TEAM: Gutbusters (January)



  • cat_gray78
    cat_gray78 Posts: 41 Member
    edited January 2018
    I’ve had yet another gain, I’ve toyed with idea of coming off Group as have had such a bad December and not lost anything however my heads in the game and I’ve rejoined slimming world online (is that ok to be on here whilst on that plan?)
    Weigh day Mon
    Previous - 219
    Current - 221

    Exercise - yes. Have signed up to RED January (run every day) so did 2.5 miles then had about an hour walk in afternoon. Not back considering the alcohol I drank for New Year !!
  • szodyraa
    szodyraa Posts: 60 Member
    Username: szodyraa
    Weigh in Week: January Week 1
    Weigh in Day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 225.5
    Current Weight: 224.4
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    January 1
    Exercised?: Yes. 6km in 46 mins (hills)
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Happy New Year.

    Early walk. Visited friend for dinner this evening. Great start to the new year.

    Daily Strength challenge

    Challenge for January 01 is door frame rows ()

    3 sets
    • First set till the point where you can do no more, wait 2 mins
    • Second set of 50% of the number you did in the first set (half)
    • Third set

    The reason for this exercise is push ups and dips work primarily the triceps (pushing). This exercise balances the others by working the biceps (pulling).
  • GoBlue1981
    GoBlue1981 Posts: 358 Member
    Oops missed @bambi2578 Happy weigh-in day to you as well! Welcome to 2018 :)

    Happy New Year everyone, I can’t wait to get back home tomorrow and get back into a normal routine. I haven’t been home since 12/16 and it’s been too long!

    Hope everyone is ready for a great month!
  • MoyMG
    MoyMG Posts: 312 Member
    Jan 1st!

    Exercise: yep, walk plus door rows
    Tracking: everything
    Calories: yep, finished the day just under my limit, eating ZERO exercise calories, whoot!!
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,254 Member
    Hello Everyone!
    I am Phoebe and new to this challenge group, but not new to challenges. I was on a Biggest Loser Challenge team last Spring and it was a great experience. I reached my goal weight.... not for the first time. I just never stay there. Uhg. So, here I am again, and I am going to lose 20 pounds and then I am going to learn how to do maintenance! For real. I love the New Year, it is a great time to start afresh, keeping the good things I learned from the past year, and moving on from the not so good.

    About me: I am 49 years old, happily married, mom of two teen boys, have a career, love to work out when I am not railroaded by injuries. I am all about giving and getting support, and being accountable. That is the only way I have found to be successful.

    Jan 1
    Exercise: yes, and did the door rows without pulling down my doorframe
    Tracking: yes
    Calories: yes, I am totally on it!

    Let's Go Team Gutbusters!!!
  • fe452436
    fe452436 Posts: 255 Member
    January 1st
    Exercise:Yes(20 minutes)
    Calories:Above limit

    I observed fast today.I was pretty active all day.
  • cardio_enthusiast
    cardio_enthusiast Posts: 639 Member

    Exercise: yes, over 2 hours of power walking with my neighbour. It was a brisk pace and a gorgeous chilly, but clear day.

    Calories: yes, within my limit

    Tracking: yes, everything
  • MoyMG
    MoyMG Posts: 312 Member
    @cardio_enthusiast , pics are gorgeous! Where?
  • tropico1978
    tropico1978 Posts: 124 Member
    edited January 2018
    Hello guys! I am so happy to be back again, and once again join the Team Gutbusters. November and December has been bad months for me, with no exercise and no healthy food. So I gained about 10 lbs.

    But I am back and 2018 will be my year! I am turning 40, I want this to be my new start, and beginning of an amazing journey!

    I live in Norway, married and have two kids 4 and 6 years old. I have struggeled with my weight for years, but I hope I will finally get rid of it all this year.
  • slofitness1978
    slofitness1978 Posts: 91 Member
    Jan 1st

    Exercise - No
    Calories - Yes
    Tracking - Yes

    Weight from yesterday - 157lbs
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    January 2
    Exercised?: Yes. 6km in 46 mins (hills)
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Managed to get wife out for a walk today. Only 1km in the forest (at her pace), but it is a good re-start. She has been most sedentary for too long.

    My walk was it's normal pace (quick).

    Daily Strength challenge

    Challenge for January 02 is side lunges ()

    3 sets
    • First set 10 or 15 each leg (if 10 is too easy continue to 15).
    • Second set 6 or 9 each leg.
    • Third set 5 or 8 each leg.
  • Asturiah
    Asturiah Posts: 42 Member
    January 2
    Exercised?: Yes. Walked for around 1h30
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Hello 2018! Ready to go again and make the excess of Christmas Eve and New year's eve go away !
  • GoBlue1981
    GoBlue1981 Posts: 358 Member
    Happy weigh-in day to @hawkins410 and @jamiewilldo !
  • GoBlue1981
    GoBlue1981 Posts: 358 Member
    Welcome back @tropico1978 , hope you’re feeling better and recovering @mollymom07
  • cardio_enthusiast
    cardio_enthusiast Posts: 639 Member
    @MoyMG, it’s Lake Washington in the Seattle area:-)
  • tropico1978
    tropico1978 Posts: 124 Member
    Thank you @GoBlue1981 really happy to be back on this team, and I am very motivated!!!
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