

  • MissionEnforcer
    MissionEnforcer Posts: 411 Member
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member


  • PompPanda
    PompPanda Posts: 32 Member
    @shauna30 We hiked up to Lake Blanche, up cottonwood canyon. It was beauuuutiful, but very steep. I'd definitely recommend but not as the first hike you do after you're healed, ha.

    The stairs challenge should be no problem! I walk up and down stairs all day when I have class.
  • alipsie19
    alipsie19 Posts: 705 Member
    20min Active & Passive Rotator Cuff Stretch
    25 min Calisthenics
    -1x 20 sit-ups
    -4x 1:00/side Side plank
    -1x 20 Russian Twist 10lb DB
    -1x 20 Bicycle Crunch
    -1x 20 Crunch
    -2x 1:30 Elbow Plank
    -1x 20 4ct Mountain Climbers
    -1x 20 4ct Jumping Jacks
    -1x 20 Supermans
    -1x 20/side Side Crunches
    -1x 20 Burpees
    -2x 20 Push-ups
    -3x 12 Chin-ups
    15min Balance Video (did ex#7 on my Indo Board)

    During the day:
    Nada, long busy day!

    After Work:
    10 min Yoga (Sun Salutations)

    Gym (Chest/Tri):
    20 min Rotator Cuff Passive & Active Stretch
    90min weights training
    12s/15r DB Flat Press w/20 lying leg lifts
    10s/15r DB Incline Press w/20 hanging knee raises
    5s/15r Pec Deck w/20 4ct flutter kicks
    8s/15r Straight bar Pressdown w/2 Ladder Drills
    5s/15r Overhead Rope Extension w/Skipping & High Knees
    36min Treadmill Run
    32min@8:00 pace
    10min stretch and cool down
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    Hey team I just started the video. I'll probably do it three times through instead of two because my mom has my ball for her physical therapy and with my knee I won't lunge. But I did complete the rest of it, so I'm on my way.

    I was under calories yesterday, but it included eating McDonald's for dinner at 10pm. We went at 5 o'clock to buy a car and I thought it would only take an hour or so because we were at this same place all day Saturday and had gotten a lot of stuff out of the way. But, as happens, we were there til after 9. Two late nights, bad food last night - none of this is helping my stress. What did help my stress was this little balance workout I did this morning :) If I can find the time during the day today, I think I'll do it again during my lunch or prep. I've said before I'm really not into yoga, but I think I could be into balance.
  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,174 Member
    Later that same sick...
    I can't just sit/lay around. I'm working out anyway. Mind you my pace and limits are lowered. I just did that video a little bit ago and it wore on me more than I thought.
    Whatever I got wiped out my strength. I'm gonna keep on trucking tho. Pacing myself.
    I do a small workout and maybe one chore/task then rest a bit and repeat.
    Oh, 1000 stairs done too! Just playing around while on the phone.
  • change04
    change04 Posts: 314 Member
    edited February 2017
    Another awesome destination!! AUSTRALIA down under.



    Just a quick update:

    Challenge 1: 520/1332 steps. Love this challenge great for the butt Lol :p

    Challenge 2: Hopefully by Wednesdays I'll complete.

    Challenge 3: On Monday was under NET calorie goal and today i'll be under so at present I'm on target.

    Exercise minutes: Went for a tremendously long walk today plus I'll be doing some light indoor exercises.
    (I think it would be a good strategy for all those that can do 700 each week when possible, would get us closer on closing the gap between the other teams. We came so close to team 6 at the last challenge).

    Hope your Tuesday is going well!
  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    Had a great weights session this am. Ran up and down the stairs for laundry many more times than was necessary. And one time done on the fitness blender. Off to a good start this week.
    @Dictorbutt I usually get fed up of being sick too and decide to sweat it out. Sometimes it works! Thanks for adding to our numbers ! Hope you feel better soon
    @samra338 you got the 700 you can do it!
    @alipsie19 wow! Your bum will look great! Gotta catch up to you not there yet
  • alipsie19
    alipsie19 Posts: 705 Member
    15min Balance Video (did ex#7 on my Indo Board again)
    20min Active & Passive Rotator Cuff Stretch
    25 min Calisthenics
    -1x 20 sit-ups
    -4x 1:00/side Side plank
    -1x 20 Russian Twist 10lb DB
    -1x 20 Bicycle Crunch
    -1x 20 Crunch
    -2x 1:30 Elbow Plank
    -1x 20 4ct Mountain Climbers
    -1x 20 4ct Jumping Jacks
    -1x 20 Supermans
    -1x 20/side Side Crunches
    -1x 20 Burpees
    -2x 20 Push-ups
    -3x 12 Chin-ups

