

  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Alright, I added the days going without your special treat. If you use the link you should be able to edit the sheet, if you don't want to use the like, you can send me a request to let you edit it. Not sure how, but someone else did.

    I did lousy again yesterday. Went over calories. For some reason all this crap is calling to me, and I can't tell it no. Doesn't help that the BF is eating everything, and shares with me. We were also supposed to go to the gym last night, but he was exhausted, and I couldn't get him to go . :( I can go without him, but I think it would lead to a fight. I did manage to get steps and water in. I think today, I am going whether he goes with or not.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,237 Member
    March Measurements:
    Waist: 36
    L thigh: 21.5
    R thigh: 22
    Chest: 38.5
    L arm: 12
    R arm: 12
  • starjam25
    starjam25 Posts: 4,725 Member
    edited March 2017
    Thanks for the video! What a great workout, I'm tired!

    My first goal...... is to continue my "no diet soda" thing, as of yesterday, I'm on day 7. And unlike some times when I tried to stop my loved diet soda, this time, I'VE REALLY stopped. No cheating at all! I'd say that's a pretty good NSV, so yeehaw to me! I'd like to quit because I'm way to addicted to caffeine and it's time to stop the madness!

    Second goal..... Not weight related at all... but I want to finally finish all of the Harry Potter books! I have them all on my Nook so it's easy enough to do. Lately I've been hooked on watching Smallville on Netflix, but out of 10 seasons, I have 5 more episodes left to watch (it's the very exciting climatic ending!!) so when this is over, I'm not going to start watching anything new, and will continue my goal of finally finishing the HP books!
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,237 Member
    edited March 2017
    1. The first one is Fri - Sun, focus on heathy food choices and remember portion control. If I can do this I might be able to get closer to my goal weight ! :)
    2. Healthy options or portion control on Easter and spring fair! I WILL be at my goal weight at the end of this 6 week. My daughter and I are going to a Tim McGraw & Faith Hill concert in May, :)
  • Rigibann
    Rigibann Posts: 3,663 Member

    1. In six weeks I want to be 4.5 pounds lighter. I know that doesn't seem a lot but I have yo-yoed the last 7 pounds for a year now and I want to make a proper dent the that excess weight. :)
    2. To make a definite effort to choose the healthier option when eating out with friends and family. I usually end up saying 'what the heck' and choosing anything, which is normally a bad healthy choice and as we tend to eat out a lot if I can manage this most of the time it will be a bonus. :o
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies. I am sure having a hard time getting in any exercise. Once again I thought we were going to go to the gym and exercise so I didn't do anything before hand. Hah I should know better. We went to the kick off party for the competition they are having, but the BF didn't want to stay. Then we had a banana split. It was yummy, and put me way over on my calories. Last night I did my weigh in for the competition, but found out it isn't based on weight, but body fat percentage lost. So even those who are bulking can participate. Will be interesting.

    I am going to give up gummy snacks starting today. The goal is to go 6 weeks without a gummy.
    Do the best I can for this competition. (Not sure what a reasonable body fat percentage is for 6 weeks. Lose 12 pounds. Yes this is aggressive, but I think I can do it.

    Walk my first 7k in May.

    Remember to do my measurements.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,237 Member
    I wasn't able to get the second half of the video done but hopefully tomorrow!
  • TrkyVic0327
    TrkyVic0327 Posts: 1,986 Member
    Y'all are so awesome for doing this! Especially putting together a spreadsheet @jdelaroy! I haven't been doing super awesome this week at all, but I can't change the past. Looking on to tomorrow and making better choices. I'm going to take measurements tomorrow morning after I weigh in for the week. Friday mornings are my weigh ins now.

    1. Do 4 days or more of at least 20 minutes of cardio. (10 Points) 3/4 days complete

    2. Take stalk of where you are at, write this down whether you share with us or not is up to you. Take your weight, write down size shirt, pants, and bra size, Take measurements of your neck, chest, waist, hips, thighs, and arms. (5 Points) To do tomorrow...

    3. Write down at least 2 goals for the next 6 weeks, and why you want to reach these goals.
    Please Share!
    Goals for this 6 weeks are 1) to get back into logging everything; Food, drinks, exercise, everything! I haven't been logging lately and I just need to get back to it, pronto! :smile: 2) To exercise for at least 30 mins a day 3) Drink at least 64 oz of water daily 4) Take my vitamins daily, when they come in the mail 5) But first and foremost, clean out my exercise area! With traveling every weekend, clutter has invaded my exercise space! Ahhhh! There's more, but if I can start with these basics and get those down on the regular, then I can add harder stuff later. :smiley:

    4. Exercise video I haven't done this yet! :anguished: I will still try to get this in 3 times this week, but at this point if I can do it once, I will be happy.

    I need this. Thank you for this. So so so so so much! :heart:
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @TrkyVic0327 I understand, I completely need this too. I also have been having a bad week. I think I have blown my calories every single day this week, and have done hardly any exercise at all.

