476
    ldrichmond476 Posts: 157 Member
    Challenge #3 post:
    1. Drink Water
    2. Yoga 3x week
    3. Movement everyday
    4. Attend church weekly
    5. Moderate my sweets
    6. Strength training 3x week
    7. daily devotions
    8. Get back to incorporating more protein shakes daily
    9. New thing- try and get a real 5k done in 2017!
  • tarpguys
    tarpguys Posts: 140 Member
    @darcijojo So sorry about your dog! They become such a part of our families that it is always hard when they go. Count your blessings and that should pick up your spirits.

    I just finished the abs routines and I am going to hit the stair stepper. The snow is almost gone here but it is still cold and raining.
  • TaraDanielle40
    TaraDanielle40 Posts: 334 Member
    edited December 2016
    Not sure if I'm going to get the videos done, but I'm going to try to cram them in tomorrow. Two in the morning/two at night.
  • niesjojo3
    niesjojo3 Posts: 45 Member
    Challenge 2 is done. I chose to drum to the viking beat. I like cardio drumming and plan on keeping this in my exercise routine.
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    Challenge #3
    1- keep my water intake up
    2- listen to my body
    3- continue my 5K training program
    4- 11k steps per day
    5- keep sweets to a minimum
    6- meal prep!
    7- keep the natural rainbow going on my plates
    8- no late night snacks
    9 - id like to get more into yoga, my body always feels great afterwards
  • Scherzie
    Scherzie Posts: 1,190 Member
    Challenge #2 I chose Hiking the NaPali trail, was supposed to have a half marathon today but as I came down with a fever friday night and had to leave work early Saturday due to fever there was absolutely no way I could run today, did a very slow 5 mile walk instead. Thankfully, got the abs done throughout the week!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    edited December 2016
    I tried posting this picture while I was in the Bahamas, but it didn't post. This is Queen Anne's staircase.

    I don't think I am going to get the ab videos done. I am exhausted from the busy week away. (Funny how I seem to need a vacation after my vacation). When we got home late Friday the furnace was not working, so I did not get much sleep.

    I have really enjoyed doing this challenge with all of you. I hope we get to do another soon!
  • Fitbug92
    Fitbug92 Posts: 53 Member
    Lifestyle choices.

    1. Floss.
    2. Drink more water, less diet soda.
    3. Eat more vegetables and fruit.
    4. Eat more fiber.
    5. Keep reading fitpal blog for inspiration.
    6. Keep finding fun things like this challenge to motivate me.
    7. Take time to rest.
    8. Visit Starbucks less often.

    Something new - Do a group exercise class once a week.
  • Fitbug92
    Fitbug92 Posts: 53 Member
    Heh! Heh! I see now that I only needed to do hopscotching/jumping rope or finding nemo. And Finding Nemo is the arm workout - not the beauty of color. :) Well, my body appreciated the focus on the food. And I got in the hopscotching and jumping rope. It all turned out o.k.

    I have so much fun with this challenge. Every Monday I've awoken saying were am I going and what am I doing this week. I hope I can keep the fun going by trying new things. That's the thing with exercise. I don't want to do the same thing day in and day out. I like a lot of variety.
  • Scherzie
    Scherzie Posts: 1,190 Member
    edited December 2016
    Mckeon11 asked me to post her minutes for her for Friday through today as she is out of town and no access to computer. :)
  • niesjojo3
    niesjojo3 Posts: 45 Member
    Challenge 3
    1. Keep doing the cardio drumming exercises.
    2. Drinking my water
    3. Listen to my body
    4. Add more colors to my plate
    5. No snacks late at night
    6. 10k steps a day
    7. Staying under my calorie goal every day
    8. Strength training at least 3 days a week
    9. New thing I'd like to try is Tai chi
  • lynnbaum
    lynnbaum Posts: 310 Member
    I need to get my to do list done, so I checked a couple of my teammates
    1. Log food
    2. 8 hrs sleep
    3. Floss
    4. Exercise 5 days a week
    5. Live stream about healthy habits and follow the habits
    6. Drink water.
    7. Find another support group
    8. Keep up the habit of finishing things

  • lynnbaum
    lynnbaum Posts: 310 Member
    I say thank you to all to make this last 8 weeks both really hard but fun. Lets say I finished. Saying that doesn't sound like much but I have signed up for a couple of challenges but this is the first I made it all the way to the end.
  • tinacuso
    tinacuso Posts: 4,265 Member
    edited December 2016
    Here is the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center

    Also, thank you to all the member of Team 4. All of your support and help made this challenge so much fun. This was the first team challenge I joined and I truly enjoyed the experience.
  • carinamenina
    carinamenina Posts: 105 Member
    ...and I just posted all my minutes for the week and challenge completion. That's it, everybody! Thank you for a wild ride, an amazing adventure, and I hope you all have a very joyous and happy holiday season. Maybe we'll see you again sometime :)
  • darcijojo
    darcijojo Posts: 194 Member
    Posting for the final challenges. For challenge 2 I did the finding Nemo challenge. My husband and I have been doing the arm workouts every week still so that was a pretty easy one. I just added a few extra days.
    For challenge 3
    1. Continue to drink and monitor my water. I want to get over 80 oz and I've found I do much better when I chart it.
    2. Log my food. Again I tend to think more about what I'm eating when I have to log it.
    3. Continue with the workout videos that I've enjoyed from this race.
    4. Workout/walk at least 5 days a week.
    5. Fresh fruits are my friend.
    6. Strive for at least 7 hours of sleep.
    7. Try and stay away from sweets.
    8. Spend less time on the computer/phone.
    9. I really want to start swimming again. So I need to start going to the rec center near me again.

    I've really enjoyed this race and I'd love to do another one. I hope everyone has a great holiday season and wonderful new year!