TEAM: The Slimsons (January)

craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
Welcome to the Challenge new and returning teammates!! This is the conversation/weigh in thread for your Team :) Keep on losing because our first weigh ins begin THIS Sunday! I am here for you should you need anything - simply message me or tag me by putting an '@' just before my username (NO SPACES) and I will get to you asap! ~ Craig @craigo3154.


  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Hello Team Slimsons and Welcome to January!!

    My name is Ashley @AB0215 I will be your captain (coach) for this month.

    Here's a little about me:
    I am 31, and I have been overweight basically my entire life and in the last 18 months or so, I decided to change that, I decide that my 30s really will be the best years yet!! I am currently down over 50 lbs and still going, however I don't actually have a goal weight as I weight train and I realize that my weight will likely be more than one of those ridiculous BMI charts, but I do have a fat % goal, so I will know my goal weight when I get there, but it's not really possible for me to know what it is along the way.

    We are also going to be running (Optional) Mini-challenges again this month: Question of the Week and Daily Posts.

    First and foremost is that participation in these challenge is optional. It's up to you as to whether you want to try this. (If you take the attitude that "this is not what I signed up for", that is up to you). I would like to encourage you to participate as it seems to help keep us on track and thinking about our goals on a daily basis and it's encouraging to see other's successes and struggles so that we realize that we are not alone!!

    The Daily Posts Challenge is based on another challenge on MFP called UAC (ultimate accountability challenge). The way UAC works is that the aim is to follow 5 basic rules.

    #1. Track EVERYTHING you eat that has calories on MFP.
    #2. Stay inside your allocated daily budget.
    #3. Try to do at least 20 minutes of activity a day (anything: walk, run, cycle, swim, gardening, housework, yoga, gym, etc.. As long as it gets you active and off the couch)
    #4. 1 pass day permitted per week (went over calories, could not track, not enough exercise, intentional pass)
    #5. Check in daily (tracking yes/no, calories yes/no, exercise yes/no).

    ****End of the week. those who have managed to keep to plan for 6 out of 7 days are recognised in the thread as being part of the weekly "winners circle".

    You set your own daily budget.
    You choose you own exercise and intensity (no step limit, no exercises you cannot or should not do, 20 mins of gardening counts as much as a 10mile run).
    Is not weight based (as weight fluctuates day by day).
    Can continue beyond weight loss.

    Daily check in keeps you in touch with those doing similar. Longer term weight management is hard to do on your own.

    It also has frequent resets (as in a circle each week).

    It works on an honor system. Being honest with yourself and others is a key to making things work. Remember, this is a judgement free zone, everyone has good days and bad days, but the way to get to the finish line is by being honest and when we have a bad day, picking ourselves up and carrying on the next day!

    Consistency and new habits have been shown the only long term successful way to change weight. We all want the progress made here to last a lifetime.

    My commitment to this group is to post my daily results for this accountability tracking (and help out where I can).

    Which should look like this:
    Daily Post
    (Tell us a brief description about your day or goals)
    Track: Yes/no
    Calories: Yes/no (were you under)
    Exercise: Yes/no (what type and how long)
    Water Intake: how many ounces? (optional--but good to help keep track)

    The Question of the Week Challenge is a fun participation booster and I'll be using it sometimes just as fun and sometimes it can help to foster new ideas for others as we all are different and have different experiences so sharing ideas can help someone else with motivation of freshening up their routine even!!

    Please post your weight on your weigh day as scheduled, as if you miss weigh-ins, you may be eliminated from the challenge and we don't want to see that happen!! Your post should look like this:

    Week: December Week 1
    PW =(previous weight)
    CW=(current weight)
    Just type PW & CW if it's easier, you could keep a note on your PC desktop to make it easier to copy and paste from week to week.

    This is my first month leading the team and I'd like to help us be as successful as possible and if I can help in any way, please let me know. Also, if you have any suggestions for the team or fun ideas to spice things up a bit, please feel free to share them!!

    Welcome to January and let's make things happen this month together!!

    Your Captain,
    Ashley (@AB0215)
  • swopen
    swopen Posts: 165 Member
    Not sure if I should still post these in December, but I've already done my week 5 weigh-in, so I'm looking forward to January :)

    Daily Post
    : December was a terrible month for me, weight/motivation-wise. I stopped tracking food, I stopped being mindful of food, I stopped trying to get 10k steps each day. I gained weight, a lot for a month. The reasons are many, but the major stressors were: 1- dealing with roof replacement, 2- work drama/possible promotion, and 3- being out of routine for the holidays. I did one thing to help myself and that was to start the Couch to 5K (C25K) program. I am proud to say I have not missed or cut short a single run. I have told myself I'll get back to food and other exercise once my routine can return after the holidays. The roof is finished, I did get a promotion (though it was somewhat bittersweet and there will always be work drama), and the routine will return next week. So, I am starting to get back. Trying to get back to the daily posts and tracking, then 10k steps, then eating within calories. Starting NOW so January will kick butt! I have a 90 day workout DVD set that I got myself for Christmas. I'm really excited to do that in conjunction with the C25K program. So, long post, but I'm done with the excuses and pulling myself out of this rut!
    Track: No
    Calories: No idea, but probably not
    Exercise: Yes - C25K W4D2 run + 10k steps
  • jennfalzon1979
    jennfalzon1979 Posts: 290 Member
    Bring on January!!! Hoping to get under 200lbs by the end of the month.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Bring on January!!! Hoping to get under 200lbs by the end of the month.

    You can do it, just keep plugging along!! You're almost there too!

