TEAM: The Slimsons (January)



  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Daily Post (Wednesday)
    Goals: 30 mins weight training--arms and legs :)
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes--30 mins
    Water Intake: 2 ltrs
  • Calli1616
    Calli1616 Posts: 1,922 Member
    Wednesday Check-In

    Tracked food/drink - yes
    Calories - yes
    Exercise - yes, yoga and some calisthenics (although I put it off until day end and really did not want to do it. As always, felt so much better once I did do the workout. You'd think I would learn!)
  • carolmonson
    carolmonson Posts: 16 Member
    Daily Post (Thursday )

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: have just started Jamie Eason's 30 day knockout total body workout. Today was upper body
    Water Intake: 3 ltrs.
  • heatherbombard
    heatherbombard Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all! Thank you for the kind words of encouragement! Things are going well so far! I’ve logged and tracked my weight every day and my weigh in fat was yesterday. (I think I chose Wednesdays)

    Weight yesterday: 201.0

    Hope all of you stuck at home in the northeast today stick to your guns and resist the urge to eat your cabin fever today. I plan on burning off some calories shoveling!
  • heatherbombard
    heatherbombard Posts: 3 Member
    I lied! My original info is below. So today is my weigh-in day!!

    Username: heatherbombard
    Weigh in day: Thursday (12/28)
    Weight: 203.4
  • 143tobe
    143tobe Posts: 620 Member
    Hi everyone! Let me give a proper intro. I'm Lisa from California originally but have been living in Germany the past 9 years. I'm 5'4" and when I lived in California, my weight fluctuated a bit, but in general I was averaging 163 lbs, so overweight, but it seems to be where my body was comfortable at. I was active and ate a mostly (but not strictly) a vegetarian diet. I never tracked calories and definitely had a sweet tooth. After moving to Germany (while 7 months pregnant) I became very depressed and basically baked constantly to comfort myself. The food was not what I was used to, at the time they had very little vegetarian options in my town, and the towns people were not friendly so I mainly stayed inside all day. Previously, I was an avid hiker, but there are no mountains where I am and just plain flat walking is tortuously boring for me. So after I gave birth, I gained even MORE weight. I felt so unhealthy I was always afraid I was going to have a heart attack. One year my brother in law did...have a heart attack. So I decided that it was time to really get serious about my health. I joined MFP (maybe 2 or 3 years ago?) and had gone from a high weight of about 218 to 153. I was only 10 lbs from my goal weight when I had to stop running due to hip issues (previously I had been doing half marathons), and with the loss of my running and strict regular schedule, I totally lost my motivation to track my food at that time. My hips would not let me even walk without limping. I gained weight, but joined a gym where I was able to to certain workouts that didn't bother my hip. At that time I was somewhere between 170 and 180. So I went religiously for 6 months but my weight never really changed beyond these 10 lbs because I still had no motivation to track or restrict calories. I was happy enough with my gym performances and feeling great. June last year, I went to Kazakhstan for a week on vacation, and that was all it took. I came back and never got back to my gym program. So from July - October I went up to about 191. (from my low of 153 the previous June) Fed up, I started doing Keto since I've always liked restarting a diet with strict rules. I figured I would ease back into a normal standard calorie restricted diet but to my surprise, I am loving Keto and I eat pretty darn healthy on it. So from November until now I have gone from 191-171. Back on my way down, yay!! So I'm joining The Biggest Loser Challenge because I want to reach my goal weight this time, and since I am going to Kazakhstan again this Spring, I want to meet people who will help keep me accountable when I come back!!

    For now, I am not doing the daily challenge. I am not tracking my calories this week because I eat basically the same things from week to week so I need a mental break from running to my laptop to track everything. I know I am eating under my calories so for now, it's enough for me. I do have a goal of a 20 minute bike ride for days I don't do any other kind of workout. At the very least, I will walk my dog on the days it's raining (no worries, the dog will still get walked but by my husband). I was just at my gym today and I signed up for a few claseses this upcoming week. Unfortunately I dislocated my shoulder about 6 weeks ago so I am not sure how well I will do in some classes and activities, but I'll figure it out. In any case, I am pumped and ready to rock this challenge! I do step on the scale daily, so I am pretty sure I will have a good result this upcoming Monday. :wink: Sorry for the long intro! Just wanted to do it properly! I look forward to getting to know everyone!
  • DanishFeta
    DanishFeta Posts: 61 Member
    This weeks Question of the Week is:
    Did you make a New Year's Resolutions and if you did, what was it?

