TEAM: The Slimsons (January)



  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Hi Team Slimsons! I'm excited to join for this month. I do have some questions (@craigo3154), so hopefully y'all can help me with those too!

    My goal for January is 10 pounds. I don't want to be unrealistic, considering I'm a 42 year old female, and losing weight may be difficult. But my weight today was 202.4 pounds. I think that going back to exercising and tracking my food will make a huge difference.

    Can someone walk me through how this works? I heard there were spreadsheets, etc. - but searching through all these messages in the thread isn't getting me an answer.

    My motivation is to go back to obstacle course racing and start running again. I think I can do it this time and you guys will be here to help me! I want to be fit in my 40s - not fat. I don't know where I lost the determination, but I have it back, big time.

    Also, I want to do everything I can to make a last-ditch effort at fertility treatment. Losing weight is the only way to do that.

    Thanks all! I appreciate the help.

    Hi and Welcome to the team!!! We are here to help you in any way that we can and if you have specific questions, ask away, or if you'd feel more comfortable, feel free to send me a message.

    Here's the link to the Biggest Loser page, it has some old discussions, links to the spreadsheet. As a member of the team, you don't have read-only access to the spreadsheet, you will post your weight in this page and I will update the spreadsheet, but you are welcome to look at the sheet at any time!! This page also shows past winners and past challenges.
    Biggest Loser Challenge

    Here's a link specifically to the January spreadsheet.
    January Spreadsheet

    I think your goal is realistic if you take the action necessary to work towards it. I think that tracking your food is probably the most beneficial thing you can do to work towards your goal. I've learned that diet is the most important part of your diet and exercise program. I might suggest that you look in to strength training as well as cardio for your exercise program as there are many many benefits beyond just adding strength (and no, you won't "bulk" up!).

    Please reach out to me, or post in this thread if you need ANYTHING!!! We are a team and we are here to support you on your journey!!

    Once again, welcome to the team and I know you will reach your goals!!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    @mjohemme Great goals for the new year! Looking forward to seeing your progress over the month!!

    @gjaholy33 Great progress!! That is definitely a step in the right direction!! Happy to see you out and about and EXERCISING!! And don't worry, your voice will be back before you know it!!

    @143tobe Hi Lisa and welcome! This challenge runs monthly and participants are automatically rolled over to the next month when they complete the current month (i.e. if all the required weekly weigh ins are posted). The challenge weeks run Sunday through Saturday--meaning this week would start on Dec 31st, so what that means for your weigh in is--you will post your weight on your weigh in day--which in your case is Monday--or yesterday--so go ahead and post yesterday's (or today's if you don't have one for yesterday) weight in here with this format:

    Weigh in:
    Weigh in week:
    Weigh in day:
    Previous Week's Weight:
    Current Weight:

    And let me know if you have any more questions.

    @tinak33 Your January starting weight is the weight you posted last week so your January Week 1 weight will be what you post on Thursday. Great to see you again this month (and year)!!
  • 143tobe
    143tobe Posts: 620 Member
    Weigh in:
    Weigh in week: 1
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Week's Weight:170.6
    Current Weight:171

    Okay, thanks @AB0215 . I didn't weigh myself yesterday due to the holiday confusion but this is my weight today. A slight gain, I lost my self contol the last 3 days of the year but I'll pick up the slack this week :wink:
  • MLL0319
    MLL0319 Posts: 109 Member
    edited January 2018
    Hi Team. My name is Michelle and I have participated in challenges before. They help me to stay motivated and stay on track. I have struggled with my weight my whole life. About 5 years ago I started mfp and lost 30 pounds. I tend to fall of the track here and there. I want to stay consistent.
    My weigh in day is Monday. I forgot to post yesterday. My weight was 153.
    I will post my daily post this evening.
  • GloriaE2016
    GloriaE2016 Posts: 64 Member
    edited January 2018
    So is this where we post our weekly weigh in? Sry I'm a little confused, if so here is mine! Also I apologize it's late, with new years day yesterday I totally forgot!

    Username: GloriaE2016
    Previous weight: 164.5
    Current weight: 164
  • goodreadsgal
    goodreadsgal Posts: 248 Member
    Weigh in:
    Weigh in week: 1
    Weigh in day: Tuesday
    Previous Week's Weight:245
    Current Weight: 243
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    @MLL0319 Hi Michelle and welcome!! Glad you're here and I hope this team can help you with consistency as that's key to any lasting plan!

    @GloriaE2016 You are in the right place!! And great start to the New Year!!
  • ssssanaaaa
    ssssanaaaa Posts: 567 Member
    Hi guys! I'm Sana- I'm 22 years old and a college student (school starting back up again tomorrow ahh!) I've been overweight ever since a little before middle school and I've wanted to lose it ever since then but never really put in the work. I'm tired of feeling sorry for myself and have already lost 12 pounds since my highest weight! I really like challenges like this because it helps me hold myself accountable. I didn't track very well yesterday so the rest of the week is going to be tracking everything I eat! I try to do a low carb diet since it helps me feel fuller. My goal is to get to below 190 by the end of January (I'm 197 currently) and work out almost every day even if it's something simple like a 20 minute jog. I will do a daily post at night when I'm done logging for the day. I'm excited for us to get to our goals together! Good luck!

