Are there any girls that look like or want to look like models?



  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Wow @Jen2133 you look amazing!! Congratulations! I don't compete but I definitely appreciate and admire all the hard work :)
  • Jen2133
    Jen2133 Posts: 95 Member
    Thanks @sardelsa! And thanks for accepting my friend request.

    I'm trying to go into this next competition with a few more calories in the early stages of the diet, but my experience has been that I have to cut way back to see any changes (1200 calories and about 2 hours per day of gym time). I also seem to do well on lower carbs, but have no problem with dairy or artificial sweeteners, and of course, lots of protein.

    Just for info, I'm 50 years old, 5'2" and about 123lbs now – 113lbs in the photo above.

    I'd love to hear from others in this group about what works for them!
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    Jen2133 wrote: »
    Thanks @sardelsa! And thanks for accepting my friend request.

    I'm trying to go into this next competition with a few more calories in the early stages of the diet, but my experience has been that I have to cut way back to see any changes (1200 calories and about 2 hours per day of gym time). I also seem to do well on lower carbs, but have no problem with dairy or artificial sweeteners, and of course, lots of protein.

    Just for info, I'm 50 years old, 5'2" and about 123lbs now – 113lbs in the photo above.

    I'd love to hear from others in this group about what works for them!

    Did you say you were FIFTY???!!!! Like 5-0?!! Holy shite woman you look amazing and are absolutely beautiful! I think you've nailed the fitness model goal.
  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    @jen2133 you are not 50. I just don't believe you :D lol GOALS for sure.

    Anyone watching the VS fashion show tonight?
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    @DananaNanas I will be watching for sure! I love it :)
  • GoldenEye_
    GoldenEye_ Posts: 330 Member
    @DananaNanas I've watched it :) Really motivated me to work out more again. Lately I've just become a lazy bum and am steadily losing weight by eating less, but the more muscular girls are so much prettier to me. Elsa Hosk looked fabulous this show. What did you girls think?
  • Jen2133
    Jen2133 Posts: 95 Member
    @DananaNanas I always watch it! I love the confidence the models show, but felt very badly for the one who fell. I wonder why they didn’t choose to edit that out?

    I think my figure competitions are my personal VS Angel moments... just need to find some wings!
  • GoldenEye_
    GoldenEye_ Posts: 330 Member
    edited November 2017
    Woo, 5 km/ 3 miles run in the cold and afterwards 16 stairs (8 floors of a flat) up done today. Seems like a good start back to working out! Why is it so hard to start each time while it feels so good during and afterwards? Especially if you can have a warm shower and hot cup of tea and cozy up in blankets, haha.

    @Jen2133 I bet it does! That must take incredible dedication. You're such an inspiration :) I think they showed the fall because leaving it out could be interpreted wrong and is probably covered by the media anyway. She handled it so well though! I do think they should've left out the tears backstage afterwards. That just seems rude...
  • Workitwoots82
    Workitwoots82 Posts: 11 Member
    edited November 2017
    Goal 130-133
    Age 35
  • VictoriaTuel
    VictoriaTuel Posts: 1,604 Member
    My goodness @Jen2133 I cannot believe you're past your 30s let alone 50! You look so young and are obviously is great shape!! I would love to look half as good as you do when I'm 50.

    Also congrats to everyone for surviving the beginning of the holiday season without straying too far from your health/fitness goals! Only one more month where half my calories are cookies :p Does any one have any New Year's resolutions that they're starting early or already have planned? I'm already preparing myself for how crowded the gym is suddenly going to become in January lol
  • GoldenEye_
    GoldenEye_ Posts: 330 Member
    Don't get too excited just yet, the worst is still to come! ;) So far so good though. I've worked out for 30 minutes every day since my last post. It's not much, but it's something I can stick to and enjoy doing every single day (unlike the 60 minute ones I forced myself to do in the past). I'm also sticking to only 2 workout videos and running +staircase (every 4th day) instead of doing something new each time. They're advanced pilates videos with lots of bum and belly/waist sculpting exercises. I'm quite scared to lose my 0.7 hip/waist ratio when I get closer to my weight goal. I love that part of my body! I'll add a resistance band and weights if the moves get to easy. For now my muscles haven't stopped being sore though.

    How are you doing @VictoriaTuel ? Has it become easier to balance life out? Are you getting close to your goals?

    What are your plans during the holidays? Will you just eat whatever during christmas and new year or do you guys have some serious portion control plans?
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    Thanksgiving was easy for me because I had the stomach flu. December will be a little harder because my hubby is in Greece right now and bringing back like 2kg of my favorite cookies. They are basically sliced almonds and sesame seeds held together with crystallized honey/sugar. It's going to be hard to pace myself. They basically last forever though, so hopefully I can control myself.
  • jesspen91
    jesspen91 Posts: 1,383 Member
    I'm a long time lurker on this thread but thought I'd drop in to share this video I saw today
  • VictoriaTuel
    VictoriaTuel Posts: 1,604 Member
    Omg I love buzzfeed's workout videos.

