Starting OMAD? Introduce Yourself Here!



  • AarronSten
    AarronSten Posts: 3 Member
    I just hope the pain doesn't force me to stop, hopefully it will last a few days and get easier
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    Try adding some ginger tea or something along those lines when you eat...might help settle your stomach a bit! :) Welcome Aarron!
  • AarronSten
    AarronSten Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks Misty, will do!

    Question for everyone.... At what point did you notice improvement in digestion? I'm a week in now and I'm going to the toilet just as much each day. I'm also taking digestive enzymes and Bromaline. My main goal of Omad was to heal my gut and digestion which would hopefully stop me going to the toilet so much!

    Peace and Love

  • riju5519
    riju5519 Posts: 3 Member
    ...your name or preferred username:- Dwaipayan, MFP user id - riju5519
    ...your weight – Was 124 kg, now at 91kgs
    ...your height – 165 Cms
    ...any past struggles you've faced or are facing –

    All the issues, struggled with general low esteem, bleak outlook of future, Comfort from food…etc. etc. All the stuff + low immunity
    Got Fed up, Started LCHF, but I knew, call it a Gut feeling that this is not sustainable, as Indian Culture, Spirituality, Festivals are All surrounded around what you “offer” as food and a Good part of it is Carbs + there are nutrient dense carbs as well + I like Sweets too ;). Plus, the idea of this Discipline seemed very alluring to me, this has been there in our culture for so long, the power to control yourself, will lead to something more, thus one fine morning after trying to get back to having carbs + food in Little amounts 3 times a day, being ravenously hungry (which I usually was not on Low carbs), I decided to give this a try.
    It is NOT EASY that’s for sure, but I am sticking to it. Having black coffee, brewed from Indian Arabica beans only during lunch time, when I get “that feeling” in throat.
    I have once a week binge on local junk foods (my vices), but I don’t break the fast., I have it after my general 23 hours of fast.
    Now let’s see how it goes and where it goes from here.

    ...your goal weight range – 60 to 65 Kgs
    ...the time of your OMAD - 2 weeks on
    ...and your OMAD start date. August 27th 2017
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    Hi, Dwaipayan!

  • bobcat8
    bobcat8 Posts: 5 Member
    My name is bobcat8. I have been doing OMad for approximately 2 years. I started at 194 lbs and I am now 164 lbs. I am 5.1. I have not been consistent. The OMad is not as difficult as the opad one plate a day. I didn't have to worry about my weight until in my 30s. I love OMAD and reading or hearing about peoples stories. Any tips on how to just have one plate a day. Thanks
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    bobcat8 wrote: »
    My name is bobcat8. I have been doing OMad for approximately 2 years. I started at 194 lbs and I am now 164 lbs. I am 5.1. I have not been consistent. The OMad is not as difficult as the opad one plate a day. I didn't have to worry about my weight until in my 30s. I love OMAD and reading or hearing about peoples stories. Any tips on how to just have one plate a day. Thanks

    Hi, Bobcat!

    Try doing a much smaller meal / plate for the first two weeks to more readily break yourself into burning fat quicker. Contrary to how it seems, this will make it easier for your body to switch to burning fat.

  • mbacfs
    mbacfs Posts: 2 Member
    314 lbs

    I'm not sure (or worried) about a goal weight. I am an avid weightlifter so I have quite a bit of muscle mass, which I don't want to lose in this process. So far, no loss of strength, which I'm excited about about.

    I've been doing omad for one month, feel great, and am noticing changes in my measurements. However, I had to get a physical last week and the doctor did a full lab panel. It is showing elevated blood glucose and the triglycerides through the roof. Is it possible for the early stage of omad to cause these results as my body adjusts? He is wanting additional glucose testing and medication for the triglycerides, which I would rather not do until I get to the maintenance stage (if the problem still exists). I did communicate a recent change in diet with him, but didn't give any details. Anyway, I really like omad and how I feel on it, but am concerned about the labs. Any feedback would be appreciated.
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    edited September 2017
    mbacfs wrote: »
    314 lbs

    I'm not sure (or worried) about a goal weight. I am an avid weightlifter so I have quite a bit of muscle mass, which I don't want to lose in this process. So far, no loss of strength, which I'm excited about about.

