Introduce yourself



  • CandyTalks
    CandyTalks Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm Aly and I am 32 from Cali. I have always been a big kid but a few years ago I was involved in a car accident that took the life of my boyfriend. After that I lost 70lbs from purely the lack of wanting to do anything or eat. I then ate my way to a 97lb gain and started this whole process at 497lbs. I am currently on a diet threw HMR and have lost 103lbs so far and am looking at loosing another 200 before I hit my goal weight. I am single and have no kids but I want the family and kids so I am taking this time to get me healthy so that I can build that in my life. I hope to get to know y'all better!
  • jlhflex
    jlhflex Posts: 107 Member
    I'm John 38yrs from Louisiana. I've been in Martial Arts and Bodybuilding since I was 10. What's age but a number we limit our self to? The only thing that's changed since I was 18 has been my ability to not care what people think. Happy Training Y'all!
  • tiffaterrorist
    tiffaterrorist Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm Tiff and have been using myfitnesspal on and off for years. Just like my use of this tool, I have been on and off of my getting/ staying healthy goals

    Although, I've used this tool for a while, I am new to the community aspect of it. I am 30, almost 31. I'm an author and artist with a day job, but I'm some how finding time to lose a bit of weight and get healthier. This time I started at 210.8 lbs and after about 2 months I'm down to 199.8.
  • shimmer_glo
    shimmer_glo Posts: 103 Member
    edited September 2017
  • kmshover
    kmshover Posts: 41 Member
    Feel free to call me K. I'm 35 and from Ohio. I have been married to an incredible man for almost 10 years, no children - just an adorable puppy dog.

    I have lost weight successfully in the past with a different online food journal. Things happened and I just lost all control gained back all my weight lost and the same amount on top of that. Over the last few years I have tried again and again and always fell off the wagon. This time I have been successful for a little over 2 months (here and on another website). I am fully using this one else now. I am down about 26lbs and I feel good and more determined.

    My husband is very supportive but is not actively counting calories with me. I have a lot of friends who are into hard core fitness and paleo, but that isn't really for me. They are very encouraging to me about my new journey though. Some days I struggle but I am still keeping my goals in my mind and I will get there.
  • jconey21
    jconey21 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I’m Jacob. I’m married to my wonderful husband with 3 fur babies, lol. I’m 34 and live in upstate NY. I’ve been using this app for just over a year. I lost weight then put it back on, I think I got too comfortable in my routine/fell off the wagon ☹️. I believe I lost about 20 pound in about 6 months, then put that 20 back on☹️ Looking to be motivated to stay on track this time!
  • 40xBEFOREx40
    40xBEFOREx40 Posts: 208 Member
    Hello all... 37 here! Married, 6 kids. Can't tell you what time this is for me starting, lol. But the only time you fail is the time you don't try!
  • omnicia
    omnicia Posts: 3 Member
    Hi hi!

    35yo.. Originally from Canada, lived in the UK for 13 years, then transfered to my company's Stockholm office. Don't really have a social network here, which is a mix of good (a big thing in the UK was going to the pub to see friends, which wasnt super healthy for me, plus my friends fell into 2 groups "healthy and don't see how its a challenge" or like me in the "whats the point, we'll just fail" group - neither of which motivates) and bad (it means I'm bored/lonely more often, then eat emotionally)

    I really enjoy hiking/walking (done a couple of Ultra Challenges/Iceland Challenge/Sahara Challenge.. I can post links if people want, but basically a lot of walking/hiking in short time frames)

    though Ive used the site for a while (on/off) I've never really taken advantage of the community parts - from other recent life experiences, I think that might make a big difference for me.. so trying.. even though posting things is causing me intense anxiety! this is probably too much information.
  • glammooreghoul
    glammooreghoul Posts: 75 Member
    I'm Kristin. 34 in South Carolina. This is the 2nd time I have turned to mfp to help with weight loss. The first time was about 7 years ago. Lost around 60 lbs. Then I got SUPER SLACK. Now I have gained 50 of that back. So here I am, again, trying to get this gut to go away! Last time I had a friend that was doing all this with me so it was easy to stay motivated. This time, I'm going at it alone so I need interaction and friends on here. It's hard when you're doing it alone.
  • I'm Kristin. 34 in South Carolina. This is the 2nd time I have turned to mfp to help with weight loss. The first time was about 7 years ago. Lost around 60 lbs. Then I got SUPER SLACK. Now I have gained 50 of that back. So here I am, again, trying to get this gut to go away! Last time I had a friend that was doing all this with me so it was easy to stay motivated. This time, I'm going at it alone so I need interaction and friends on here. It's hard when you're doing it alone.