    During the day:
    86min 111 flights of stairs 528cal

    After Work:
    10 min Yoga (Sun Salutations)

    Gym (Back):
    20min Active & Passive Rotator Cuff Stretch
    5min Rowing 56cals
    88min Weights
    -10sets/10reps deadlift w/ 20 crunches
    2x95, 2x135, 6x185
    -5sets/10reps seated row w/rope attachment for grip w/ 20 leg lifts
    -5sets/10reps wide grip pulldowns w/ 20 4ct flutterkicks
    -5sets/10reps low cable pull w/rope attachment for grip w/ 20 bicycle crunches
    -5sets/10reps reverse grip pulldowns w/ 20 hanging knee raises
    -5set/10reps decline Pullovers w/ 10 Cable Curls
    5x25lbs & 50lbs
    10min stretch and cool down
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    alipsie19 wrote: »
    15min Balance Video (did ex#7 on my Indo Board again)
    20min Active & Passive Rotator Cuff Stretch
    25 min Calisthenics
    -1x 20 sit-ups
    -4x 1:00/side Side plank
    -1x 20 Russian Twist 10lb DB
    -1x 20 Bicycle Crunch
    -1x 20 Crunch
    -2x 1:30 Elbow Plank
    -1x 20 4ct Mountain Climbers
    -1x 20 4ct Jumping Jacks
    -1x 20 Supermans
    -1x 20/side Side Crunches
    -1x 20 Burpees
    -2x 20 Push-ups
    -3x 12 Chin-ups

    During the day:
    86min 111 flights of stairs 528cal

    After Work:
    10 min Yoga (Sun Salutations)

    Gym (Back):
    20min Active & Passive Rotator Cuff Stretch
    5min Rowing 56cals
    88min Weights
    -10sets/10reps deadlift w/ 20 crunches
    2x95, 2x135, 6x185
    -5sets/10reps seated row w/rope attachment for grip w/ 20 leg lifts
    -5sets/10reps wide grip pulldowns w/ 20 4ct flutterkicks
    -5sets/10reps low cable pull w/rope attachment for grip w/ 20 bicycle crunches
    -5sets/10reps reverse grip pulldowns w/ 20 hanging knee raises
    -5set/10reps decline Pullovers w/ 10 Cable Curls
    5x25lbs & 50lbs
    10min stretch and cool down

    What do you do as your active/passive rotator cuff stretch? I have issues with mine and this could be really helpful, especially before I run or lift.
  • alipsie19
    alipsie19 Posts: 705 Member
    BJerzy wrote: »
    What do you do as your active/passive rotator cuff stretch? I have issues with mine and this could be really helpful, especially before I run or lift.

    Prior to any movements, I put heat on my shoulder for about 20 minutes. I have a sock with rice in it that I nuke for 1:00. Then, I follow pages 1-6 of this guide.
    The other exercises usually get incorporated sometime during the week.
  • EternalTruth
    EternalTruth Posts: 491 Member
    Hi All, I have been having a low swing (I am bipolar) the last few days so I haven't been posting, I have been exercising a lot though and will continue to do so. Woot! I got the videos done, the climbing is going to be trickier. I am going on a hike this weekend though which should get me most if not all of them because it goes up and down an escarpment a few times.

    I hope you all are having an amazing week so far and an even better one ahead!

    QUESTION OF THE DAY: What item or items do you find peace/relaxation just looking at (i.e. flowers, clouds, a specific piece of artwork)?
  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    edited February 2017
    QOD: my kids sleeping.

    For soooo many different reasons, my sanity first and foremost (makes me feel like I can relax-the internal mom radar that has been locating them all day he been shut down to 40% instead of full sensitivity) but also because they look so happy and blissful makes you feel like everything is right at that moment.
  • PompPanda
    PompPanda Posts: 32 Member
    The beginning of this week was a slow start for me. I got sick on Sunday (because of that crazy hike), so I wasn't very "with it" on Monday. I did a short climbing session yesterday, which felt good, but I definitely didn't go as long as I would have liked. Today things are back to normal. Did my usual weight lifting routine this morning, which felt great. I have a client dinner tonight, so I don't have time for any more activity today, but I plan on really picking up the pace the rest of the week! I'd love to beat our previous scores--maybe even get out of last place!

    QOD: My fluffy little kitty cat sleeping....does that make me a crazy cat lady?
  • alipsie19
    alipsie19 Posts: 705 Member
    QOD: I've actually pondered this all day. My kids are both grown and my dog lives with my wife. So as corny as it may sound, sunsets are what I watch when I'm seeking peace.