  • sarahann104
    sarahann104 Posts: 90 Member
    Good Morning everyone:)
    Welcome to all the new members :) You've come to a great and really supportive group and challenge:)
    Yesterday reminded me that I have to be a little more mindful as I am eating during the day if I want a treat after dinner lol. I am aiming to to have 300 - 400 cal over at the end of each day.
    Although I really needed the extra sandwich after my run at the gym, It was so hot and I was late going because my son's dad forgot he was picking him up (he is a little stressed right now so I wasn't mad about it). I went to the gym at lunchtime and by then it was aldready 34c here. Today is rest day. My legs forgot how much they hate running lo
  • ssssanaaaa
    ssssanaaaa Posts: 567 Member
    Weigh in:
    My weigh in day is Monday but I couldn't weigh in yesterday! Will set an alarm from now on though to remind myself!

    Weigh in week: 1
    Weigh in day: Monday morning (but had to weigh myself today on Tuesday this time)
    Previous Week's Weight:198
    Current Weight: 197.0 (yay! not much but in the right direction!)
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    @ssssanaaaa Hi Sana and Welcome!! I think you've got a great goal and a great start to achieving it!

    @sarahann104 Well, a workout is still a workout, late or otherwise! I too will be spending time in the gym...but for the opposite reasons---it's below 0 (f) here and that's a bit too cold to run around outside!
  • saladhead123
    saladhead123 Posts: 31 Member
    Weigh in:225
    Weigh in week:1
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Week's Weight:225
    Current Weight:225

    Day 1

    A great first day! So excited for this challenge!! :smiley:
  • hwara37
    hwara37 Posts: 15 Member
    Daily Post
    Crazy day - worked 13 hours and don't sleep well.
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes - under!
    Exercise: Yes - walking 40 minutes
    Water Intake: 0 I am horrible I know!

    I missed yesterday's weigh in

    Week: January Week 1
    PW =247
  • MLL0319
    MLL0319 Posts: 109 Member
    Weigh in: 153
    Username: mll0319
    Weigh in week:1
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Week's Weight: 153
    Current Weight: 153

    Day 1
    calories: yes
    exercise: yes. 20 min walk on treadmill

  • carolmonson
    carolmonson Posts: 16 Member
    Hi. This is my very first challenge . Im a mum to 4 living in Cairns Australia. We are at the start of a super hot summer here (at the moment its 36 geg/97f ) so im finding exercise really tough. A few days ago one of my walking buddies (my staffy) died from the heat so im extra cautious about taking my remaining dog out. So today I did a quick weights work out while it was not as hot and hop to do some step and hula hooping on the wii fit plus later. I don't really have a goal atm but am aiming to loose a lb a week. Look forward to supporting you all and seeing some results.

    User name: carolmonson
    Weigh in day : monday
    Current weight:107.1 kg (236lb)
  • jennfalzon1979
    jennfalzon1979 Posts: 290 Member
    Daily Post Tuesday

    Track?: yes’m
    Calories: under (barely). Damn those chips and dip
    Exercise: 20mins treadmill and an hour weight lifting
    Water: 88 ounces

    Here’s to a better eating day tomorrow plus kickboxing!
  • JJKM02
    JJKM02 Posts: 250 Member
    Daily Post - Tuesday

    Track - Yep!
    Calories - significantly under
    Exercise - 1 hour of aqua aerobics
    Water - 65 oz

    Back to the pool tomorrow...twice!!
  • sentra99
    sentra99 Posts: 9 Member
    Username: sentra99
    Weigh in week:1
    Weigh in day: Tuesday
    Previous Week's Weight: 206.6
    Current Weight: 208.3
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Hi. This is my very first challenge . Im a mum to 4 living in Cairns Australia. We are at the start of a super hot summer here (at the moment its 36 geg/97f ) so im finding exercise really tough. A few days ago one of my walking buddies (my staffy) died from the heat so im extra cautious about taking my remaining dog out. So today I did a quick weights work out while it was not as hot and hop to do some step and hula hooping on the wii fit plus later. I don't really have a goal atm but am aiming to loose a lb a week. Look forward to supporting you all and seeing some results.

    User name: carolmonson
    Weigh in day : monday
    Current weight:107.1 kg (236lb)

    Hi and welcome!!
    So sorry to hear about your dog, that's just terrible! :'( Please be careful in the heat!!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    @jennfalzon1979 Great workout! and great job staying under, even with the chips!!

    @JJKM02 Great day and great workout!

    You guys are rocking it!!

    I hope to join you guys soon, but as of now, I'm still on DR's orders for no lower body exercise...Thursday, I might find out if I am able to get back to my regular routine, but for now, I'm just doing some light walks, and some intense upper body workouts.
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