OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm up early again this morning......hoping a nap is in my future at some point today. My visit yesterday was great; however, my student is stressed out over assignments that are due. I told her to turn them in in increments to ease her stress. She will be a fabulous teacher. We are heading to Chicago tomorrow for Dylan's 8th birthday party. I can't believe he will be 8!

    Yesterday, I went over to Greg and Carrie's to get Christmas presents for Dylan and Penny. We will take them with us. While visiting, Jillian displayed an attitude because she wanted to watch cartoons rather than visiting with me. She and Carrie got into it because Carrie was trying to get her to visit with me. She put the movie on "pause". It would have turned the tv off when Jillian started backtalking to Carrie. It finally ended when we worked puzzles. That evening, my phone rang, and it was Greg. He said, "Someone wants to say something" It was Jillian apologizing for her behavior. It made me feel good that he made her apologize. Good parenting, in my opinion.

    I'm heading to the gym this morning. I'll do the recumbent bike again and then use the weight machines.

    Janet: The Crown was great! Hopefully there will be Season 2.

    Cindy: Sorry for Rick's downslide. It must be tough for the both of you.

    Breakfast is tracked! I'm somewhat frustrated as the scale isn't moving; however, it's not going up. I feel better, though. Looking on the bright side. Have a great day everyone!


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Friends-
    Well I had subway for dinner but tracked every bite and was careful with my choices- a bit high in points so it used some i had "earned" or weeklies. I'm trying not to dip into stuff a lot with extras but with actual things to make my meals seem "normal" My head is in a good place with this now.
    Rick is back to his extreme paranoia and distrust of me. I talked to him last night about it and it ended in shouting, very non productive. I'm urging him to go back to his therapist and deal with his issue of sever mistrust. When we went to marriage counseling he said he knows I would never do anything or ever have, he just can't help himself.
    This will destroy our marriage as I won't live under intense scrutiny of each phone call, email etc. Thanks for listening. Don't mean to be a dumper on you all but I just needed a moment. I actually deleted most of my emotional dump.
    But I am strong, losing weight, gaining muscle mass, and feeling great.
    I'm ready for tomorrow, or I will be after practicing my pitch again as many times until it sounds smooth and polished. Since I have 10 minutes I want to hit all the important parts.
    Janet- its too bad you couldn't go to the salon for a nice wash and blow dry. Just to have a bit of pampering while you're recovering. But maybe next week you'll get released to do the shwer thing. Be patient it will be worth it.
    Bert- so glad you son is teaching your granddaughter manners. Its becoming rare.
    Patti- you're going to Disney right? for the Princess event?
    Karla- wonderful to hear from you- you've been missed. Personal therapy is good for the soul when we need it. I know without Mary I would have been lost this last year.
    Diane- there is an organization that takes business clothes and donates them to women who are trying to get into the work force and need professional clothes. If you're donating that might be something to locate.
    Second Chances and Dress for Success are two groups.
    Well it's my short Friday I work until 4- so need to run.
    thanks for listening as always.
    I'll check in later.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good Morning. TGIF. Izzy came to spend the night as Mom is working Uber on Thursday nights.

    Bert- You are such a great mentor to those student Teachers. I'm glad your granddaughter called too. Kids are so addicted to electronics! I'm sure that scale will start rewarding you soon.

    Cindy- I concur with Janet and Patti on letting the Loudon come out and enthrall them as it has all of us. Of course you will be a little nervous, but try to think it is only 10 minutes. Wishing you the best of luck!! Big hugs.

    Janet- Sounds like you are progressing along on your medical journey. I know that shampoo will feel good afterwards.

    Patti- You and your mother are really blessed that her vision responded so greatly to the medical attention she received last year. Especially your mother, of course. When is your trip to Florida?

    Diane- I took water aerobics in the past and always enjoyed it. Do they use any jugs or tubes? Sounds like you have a good routine going. Glenn is putting in for his retirement next month. When will John retire? Glenn turns 60 next month and I turned 59 last month. I have cut down to two clients now.

