

  • change04
    change04 Posts: 314 Member
    Just a quick question to the team, I'm going on a field trip with my daughters school tomorrow do I include the minutes to the spreadsheet?
    Thanks in advance X
  • alipsie19
    alipsie19 Posts: 705 Member
    Thank you all for your well wishes! :smile:
  • alipsie19
    alipsie19 Posts: 705 Member
    OMG, just watched the videos. They were cool except for the fact they reminded me how horrible a dancer I am! :smiley:
  • PompPanda
    PompPanda Posts: 32 Member
    Just popping in real quick to say sorry for being quiet here and on the spreadsheet. I have a group presentation tomorrow, and we've been rather busy preparing for that. After that silliness is over, I'll be back and I'll log my minutes! I promise I've still been active ^-^
  • slgibbs1987
    slgibbs1987 Posts: 194 Member
    Hey team!! Sorry I haven't been that active in the forum! I am really looking forward to the challenges this week!

    I did 2 videos yesterday and the rest of them this evening! So Challenge 1 is complete!

    I am going to try and walk outside during my lunch for the rest of the week. Whatever mileage I don't get in, I'll finish up on Saturday.

    Yesterday I did well and was under my calories. But today was a different story. Did not do well at all when I got home from work. ugh. Oh well! I just need to try to do better and stay on point for the rest of the week! :)

    Also, my favorite healthy snacks change from time to time. Right now, my favorite is nuts (pistachios to be precise). I just have a serving and it really helps keep me satisfied!

    Hope everyone has a great hump day tomorrow :)
  • alipsie19
    alipsie19 Posts: 705 Member
    Nada. Took the boy in for surgery.

    During the day:
    64min Walk @20:00pace
    5min stretch
    Watched all 5 La Reunion videos while eating my morning snack (a little late).
    20min Rotator Cuff Passive&Active Stretch

    20 min Rotator Cuff Passive & Active Stretch
    10 min actual Yoga (Sun Salutations)
    20 min Calisthenics
    -1x 25 squats
    -1x 25 hip bridges
    -1x 2:00 Elbow plank
    -1x 35 push-ups
    -1x 10r bi curls w/10lbs
    -1x 4 Handstand push-ups
    -1x 1:00 Wall sits with punches
    -1x 1:00 Chinese split stretches

    Update: He is back at home now and wearing the cone of shame. :smile: His cancer has spread into the jawbone and his lungs. It's all good though. He's in good spirits and we are putting together his bucket list. Should be fun!!
  • shauna30
    shauna30 Posts: 741 Member
    change04 wrote: »
    Just a quick question to the team, I'm going on a field trip with my daughters school tomorrow do I include the minutes to the spreadsheet?
    Thanks in advance X

    I love field trips! I'd say, if it's beyond your normal rate of activity, count the minutes.
    Have a great time!
  • shauna30
    shauna30 Posts: 741 Member
    @alipsie19 I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. I'm happy he made it through surgery and that you have time to have some adventures with him.

    I'm going to the doctor tomorrow and will get info on what I'm allowed to do now that it's been a few days after surgery. I'm hoping to be cleared for the bike. I can get a lot of minutes while pedaling and reading :)
  • EternalTruth
    EternalTruth Posts: 491 Member
    QUESTION OF THE DAY: What is your ideal peaceful moment? In the forest listening to birds? By the beach watching the waves? Reading a book in bed? Etc.

    @shauna30 "What's your healthy go to snack?" Mine is a Pure Protein Dark Chocolate Coconut bar. It's how I settle my chocolate cravings.

    I had a bit of a bug the last few days but I am pretty sure I got in the minutes I needed to last week for the spreadsheet. This week is even tougher as I am still a little sick so I have just been doing walks and not hitting the gym. I am on Week 4 Day 1 the next time I go to the gym of Couch to 5K. Some programs do it in 9 weeks and some 8, the one I am doing is 8 weeks.

    I lost 2 lbs this week but not in the best way since I wasn't feeling well I had no appetite and felt nauseous.

    Take care all and have a wonderful week!

  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    @EternalTruth - my daily peaceful moment is my early morning coffee, before the rest of the family gets up - wherever that may home, at our cabin, on holiday somewhere...
    You are one week ahead of me on C25K. I did wk3 day 1 last night. Let's motivate each other. I don't have a deadline to finish - 8 or 9 weeks doesn't matter (I do try to aim for 3 days/week) - my goal is just to finish. After the posts about it earlier, I am psyching myself up to carry on with the c210K once I'm done the 5K. (I have to remind myself daily of that, so I won't stop after the 5K!)
  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,174 Member
    If it's not too late I think I should take this week off. I've been sick going on 3 days now. :(
  • alipsie19
    alipsie19 Posts: 705 Member
    @EternalTruth - My ideal peaceful moment:
    Sitting somewhere quiet and reflecting on something I just accomplished that the doctors told me was no longer in the cards for me.
  • change04
    change04 Posts: 314 Member
    edited February 2017

    Just checking in quickly it's been one of those days. The field trip was a success got a lot of minutes/miles in won't be doing anymore for today, plus I'm back at work tomorrow so need some well deserved rest.

    @EternalTruth and @Dictorbutt hope you both get better soon. @shauna30 hope that all went well at the doctors. @alipsie19 glad that he's back home

    Question of the day: My peaceful moment would be my days off from work which is a Wednesday when both the children and hubby is at school/work. It's my lazy day so I enjoy breakfast in bed and a coffee with a book.


