Did you swim today?



  • gentlygently
    gentlygently Posts: 752 Member
    Yep - my first 1k in a very long time.

    (It also took a rather long time to do it...!)

    The pool was fairly full - and the only space was to join in with the fast lane chap. I managed a couple of lengths before bobbing back over to the very wide (think circle lane for 4-5 people wide) lane to do all my drills...but I was pleased I had the guts to own the space for a wee while. Yep - a former me would never have dared UmmmS!

    The problem with my usual mix of drills and IM (done to a pneumonic..) is that it varies length by length from fast to slow to glacial - makes it very hard to pick which lane I will be least irritating in...

    Like the medal Emma !
  • YosemiteSlamAK
    YosemiteSlamAK Posts: 1,230 Member
    Freestyle Capacity

    Warm Up
    500 swim
    4 x 100 kick rest 10 sec
    3 x 100 IM rest 25 sec

    Pre set
    12 x 75
    1-4 easy/fast/easy rest 10 sec
    5-8 short rest rest 5 sec
    9-12 fast/easy/fast rest 15 sec

    Main Set 2x through
    7 x 100 focus on turns 2:00
    5 x 150 Middle 50 strong 3:00
    3 x 200 Negative split 4:00
    1 x 250 Strong 1st & last 50s 5:00

    Warm down
    8 x 50
    1-2 rest 5 sec
    3-4 rest 10 sec
    5-6 rest 15 sec
    7-8 rest 20 sec
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member

    1100m before masters swim
    100 kick
    3x100 fast free

    8x50 25 drill/25 swim - odds free, evens IMO

    • 50 fly/50 back
    • 50 back/50 breast
    • 50 breast/50 free

    4x50 free descend

    200 cool down
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    2 weeks out of the water. Work kept me out of town for a week and LG Training used up the Lane time for 2 weeks.
    ~ 1500m
    100m - Free, Back, Kick

    Kick set 12 x 25m @1:45
    IM x 2 ( my left shoulder does not like fly )
    Free 5 x 50m @ 1:15
    5 min Kick set 30s Fast- 30s Slow :/
    Easy - cool down 4 x 100m Breast, Back, Free, Choice
    Stretch Session in the water.

    The pool was warm so everyone was getting overheated and cramps. Right calf and toes for me.
    So she reduced the session by a good 300m.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member

    600 warmup

    200 kick

    200 pull

    100 swim

    4x 50 IMO on 1.10
    200 free

    4x 50 IMO on 1.10
    200 kick

    8x 50 free on 1.00
    200 pull

    200 back as alt kick/swim by 50

    100 kick

    200 warmdown

    Wasn't really feeling it tonight. Had a long two days driving up to Auckland and back (5.5 hour trip each way) to visit our specialist children's hospital. A little 6 year old boy I'm working with who has just had a brain tumor removed, and his grandparents who he lives with asked me to go up for some support. Sure puts life in perspective. He's going to recover but has a very long road ahead in terms of treatment and learning to walk and talk again.
  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    just 500m today

    needed to do something but my knee was aching after that so I stopped. :( lame!
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,267 Member
    I don't know what got into me last night, but I got 67 laps in (my usual is 45-50). I got to the pool early, so I had about an extra 40 minutes before my class began. After I reached 50, I still had about half an hour, so I decided to just keep swimming. It felt better and better. And I wasn't tired out. Usually, when I'm getting tired, the first thing that happens is my butt drops, and then it all goes to heck. I think I'm finally getting some muscle memory (and good core strength) because I kept my belly button pulled in, and just swam on. Once I did the math, I realized that gutzy does over twice that...daily :grin: Wow! Kudos to you guys who swim far and/or fast. I'm usually neither. But there was a big psychological hump that I got over last night! Maybe I am a far swimmer!
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member

    400 warmup

    12x 50 backstroke kick on 1.30 alt mod and max

    200 swim

    12x 50 freestyle pull on 1.10 alt mod and max

    400 free hold 6.00

    4x 100 free on 1.45 hold 1.25

    400 warmdown

    Feeling slow and heavy in the water the last two days.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    Another 3000m today.

    600 warmup

    200 kick

    400 pull

    4x 200 back on 4.00 moderate pace
    3.18 3.15 3.14 3.08

    200 kick

    400 pull

    400 warmdown
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,267 Member
    Was today better, emma? I hate that slow and heavy kind of swim...
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    Was today better, emma? I hate that slow and heavy kind of swim...

    Nope lol
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    8km swim today. Straight pacing.
  • YosemiteSlamAK
    YosemiteSlamAK Posts: 1,230 Member
    7050 total

    Warm Up
    500 swim
    400 kick
    4 x 100 IM rest 20

    Pre set
    12 x 75 freestyle

    Main Set 2x through- all breaststroke
    7 x 100 focus on turns 2:10
    5 x 150 3:15
    3 x 200 4:00
    1 x 250 5:00

    Warm down
    250 easy backstroke
  • loneda
    loneda Posts: 103 Member
    3600 today
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member

    300 warmup

    200 kick

    200 pull

    4x 150 free @ 3'+ 50 F  @ 1' + 100 @ 3
    3x 150 free @ 3'+ 50 F  @ 1' + 100 @ 3
    2x 150 free @ 3'+ 50 F  @ 1' + 100 @ 3
    1x 150 free @ 3'+ 50 F  @ 1' + 100 @ 3

    Set one hold 2.15 or below for 150s
    Set two hold 2.10 or below for 150s
    Set three hold 2.05 or below for 150s
    Set four hold 2.00 or below for 150
    All 50's at pace 38
    All 100s slow/recovery

    200 warmdown

  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    500m again today

    hopefully knee is getting better. But am having my tooth out tomorrow so won't be swimming again til Friday. Lame! lol

  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    edited March 2018
    3200m of pretty boring stuff

    500 free

    200 kick

    400 free

    200 kick

    300 free

    200 kick

    200 free

    100 kick

    200 free

    100 kick

    400 pull with paddles

    400 warmdown

    Waiting to hear results from xray - haven't been able to walk on right foot since the open water swim 10 days ago and can't even touch little toe!
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    3250m - 2 miles woooo!

    1400m before masters swim
    8x50 IMO 1-4 kick, 1-4 swim

    3x through:
    1. 6x25 sprint free
    2. 100 IM
    3. 200 free, focus on distance per stroke

    100m cool down
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    2700m today due to limited time

    500 warmup

    300 kick

    12x 50 pull on 1.00

    12x 75 as three sets of
    20 seconds rest between each 75

    400 warmdown
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Yea made it to Adult Swim Club, darn work interfering with life/recreation.
    Only 1700m but a good 1700.

    100m Warmup; 50m Breast, Back, Free, Drill

    2 x Breathing 3,5,7 pyramid 10Sri/25m
    4 x 25 @3
    4 x 25 @5
    4 x 25 @7
    2 x 25 @3
    100m 3,5,7,5
    60Sri - repeat^

    2 x Kick 10 Sri/25m :s
    4 x 25m Single legged kick alternate @wall
    4 x 25m
    4 x 25m Dolphin - >3+ off wall underwater
    Strangely it was a Luv-Hate with the single legged kick.
    Could really tell that it improved my form in 1 session. Will add it to my personal workout list.

    3 x Vertical Kick @ 30 sec Intervals = 6 mins of >:)
    Dolphin hard/ Easy Tread / Vertical Free Hard / Easy Tread - Repeat

    Cooldown 50m Breast, Back, Free, Drill choice