    Great job for getting back on track! Most people wait until they've gained all the weight back and then some. Plus, you know that MFP can help you reach your goal, because you did it before. You got this!! :)
  • AmandamazingLowCarb
    AmandamazingLowCarb Posts: 26 Member
    edited December 2017
    Hi everyone, I'm Amanda. 30 in Olympia, WA. Have been married to my best friend and an amazing man for about 2.5 years. We have 5 fur babies (4 cats, 1 dog).

    I've been using MFP off and on for several years. It has really helped me learn to keep track of what I'm doing, but I've only had minimal success because willpower. My husband and I got serious about losing weight and getting healthier about 5 weeks ago, and we've been on a weight-loss program since then. So far so good! I've lost 17 pounds. I'm excited and proud of that, but what I'm really trying to think through is how I will continue to be successful and keep the weight off when this rapid weight-loss phase is over in about 15 weeks. I think have active friends to connect with, commiserate with, and encourage each other will be helpful. :)

    Random facts: I am a musician (piano & vocals), crazy cat lady, love to crochet, total gamer and favorite color is purple. :D
  • insomniacfish
    insomniacfish Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! My name is George, 32, from Louisiana. I've been a big guy.....then bigger....then where I am now! The last time I was successful at losing weight was when I couldn't find my scale for a week. Something unique I have going on is that I have a prosthetic left leg which has resulted in me using crutches for most of my adult life. It does make my exercising limited, but it also has instilled in me a work ethic and a positive outlook on things. I'm motivated now. My current goal is to lose like 130 pounds or something ridiculous. I started a little over a month ago and I'm almost down 30. Add me so I can have some motivation and people telling me to drive past McDonald's no matter how good it smells!
  • iamFitSal
    iamFitSal Posts: 16 Member
    My name is Sal. I am 35. Single.
    Favorite workout: Swimming & Walking
    Goal: Toned body ( body fat reduction + increase muscle mass)
    Challenge: Eating healthy. I have no problem working out but, eating healthy is my biggest challenge.

    I welcome friends who'd like to exchange regular updates :)
  • TerriWillard
    TerriWillard Posts: 10 Member
    I'm Terri, 35 from North Carolina. I have been on and off MFP for 2 years. I am back to get on track. I want to lose weight, make new friends and focus on nutrition this year. I work out at planet fitness 3-5 times a week. I'm ready for the new me!
  • ChildrenCryinNCoffee
    ChildrenCryinNCoffee Posts: 477 Member
    Hey Everyone! I’m Tricia. I’m 33. From Southern California. Working on losing the baby weight after a high risk pregnancy & traumatic delivery. I love to run, strength train, yoga and dancing. Most of my exercise is from chasing and/or carrying a new toddler and walking/jogging with my hyper Husky, Dexter. Looking for Fitness Friends who use the app daily, who communicate, & who motivate...and who are interested in having the same! Open diaries. Open to questions & critiques. Looking to find my best self this year. So feel free to add me, everyone!
  • mrsjhardin
    mrsjhardin Posts: 692 Member
    Hi! I'm Joy from NE Mississippi. I will turn 31 on April 18th. I'm married with an almost 4 year old daughter. I lost 70lbs in 2013 and then gained it all back. I started again at New Years and have lost 35lbs. I have a goal to lose around 50 more which would put me at a normal BMI.

    I track calories with no particular meal plan. I use my FitBit to keep active. Walking and aerobic cardio are my main forms of exercise. One of my goals is to get back to my 5k time that I set about a month after I had my daughter.

    Anyone is welcome to add me :)
  • Stephen_AN
    Stephen_AN Posts: 3 Member
    I am back again. I backslid quickly. Now that our life is kind of back normal after our house being flooded 40" up from the slab and the birth of our 4th child while we re-built, I'm ready to hop back on board to lose my 120 lbs.
  • jessietheskuzz
    jessietheskuzz Posts: 8 Member
    Hi im jessie! I suck at being a person. I need help! Lol. Add me!
  • FarmChick_Mel
    FarmChick_Mel Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Mel, 37, from Idaho. I'm a wife and mama to a teenager. I'm trying to finally shed this excess weight I've been dragging around. I'm 30lbs heavier than I've ever been in my life (INCLUDING pregnant), and it's a horrible feeling. My biggest hurdle is by far motivation -- I stick with it for a week or so and then tuck-and-roll off the wagon in flames. So I'm hoping that some friends will help me stay motivated and accountable, and I'd love to return the favor!
  • Pickwick_The_Dodo
    Pickwick_The_Dodo Posts: 5 Member
    Hey! I'm Pickwick (actual name Sam), I'm from Nottingham UK, and I've only just turned 30 in March. I live with my partner and I am currently the heaviest I've ever been at 185lbs. I'd love to get back to around 140lbs when I felt fit and healthy, but finding the motivation is so difficult sometimes.