    I have kept my weight down during my ordeal, confirmed at my doctor visit. But, time to focus to get it lower. I went shopping yesterday and 16's are too big!!

    I have some credentialing to do this morning and then a hair appointment.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, it is so nice to see our group all checking in. We will be leaving March 20th, th day after my BFFs surprise 70th birthday party. Stopping for 2 days to visit friends who live on the border of KY and TN. Then going to visit another friend just south of Sarasota for 8 or 9 days. This is the wife of Edd's BFF who was killed in a motorcycle crash almost 2 years ago. Her daughter and 2 grandkids from CO will be there for part of the visit. The kids call Edd "Santa on vacation". Then we head to Tallahassee for a BMW vintage rally for the weekend. I love visiting with friends but I need some "just the two of us" time too, so hoping we will be able to take off a day or two just to explore or relax together. Also hope there will be a water painting class while we are visiting our friend. My first attempt was awesome, my second.....not so much, lol.
    Off to the gym soon, then working 2-7pm.
    So excited that I found something Mom wants. Her birthday is March 3rd, she will be 87! She mentioned that she wished she would have saved a particular slow cooker that she left in Texas. It is very light weight and is actually more of a multi cooker. She has trouble lifting the stoneware pot when it is empty, so has to ladle or dip everything in and out of it. She mostly makes soups and broths. Anyway, I found the cooker she left and ordered it for her. She will be so surprised and excited and I will inherit another crockpot to leave at the cabin, lol

    Cindy, I bet it felt good to type it all out, even if you deleted most of it. I have done that too. You are not dumping on us. Remember this is a safe place. A place without judgement. A place to get your virtual hugs. A place to let it all out and put yourself back together again. For your pitch, remember to breath and pretend you are talking to us.

    Karla, I know you are beyond ready for Glenn to retire. You two were meant for travel.

    Janet, I love Cindy's suggestion of having your hair washed by a pro. Is that possible to arrange? Or can they come to your home? I know there are several around here that make house calls. Is your cat sitter out of the hospital? I have had her on my mind since you said she was in ICU.

    Bert, he scale will move. Did you take your measurements when you recommitted? Maybe time to do it again or for the first time if you didn't do it already. Your hard work is paying off in other ways I am sure.

    Diane, I cleaned out my closet when I lost my 60 pounds, have regained 1/2 of it. I maintained my loss for about a year before slowly allowing the pounds to creep back on. So I have precious little in my closet. I have bought very little for my current size and hope to get rid of them soon. Good luck with your continued organizational tasks.

    Time to scoot
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Decided to check in before washing my hair. I cannot get out to the salon for awhile but when I can, heaven knows I need color & cut too. Having someone here isn't really an option either - doing what I can. Hoping to try driving later this month but with the knee walker, driving on my own may also require my walker for getting in & out. Will figure it out as we go!

    Diane, I donated lots of workwear to Dress for Success and can tell you that sizes 10 and up are particularly prized as they have clients of all shapes & sizes but ted to get mostly smaller sizes. They also take business-casual wear now.

    Cindy, I am sending you a big hug. You are living in an untenable situation but are not letting it derail your Project Cindy. Brava!

    Karla, did you find a new dress?

    Patti, your mom will love the new cooker and your love of entertaining means another crockpot at the cabin will come in handy.

    Bert, the apology from Jillian was great parenting. Hope you have a wonderful trip to Chicago. Sounds like the college is really stressing future teachers and your mentoring skills are helping lots. What a blessing to the students.

    Suzi, MaryLynn, Myra, how are your weeks going?
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! It's a sunny, chilly day here in OK. We lucked out with really great weather this week at the lake. Unfortunately, we also accumulated some unplanned home improvement projects - or, I should say Dave did. A couple plumbing problems in the guest bathroom, one of which involves leaky faucet inside the wall between bedroom and bathroom. It will also likely include replacing some plywood in the floor. Plumbing leaks are NOT a good thing in a mobile home. Dave is probably going back next week to begin those projects and I'm going to stay home and channel my inner-Diane and work on some projects I've been putting off. Windows, carpet, blinds all need cleaning and I've got to get into a rhythm and work toward getting caught up on my photo processing. I'm nearly 2 years behind and if I don't do something soon, it'll be too late.

