Daily check-in for keto friends... volume 3



  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    @char1iej congratulations on your achievement! That is a great reason to toot your horn!

    I just started my three week challenge to tighten up my Keto diet! So far it is going very well!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    My personal favorite prep ahead meal is taco meat. You can make just about anything with it.

    Or ground beef for "burger in a bowl."

    Keto chili reheats well.

    As does crack slaw, aka egg roll in a bowl.

    Having any kind of eggs - hard boiled, scrambled, frittata, crustless quiche, etc., on hand helps...

    Precooking bacon (or even buying precooked bacon or sausage helps)...

    P.S. Tuna in a pouch is easier to toss in a little sauce of choice and eat with a fork, plus tastes better. LOL
  • Time2LoseTheWait
    Time2LoseTheWait Posts: 154 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    My personal favorite prep ahead meal is taco meat. You can make just about anything with it.

    Or ground beef for "burger in a bowl."

    Keto chili reheats well.

    As does crack slaw, aka egg roll in a bowl.

    Having any kind of eggs - hard boiled, scrambled, frittata, crustless quiche, etc., on hand helps...

    Precooking bacon (or even buying precooked bacon or sausage helps)...

    P.S. Tuna in a pouch is easier to toss in a little sauce of choice and eat with a fork, plus tastes better. LOL

    I’m at the gym and you are making me so hungry
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    In maintenance... it is no secret that it is a big challenge for me... I am trying to look at my real-life eating triggers and where they fall in the danger zone for me.

    For example:
    social issues: either the presence of, or, the absence of...seems to be at number one. Ridiculous binges of the worst foods occur when connected to this issue. Regularly and predictably and unstoppable so far.
    Day to day financial issues may cause a slight increase in keto cals, but not a break out situation.
    Work related issues-mostly around office politics- can trigger a solid almost ridiculous episode...but not at the magnitude of a social binge, and not as consistently as social episodes occur.
    Fear for my children is up at the level of social devastation, again not as constant as social issues...more like isolated incidences.

    That's my starter list. There might be more, but clearly the social area is where I need to focus my attention in order to get the biggest bang for my buck.
    I'm trying to come up with non food containment alternatives to triggered eating habits. It's a very ingrained pattern of living and coping with life and it's hell to find a way out of it. I've tried so many strategies and will continue to seek better ones.
    It's really reeking havoc with my success at maintenance, more than anything else. Probably the root of the weight situation to begin with. But, I guess it's time to crack that shell wide open.
    The journey is ongoing.

  • Time2LoseTheWait
    Time2LoseTheWait Posts: 154 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    In maintenance... it is no secret that it is a big challenge for me... I am trying to look at my real-life eating triggers and where they fall in the danger zone for me.

    For example:
    social issues: either the presence of, or, the absence of...seems to be at number one. Ridiculous binges of the worst foods occur when connected to this issue. Regularly and predictably and unstoppable so far.
    Day to day financial issues may cause a slight increase in keto cals, but not a break out situation.
    Work related issues-mostly around office politics- can trigger a solid almost ridiculous episode...but not at the magnitude of a social binge, and not as consistently as social episodes occur.
    Fear for my children is up at the level of social devastation, again not as constant as social issues...more like isolated incidences.

    That's my starter list. There might be more, but clearly the social area is where I need to focus my attention in order to get the biggest bang for my buck.
    I'm trying to come up with non food containment alternatives to triggered eating habits. It's a very ingrained pattern of living and coping with life and it's hell to find a way out of it. I've tried so many strategies and will continue to seek better ones.
    It's really reeking havoc with my success at maintenance, more than anything else. Probably the root of the weight situation to begin with. But, I guess it's time to crack that shell wide open.
    The journey is ongoing.

    Wow. I wish you could breakdown my issues. That was impressive. I think the first step to change is recognizing the problem. Well done!
  • xDaniDragonflyx
    xDaniDragonflyx Posts: 201 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    My personal favorite prep ahead meal is taco meat. You can make just about anything with it.

    Or ground beef for "burger in a bowl."

