Super Shape-Up March 2017: Week 1 (3/1-3/7)



  • LEAS86
    LEAS86 Posts: 144 Member
    There is no point typing anything other than *kitten* *kitten* *kitten* *kitten* *kitten*.

    I have failed massively for over a week, no thought, no control, no will power, no logic. I was showing a 2lb gain on Saturday and that isn't going to have improved by weigh in tomorrow AM.

    I would have taken going over my carbs in good grace if it was due to wholesome food or a special occasion. It wasn't, it was processed junk and greed.

    The only positive is that I think I know the answer...Sugar is the culprit, it had been sneaking in gradually over the past couple of weeks and now it has crash landed.

    I'm going to wallow for day or two, be angry and disappointed with myself, get upset on weigh in day and bemoan my general uselessness. Then I'm going get planning, lose what I've gained and finally, finally, drop these last 3-5lbs that I keep playing with.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    @StarshipFighter23 feel better soon! I've been fighting off illness the past week as well and it sucks. :(

    3/6 check-in: Weight in range. Carbs good. I did my strength training after a week off due to illness. Woo hoo. I took my collagen.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    @LEAS86 you are here! That's a very positive start! You've got this!
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    @SuperCarLori I soooooo do not miss that special lady time. At all.

    I can't wait to not miss it!!!!

    The bloody struggle IS REAL! :D
  • treehugnmama
    treehugnmama Posts: 816 Member
    I'm day two no sugar no feels good to jave control over that again
    water ..check
    walking breaks at work 2 out of 3 and in the rain

    have not starting lifting again yet but that's more by end of March I think
  • Scorpiotwin
    Scorpiotwin Posts: 124 Member
    Today was a total bust. I wasn't feeling well Stomach issues. I thought that if I a ate some good old fashioned bread I would feel OK. It sent me I to a tail spin. I just finished off a individual package of jelly beans and a jumbo pretzel. I also bought a Coke Zero because at this point why not. Once again the low carb Gods stepped in because when I walked into the house I tripped over my own two feet and spilled it all over the kitchen floor. I almost started to cry. It's been so long since I had soda. It's just been a bad day food wise.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    @Scorpiotwin I'm sorry that you are having such a rough time! I hope this gets better for you!
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    Today was a total bust. I wasn't feeling well Stomach issues. I thought that if I a ate some good old fashioned bread I would feel OK. It sent me I to a tail spin. I just finished off a individual package of jelly beans and a jumbo pretzel. I also bought a Coke Zero because at this point why not. Once again the low carb Gods stepped in because when I walked into the house I tripped over my own two feet and spilled it all over the kitchen floor. I almost started to cry. It's been so long since I had soda. It's just been a bad day food wise.

    Hey, hugs to you. Damn those keto gods! :#
    Chin up, buttercup. It gets better. :)
  • jayerde
    jayerde Posts: 35 Member
    March 8th

    Start of the month was rocky but doing a bit better now:

    Down 0.7kg for this month so far (6.2kg total since starting on keto).

    22 net carbs over my goal yesterday because I decided to try to fit a 10 pack of chicken nuggets into my diet (still under 55 grams). Sunday and Monday were both under 25 grams so I think I'm doing okay...

    I've been bang on with my freeletics exercise and planning to go to aquacise tonight but I didn't meet my walking goal yesterday :neutral:

  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    March 7 check-in

    * Run 3x/wk (training for race on 4/8)--Ran yesterday, planning to run Wed & Fri as well
    * Strength 2x/wk--Planned for Wed & Sat
    * Get weight back to 130-131 (to give me a little buffer to stay in goal range) and maintain.--Scale went back down a little bit again today, and my calories/macros were really good today.
    * Go to bed by 10:30 at least 5 nights a week.
    I was close last night. Aiming for it tonight! I'll turn off screens at 10 when This Is Us is over, read for a bit and hit the hay.
  • nanapuddin1
    nanapuddin1 Posts: 45 Member
    Walk a mile every day----walked 3! :)
    Jump on mini trampoline 10 minutes/3 times a week---not today
    Drink at least 32 oz water every day----done
    Focus on meeting my macros----not so good---not hungry today
    Log every day----done
    Not a bad day
  • LEAS86
    LEAS86 Posts: 144 Member
    Thanks @fanncy0626 I am indeed here!
    My wallowing isn't going to plan - the scales are finding new ways to torture me - I'm a full lb down. While that's awesome, it's also confusing, I guess CICO trumped carbs this week.
    No matter, here we go again.
    Congrats to all on the wins so far
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    edited March 2017
    Yesterday was crazy emotional! I started hrt a couple weeks ago, and my GOSH, this pms this time, holy waterfalls! It was crazy! Was crazy? IS crazy. Anyway. I got The Case Against Sugar from the library and started reading, and was horrified. BY MY MIND. Like, It's okay if you binge today, it's shark week. AND I TEMPORARILY NUZZLED RIGHT INTO THAT. That type of behavior has gotten me stalled for three months, yo. I even told Bob, we should get McDonald's. Then Was like, no....there's plenty of things I can binge on right here if I want. Then I started thinking about cereal. Fully loaded cereal, or baking cookies. I was like, WTF is YOUR PROBLEM!!!!!!! AND I WAS READING THE CASE AGAINST SUGAR. Do I want to get diabetes? PCOS? Etc. Etc? Insulin resistance? Alzheimer's? Mama passed last year from it!!!

    So, I made a good choice and took my silly butt to bed. But it was touch and go. Like my friend Baconslave had said to me before, I worked out my good decision making muscle. And I felt good about that.

    Today is a great day.