    To stop giving up on myself. I know times get tough and we can get upset, give up and quit but i make the habit of giving up for months at a time when things get bad and I end up back where i started and it's a cycle i need to break if i want to improve my health and my life. I have issues I need to fix and this year I'd like to take baby steps to learn how to be happier with myself and hopefully one day I will be.

    I have so many mini goals I want to achieve and this year I WILL achieve them. I don't want to give up on myself. I don't want to be sick. I've hit my first bump in my weight loss this year and it's that I've gained 7lbs in a few days. I know it's probably a mix of TOM and water weight. So i'm not going to give up, I'm not going to call it quits and go back to drinking a whole bottle of vodka in a night, nope, not anymore. I'm going to keep going, I need to do this and I know deep down i can.

    This group has been a large part of my weight loss and motivation so far. If i didn't find this group, I probably would have quit many weeks back but I've had so much help and support. I've been motivated by seeing everyone so determined and motivated. I've watched some of you set goals, struggle, succeed and that helps me. It's inspirational and I hope we can all reach some amazing goals together this year =).

    Thank you all for your awesome support and motivation. Let's own 2018.

  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    @143tobe I started running a few months ago and it bothered my hip too, but as of right now, I'm being treated for it and after 4 weeks, I've finally been released to get back into my whole gym routine. I also do keto and I can't believe how much it's changed how I feel and my entire relationship with food. I don't have cravings like I used to, don't experience low blood sugar anymore, don't have crashes, don't get "hangry"...and I am 31 now and have more energy than when I was 21...and the longer I do keto, the better these things get, your body will get more and more efficient at using the fat for fuel and since it's more energy dense, your energy output is higher than when on a traditional glucose diet. I commend you for restarting once again and taking a stand for your health, you will get there and you're well on your way!!

    @DanishFeta There will be bumps and snags along the way, but it's what you do next that really counts. You DO matter and sometimes it helps to make yourself a priority and schedule time for yourself...and you can use that time to unwind...think about your goals and how you will get there...what you're going to eat next...those kinds of things. I give myself 15-30 minutes a day for myself--because I'm important too, something that took me 31 years to figure out. I do also think it helps to spend time on here with you guys because we all struggle at times, and we all have successes and it's reassuring to see that I'm not alone!! Great job so far and let's make 2018 even better!!
  • mjohemme
    mjohemme Posts: 356 Member
    Daily Post (Thursday)
    I went to a weight loss surgery seminar yesterday. It was suggested by my doctor, but I'm not sure that this is what I want to do. I am still uncertain, but think I will put it off until summer and see what I can accomplish before then. Your thoughts, all?

    Wednesday (I do these in the morning, so my info is for yesterday)
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes
  • tfs27
    tfs27 Posts: 18 Member
    Hello all
    My name is Todd (tfs27) I'm from NJ, I started my weight loss program in June of 2016 I lost 100lbs as soon November 2017. The last 15 lb were a struggle. I have maintained but still need to lose more.. I was active in this group last year but stopped and felt I was missing out and I like the idea of the weekly weigh in...
    Track my food yes calorie count
    Track my exercise yes . Fitbit. Weights CrossFit and a aerobic activity (varies). Sometimes yoga..
    Starting weight 288...
    Friday weigh ins

    Good luck every one..... One ounce at a time....
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member

    Username: tinak33
    Weigh in week: 1
    Weigh in day: Thursday
    Previous Week's Weight:179.0
    Current Weight: 181.2 :(

    It's the cookies. I don't want to walk away from them. So I keep indulging. Once they are gone, it will be easier. But for now... I don't even seem to care that I am gaining everything I lost in December.
    It won't last long. I know that. I have my goals. Just taking a break from the "not indulging".

  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    mjohemme wrote: »
    Daily Post (Thursday)
    I went to a weight loss surgery seminar yesterday. It was suggested by my doctor, but I'm not sure that this is what I want to do. I am still uncertain, but think I will put it off until summer and see what I can accomplish before then. Your thoughts, all?

