

  • change04
    change04 Posts: 314 Member
    edited January 2017
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    I'm so glad this weeks chalange is logging. Two weeks (or is it three) without logging has started to stress me out just a little bit. And now I have to, you know, for the team.
  • change04
    change04 Posts: 314 Member
    edited January 2017
    MILEAGE = 6391

    That works out about 320 miles per teammate, I'm excited to get there, it looks beautiful! Hopefully we'll have time to do some sightseeing and soak up some sun :D

    Packed and ready to go!! We can do this :)

    Happy Monday

  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,118 Member
    Popping in from Team 5, to say, I'm glad to see that my buddy, @alipsie19 finally got on a team!! Sad we didn't get him for Team 5, but congrats to Team 3 for getting this hoss of an exerciser! He crushed the minutes while on the waitlist!

    Welcome to the race @alipsie19 !! Have fun everyone!
  • PompPanda
    PompPanda Posts: 32 Member
    YOU GUYS! This new destination is BEAUTIFUL! As if I need another location to put on my bucket list -_-
  • alipsie19
    alipsie19 Posts: 705 Member
    Nǐ hǎo (Hello),
    1. Wǒ de míngzì shì āndōngní (My name is Anthony).

    2. Wǒ xǐhuan gèzhǒng xíngshì de yùndòng, dàn wǒ zuì xǐhuan de shì OCR zhàng'ài sàichē (I enjoy all forms of exercise, but my favorite is OCR Obstacle Course Racing).

    3. Wǒ chūshēng zài jiālìfúníyǎ zhōu, dàn xiànzài zhù zài ōuwén dé kè sà sī zhōu (I was born in California, but now live in Irving Texas).

    4. Ōuwén shì yīgè jiào xiǎo de chéngshì, wèiwū dálāsī/ Ft Worth dìtiě zhàn de zhōngxīn, kàojìn DFW guójì jīchǎng. Tiānqì bǐ měiguó dà duōshù dìfāng nuǎn de duō. Zhèlǐ de rénmín shì wénhuà duōyàng de. Yǒu cóng kuàicān dào yōuyā de gèzhǒng cānyǐn. (Irving is a smaller city in the center of the Dallas/Ft Worth metroplex near the DFW International Airport. The weather is considerably warmer than most of the US. The people here are culturally diverse. There is a wide variety of dining from fast food to elegant).
    5. Wǒ méiyǒu rènhé chǒngwù (máopí yīng'ér), suīrán wǒ céngjīng tígāo zhōu xīng. (I do not have any pets (fur babies) though I used to raise Chow Chows).
  • change04
    change04 Posts: 314 Member
    Welcome aboard @alipsie19 glad to have you on the team :)
  • RunRaineyRun
    RunRaineyRun Posts: 301 Member
    @alipsie19 Welcome, Anthony :)
    I love Chow Chows, as a kid I longed for one! So cute. Glad to have you on the team.
  • RunRaineyRun
    RunRaineyRun Posts: 301 Member

    @rainey-- I love Edinburgh! When my sister was living in England (a year in Manchester for uni, and then in London on a work visa), I got the chance to visit her twice. We toured all over and Edinburgh was, by far, my favorite. Funny story--I had a hard time understanding folks in Manchester--had to have my sister clarify for me at times. However, when we got into a taxi at the Edinburgh train station, the driver started talking to us, and I chatted with him all the way to our hotel. When we got out of the car, my sister was like, "I have to translate for you in Manchester, but THAT you understood?!?!" LOL

    That's hilarious! I'd imagine Manchester to be easier to understand too... they seem to speak slower there (no offence to any of them), we have a temp working in our office just now from Leeds which is sooooort of near there and he talks a little bit slower. I'm not a totally broad Scots accent, I was actually born in England (Winchester, if anyone's a Supernatural fan LOL) - I've only lived here 25 years :D But I'm still proud it was your favourite <3
  • RunRaineyRun
    RunRaineyRun Posts: 301 Member
    enuf200 wrote: »

    @RunRaineyRun - Scotland is definitely on my bucket list for a place to visit. Looks beautiful!
    I think Utah is now as well... and now this island we are heading to...Ooh, so many places to see and do! Retirement can't come fast enough! LOL!

    Have a great Monday!

    I hear you on the retirement front! Only... *mumbles* years to go! lol. It really is a lovely place, we'd love to have you. Watch out for the Haggis as you walk around Arthurs Seat ;)
  • shauna30
    shauna30 Posts: 741 Member
    edited January 2017
    Where do they find these locations? I hadn't heard of our location before and now I want to travel there. Maybe in heaven I'll make it to all of these places. There are so many amazing places in the world, I don't think I will make it to all that I'd like to visit.
    @alipsie19, your into made me smile. Good job on the Chinese! I'm excited to have you on the team.
    @enuf200, I'll have to look up a ringette video. Sounds like a cool sport!
    @TangledThread, your dedication to counting is inspirational!
    @change04, your pictures crack me up!

    I think we need a question of the day:
    What's your healthy go to snack?
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    @alipsie19, welcome to the team!

    @shauna30, thanks. My dedication to being thin more so than the logging. I've been chubby to fat my whole life. This is my first time being thin and I'm motivated to stay this way.

    Hmmmm, snacks. Well, my quick answer if the first thing I gave up is snacks.

    I now (mostly, everyday is different) eat 1 tiny and 2 large meals a day and that is it. Snacks leave me hungry while a hearty meal will stick with me for hours.

