

  • tarpguys
    tarpguys Posts: 140 Member
    @ddeliciosa I usually try to do yoga or a good stretch video for my rest days they count as exercise minutes but really get you feeling good! My stretch is tomorrow!

    I sat in classes all day yesterday and today. I did pass and got my designation, woohoo! I put 40 minutes on the max trainer and stretched for 15. Good night all!
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Week 2: Racing to La Reunion

    2 Videos : 7 bonus minutes - DONE!
    Danseuses Sega : 5 bonus minutes - DONE!


    1. LI TOURNÉ MAURITIAN SEGA (4:06 minutes) - DONE!
    2. LI TOURNÉ - DJ ASSAD (3:36 minutes) - DONE!
    3. DANSE TON MALOYA! (2:48 minutes) - DONE!
    4. MALOYA (Plage de Saint Pierre Réunion) (4:47 minutes) - DONE!
    5. PAPAOUTAI (3:31 minutes) - DONE! (my favorite !! I LOVE Stromae!!)


    Hike to Cascade du Trou de Fer ("Iron Hole Waterfall")
    5 KM (3.1 Miles) Outside

    Will do this on Thursday Feb 2nd - DONE!!


    Stay Under Calories 5/7 days this week

    4/7 DONE!
  • aim630
    aim630 Posts: 120 Member
    @mari_moulin The scale has not been cooperating with me lately either. I've been under my calorie goal every day (I have eaten some of the workout calories though). I hope you're feeling better soon. It's been really cold the past 2 days, and I am so ready for spring! I enjoyed walking outside the other day. I can't wait to be able to do that more.

    @ddeliciosa Not only am I more motivated to get exercise, I've been trying different YouTube videos, so I don't get bored as easily doing the same thing every day.

    @tarpguys Congrats on getting your designation!

    Friday at last! It's been a hectic work week, so I'm looking forward to the weekend. Hope you all have a great day!
  • lynnbaum
    lynnbaum Posts: 310 Member
    The scale isn't kind to me either. I was doing a quick workout this morning thinking about why I was doing the workout, to get in the minutes for the spreadsheet or to really give it my all to get in shape. I tell you it is cold in my basement where I do those workouts. I am getting a space heater. We are not just talking 68* cold we are talking that frost line 56*. We have a well room in our basement. Our living room and the rest of the house is warm so I did some jogging on the rebounder while dinner was cooking. I am so ready for spring. I have a bad case stuck scale. I tell you I am tracking those calories, eating healthy and hanging in there. Discovered figs. Do I have to say I am happy to be on this team. It is going to be 36 on Sunday. I will be doing that 5K then. Just in time.
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good morning all!

    Sorry about my inactivity yesterday. The day got away from me. All that I had time for was 10 minutes walking around my store. I had hoped to do more.

    Great job on stepping up the activity everyone! It is so motivating. I would not have walked on the treadmill after doing weights if it was not for this challenge. I hope to do Yoga this afternoon, but a nap may be more what I really need..

    The scale is NOT cooperating with me either. I have been losing & gaining the same 2 lbs for 2 weeks now. Driving me NUTS!

    Have a great day Smashers :)
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    Great motivation, Smashers!
    We made it to our destination on Friday <3
    We're sittin pretty in first <3
    We're killing the logging game <3

    I'm so proud of all of you!! Looks like we're all fighting with the scale, let's move past it! We're doing the right things and our bodies are thanking us, who cares what that dumb scale has to say :D
  • ddeliciosa
    ddeliciosa Posts: 168 Member
    @tarpguys I'm going to take your advice and do some stretches and yoga tomorrow.

    It has been a busy busy day for me! Did a little bit on the elliptical, then I came home and did some SERIOUS cleaning. Scrubbing floors, dusting things off, so much freaking laundry, and moving some furniture. That's taken up a few hours of my night and I'm still not finished - but I only counted 100 minutes towards that. I should look into what you're doing @smashlyM914 because I always hold off cleaning until it's just way too much at once.

