January 2018 Move Your @$$ Challenge



  • Lovemyalex
    Lovemyalex Posts: 3,837 Member
    29.05 miles
    471.53 miles MTD
  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,463 Member
    edited January 2018
    01/15 - 01.0 walk at the river
    01/16 - 01.0 walk at the river
    01/16 - 23.0 miles turbo trainer
    01/17 - 23.0 miles turbo trainer
    01/18 - 23.0 miles turbo trainer
    01/19 - 23.0 miles turbo trainer
    01/20 - 23.0 miles turbo trainer

    Total: 396.0 miles

  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Wow...this challenge is going strong! My sister was in the hospital this week, so my life has been very hectic. she's home now and doing better, but I completely lost track. I feel so bad about getting off track and not being of much support to you all lately, but I will do better. I am on a 4-day vacation next week/weekend, so things may be a little lax then...not sure what the Wifi situation will be like. Keep up the good work! I will restart the challenge in February.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    clepant wrote: »
    Jan. 20: Added 14 miles of walking 5 miles, running 4 miles and xbike for 5 miles
    TTD: 227.5 miles


    Well, I did it. Down to the wire, but I turned in my retirement letter this week. Seems a bit surreal. But now the paper work begins. A couple teachers and secretary tried to talk me out of it. At least they made me feel wanted.

    Ohhhh they are gonna miss you BIG time! You can't find work ethic like what we were taught!! I only know you from this group but I can say I don't think you can be replaced!!! I feel sorry for their loss but I'm excited for your retirement!!

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,389 Member
    01/20 - 7.78 steps


    Hope everyone has a great Sunday!

  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,249 Member
    1/19 7.25 miles
    1/20 8 miles

    As of 1/20 148.50 miles of 200 miles

  • alyssa_a21
    alyssa_a21 Posts: 124 Member
    mtd: 60.78
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,334 Member
    I haven't posted a ticker in a while, but today seems like a good day for it as I made my meager (for me) goal of 45 miles. I just haven't been up for doing a lot of mileage the last couple of months and it has been a struggle for me. What I have really needed and enjoyed is to get back to doing more resistance training. I had been letting that slip by the wayside and my day to day wellness was really beginning to suffer. Routine tasks were just harder to do. But the good news is that is beginning to turn around and I'm feeling a little better. It won't be too much longer and I'll feel like adding the cardio/mileage back in.

    Of course I owe all of you a huge thank you for inspiring me to keep going. Without you, I likely would've given up so many times over the years. Thanks for always keeping me grounded....and moving :flowerforyou:

  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,155 Member
    edited January 2018
    @clepant - Congratulations!!! I'm jealous but so happy for you. I want to be done so much. Financial dude says I can retire at 62 (about to turn 54) and even go part time before that and not necessarily as a nurse, which gives me hope, especially since this new job isn't want I hoped it to be. Saw him yesterday and I'm still on track. And think how great it is that you're doing it and can enjoy your time since you're in great health.

    Adding 3.4 miles doing some walking, then testing out my PF with a 10 minute mile on the treadmill. Putting my foot on the floor tomorrow morning will be the test. Also did a yoga with weights class, which is harder than it sounds. Holding even five pound weights in some of those poses is harder than the same weight in a weight class. But it's fun, I just started going.

    26.5/35 Ticker never wants to update on this site, but it looks fine on it's own. Whatever.
  • Lovemyalex
    Lovemyalex Posts: 3,837 Member
    25.51 miles
    497.04 miles MTD

    **** congratulation on your retirement ....@clepant.... :)
  • JTH11706
    JTH11706 Posts: 2,941 Member
    edited January 2018

    See (but not edit) the
    spreadsheet here:


    Dave was trying to sneak past the goal line but we've caught him and have a big hooray! for him.

    And vhuber made it to the goal line as well! WOOT!

    @clepant - I'm sure filing the paperwork was hard to do, but you are going to love retirement! You will miss the kids but I know you are going to stay busy with all the projects you love to do. Let the countdown begin!

    @kar328 - It must be comforting to know you are on track financially. The last years before retirement are the hardest. Good news you stayed safe at home during the snowstorm!

    @lamlam2013 - glad your sister is better. We'll see you next month.

    I rode my bike into town to do errands today, which puts me at 87/75.
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    edited January 2018
    @clepant well done for taking the leap. I am 66+ and in NZ we can retire at 65, but there are things I do that have nobody trained to do eg chemotherapy! But I think they wont actually make an effort until I hand in my notice also! And @kar328 some part of why I stay is the financial side!!