    But my mini meal could be called a snack so here are a few-
    plain greek yogurt with pineapple and dried cherries.
    four tortillas baked in the oven topped with 28g shredded cheese then dip in salsa or guacamole
    tea eggs
    cottage cheese topped with cinnamon and drizzle of honey.
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    edited January 2017
    enuf200 wrote: »
    Hey team! We made it! Awesome! I will get some exercise in today, have to finish up week 2 of C25K. It was a very busy week for me, we had 6 ringette games, a birthday out of town, and a retirement at work (special meals and events with that).
    I am sure looking forward to this upcoming week as my kids have exams. That means very little activities and I don't have to make lunches!! LOL! (Yes, I still make my high school kids lunches...don't judge. Ha Ha!) Also, lots of time to exercise!
    @shauna30 - love the summary of our team!

    That is so cool about ringette. I learn so much during these races.

    Please keep checking in on C25K. I keep starting and I keep failing out on week 5. I feel like I'm a runner now since I go out for 4-6 miles a few times a week but I still have to break and walk every mile and half. My lungs just can't take it. I would love to hear how it goes for you and maybe I can learn how to keep going.
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    change04 wrote: »
    MILEAGE = 6391

    That works out about 320 miles per teammate, I'm excited to get there, it looks beautiful! Hopefully we'll have time to do some sightseeing and soak up some sun :D

    Packed and ready to go!! We can do this :)

    Happy Monday

    That is 46 min a day.

    It looks like I'm the first one to enter my time this week. Yay! I just entered 32 min so I had better get up and do another 14 min.
  • alipsie19
    alipsie19 Posts: 705 Member
    I typically post my daily routine at the end of the day on my wall. I'll start doing it here too if y'all want.

    20 min Rotator Cuff Passive & Active Stretch
    30 min actual Yoga (Sun Salutations)
    35 min Calisthenics
    -2x 25 squats
    -2x 25 hip bridges
    -2x 2:00 Elbow plank
    -2x 35 push-ups
    -2x 10r bi curls w/10lbs
    -2x 4 Handstand push-ups
    -2x 1:00 Wall sits with punches
    -2x 1:00 Chinese split stretches

    33min Walk @15:00pace

    Gym (Chest/Tri):
    20 min Rotator Cuff Passive & Active Stretch
    90min weights training
    10s/15r DB Flat Press w/20 lying leg lifts
    10s/15r DB Incline Press w/20 hanging knee raises
    5s/15r Pec Deck w/20 4ct flutter kicks
    10s/15r Straight bar Pressdown
    5s/15r Overhead Rope Extension

    33min Treadmill Run
    30min@8:34/min pace

    10min stretch and cool down
  • alipsie19
    alipsie19 Posts: 705 Member
    Tomorrow is going to be a bit tougher as our dog is going into surgery. I will do my best to get something in though.

  • change04
    change04 Posts: 314 Member

    Happy Tuesday Team 3!!

    @shauna30 my healthy snacks at present would be carrot sticks and Cucumber chunks plus muller light yoghurt with raspberries or strawberry on top if I need something sweet.

    @alipsie19 impressive routine. Also wishing your dog all the best today at surgery hope it's nothing to serious.

    @TangledThread congratulations on your achievements so far on your lifestyle change, it seems like you've accomplished so much during this healthy journey.

    Hope you all have a fab Tuesday!! It seems we are off to a good start.
  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    Welcome @alipsie19 and you have a great routine going for you! Good luck to your dog!

    @TangledThread If you are failing at Week 5 day 3 of C25K in spite of running 4-6 miles, it's most probably a mental block. Get a good play list and try to go as slowly as you can and you will be able to do it. The later weeks of C25K are to build endurance, so require lesser pace than the earlier weeks to get through.
    Great job on the maintenance. I have been maintaining for almost two years but continue to weigh and log for another challenge! I would like to try maintenance without logging too, later this year.
    @enuf200 First time, I'm hearing of ringette...will check out a video online to see how it is played.
    @shauna30 My snacks currently are fruits...I never restrict myself but just practice portion control, so I do enjoy cookies etc when I have the calories.

    I have been sleeping pretty badly this week, really wish I could just switch off. As a result, I didn't have much energy yesterday, but off to do the dance videos and some yoga now. I won't be able to get the walk/ run outside as it has been raining here since yesterday. It's supposed to clear up by Thursday evening, so fingers crossed.
  • summ72
    summ72 Posts: 246 Member
    Options go to snack....well I have been struggling lately that is why I am pretty happy about Journaling this week as a challenge. I didn't journal yesterday but today I plan to. So I will not list my bad go to snacks because they are really bad. But I really enjoy an apple with cheese or peanut butter....just need to enjoy it alot more frequent recently....
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    @shauna30 - I don't have a go to healthy snack. Part of my problem! I did have an apple last night! As @summ72 said - just need to go for that more frequently.

    @TangledThread - This isn't my first rodeo with c25k or any other running program for that matter. I've had a love/hate relationship with running throughout my life. I tend to focus on it for months, with a goal in mind, reach that goal, but then stop altogether. Then...months or a year later, I decide on another goal and start from scratch again. Its crazy. So here I am again...LOL! I will finish it,(that is my current goal) but then I need to carry on! I know I should find another one a little further down the road, but I am usually so done with it.

    @alipsie19 - hope surgery goes well for your little pooch! Awesome workout!

    Please check out ringette! There is so much I can say about it...but I won't be that parent! LOL! But truly, it is a great team sport.

    3/5 dance videos
    1.8 miles walk
    1/5 logging

    Have a great day, Team 3!