    I've been doing omad for one month, feel great, and am noticing changes in my measurements. However, I had to get a physical last week and the doctor did a full lab panel. It is showing elevated blood glucose and the triglycerides through the roof. Is it possible for the early stage of omad to cause these results as my body adjusts? He is wanting additional glucose testing and medication for the triglycerides, which I would rather not do until I get to the maintenance stage (if the problem still exists). I did communicate a recent change in diet with him, but didn't give any details. Anyway, I really like omad and how I feel on it, but am concerned about the labs. Any feedback would be appreciated.

    Hi, Matt...

    I can assure you that OMAD does not cause such things. Those are from your accumulated mileage and/or genetics, my friend. Glucose levels can be elevated when one starts OMAD, but they gradually come down as you adapt. High triglycerides come from your body's inability to filter your blood. Fat digestion, along with sugar metabolism, plays a key role. Take ACV (apple cider vinegar) and you'll knock the problem right out.


  • mbacfs
    mbacfs Posts: 2 Member
    mbacfs wrote: »
    314 lbs

    I'm not sure (or worried) about a goal weight. I am an avid weightlifter so I have quite a bit of muscle mass, which I don't want to lose in this process. So far, no loss of strength, which I'm excited about about.

    I've been doing omad for one month, feel great, and am noticing changes in my measurements. However, I had to get a physical last week and the doctor did a full lab panel. It is showing elevated blood glucose and the triglycerides through the roof. Is it possible for the early stage of omad to cause these results as my body adjusts? He is wanting additional glucose testing and medication for the triglycerides, which I would rather not do until I get to the maintenance stage (if the problem still exists). I did communicate a recent change in diet with him, but didn't give any details. Anyway, I really like omad and how I feel on it, but am concerned about the labs. Any feedback would be appreciated.

    Hi, Matt...

    I can assure you that OMAD does not cause such things. Those are from your accumulated mileage and/or genetics, my friend. Glucose levels can be elevated when one starts OMAD, but they gradually come down as you adapt. High triglycerides come from your body's inability to filter your blood. Fat digestion, along with sugar metabolism, plays a key role. Take ACV (apple cider vinegar) and you'll knock the problem right out.



    Much appreciated! Looking forward to being part of the group. I will certainly try ACV.
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    Welcome Matt! :)
  • 44bmartin44
    44bmartin44 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm Brittany. I tried OMAD for a brief period last year and lost 7lbs. I was told I needed to stop for medication purposes. Since then I have decided that pills are not going to do anything for my health but OMAD will. I'm ready for my fresh start.
    Hight/Weight-5"1, 171lbs
    Goal weight range- 130-135
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm Brittany. I tried OMAD for a brief period last year and lost 7lbs. I was told I needed to stop for medication purposes. Since then I have decided that pills are not going to do anything for my health but OMAD will. I'm ready for my fresh start.
    Hight/Weight-5"1, 171lbs
    Goal weight range- 130-135

    Hi, Brittany! Welcome!

    What are some of your struggles?

  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    Welcome Brittany! It's a great group :)
  • tlblanksfit
    tlblanksfit Posts: 1,573 Member
    Welcome Brittany! great having you here.
  • 44bmartin44
    44bmartin44 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks everyone!
    I struggle with grazing on food and eating just whenever I see food. I am always busy but I feel alright about taking a break for food, I justify it, so I take way to many food breaks. OMAD is just about the only way I can keep myself accountable.
  • Totalkathy
    Totalkathy Posts: 9 Member
    Hi I'm Kathleen
    I'm currently 372 (down from 537)
    I have lost 165 pounds with a lot more to go. I have been on a plateau for months and months.
    I am a certified life coach and am leading a weight loss group with another facilitator, and the pressure to keep losing is pressing in. Pressure is from myself, my co-workers have been very gracious.
    I'm new to fasting, so I'm still a bit wobbly about this, there is a lot of diverse information, so I'm not real clear how I should go about this.
    I am currently doing OMAD.
    Thanks for your support.
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    Totalkathy wrote: »
    Hi I'm Kathleen
    I'm currently 372 (down from 537)
    I have lost 165 pounds with a lot more to go. I have been on a plateau for months and months.
    I am a certified life coach and am leading a weight loss group with another facilitator, and the pressure to keep losing is pressing in. Pressure is from myself, my co-workers have been very gracious.
    I'm new to fasting, so I'm still a bit wobbly about this, there is a lot of diverse information, so I'm not real clear how I should go about this.
    I am currently doing OMAD.
    Thanks for your support.