    Thursday nights are usually roller skating nights, and we were planning on going. We were also planning on playing hooky today. Well the BF ended up working for 10 hours and didn't get home until after skating started and he hadn't had dinner yet. So no skating. Plus his work schedule for the week got crazy, and the weather has been crazy so no hooky. I think this bummed me out so much so that I haven't really cared. I did manage to go to the gym yesterday after work. I did a fast paced walk on the treadmill for 40 minutes. According to my Fitbit, I was on the high end of cardio or Peak with my heart beat for the majority of the work out. I wanted to do an hour, but my socks were a little too big, and started causing blisters. Stopped before it was too bad.

    I am hoping to get the video in today after work, if I remember. Either way I will get some kind of exercise in it. I need to really focus on my heating. I also need to get measurements in.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
  • TrkyVic0327
    TrkyVic0327 Posts: 1,986 Member
    1. The first one is Fri - Sun, focus on heathy food choices and remember portion control. If I can do this I might be able to get closer to my goal weight ! :)
    2. Healthy options or portion control on Easter and spring fair! I WILL be at my goal weight at the end of this 6 week. My daughter and I are going to a Tim McGraw & Faith Hill concert in May, :)

    I love faith hill and Tim McGraw! You have such an awesome event to work towards! So excited for you and your daughter! :smiley:
  • TrkyVic0327
    TrkyVic0327 Posts: 1,986 Member
    Rigibann wrote: »

    1. In six weeks I want to be 4.5 pounds lighter. I know that doesn't seem a lot but I have yo-yoed the last 7 pounds for a year now and I want to make a proper dent the that excess weight. :)
    2. To make a definite effort to choose the healthier option when eating out with friends and family. I usually end up saying 'what the heck' and choosing anything, which is normally a bad healthy choice and as we tend to eat out a lot if I can manage this most of the time it will be a bonus. :o

    These are awesome goals! 4.5 pounds is a lot! I'm a slow loser, so I like to celebrate every victory! No matter how "small" it may seem. :smile: And I am totally feeling you on the making healthy choices while out! We have been eating out with family so much lately, and it's hard to say no to the "usual" food I get. Especially, when you have everyone else getting all the yummy bad for you food, and telling you that it's okay to get whatever you want just this time. I need to take pictures on my phone of my goals and why I am making these changes, so I can look at them while I'm out. All my motivational pictures and journals are at home, so I cave almost every time.

  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @trkyvi0 It is so hard to resist temptation. My BF gets the munchies super bad after dinner. He doesn't eat breakfast and has a super physical job. So he snacks on gummies, cookies and ice cream all the time. Ugh, I want them all.

    So far a good start to the day, I went and ran 25 minutes. Got my heart rate up to 151 beats per minute. Woo me.
  • Rigibann
    Rigibann Posts: 3,663 Member
    Just did the video - phew and I loved the comment that this was not your grandma's workout! Grandparents have come a long way !
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    I wanted to do the video last night, but no internet. I managed to stay under calories yesterday, get a 25 minute run, and do my measurements. So a good day for me finally.
  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member
    Good morning and Happy April Fools Everyone!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Good morning and same to you.
    @azsundancer I added you to our tracking sheet. If you are keeping track.
  • starjam25
    starjam25 Posts: 4,725 Member
    jdelaroy wrote: »
    @trkyvi0 It is so hard to resist temptation. My BF gets the munchies super bad after dinner. He doesn't eat breakfast and has a super physical job. So he snacks on gummies, cookies and ice cream all the time. Ugh, I want them all.

    So far a good start to the day, I went and ran 25 minutes. Got my heart rate up to 151 beats per minute. Woo me.

    Wow, great job @jdelaroy! That's a long run and a great beat!

    Must be so hard to resist all that junk food when it's in the house, and I'm sure he won't let you get rid of any of it. That would be a very difficult place for me to be, and many others! Maybe chew lots of gum or brush your teeth alot????
  • starjam25
    starjam25 Posts: 4,725 Member
    I have to share this.... I've been without diet coke for 11 days now. Instead I've had Sprite. So we go out ALOT (unfortunately) and I have the same food because I'm a creature of habit. So I noticed for about 4 or 5 days, I've been starving after I eat the same thing I always eat, like a Subway sandwich, and I've been so starving when I go to bed. The last 3 days, I've just had water, no Sprite, and I've not been hungry.... SO in conclusion, drinking all that sugary Sprite made me super hungry all day long! So you have the added calories of the drink and the added food I was eating, and what a BAD combination! My goodness, I heard that sugar can make you hungry, but that was totally ridiculous. On to straight water for me!
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,237 Member
    edited April 2017
    starjam25 wrote: »
    I have to share this.... I've been without diet coke for 11 days now. Instead I've had Sprite. So we go out ALOT (unfortunately) and I have the same food because I'm a creature of habit. So I noticed for about 4 or 5 days, I've been starving after I eat the same thing I always eat, like a Subway sandwich, and I've been so starving when I go to bed. The last 3 days, I've just had water, no Sprite, and I've not been hungry.... SO in conclusion, drinking all that sugary Sprite made me super hungry all day long! So you have the added calories of the drink and the added food I was eating, and what a BAD combination! My goodness, I heard that sugar can make you hungry, but that was totally ridiculous. On to straight water for me!

    I'm proud of you, your doing a fabulous job. Pretty soon, it'll be a habit, :smiley: