

  • carinamenina
    carinamenina Posts: 105 Member
    Gah, it's so frustrating to be so close and yet so far when all is said and done. I'm going to do all I can to max out this week, even if it means more and more circles from my kitchen to my son's room and back. At least I can get some reading in while I do it :P

    I ran 5 miles today, plus walked a bit and watched all the "get X extra minutes if you stay active while watching this" videos, so finished at over 100. I'll get going on challenges 1 and 2 tomorrow. And 80 oz of water, straight up water, down the hatch for me today! That's rare for a day at home. I usually have to add some Crystal Light or something to get it all in. Fortunately, it shouldn't be hard the rest of the week while at work...I'm used to making myself drink three 24-oz bottles throughout the day. Just sip sip sip all day long.

    All the best to you this week, Smashers! Let's keep up the good work!
  • ddeliciosa
    ddeliciosa Posts: 168 Member
    Man oh man... getting 1st place is SO CLOSE, yet so far away. I will admit I failed and didn't max out like I wanted to last week, but I'm looking to redeem myself this week. One of my organizations at school is doing a national step challenge, so I was super active today and got ~20,000 steps in. I did my first Zumba class ever and lots of walks around town to stay active.

    @lynnbaum Let's make the big minuters on the other team our motivation! I don't think I can get beyond 4 hours in a day, but I could definitely break up an hour walk in the morning, hour in the evening, and like 45 minutes at the gym if I was really inspired.

    @TrkyVic0327 Thanks for the insight and encouragement! Best of luck to the six packers.

    Got my water in for the day - I have a big 32 oz bottle that I fill out through the day multiple times. I don't normally log it, but it shouldn't be an issue meeting the goal!
  • lynnbaum
    lynnbaum Posts: 310 Member
    I am up looking to get some blood moving. Time to turn on some videos. I hope they are some real movers because it is cold in our basement.
    BTW Team 6 had a reply for the 240 min. I still think they are out hiking some place so they are going to be hard to beat this week. I am kicking it up. It is nice weather here in WI. I tell you that when I was in NY we walked 35,000 steps in 1 day. We were there over a long weekend. I am a big walker/hiker in the warmer weather.
  • mckeon11
    mckeon11 Posts: 42 Member
    I know there are days during peak training where I am exercising over 8 hours in one day- its just different for everyone. We are about to do a century ride (100 miles on a bike) and depending on the wind it will take 6-8 hrs alone.
  • lynnbaum
    lynnbaum Posts: 310 Member
    @mckeon11 I now people that do that here in WI. They call it the heat stroke 100 Your right you do have to really train for things like that. I am thinking and know it is easier to stay in condition then it is to get into. I want to go the hiking trail around the local lake this summer. I think it takes about 4 hours. 21miles it is Because I am older is it too darn funny that the first thing I had to look for are the poddy stops.
  • lynnbaum
    lynnbaum Posts: 310 Member
    They have a WI see they go any where from 2.8 miles up to that 21 mile one. See what happens when you question things and explore. Some people plan camping around activities like food or wine, might have to do a bunch of hiking trails this summer along with those wineries.
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good morning Smashers.

    I did the challenge #2 video & will save the first one for Thursday. I am going to do my best to get 100 minutes everyday this week. I don't have much going on for the next 2 weeks except to concentrate on exercising & diet.

    My body does what it does, but I would really like to kick my weight loss in gear so that my cruise pictures look a little better this year. I have to keep telling myself that it is not a race, weight loss is not linear, eating at too much of a deficit causes more harm than good... blah, blah blah. I just want it gone
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    Everyone's doing great and I'm proud of all of you!! We do what we can, right?
    That being said, totally slept through my gym alarm this morning, I slept till 8:30!! Don't remember the last time that happened lol!! My sons home from school though, so I got my planned workout done plus challenge #1 and some necessary foam rolling. Foam rolling biceps is not the most natural looking thing, but it worked wonders for me!! I also was annoyed with the girls by the time the video was over, glad I'm not the only one lol. I particularly didn't like the leader, but oh well - it's done. Also, they don't really stress form enough. For any of you not used to some of these moves, they can be tricky!! Don't be afraid to modify. Form is incredibly important, so please please please focus on it so you don't get injured!! Always make sure your knee is not going over your toe when squatting, lunging, etc. knee injuries = no fun!!
  • darcijojo
    darcijojo Posts: 194 Member
    @SmashleyM914 My son pitches and right field. He played three different seasons of ball last year for his school.
  • lynnbaum
    lynnbaum Posts: 310 Member
    The food I eat while doing this challenge is way better than pizza
  • darcijojo
    darcijojo Posts: 194 Member
    Water is no problem for me. I have a 32oz bottle that I make sure I drink at least 3 of a day. I usually manage 4. I'm tired and sore today and I'm not sure why. I took a walk yesterday but it was an easy one with my daughter. Also did a couple yoga videos. Those haven't really hurt me though. This morning I started C25K again so maybe that's why. One of these times I'm going to finish that program. Winter interrupted the last time.
  • ddeliciosa
    ddeliciosa Posts: 168 Member
    @lynnbaum That salad looked so good!

    @darcijojo Good luck with C25K! I used the free version for as long as I could and then kinda just jogged on my own last year. I signed up for a 5k color run to motivate myself.

    Tomorrow will definitely be a laid-back yoga day for me. My everything hurts now. I am so sore from Zumba yesterday and then I did the cardio video today. Definitely prefer real life classes over the videos. I am 2/5 for the water challenge.

    I think this is gonna be our week Smashers! Let's all push to get as close to maxing out! Last I looked we are 36 points behind team 1. They currently have 3 people who haven't logged yet and we have 4.