    @darkrider42 Great you have stuck with it and about to make a comeback!

    20 Jan 5.7 miles Molly the dog stopped dead and I went down backwards. Sore shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip and knee. Nothing broken and at least it was the left side! Fallen 3 times on to the right!

    21 Jan 20.53 miles not the easiest as feeling sore. It was hot and humid!

    22 Jan 6.2 miles recovery run but felt really rough when I got home - so I am home sick today! Just giving my body a chance to feel better.

    MTD 186.68 miles

    On a high note that is my last long run till Buller gorge marathon on 10 Feb!!

  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    A fairly nice day. About 30* and very little wind so I walked outside for 3 miles then did 7 on the ex bike!

  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,463 Member
    lamlam2013 wrote: »
    Wow...this challenge is going strong! My sister was in the hospital this week, so my life has been very hectic. she's home now and doing better, but I completely lost track. I feel so bad about getting off track and not being of much support to you all lately, but I will do better. I am on a 4-day vacation next week/weekend, so things may be a little lax then...not sure what the Wifi situation will be like. Keep up the good work! I will restart the challenge in February.

    You should not feel bad one bit. We all get off track for one reason or another from time to time. We are here for you if you need us.
  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,463 Member
    01/15 - 01.0 walk at the river
    01/16 - 01.0 walk at the river
    01/16 - 23.0 miles turbo trainer
    01/17 - 23.0 miles turbo trainer
    01/18 - 23.0 miles turbo trainer
    01/19 - 23.0 miles turbo trainer
    01/20 - 23.0 miles turbo trainer
    01/21 - 23.0 miles turbo trainer

    Total: 419.0 miles


  • clepant
    clepant Posts: 3,393 Member
    edited January 2018
    Thanks to all of you who gave me some nice thoughts about retirement. I truly love what I do and most of all I will miss my kids. They keep me feeling young. I have lots of things I want to do too. @kar: Like you, I had to make sure all my ducks were in a row financially. I had a horrible advisor who I dumped last year and my new folks are fabulous. I was afraid they would tell me to stay another few years but they said that I am in good shape financially. I do have to say it seems like only yesterday I was where you are now. It went fast and so will your time. But I look to teaching some other classes outside of teaching, community service....training more faithfully, travel. I have this crazy desire to do the Ride the Rockies challenge but need to put in lots of training for it.
    @Dave: The last year was rough and dark for me. My running came to a halt and my knee pain worsened while my heel healed. I have faithfully been taking Tart Cherry Concentrate for a month and a half and I am not coming home in pain anymore. I feel like I am coming out of the tunnel so I am with you friend. We can get back at it together.
    @lamlam: Sorry about your sister, but glad she is doing better. Take care of you and her. That is what counts we know you will be back here cheering us on.
    @Lenz: I always love taper time. Must be a great feeling for you too. Makes one feel like you made it over that long climb. Now it will soon be race day....you and Janet so inspire me!
    Jan. 21:It was a balmy 40 today. Perfect for running and cleaning up my miles and walking 4.5 miles.
    TTD: 237 miles


  • power0304
    power0304 Posts: 293 Member
    January 1 - 7 km run / strength training
    January 2 - rest day
    January 3 - 18 km run / 10 km stairmarster
    January 4 - 10 km run
    January 5 - 16 km run / strength training
    January 6 - 16 km run
    January 7 - 5 km club run / 10 km walk
    January 8 - 8 km run / strength training
    January 10 - 14 km run
    January 11 - Strength training
    January 12 - injured
    January 13 - injured/strength training
    January 14 - injured
    January 15 - injured
    January 16 - injured/strength training
    January 17 - 7 km run
    January 18 - 8 km run
    January 20 - strength training
    January 21 - 5 km run/ 5 km stairmarster
    January 22 - 8 km run

    133 km - goal 400 km

    I won't make goal this month and next month I'll probably half it so it's reachable while I'm recovering.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,236 Member
    @power0304 - Hey, at least you're still out there putting in miles! You should be proud of that. The weather across a couple continents has been pretty miserable making big km/miles hard to come by.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Thanks everybody for the well wishes. I'm almost feeling normal today. I've got a lot of catching up to do! Hoping to get back on the bicycle tonight!
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