    The scale has never been a good friend, and unfortunately this amazing race challenge hasn't changed that, yet. I read on some post in the MFP discussions that when you implement a new type of exercise, it's normal to gain a pound or two, or maintain for the first 2-3 weeks. Apparently this is because your muscles are exerted and sore and retain more water than usual.
  • tarpguys
    tarpguys Posts: 140 Member
    I made the 5 of 7 days under my calorie goal and did a long yoga routine tonight. It's been cold and wet here today and the forecast says that it will continue this way. We didn't get the snow or ice like they thought, so that was nice. It looks like everyone is doing good just not happy with the scale. If we all keep this up those scales should start acting the way we want. Good night all! Have a good weekend!
  • MonicaA2013
    MonicaA2013 Posts: 753 Member
    My last couple days have been a bit topsy turvy but i am still working it.
    I have to get through at least today to complete challenge 3. I had a bad day this week but nothing severe thank goodness.
    I also added my minutes last night and i have 200min to hit the limit of 700.
    The scale has finally got me within 0.4 oz of my lowest this challenge. Now if i can jest get it to drop a bit more..LOL
    Well i am once again pressed for time so i will try to catch up with you all a bit later.
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Happy Saturday SMASHERS! Baby is feeling much better but now its my turn. Yesterday morning I felt a little under the weather and it has quickly become a full blown flu. Aches, pains, fever, shivers, cold sweats, stuffiness, sneezing, cough, weakness, the works. No workout today, I really need to recover. Lots of fluids. just had Chinese soup and have my bottle of water here next to me.

    Week 2: Racing to La Reunion

    2 Videos : 7 bonus minutes - DONE!
    Danseuses Sega : 5 bonus minutes - DONE!


    1. LI TOURNÉ MAURITIAN SEGA (4:06 minutes) - DONE!
    2. LI TOURNÉ - DJ ASSAD (3:36 minutes) - DONE!
    3. DANSE TON MALOYA! (2:48 minutes) - DONE!
    4. MALOYA (Plage de Saint Pierre Réunion) (4:47 minutes) - DONE!
    5. PAPAOUTAI (3:31 minutes) - DONE! (my favorite !! I LOVE Stromae!!)


    Hike to Cascade du Trou de Fer ("Iron Hole Waterfall")
    5 KM (3.1 Miles) Outside

    Will do this on Thursday Feb 2nd - DONE!!


    Stay Under Calories 5/7 days this week

    5/7 DONE!
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    @ddeliciosa I highly recommend it!! The room of the week this week was the kitchen and my husband even noticed how sparkly it was!! And it's really not that hard. I mean the first week for each room will be harder than the rest, I'm cleaning stuff I haven't cleaned since we moved in 3 years ago!! Lol but if I can see the day where my husband surprises me with "my parents are coming over" and I don't nearly pass out, I'll be a happy camper lol.
    And yes, water retention can be a real issue :( weather it's a new exercise or heavy lifting.

    @darcijojo I'm smiling and excited for you over everything in your post :smiley:

    @plainanjelik I'm the opposite and eat so much over the weekends!! Stay strong!!

    @mari_moulin feel better!!
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    Hi smashers!! Happy Saturday :D
    Yay for still being in first, I'm at the gym on a Saturday morning for then first time in a very very long time. Weekends = family time, and the hubby is at work and davie had a sleep over at his friends house last night. So instead of sitting home alone I headed to the gym!!

    Super bowl is tomorrow! Which means I'll probably eat and drink more than I should.

    I'm sick too. It started yesterday, got worse this morning when I woke up. But a good sweat session has me feeling a little better. I like to go to the gym when I'm not full blown sick because I always feel like I sweat out a little bit of whatever's in me. Between that and laying around not being an option this weekend, I'm ignoring it the best I can! Company coming over tonight, and super bowl party at our house tomorrow, I don't have time to be sick :/ Emergen-c will be my best friend this weekend!!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good morning all!

    I have to work today & I am sitting in a parking lot waiting for DD to come out from a job fair. I am amazed at the amount of parents going in with their kids. As an employer myself, I frown on parents dropping off résumés or holding their kids hands at interviews. Too many coddled kids these days

    I hope to get a workout in after work. I plan to bring my workout clothes with me

    We all have to not get comfortable with our lead this weekend. Team 1 is sneaky & will get all of the challenge points up this weekend. They are already 500+ minutes ahead of us. We have done so well all week!

    Let's smash it this weekend!
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    @lpeltenburg I agree with the coddled kids thing! I'm practically a kid myself, I'm just 23. But I still see so many people I've known in my life getting everything done and handed to them by their parents! Time to put the big boy/girl panties on!!