    Honestly, I think that having the information is important, but ultimately, it's your life and your decision. Me personally, I decided to explore all possibilities and all "diets" before I went down that route and I am glad that I did that. I started with a personal trainer thinking that if I learned more about the body, I would be better armed to help myself lose the weight. She told me about different diet plans and different ways of getting to my goal and ultimately she told me about the Ketogenic Diet...which I blew off for months, maybe more like 18 months...before I started looking into it and I'm glad I did. I would encourage you to look into ALL of your options as well and give yourself time to see if any of the other options will work before going down that route, but ultimately, you need to take care of you and at the end of the day, that's what is most important.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    tfs27 wrote: »
    Hello all
    My name is Todd (tfs27) I'm from NJ, I started my weight loss program in June of 2016 I lost 100lbs as soon November 2017. The last 15 lb were a struggle. I have maintained but still need to lose more.. I was active in this group last year but stopped and felt I was missing out and I like the idea of the weekly weigh in...
    Track my food yes calorie count
    Track my exercise yes . Fitbit. Weights CrossFit and a aerobic activity (varies). Sometimes yoga..
    Starting weight 288...
    Friday weigh ins

    Good luck every one..... One ounce at a time....

    Hi Todd and welcome to the team!! I hope we can help you reach your goals!! Weekly weigh ins help keep accountability so they can be super helpful. :)
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    @tinak33 I think that most of us had the cookie problem lately...just saying :D
  • ssssanaaaa
    ssssanaaaa Posts: 567 Member
    Daily Post: Wednesday

    -Track?: Yes
    -Calories: No. I went above my calorie limit but I am going to make up for it today.
    -Exercise: No, unless you count walking to class and studying exercise (I don't).
    -Water: 6 cups

    (Posting this Thursday morning) Yesterday wasn't such a good day for me in terms of keeping under my calories but I am very determined to keep it under my calorie limit today AND exercise so today will definitely be better and make up for yesterday. For some reason everyone kept feeding me stuff. I have to stop giving in and say no to food if it's outside what I need to eat. On the bright side, I am on top of my studying and have already finished my reading notes for my physics lecture tomorrow! Goals for today that should be met tomorrow is staying under my caloric limit, exercising and studying for organic chemistry.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    ssssanaaaa wrote: »
    Daily Post: Wednesday

    -Track?: Yes
    -Calories: No. I went above my calorie limit but I am going to make up for it today.
    -Exercise: No, unless you count walking to class and studying exercise (I don't).
    -Water: 6 cups

    (Posting this Thursday morning) Yesterday wasn't such a good day for me in terms of keeping under my calories but I am very determined to keep it under my calorie limit today AND exercise so today will definitely be better and make up for yesterday. For some reason everyone kept feeding me stuff. I have to stop giving in and say no to food if it's outside what I need to eat. On the bright side, I am on top of my studying and have already finished my reading notes for my physics lecture tomorrow! Goals for today that should be met tomorrow is staying under my caloric limit, exercising and studying for organic chemistry.

    Honestly, I think that SOME activity is still better than NO activity!!
  • reddwarf63
    reddwarf63 Posts: 24 Member

    weigh in day : wed
    weigh in week 1
    CW: 102.3kg
    GW: 82.5kg

    Have started an exercise program, currently doing between 60-75 mins of cardio a day, mostly bike and RPM.

    Looking to start a resistance program, once i drop below 100kg or once the weight is only coming off at 100s of grams at a time.

    Currently reside in Australia, hence the metric kg and not the imperial pounds.

    Hope everyone had a great NY and wishing everyone , all the best for this challenge
  • ssssanaaaa
    ssssanaaaa Posts: 567 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »

    Honestly, I think that SOME activity is still better than NO activity!!

    True! Lol thank you for making me feel better :smiley:
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Daily Post (Thursday)
    Day: 20 mins elliptical, it's been a while since I've done lower body activity, per drs orders and man am I feeling it right now!
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Nope, not today, was a hungry girl...
    Exercise: Yes--20 mins elliptical
    Water Intake: 2 ltrs
  • jennfalzon1979
    jennfalzon1979 Posts: 290 Member
    Daily post. Thursday
    Track. Yes
    Calories. Under
    Exercise. Weight lifting
    Water. 72 ounces
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