    Happy Hump day everyone!!

  • alipsie19
    alipsie19 Posts: 705 Member
    @shauna30 -
    My healthy go to snack is air-popped popcorn, but I also really like a good spinach salad.
  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    Hi everyone. So sorry I missed Sunday cut off for entering the rest of my exercises. Have been working hard at everything this week and sim to update tonight. It's not even 4 and am zonked.
    Hope everyone who is down or sick feels better very soon. Tomorrow is my planned attack day for the challenge ... unless some miracle happens and I dig deep for that motivation to do more today.

    Keep up the good work guys and even though I don't post often I do enjoy traveling with you all.
  • shauna30
    shauna30 Posts: 741 Member
    Dictorbutt wrote: »
    If it's not too late I think I should take this week off. I've been sick going on 3 days now. :(

    If you can still track your calories and post any active minutes, that will help. Unfortunately, the race organizers don't cut us any slack when we have someone down.
    So, team we are going to have to work hard this week! We have several players who are down. Anyone who can do a little extra, that would be wonderful. Those who are out, send a message to missionenforcer for a modification and hopefully we can still get the challenge points. If you are usable to get many active minutes, just getting the challenges done will help tremendously.
  • DawnBe1
    DawnBe1 Posts: 81 Member
    My favorite peaceful moment is definitely going for a hike somewhere secluded.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys-
    Sorry I've not been posting much this week--I promise I haven't been MIA in terms of the challenges. :smile:

    @shauna-- congrats on getting cleared for the bike! My knee finally felt strong enough to hit the gym again yesterday. I did 20 minutes on the elliptical which was not too strenuous, but the 20 minutes on the gym actually made my knee feel better. I think the lack of stress and movement helped loosen the joint which was pretty stiff after 10 days of very little activity.

    @V-- Get well soon!! I'm (finally!) feeling like the cough and congestion are gone, but my hubs is down for the count again. :(

    @EternalTruth --Hope you are feeling better, too! My peaceful moment would definitely be sitting on the beach. When we go to South Haven, MI in the summer, my older sister and I like to go sit on the beach and watch the sunset. It's so beautiful.

    @enuf200 & @EternalTruth --When I first started running, I did it with c25k. I think I was using the 9 week approach, but once I got to the point where I could run for 20 minutes (I think week 6 or 7), I found I could just keep going the full 5k. However, even after 5 years of running regularly, I still tend to use to walk/run method b/c it results in a better overall race time for me.

    @samra338 --I am a really bad sleeper, but I just got a brand new Fitbit Charge 2, so I'm hoping the sleep tracker motivates me to get more of it.

    @alipsie19 -- so sorry to hear about your doggie, but glad he made it through the surgery.

    @TangledThread --After running for years, I've found the only way I can run more than a couple of miles without a rest break is to slow way down to about 5 mph or less. I personally prefer to run at a faster pace (5.7 or 6.0) for a mile or so and then take a quick walking break. I find it more enjoyable and my overall time for a 5k ends up pacing an 11 minute mile rather than a 12.

    I'm a couple of days late for the question of the day, but I really like an apple with peanut butter in the evenings. However, I have to make sure to actually weigh out my serving of PB or it will easily turn into 2 or 3 servings. ;) I also like Nature Valley PB and Dark Chocolate Protein Bars--that's usually my afternoon snack at work.

    As I mentioned above, I got a Fitbit Charge 2 last weekend. I had been procrastinating about buying a HRM and tracker combo for the past few months. Then, I was at a gala Saturday night, and the silent auction had the Fitbit so I decided to bid, and I got it!! So happy b/c my money will go to a great cause (my friend's son has Duchenne MS, and the gala was for him), and I still paid $10 under retail. :smiley:

    This is only my second day wearing it. Yesterday I made my 10K step goal, but doubt it will happen today. I'm also going to try to use the Fitbit calorie burn to determine my 500 deficit goal. I'm a bit nervous b/c yesterday's calorie burn/allowance was much higher than MFP allows me, but I'm going to give it a go and see if it works for me.

  • alipsie19
    alipsie19 Posts: 705 Member
    10 min Yoga (Sun Salutations)
    20 min Calisthenics
    -1x 15 sit-ups
    -1x :30/side Side plank
    -1x 15 Russian Twist 10lb DB
    -1x 15 Bicycle Crunch
    -1x 15 Crunch
    -1x 1:00 Elbow Plank
    -1x 15 4ct Mountain Climbers
    -1x 15 4ct Jumping Jacks
    -1x 15 Sumepmans
    -1x 15/side Side Crunches
    -1x 15 Burpees
    -2x 15 Push-ups
    -3x 10 Chin-ups

    During the day:
    Nada...I was a slacker!

    20min A&P RC Stretch
    45min Circuit Training
    5 rounds
    -1x Rope climb
    -1x :30 Jump Rope
    -1x Sled Pull 20yds & drag return
    -5x Squat Jumps
    -1x Sandbag Hoist
    -1x :30 Butt Kickers
    -1x Weight Carry 60yds (2 55lb Kb)
    -1x Ladder Drill of Choice down and back
    -4x Tire Flip
    -1x :30 Ski Jumpers
    33min Treadmill Run
    -1:00 @ 20:00pace
    -31:00 @ 8:34pace
    -1:00 @ 20:00pace
    10min Cool down Stretch