    @GoldenEye_ My life is still hectic because I'm overscheduling myself, but now I'm used to the hecticness lol. I feel like I'm pretty much at my goals right now and am mostly trying to maintain! I'm consistently at 59+/-1.5 kg (130+/-3lbs) now and measured my waist recently one morning and it was 62cm (24.5in) for the first time ever, so I was super stoked about that!! I haven't measured the rest of my body recently, but when I get home I can give an overall update. I also ran the fastest mile time I ever have (7 minutes), so I'm making progress all around. I want to be able to get a pull-up by the end of the year, but we'll see if that happens!
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Haha thanks for sharing @jesspen91 I follow some models on IG and they have a fitness page and they actually do some decent lifting. It's not crazy heavy, but it's not little pink dumbbells either. In one video Josephine Skriver does hip thrusts 165lbs 3x12.. not too shabby! Bret has a great article about how to look lean and slender.. not sure if I posted it here before

    They basically to achieve the look, they do a lot of variety to maintain their muscle, but very little progressive overload (only on the muscles they want to grow).

    As for me, I am gaining nicely, let's hope the areas I want to grow are growing :)
  • JeepHair77
    JeepHair77 Posts: 1,291 Member
    I haven't been around much lately, but I'm getting caught up with y'all!

    @Jen2133 - you are gorgeous! I know this is a thread about body shape and weight, but I'm about to be asking you what kind of skincare and haircare you use. :blush:

    I just quit my gym. :( It's temporary - I'm busy enough this time of year that I rarely make it away from my desk for lunch, much less a trip to the gym. And my husband is joining a startup and finances will be tight over the holidays. All this means is that I need to focus on a new routine - I'll run in the evenings, I'll use my punching bag in my garage once or twice a week, and I'll do some bodyweight exercises to maintain muscle tone.

    Then in February, probably, I'll join a new gym that's more convenient for me, anyway. And hopefully, I'll be past the new years' resolution crowd by then.
  • jesspen91
    jesspen91 Posts: 1,383 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    Haha thanks for sharing @jesspen91 I follow some models on IG and they have a fitness page and they actually do some decent lifting. It's not crazy heavy, but it's not little pink dumbbells either. In one video Josephine Skriver does hip thrusts 165lbs 3x12.. not too shabby! Bret has a great article about how to look lean and slender.. not sure if I posted it here before

    They basically to achieve the look, they do a lot of variety to maintain their muscle, but very little progressive overload (only on the muscles they want to grow).

    As for me, I am gaining nicely, let's hope the areas I want to grow are growing :)

    Yeah I think I've read that article before. It's nice for Bret to acknowledge that some people genuinely want a very lean look and that fears of getting 'bulky' might not be completely misguided. Maybe in a newbie, but people know their own bodies and know when it's going in a direction they don't like. It always seemed a bit like mansplaining.

    As for the video, it looked like a good and varied workout. I also really liked the Victoria Secrets sports bras (which was probably the point of the video). But I know how ill-fitting their regular bras are so wouldn't trust their sports bras to keep me locked down!
  • Jen2133
    Jen2133 Posts: 95 Member
    JeepHair77 wrote: »
    @Jen2133 - you are gorgeous! I know this is a thread about body shape and weight, but I'm about to be asking you what kind of skincare and haircare you use. :blush:

    @JeepHair77 Thanks for the compliments! I really don't do anything special, but the ridiculously dark spray tan, professional hair (with extensions) and makeup do help!
  • GoldenEye_
    GoldenEye_ Posts: 330 Member
    @Sardelsa I found the IG page, thanks! Very inspirational and insightful. I really wish I was more of a gym workout person as I would love to be able to do those kind of things, but I've always found it too crowded and too expensive. That and I had no idea about what I was doing when I actually had a membership :') I'm considering just (very) slowly buying more fitness products and learning proper movement from videos, but I'm afraid I'll just injure myself that way. (For anyone who's interested, this is the IG page sardelsa mentioned:

    @VictoriaTuel 62 cm is great! I'm curious towards the full measurements. Pull ups are HARD... How are you training for them? Do you use a band?
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    @GoldenEye_ since you don't have a gym membership, you can train pull-ups by starting out using your feet. Pull yourself up (using a chair if necessary) using as much arm strength as you can, but letting your legs push you as much is needed to get your chin over the bar. Then progress to using just one leg, just the toes, then negatives. Jump up to the top of the hang and then slowly lower yourself down. Keep adding reps each time. Pretty soon you'll be able to eek out a full pull-up. The first is the hardest. It's a lot easier to add reps once you get that first one. Once you can do a good number of reps, you can add weight. Also, I forgot to add that it's easier to start out with chin-ups before progressing to pull-ups. Chin-ups use more bicep strength and are much easier to do, but it builds a lot of the same muscle strength you will need for pull ups.