Starting OMAD? Introduce Yourself Here!



  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    Welcome, Jennifer!
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    Welcome Jennifer, you should start a discussion thread :)
  • JakeL1981
    JakeL1981 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello, - Jake L
    ...your weight - starting weight - 321 lbs
    .... current weight - 275 lbs (46 lbs lost)
    ...your height - 6 feet 2 inches
    ...any past struggles you've faced or are facing - OMAD weekends. A lot more "downtime" to thinking about snacking.
    ...your goal weight range - 220 lbs (100 pounds lost)
    ...the time of your OMAD - i usually eat dinner between 7pm and 8pm.
    ...and your OMAD start date - some time during February.

    I did not know what i was doing was called OMAD until a couple of weeks ago. Saw some folks about fasting 16/8 or 20/4 etc and was thinking I've been doing 24/0 for months so i looked a little more into it. OMAD fits my lifestyle great, i eat good food and get full with a great calorie deficit. I think I've my calorie sweet spot is 1500 calories per day and could easily do less per day.

    Will be good to have some more OMAD biddies.
  • leveejohn
    leveejohn Posts: 346 Member
    Welcome aboard Jennifer and Jake!!! Weekends are tough for me, for the same reason. A tsp of coconut oil helps fight cravings, and all the usual advice like staying hydrated, etc. If you like the taste of coconut, unrefined is good. Refined coconut oil has all the same benefits, as I understand it, but it tastes like plain ol' vegetable oil.

    And of course staying busy helps, but I do like my downtime on the weekend.
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    Welcome, Jake!
  • Kate1368
    Kate1368 Posts: 10 Member
    edited April 2017
    So happy to have found this group! I started OMAD today. At 5'9" I am currently 188 lbs. My happy weight is 145-150 lbs, but it's been about 20 years since I've seen that on anything but my driver's license! When I was younger and didn't have weight issues or worry constantly about food, I naturally only ate once a day (sometimes twice and sometimes forgetting to eat at all). So, it makes sense to me that doing OMAD on purpose would help me get to a comfortable weight.
  • jjrogalski73
    jjrogalski73 Posts: 15 Member
    My name is JOSH, I am in between 5'11/6'0 tall and clocked in at 315lbs. I struggled figuring out what I wanted to do before starting OMAD. I messed around with doing 16/8 Intermittent Fasting, then tried Keto IF. But I realized they really didnt work and it was easy to overeat. My goal weight is between 210-215lbs. I started OMAD on 3/31/2017. I am not sure if I can get to that weight because I was an avid powerlifter and have a good frame. I just felt if this could work for Herschel Walker or General Stanley McChrystal, well, why not me? I'd like to see how far I could get by October. So for now, the goal is around 250lbs, then go from there.
  • murrell007
    murrell007 Posts: 65 Member
    edited April 2017
    ...your weight 156
    ...your height 5' 5
    ...any past struggles you've faced or are facing: emotional eating and snacking
    ...your goal weight range 128-133
    ...the time of your 5-8pm
    ...and your OMAD start date 4/2/17.

    I am starting this today. I had gradually reduced breakfast to just coffee and half and half and lunch was a protein bar. Trying to do a normal dinner. Since I am an emotional eater I have trouble snacking in the eve cuz I am tired and emotional. The weight has improved but I think I need to be more regimented for better success. I like the fact my splurge day will be fall on Easter. I am looking forward to getting back into the clothes I still have but can't wear. One challenge I will have is that I love to weigh myself every day. I feel if I don't then I will miss the low days that help give me incentive to keep going on. But I will stick to the one day a week :)
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    My name is JOSH, I am in between 5'11/6'0 tall and clocked in at 315lbs. I struggled figuring out what I wanted to do before starting OMAD. I messed around with doing 16/8 Intermittent Fasting, then tried Keto IF. But I realized they really didnt work and it was easy to overeat. My goal weight is between 210-215lbs. I started OMAD on 3/31/2017. I am not sure if I can get to that weight because I was an avid powerlifter and have a good frame. I just felt if this could work for Herschel Walker or General Stanley McChrystal, well, why not me? I'd like to see how far I could get by October. So for now, the goal is around 250lbs, then go from there.

    Alright! Welcome, buddy!!!
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    Welcome Newbies!!! :)
  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member
    Happy you are joining us. This place rocks!
  • mikseyniha
    mikseyniha Posts: 442 Member
    Hi!! Glad to join you all!