    I did that at the end of October and I was soooo happy. I can't tell you how many years it's been since I have been that low. Now I can't wait to get to 175...when I get there I will weigh what my driver's license says I weigh....and that will be nice..not sure how many years I have been lying about that either, telling myself that I will get back down there...
  • GloriaE2016
    GloriaE2016 Posts: 64 Member
    Hey everyone, I apologize I forgot to weigh in last week. On Wed my 3 year old, autistic, non verbal son was left on the bus for almost 5 hrs in the cold by himself. The rest of my week was filled with phone calls, meetings, and interviews. I am so sry but in the shock and anger of it all I completely forgot! Having said that I will drop out for the remainder of Dec but if at all possible I would love to come back in January. Please let me know if I can!
  • helen79uk
    helen79uk Posts: 62 Member
    Hi everyone, giving MFP another try, but this time getting involved in the community pages. Just been added to The Slimsons for January. Let's see where this takes me. :)
  • mexiconona
    mexiconona Posts: 394 Member
    Hello to all the Slimsons and Happy New Slimmer Year! I have gained over the holidays. I love chocolate, cookies, nuts, fudge and it has been a disaster for me because We are visiting our daughter, husband and 4 of our grandchildren. They love to bake! So My resolve will come from you, my team Slimsons and my new year resolutions for will power! It is nice to know we can be responsible to a team.
  • swopen
    swopen Posts: 165 Member
    Daily Post: Had a pretty good day. I ducked out of work early and had some me time. Didn't do great on food, but I did track everything!
    Track: Yes
    Calories: No
    Exercise: No
  • helen79uk
    helen79uk Posts: 62 Member
    Daily Post
    Well my back has gone, not helped by having to lug a mahogany antique chair down the stairs. They are so heavy! Had my bloods done before Christmas as hadn't had a check up in years (moved around so never got round to it) and my GP called me this morning to say I have anaemia, which explains A LOT. This evening I will be going to a family event and will not be sticking to my calorie goal. I will be having several pints of lager :D

    Track Yes
    Calories No
    Exercise Yes
  • Calli1616
    Calli1616 Posts: 1,920 Member
    Hi everyone. I’m new to this challenge, but have done other challenges in the past. Looking forward to the new year and new motivation!
  • swopen
    swopen Posts: 165 Member
    Daily Post: I'm really getting used to this whole leaving work early thing. It was a great day!
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes - C25K W4D3, 46 min walk
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    @helen79uk Glad you're giving this another try, I think it's helpful to bring friends along for the journey and especially ones with like goals, so welcome to the team and I hope you find it helpful!!

    @mexiconona Welcome to the team!! I hope that having some friends and accountability helps you too!!

    @swopen Welcome to January!! And sometimes, just tracking your food is a great start, because that's a place where I'm struggling lately!!

    @gemwolf110 Congratulations on your upcoming Wedding!! I hope you make your goal and I hope we can help you get there...

    @Calli1616 Hi and welcome to the team!! We foster a judgement free support program and like to see daily/weekly participation so that your goals stay fresh in your mind and help you and us to stay motivated!

    Feel free to post your dailies here, but a side note that January officially starts on Sunday. But definitely keep the introductions coming! It's fun to meet new people and learn a bit about them as we are all on this journey together. Let's make January our best month yet!!
  • mexiconona
    mexiconona Posts: 394 Member
    edited December 2017
    First day:
    Track: yes
    Calories: no
    Exercise: yes
    By Sunday the first week I start, hopefully, I will say calories, yes. Too much candy around and a weak me.
  • jirish101
    jirish101 Posts: 18 Member
    After taking December off I have decided to come back and give it another go. I haven't counted, tracked or weighed anything since mid November and I'm proud of myself for only gaining about 2.5lbs.

  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    jirish101 wrote: »
    After taking December off I have decided to come back and give it another go. I haven't counted, tracked or weighed anything since mid November and I'm proud of myself for only gaining about 2.5lbs.

    That is good to have only gained 2.5 lbs, when I don't track, I gain 2.5 lbs a congrats!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    mexiconona wrote: »
    First day:
    Track: yes
    Calories: no
    Exercise: yes
    By Sunday the first week I start, hopefully, I will say calories, yes. Too much candy around and a weak me.

    Gotta start somewhere!!
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    helen79uk wrote: »
    Hi everyone, giving MFP another try, but this time getting involved in the community pages. Just been added to The Slimsons for January. Let's see where this takes me. :)

    Me too!
    I’ve just returned to MFP as tracking (carbs not calories- works best for me) keeps me accountable. I lost more than a stone earlier in the year but put it back on since September- work related stress
  • mexiconona
    mexiconona Posts: 394 Member
    calories:no. Only 15 over! H
  • mexiconona
    mexiconona Posts: 394 Member
    I am doing OMAD or Intermittent fasting and then doing KETO for my meal. I am having a KETO coffee and realize I had to raise my calories from 1200 to 1500 or I would have to give up my Keto coffee so I did that today.

  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    mexiconona wrote: »
    I am doing OMAD or Intermittent fasting and then doing KETO for my meal. I am having a KETO coffee and realize I had to raise my calories from 1200 to 1500 or I would have to give up my Keto coffee so I did that today.

    Honestly, I never really got into the whole Bulletproof coffee thing as much as I love Keto, however, just putting 1 tbsp butter in my coffee (and I don't drink coffee that often) is so good, the salt and cream of the butter takes the bitterness out of the's a lower calorie option as 1 tbsp of butter is only 100 calories...but it's not for everyone..
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