    And I just heard the garbage truck and we forgot to take the trash out....we suck at being adults. :)
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Day 7 I did my morning and evening Kettlebell workout. I was up every hour with my alarm keeping me off of the couch. Did my walking around the house with a blizzard outside I stayed in! I met my macros and was under carbs and calories. Weight loss is stalled :'( Aside from that I had a successful week!
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Day 7 I did my morning and evening Kettlebell workout. I was up every hour with my alarm keeping me off of the couch. Did my walking around the house with a blizzard outside I stayed in! I met my macros and was under carbs and calories. Weight loss is stalled :'( Aside from that I had a successful week!

    Yay kettlebells! Scale loss is such a finicky thing. And blah blah it's not linear blah blah take measurements blah. Easier said than done, but it's true. It's not really a stall unless it's been like, a month.

    You're doing great, fancy lady.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Yesterday was crazy emotional! I started hrt a couple weeks ago, and my GOSH, this pms this time, holy waterfalls! It was crazy! Was crazy? IS crazy. Anyway. I got The Case Against Sugar from the library and started reading, and was horrified. BY MY MIND. Like, It's okay if you binge today, it's shark week. AND I TEMPORARILY NUZZLED RIGHT INTO THAT. That type of behavior has gotten me stalled for three months, yo. I even told Bob, we should get McDonald's. Then Was like, no....there's plenty of things I can binge on right here if I want. Then I started thinking about cereal. Fully loaded cereal, or baking cookies. I was like, WTF is YOUR PROBLEM!!!!!!! AND I WAS READING THE CASE AGAINST SUGAR. Do I want to get diabetes? PCOS? Etc. Etc? Insulin resistance? Alzheimer's? Mama passed last year from it!!!

    So, I made a good choice and took my silly butt to bed. But it was touch and go. Like my friend Baconslave had said to me before, I worked out my good decision making muscle. And I felt good about that.

    Today is a great day.

    And I just heard the garbage truck and we forgot to take the trash out....we suck at being adults. :)

    Yay Lori!
    Yup! Flex dem Resistance Muscles.
    The more you take the opportunity to work them, the stronger they are next time. :wink:

    Next week's thread is up!
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Yesterday was crazy emotional! I started hrt a couple weeks ago, and my GOSH, this pms this time, holy waterfalls! It was crazy! Was crazy? IS crazy. Anyway. I got The Case Against Sugar from the library and started reading, and was horrified. BY MY MIND. Like, It's okay if you binge today, it's shark week. AND I TEMPORARILY NUZZLED RIGHT INTO THAT. That type of behavior has gotten me stalled for three months, yo. I even told Bob, we should get McDonald's. Then Was like, no....there's plenty of things I can binge on right here if I want. Then I started thinking about cereal. Fully loaded cereal, or baking cookies. I was like, WTF is YOUR PROBLEM!!!!!!! AND I WAS READING THE CASE AGAINST SUGAR. Do I want to get diabetes? PCOS? Etc. Etc? Insulin resistance? Alzheimer's? Mama passed last year from it!!!

    So, I made a good choice and took my silly butt to bed. But it was touch and go. Like my friend Baconslave had said to me before, I worked out my good decision making muscle. And I felt good about that.

    Today is a great day.

    And I just heard the garbage truck and we forgot to take the trash out....we suck at being adults. :)

    Yay Lori!
    Yup! Flex dem Resistance Muscles.
    The more you take the opportunity to work them, the stronger they are next time. :wink:

    Next week's thread is up!

    Thank you! You're the best you know.

    And I was shocked to see week two up already!!!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    1- log all food and maintain a deficit - check
    2- weights 4x/week - yoga scheduled, but migraine so nothing in the evening
    3- not more than 1 alcoholic drink per week - 1/2 glass of wine

    1- log all food and maintain a deficit - check
    2- weights 4x/week - total synergistics done
    3- not more than 1 alcoholic drink per week - 2 glasses of wine (bringing my weekly total to 6 1/2, I officially suck at this goal)
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Day 7 I did my morning and evening Kettlebell workout. I was up every hour with my alarm keeping me off of the couch. Did my walking around the house with a blizzard outside I stayed in! I met my macros and was under carbs and calories. Weight loss is stalled :'( Aside from that I had a successful week!

    Yay kettlebells! Scale loss is such a finicky thing. And blah blah it's not linear blah blah take measurements blah. Easier said than done, but it's true. It's not really a stall unless it's been like, a month.

    You're doing great, fancy lady.

    Thanks! Love your outlook!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Yesterday was crazy emotional! I started hrt a couple weeks ago, and my GOSH, this pms this time, holy waterfalls! It was crazy! Was crazy? IS crazy. Anyway. I got The Case Against Sugar from the library and started reading, and was horrified. BY MY MIND. Like, It's okay if you binge today, it's shark week. AND I TEMPORARILY NUZZLED RIGHT INTO THAT. That type of behavior has gotten me stalled for three months, yo. I even told Bob, we should get McDonald's. Then Was like, no....there's plenty of things I can binge on right here if I want. Then I started thinking about cereal. Fully loaded cereal, or baking cookies. I was like, WTF is YOUR PROBLEM!!!!!!! AND I WAS READING THE CASE AGAINST SUGAR. Do I want to get diabetes? PCOS? Etc. Etc? Insulin resistance? Alzheimer's? Mama passed last year from it!!!

    So, I made a good choice and took my silly butt to bed. But it was touch and go. Like my friend Baconslave had said to me before, I worked out my good decision making muscle. And I felt good about that.

    Today is a great day.

    And I just heard the garbage truck and we forgot to take the trash out....we suck at being adults. :)

    Yay Lori!
    Yup! Flex dem Resistance Muscles.
    The more you take the opportunity to work them, the stronger they are next time. :wink:

    Next week's thread is up!

    Thank you! You're the best you know.

    And I was shocked to see week two up already!!!!!
    This week went by really fast, didn't it?