    My name is Niharika. I currently weigh 95.9 kg as of yesterday, April 2nd. I am 5' 6" and will be 32yrs old in May. I have been overweight since my teens. Did lose 22 kgs in 1.5 yrs back in 2011 by restricting my diet. However, I had no clue about calories and stuff back then. I put all the weight back on after my wedding in 2011. I conceived my son at weight 87 kg and delivered him in September '16 at 102 kgs. I put on even more after the delivery and was at my peak weight at 105 kg. That's when I decided it's time I took control of my body and health. I want to be fit and be able to play, run and live with my baby for as long as possible. I researched and learned about calorie counting and calorie deficit on the web and started my weight loss journey on 15th Feb 2017. I have lost almost 9 kgs so far by just counting calories and limiting my calorie intake and staying under 1200 calories. I came across Joe's channel and went through his weight loss journey. I commend his efforts and congratulate him on his weight loss. I am thankful to him for sharing his journey with everyone. I look forward to encouragement and motivation from you all and to share my weight loss journey with you all.
    Weight loss journey start date: 15 Feb 2017
    Starting weight : 105 kg
    Current weight : 95.9 kg
    Goal weight range: 60 to 65 kg
    Time of your OMAD: Between 6 to 9 pm since I work 9 am to 5 pm
    OMAD start date: 2 April 2017

    Wish everyone of you all the very best for achieving your weight loss goals. Lets all keep it up!
  • leveejohn
    leveejohn Posts: 346 Member
    Welcome aboard everyone! Start your own discussion threads, you will find that everyone here is interested.
  • andyvedz
    andyvedz Posts: 22 Member
    Hi! My name is Andrea:) I started with my own discussion thread already but I didn't notice this one until now!

    I'm 29 and homebound with severe ME/CFS. I gained a lot of weight after I got sick, as I went from super active and fit to gradually becoming bed and housebound. When fit and strong I weighed about 65 kg, so I'm aiming a bit lower as my muscle mass is drastically reduced. I'll adjust my goal if my estimate is off! I also want to make sure I'm not accumulating more damage to my cells or immune system, but fasting for longer periods became very difficult with the disease as it is too big of a stressor for my already exhausted body.

    I have been on OMAD for a week and a bit now, and it seems to be the key to both issues for me so far! Keto already did a lot to reduce daily pain and brain fog for me, but OMAD seems to do that with less restriction on food choices. It also means less energy spent in preparing food which is extremely valuable when preparing food can be so tiring I need to take to bed for hours afterwards. I'm on an experimental treatment now as well, so hopefully the combination will see me back to a healthy weight and a fully functioning body over the next year :sweat_smile: My hobbies used to be hiking and forest runs, and I miss that so much I want to scream :s I've been so impressed with this community though that I'm making you all my new and very enjoyable distraction!

    My stats:
    *Weight: 80.8 kg (178 lbs)
    *Lost: 1.6 kg (3.5 lbs)
    *Height: 171 cm (5' 7.5")
    *Goal weight range: 60-64 kg (130-140 lbs)
    *Time of your OMAD: 6-7pm (dinner with hubby)
    *OMAD start date: 29.03.17 (3/29/17 for you crazy Americans :joy: )
    *Struggles: Severe ME/CFS (99% homebound)
  • boldnewme
    boldnewme Posts: 11 Member
    Your name or preferred username... Username on MFP is "boldnewme" my real name is Tanya

    Your weight... My current weight is 257.2 (starting weight 268.2/highest weight 285) **11 lbs/10 days**

    Your height... 5'3

    Any past struggles you've faced or are facing...
    My struggles are many but the major two that come to mind are lifestyle choices (drinking/smoking cigarettes/justifying/bingeing etc...) and Consistency/lack thereof. I've been an all or nothing type of person for a long time; I can stick to something 100% (including the elimination of bad habits) but it has to be strict, no room for "just a little" no cheat meals or days... that breaks the line for me then I'm ALL the way off the wagon & starting back at square 1 or in most cases -1.
    Needless to say, I've yo-yo'ed behind this pattern for a long time. For some reason I now feel like I can and will do things differently and running across OMAD on YouTube has helped. I wasn't sure I could do it but it's been amazing and I haven't been so hard on myself. It's a fantastic feeling when you learn flexibility does not have to equal a total break.

    Your goal weight range... My goal weight range is 130 - 150 (broad I know but honestly it's not about the number. I am going to be 46 years old in 15 days and I'd like to love what I see in the mirror & that could be 160 for all I care but I'll know when I see it)

    The time of your OMAD...
    12 pm

    Your OMAD start date... 3/29/17

    With this post I've officially left my comfort zone lol smile: but I'm really glad to be here and am excited to share this journey with all of you! :smile:
  • dajoloehr
    dajoloehr Posts: 447 Member
    Welcome @boldnewme Make sure you start your own thread so you can share your OMAD adventure :)
  • boldnewme
    boldnewme Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks I'll do that @dajoloehr :smiley:
  • KetoKaHee
    KetoKaHee Posts: 270 Member
    Welcome Tanya! I have the "all or nothing" mentality too which is hard to break from, however, OMAD has given me the structure I need with the flexibility of choosing my own yummy meals! Getting out of your comfort zone is tough but you did it!! We are an awesome and supportive group. I'm so happy you joined!
  • kabrigail
    kabrigail Posts: 149 Member
  • leveejohn
    leveejohn Posts: 346 Member
    Welcome aboard @boldnewme!!! Tanya, I've found that OMAD isn't a "program" that you have to endure for a certain period of time, but a change in lifestyle that you can keep up for as long as you want. I hope it works the same for you. No more yo-yo's. I'm 10 years older than you, so I don't have time to put up with yo-yo's anymore, I need a way to live and this is probably it.