    Personals later,
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Just saying Hello!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good afternoon all. Today has been a busy day. Water aerobics today - a different instructor than usual, and her class was not as much fun but was still a good workout. Then grocery shopping for the weekend, and this afternoon I cleaned all the bathrooms and vacuumed and mopped the floors. Carrie's home PT is here now - I don't know how much longer they will be coming.

    Closet cleaning took a little detour - as I did the shelf I decided I had room for and needed a second shelf above the existing one, so John has been working on making that for me today. Love having my very own handyman! Cindy and Janet, thanks for the tip on Dress for Success and similar - I will look for such a place around here.

    Tomorrow my brother and SIL are bringing my mom over for a visit and to celebrate her birthday. I feel terrible that I haven't seen her since Christmas. One of the things I had hoped to do in retirement at least this first month was spend more time with her, but that hasn't been possible. There will be a houseful tomorrow - at least ten people, maybe 11 if my nephew comes with them. I'm going to make Skinnytaste Buffalo Chicken dip and have both corn ships and carrots/celery for dipping. Then dinner will be grilled steaks, Brussels sprouts and pasta. I will just have to limit my pasta portion! Dessert I will make an apple cake everyone loves - lower in sugar than most cake recipes, and has no frosting just a dusting of powdered sugar.

    We will be home for Super Bowl. We always just have snacks, so I will need to watch the rest of my day and then be mindful of my portions. I'm adding veggies and dip, and sliced apples to the snacks line-up, and maybe baked wings.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Karla, so good to hear from you. You and Glenn will need a break together. John retired the same time I did - we had planned to leave in the motor home then end of January, but that is now delayed until Carrie can drive again - probably May. I have not had any days in the house by myself, but that isn't something I crave. Hope you are starting to get on an even keel again.

    Suzi, too bad about the leaks! Good thing Dave is able to deal with all those handyman chores. John can do almost anything except drywall - I am very blessed.

    Patti, great that you found something for your mom for her birthday! My mom always says no gifts. So I usually get her flowers. But this year I made her some bowl shaped potholders all out of cotton so they can go in the microwave - perfect for lifting out reheated leftovers or soup in bowls without burning your hands! I made some for my SIL and sister for Christmas, but hadn't gotten mom's done by then. They are SUPER easy to make. And SUCH good news about her vision!

    Janet, hope your head is good and clean by now! A shampoo always makes me feel better.

    Cindy, echoing the others - vent here all you want. Since none of us know Dave, it is a safe place to rant if you want to do so where there is no possibility of word getting back to him. I'm so sorry you are going through this.

    Bert, yes sounds like good parenting - those apologies are hard but good training. My scale didn't move this week, but at least it didn't go up after a couple bad days! I feel myself getting stronger too - keep up the gym and it will show in the fit of your clothes if not on the scales!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    I hope you ladies don't mind if we use this forum to talk about my daughter. Can't use Facebook because we are friends and have too many friends in common.

    I think I told you my daughter suffers from serious depression to the point she was hospitalized at one time. Last summer was vey grim. She seemed to have lost all interest in living. But this past fall she seemed to have turned a corner. She was enjoying the people at her new job, was doing things and interacting with us more. Then this accident happened.

    What I found out was that she had planned to suicide last fall. She is apparently in some closed group and one of the members reached out and texted me after her accident. In brief, all spring and summer she was saying goodbye and just waiting until after a friend's wedding she was in to end her life. But she got the job so she could afford to be in the wedding, and liked the people she met at the wedding and at work, and decided to wait. Then at Christmas she had decided to just wait. Then after her accident, she apparently wrote that she wished she had died in the accident.