    Still. I'm committed. Determined. I've done this before, and I can do it again.
  • RickABR
    RickABR Posts: 2 Member
    Hello. My name is Ricardo, live in Austria, just turned 30 and am joining MFP for the first time.

    Started exercising and doing a "common sense diet" and dropped from 135kg to 115kg. One week ago took the next step with counting calories and checking macros with MFP.

    My first real milestone would be reach 95 kg by december 2018. That means 20 more kg to go...

    In case you are on a similar situation or just wanna get a friend, feel free to add me.
  • CharlieBFitness
    CharlieBFitness Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone! My name is Charlie Bruno I was born on October 4th, 1985. I am a group fitness instructor, I teach different Zumba® programs, I am also a Disc Jockey and I was a professional mascot performer. Feel free to add me as a friend. Lets help each other out.
  • peppermintcaroline
    peppermintcaroline Posts: 151 Member
    Hi! I'm Caroline, and turned 30 in April. I am at maintenance right now (110), with my highest weight being 150, 2 years ago. I am 5'0, so on the short side. I run, do yoga, martial arts, ride, and occasionally swim. So cardio, not much in the strength training area (working on that).
  • scrawford0514
    scrawford0514 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello!! My name is Savanah I’m 34 married to a great man. No kids but we do have 3 fur babies. I ha e been using the MFP app per my bariatric surgon to get ready for bypass surgery and I love it!! Hope to meet new ppl and hopefully get some more insite to all this weight loss stuff lol.
  • Hi. I'm kait. Age 37. From BC Canada.
    I hit my highest weight ever after trying to recover from eating disorders. Mainly anorexia and bulimia. However, my "recovery " ended up being binge eating instead. I went from 89.6 lbs to my highest of 220. So I now know both ends of the spectrum. This high weight affects my breathing, my self esteem and my actual recovery as now I have to lose weight without relapse. I'm now 210. This is my struggle. I hope I can find support here. I'm also with an eating disorder outpatient team. So I'm trying.
  • lia_2018
    lia_2018 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there, I am Lia and I am going to turn 30 next month. I am German living in Ireland and working in health-care. My looming 30th birthday motivated me to change something because I want to start my 30s off with the right attitude and a lighter, healther body. I started my weight-loss journey at the start of September although I have always been struggling with my weight since beig a teenager. I want to lose about 20kg total. This week I was struggling a lot so I thought I'd join a group and make some friends for motivation and support. I am looking forward to meeting you all :)
  • orissiagriffith
    orissiagriffith Posts: 6 Member
    I am now reintroducing myself to MFP after a year long break. I am working on portion control and balancing a proper diet that can be maintained long term. I have a weight loss goal of 150 by the end of the year. I however need to confess that I cheat, defend the cheating, diminish the significance of cheating and then cheat again because I have already failed and now I need to comfort my guilt with the food that started the whole cycle I would love to shatter. Any support and/or accountability is greatly appreciated.
  • orissiagriffith
    orissiagriffith Posts: 6 Member
    Forgot to mention that I am 37 years old.
  • EmieJSF
    EmieJSF Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! I'm Emie, 31, from Southeast Missouri. I am a single mom of 2 boys (ages 8 and 9).

    I have been battling my weight since my tween years. Later I found out that my heavy weight was mainly due to some health issues and a hormone imbalance that wrecks my metabolism and system (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome which causes hormone imbalances, changes in metabolism, water retention, weight gain and retention, and significant lack of energy).

    In 2008, I was at my ideal weight of approximately 190-200 lbs and maintaining. Regardless of BMI Calculators, I feel this was my ideal weight. However, after 2 kids, a failed marriage, the loss of my father, and a number of significant emotional events... I've never managed to reach that weight again.

    In addition, a few additional health problems have created new personal obstacles to overcome in my weight loss journey. (Arthritis, Back Problems i.e. Herniated Disk & Pinched Nerve, borderline Anemia, Depression, Bronchitis, Acid Reflux and yeah... A bunch of crap.) Mainly I have to do low-impact exercises and limited cardio.

    At 31, I'm tired of feeling like a stranger in my own body and planning to make 2019 MY YEAR!

    I would love to find similar people for encouragement and support.
  • mamato3babies
    mamato3babies Posts: 73 Member
    35 yr old mom of 4. I live in Trenton, SC.