    Way to go on the loss! You know what it's like to be on a journey downward, I can see. That is extremely valuable.

    Reach out if you need some personalized advise.

  • letzlive
    letzlive Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone.

    First I want to thank Joe for his insights and generosity on YouTube. All the questions that have kept me from being "all in" with IF for the past 5 months or so are answered in his videos.

    I have about 15 pounds I'd like to lose. It may not seem like much, but I am petite and 15 pounds is a lot for me. I look forward to getting back 80% of my wardrobe, which has been on "standby" for a couple of years.

    I had a huge health improvement in 2006 when I pretty much ditched sugar and grains and went on Paleo. I know that is not for everyone; I'm just saying it made a huge health difference for me and I am "cured" of more than one serious health condition.

    But Paleo is not always a weight loss tool. Nor is exercise, of which I get plenty. I've been fighting off and on with an unwanted 15 pounds for quite some time now. It goes down, it comes up, and every extreme program seems to make the next one harder. (More about that below.)

    The story of my recent weight gain... A few years ago, our family moved to a new neighborhood, where we learned that one of the neighbors is very aggressive and crazy. After this person's (off leash) pit bull attacked my (leashed) dog while we were walking, I began a series of very unwanted legal interactions with this neighbor. We live toward the end of a dead-end street and I'd have to pass the crazy neighbor to walk or drive anywhere. To make a very long story short, I started to feel like a prisoner in my own home. Even driving out became very frightening. I've calmed down quite a lot as time has passed but I don't think I will ever feel safe going on foot past that house. My dog recovered, but will not go past anywhere near that stretch of road without being literally dragged. I really like to walk and jog, and now I must get in my car and travel a ways to do so. But more than that I think the experience changed my view of the world and humanity. I comforted myself with food. It's a reason, not an excuse, but there it is.

    Last spring I ran across some info about IF. Ever since then I've been experimenting with various IF plans. I haven't eaten breakfast before 10 AM for years, so I was already part way there. But I have not been consistent with IF in terms of schedule, window duration, etc. And since I first tried it in May, I have experienced some weeks of weight loss but my overall weight has gone UP.

    So I am starting fresh as of yesterday with OMAD. Here is what I'm not doing anymore:
    • changing my eating window length and start time to fit in with my daily schedule.
    • wondering whether I am harming myself because "women can't fast".
    • worrying about having a beverage with stevia because the insulin response to sweetness on the tongue "might make the fast fail" (as if failing the fast by eating early is any better).
    • wondering whether I have enough willpower for the years to come instead of seeing that I only need the really hard willpower to get through a break in period
    • telling myself I can never eat [X] anymore (a splurge day once I'm past two weeks? really? omg thank you)
    • feeling like there will always be a step further I need to take...
    This last point is the biggest hurdle for me. Every previous effort to take control has been like an invitation to get on a treadmill, where once you can go at one speed, then you will need to go faster and faster --just to maintain your results. First it is "don't snack", then eat keto, then "fast 5", then I read that longer fasts are necessary.. longer, longer, longer... And before I know it I'm in landslide of failure. I guess I've been held back from commitment by too much advice and information.

    My preferred window is 4-7 PM. I like that for social reasons. I'm not doing "one plate, one and done" (yet?) because for now I want to make sure I get enough calories in (I have an very physical job/life). It may be something I transition to next week.

    Yesterday (10/3/17) was my "new start" day for OMAD - I had a small, healthy snack at 4 and dinner with family at six. Surprisingly satisfied by 6:30. I'm down a pound this morning; most likely that's water weight but I'll take it! lol

    Why OMAD for me? I am convinced that
    • this is an eating method our bodies recognize and like
    • "portion control" with 3 or more smaller meals is really hard and I suck at it
    • physical fitness is extremely important for a long, happy life but is a terrible way to lose or keep off weight, especially as we age (I am in my 50s)
    • I'm going to save time and money! :smiley:

    It's not like I had never heard of OMAD before. I just hadn't seen it presented with such practical reality (Joe's experience) and with the philosophical aspects (Joe's insights). Thank you for all you do, Joe!
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    Hi, letzlive!

    Welcome! Glad I was instrumental in bringing some newfound gusto for you!