    We were terrified. Didn't want to confront t her and push her over the edge. We administered her pain meds on the pretext that they were addictive and we didn't want her to get hooked, but really we didn't want her to have access to OD. (They were addictive and that was a real fear too. )

    Well, tonight she made music. She played the piano for the first time in about 8 months. She dug out her trumpet and mouthpiece and some books. She hasn't touched her trumpet in about a year and a half, maybe two. Her music used to be her whole life.

    I'm hoping this is a huge turning point. My heart has hope, for the first time since January 2nd.
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning, ladies,
    It's been far too long since commenting, so I apologize. Taking a few moments this morning before the day kicks into gear to check in and catch up with the happenings in your lives. From my past experience with MFP, I certainly realize that I need to keep tracking and remain accountable to you and to myself.

    Whatever you are facing, I am seeing such a consistent and positive attitude of gratitude emerging above the significant challenges of your daily lives. We are so good for one another, in that we are able to be honest in our exchange of emotional and physical ups and downs and that is so healthy.

    Regardless of where we are in this health and wellness journey, we can all be "blindsided" at times by circumstances that our outside of our control. Fortunately, we have this safe place to write it all down with full knowledge that we will never be judged and instead will be loved all the more. Such unconditional love that we share has a real and lasting therapeutic effect within us, whether we see it or not. Likely others around us are noticing the impact this positive and supportive environment has had on us in this past year. Perhaps they have even mentioned it to you in the recent past.

    I suppose many of us go through periods where we "rebel" from our healthier habits. Winter seems to bring out a cocooning behavior in me in the past, with plenty of sitting & reading. Since starting a weekly aquafit class at the local pool with a friend from the ladies retreat, I've added a nice variety to the potential activities to mix things up a bit. While hiking remains high on my list of favorites, the strength training is beginning to pay muscular dividends and I continue to find ways to keep moving ... even in the winter!

    There seems to be fewer days where we just stay at home! With a renewed commitment to extra "community involvement" this year, we are finding that we will need to set some boundaries to retain the wonderful quiet "together times" with just Myron. The opportunities for one or both of us to be involved in local projects are increasing of late; thus we will need to be careful not to say yes to every open door.

    We have had a huge and uncommon dump of snow here, so once it is light out I will hopefully get some good images to share with you all. Yesterday we kept active pushing snow around outside, so I'm pretty stiff in the back and butt areas this morning and need to do some gentle stretching before challenging them today.

    Each of you are in my thoughts and prayers this morning, accordingly with your specific areas of concern in your lives.

    You are loved!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Diane - Oh how very heartbreaking what Carrie, you and John have been going through in addition to the accident itself. I think my heart would have burst out of my chest though, when I heard that music coming from her playing!! That is a very positive sign indeed. I am a true believer that events happen for a reason. That accident, as severe as it was, may have been what has turned her around in more ways than one. The pain I have been enduring also involved my son. A mother's pain with one of her children is like no other. So I am with you. When they start to recover, we start to recover. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. We can, and will get through this Diane. Yes, this is a safe and private place you can share your thoughts with. Please keep us apprised. You know my email also!

    Suzi - Yuck on the leaks and repairs. Good idea to stay behind. LOL. I hope your cold is subsiding. Tonight Glenn and I are gong over to Ocean Springs to a Mardi Gras ball with some of his work associates. Should be fun, but different than the Mobile ones. No gowns and tails. Real low key, but sounds like fun. We booked a hotel so no drive back, and are going to play some slots at the casino before we go. We need fun!!

    Patti- I received your beautiful card. Thank you so much for being so thoughtful. It really means a lot. Your trip sounds just what you need. I, too, hope that you and Eddie get some alone time. I am looking forward to Glenn and I getting just that tonight.

    Bert - What are you up to for this weekend? Have you gotten any Brighton lately?

    Cindy- I am on pins and needles waiting for how your 10 minutes went!! We are all cheering for you.