    "I'll know it when I see it" . . . great way to express the goal!
  • Hollygma
    Hollygma Posts: 3 Member
    311 lbs at start of OMAD
    56 yrs

    OMAD on April 2, 2017.
    Lost 4lbs as of today.

    I've always had a weight issue and have tried everything. My first diet was when I was 11. I have lost and regained (always more). I've tried EVERYTHING except surgery. I am now a food addict. I find it much easier to not eat than eat controlled. I enjoy a good meal at the end of the day and am an evening binger. I have a great family, a teen still at home and grandchildren that I want to enjoy. My goal is health and somewhere below 200lbs.

    So far, I have tremendous energy, hunger is gone (except normal it's time to eat hunger), and control headaches by drinking something. I still have issues with night binging. However, it's less and I have lost. I love vegetables and healthy meals overall so my choices are good.

    Really thinking this is my answer! So sick of counting calories!!! This gives me a sense of control.
  • leveejohn
    leveejohn Posts: 346 Member
    Welcome aboard @Hollygma!!! Four lbs in six days is a wonderful start. You and I are the same age, and I feel like you do, sick of counting calories, love the simplicity and control of OMAD. Start your own discussion thread, everyone here will be interested in your progress.
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    Welcome to OMAD Newbies :)
    1MADGIRL Posts: 838 Member
    andyvedz wrote: »
    Hi! My name is Andrea:) I started with my own discussion thread already but I didn't notice this one until now!

    I'm 29 and homebound with severe ME/CFS. I gained a lot of weight after I got sick, as I went from super active and fit to gradually becoming bed and housebound. When fit and strong I weighed about 65 kg, so I'm aiming a bit lower as my muscle mass is drastically reduced. I'll adjust my goal if my estimate is off! I also want to make sure I'm not accumulating more damage to my cells or immune system, but fasting for longer periods became very difficult with the disease as it is too big of a stressor for my already exhausted body.

    I have been on OMAD for a week and a bit now, and it seems to be the key to both issues for me so far! Keto already did a lot to reduce daily pain and brain fog for me, but OMAD seems to do that with less restriction on food choices. It also means less energy spent in preparing food which is extremely valuable when preparing food can be so tiring I need to take to bed for hours afterwards. I'm on an experimental treatment now as well, so hopefully the combination will see me back to a healthy weight and a fully functioning body over the next year :sweat_smile: My hobbies used to be hiking and forest runs, and I miss that so much I want to scream :s I've been so impressed with this community though that I'm making you all my new and very enjoyable distraction!

    My stats:
    *Weight: 80.8 kg (178 lbs)
    *Lost: 1.6 kg (3.5 lbs)
    *Height: 171 cm (5' 7.5")
    *Goal weight range: 60-64 kg (130-140 lbs)
    *Time of your OMAD: 6-7pm (dinner with hubby)
    *OMAD start date: 29.03.17 (3/29/17 for you crazy Americans :joy: )
    *Struggles: Severe ME/CFS (99% homebound)

    I've read a lot about ME/CFS. Im really sorry. Can't wait to hear more about your journey
  • Piranascuisine
    Piranascuisine Posts: 11 Member
    edited April 2017
    Name: Susie
    Current weight: 162 lbs
    Height: 5' 8"
    I am struggling with constant joint and muscle pain
    I was happiest and fittest at 126 lbs
    My OMAD time is 7pm
    Start date: 8th April 2017

    I started the 8 week blood sugar diet by Dr Michael Mosley on 1st April, 2017 and have lost 6lbs. I was going to stick to this AND fast four days a week for 24 hours from 7pm-7pm.

    Daunted to only eat one meal a day, though...

    I have just ordered a book by Dr Jason Fung about fasting. Any help and advice gratefully received!
  • leveejohn
    leveejohn Posts: 346 Member
    Welcome aboard @Piranascuisine Susie!!! I advise to keep it simple. Be patient at the beginning, the first 3-5 days are rough, no doubt. Gets much better after that. Don't forget to supplement with apple cider vinegar, ACV. I would start with the info here: How to Eat OMAD

    Also, at the beginning many of us end up binge-watching Joe's youtube channel: OMAD Revolution YouTube

    Many of your specific questions will be answered there in one of the videos. Also, please start your own discussion thread, everyone here will be interested in keeping up with your progress!
  • dezincarolina
    dezincarolina Posts: 3 Member
    edited April 2017
    Long term yoyo
    Goal Range =150-165
    Time between 6-7 pm
    Started OMAD 4/3/17 @ 199.4 down 5lbs (water)
    I'm here because I want to be a good example for my daughter, I want to gain control over my diet, and I want to be healthier and more active to avoid issues as I age.
    I'm 45
    I'm grateful to have found this forum and look forward to the discussions!
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    Welcome, welcome, all!
  • slim168mfp
    slim168mfp Posts: 20 Member
    Hello, My name is Mike. I have lost 150lbs., I am loving intermittent fasting. Dr. Jason Fung. Great read.

    Glad to be with others who are into fast as a healthy Lifestyle!
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    Welcome!!! :)