    I have my outfit picked for tonight. Since it is going to be cool, don't laugh, but in the low 50's, I am wearing a pair of black velvet slacks, a lavender shell with a black thin jacket with diamond beading down both front, long sleeved. Silver shoes and silver purse. Glenn is wearing a dress shirt with lavender and navy blue coloring and matching tie, navy pants and dark shoes. We will match pretty good. I will also be wearing some long silver necklaces, bracelets and earrings.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning and welcome to Saturday

    Diane, absolutely feel free to share here. Even though she said immediately after the accident that she wished she would have died maybe actually facing her mortality made her realize that she truly wanted to live. Whatever the reason the fact that she is making music again has to be a sign of her new determination to live. I had been thinking that, at a time when she should be even more depressed, she seemed more engaged with life. Wanting to get out of the house and getting out of bed. I know you have been living on pins and needles since her friend reached out to you but maybe when she is healed and more independent you can have an honest conversation with her about her suicidal thoughts. I am sure you will always be worried about her.

    Mary Lynn, as always your words are like a balm to my soul. So smart of you to remember to keep time for just you and Myron. I so agree about the power of this board.

    Janet, hope you got your hair done with a minimum of pain and exertion. What snacks are you planning for the SB?

    Bert, hope you are enjoying your time with the grands.

    Suzi, plumbing is the worse. It is never just a simple leak. Edd is very handy and can fix or repair just about anything but hates plumbing. Good luck to Dave.

    Cindy, hope you are having an LR kind of weekend

    Karla, enjoy your time with Glenn. Is the MG party this weekend?

    Working 5-10pm today. Edd is working with the son on his new house. They gutted the kitchen and are building a fab new one. Right now they are doing all the electric. Mom's slowcooker came today and I am going to give it to her this week. I cannot wait until March 3rd, lol.

  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Overnight snow on Vancouver Island at upper elevation (home)
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    We cleared this driveway yesterday afternoon!
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Hard to believe there is green growth under all the new white gifting overnight!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Oh my!!! I know Janet is jealous. Me, not so much, lol
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    MaryLynn, thanks! I am TOTALLY envious, as Patti Predited

    Diane, I know how heavily Carrie's struggles weigh on you and John. We are here for you and glad you trust us as a safe group to vent to. You're all in my prayers daily. The music is a good sign - hope she is seeing light more often than dark and that she'll find the help she needs. The fact that she eeps finding a fresh "reason to live" (getting the job to get to the wedding, liking the eople she met there, etc.) says a big part of her really wants to live and whatever joy she finds sends her another small step in the right direction.

    Karla, we need a pic of you and Glenn - you'll both look terrific!

    Patti, hope Edd and his son made great progress and had fun. Also hope there's no rudeness at work. I'm going to have shrimp cocktail and veggies with spicy black bean hummus. Though I may break down and order Chinese food ...

    Suzi, hope the repairs won't be too onerous or costly. No fun when that stuff happens!

    Having a bit more pain again today - which means healing continues, so actually a good sign. Am staying on top of it and making today more of a day of rest. Smiling every time I look at the flowers my in-laws sent yesterday. (Tony & I never married but were a couple for 18 years and I just adore his folks. His mom has cancer is doing far better than expected so far - they are just the salt of the earth and have always been tremendously kind and loving to me.)

    I am so tremendously blessed with a zilliong friends who make me laugh and cry, who are oK with me just as I am. And that list includes all of you!

  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Just popping in to say HI after shovelling for 75 minutes with Myron on one of our driveways.

    Phew... we are feeling it today after a foot of snow fell overnight...more is apparently enroute!
    It is the heavy wet snow and looks like this will carry on over the weekend and into next week.

    Well, it IS great exercise and we do love to be active outside... and it is just gorgeous!

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Diane - (((BIG HUGS))) music does sound like a step in the right direction for Carrie. Please feel free to share ANYTIME! Your advice was very helpful to me a year ago when Jessi was struggling and I thank you for that. I don't have much experience, but want to think that Janet has a good point that Carrie is continuing to find something to live for. That all being said, in your shoes, I would be absolutely petrified to have her out of my sight.

    Cold turning into sinus infection - dang it!

    More later, watching basketball.