    Keto chili reheats well.

    As does crack slaw, aka egg roll in a bowl.

    Having any kind of eggs - hard boiled, scrambled, frittata, crustless quiche, etc., on hand helps...

    Precooking bacon (or even buying precooked bacon or sausage helps)...

    P.S. Tuna in a pouch is easier to toss in a little sauce of choice and eat with a fork, plus tastes better. LOL

    Meal prepping is new for me. While I've made foods in the past, had left overs, and stored them to eat later, I never quite treated it like meal prepping. I did meal prep my lunch last week, and it was fantastic! So I definitely want to keep doing that.

    I've never really done the crock pot thing before work and leaving it to eat later. I usually do crock pot meals on weekends so I don't have to cook and can spend more time playing.

    I boil eggs one or two times a week, as my husband and I both LOVE boiled eggs for snacks, or egg salad in my case. I love doing a boiled egg, a can of tuna, and a tablespoon of mayonnaise with some salt and pepper at night. It's quick and tastes great.

    I love all your ideas and am going to figure more ways to get things done ahead of time. Like tonight, I'm cooking up 3 turkey burgers, but eating only one. ^_^
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    She's beautiful and certainly worth living for and there are likely to be more to come! You're doing really well and the weight will come off. <3
  • KristinLeeD
    KristinLeeD Posts: 218 Member

    @char1iej Genevieve is beautiful! There are so many different reasons to take that first step. Good for you allowing that anger to turn to determination rather than letting it take you backward! You are absolutely right that no food is worth it!!
    Thanks for your inspiring words this morning!!
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    Good for you @char1iej The determination is great and you have also chosen the right path.

    I love that picture of Genvieve! KCKO!
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    char1iej wrote: »
    @River_Goddess Thank you! I haven't seen the 21x's since 2012. And even then, only for a few months. I can't wait to hit the low 200's again. When I look at the snacks I want so badly (out of habit mostly), I keep telling myself, "You have a REWARD waiting. Go after it!"

    My rewards (in my mind, at least) are:
    1- Walking my daughters down the aisle (and not looking like a dressed up cow)
    2- My beautiful lil granddaughter (16mths old tmw)
    3- Enjoying retirement with my lovely wife
    4- Seeing my son begin his career in ministry

    Ya see, most of the males in my family have died of heart disease in their early 50's. All my life, I never, ever expected to see 50 years old. Then, I had a severe heart attack at age 49 (2012). I was completely at peace, if that was going to be my last day, because I never expected to live any longer. Thank the Lord I made it through. But, I didn't stick to keeping the weight off, nor eating healthy for more than a year.

    Then, my granddaughter, Genevieve, was born in December, 2016. Seeing her made me WANT to live longer...a lot longer. But, it wasn't until two weeks ago that I had the wake up call. At 54, I realized that I was killing myself with food -- by eating things that would eventually cause another heart attack, diabetes or something else.

    I felt ashamed and angry at myself. That anger quickly turned to determination. Determination lead to setting these goals. And, now I'm on the right track. No snack, no pizza, no bowl of ice cream is worth keeping me from those goals. Lord willing, I will by around for all of them -- and much more.

  • rae1388
    rae1388 Posts: 45 Member
    Man, today was a struggle. I felt like my stomach was a bottomless pit. Work stress didn't help, I'm typically a stress eater. :/ I hung in there and did not cave and munch on all the things I could have munched on, and the things I did eat I tried to make sure was higher in fat to try to subside the hunger.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I feel like I'm starving! Sometimes I want to eat everything and anything. I'll have to go look for something appropriate! I just don't want to go over calories! I preplanned and don't want to stray.
  • asgentr
    asgentr Posts: 228 Member
    I've been letting the scale rule my mood. It didn't move for ten days or so, but is now down 2.5 lbs. I hope it keeps moving! I have another 20 or so to go.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    rae1388 wrote: »
    Man, today was a struggle. I felt like my stomach was a bottomless pit. Work stress didn't help, I'm typically a stress eater. :/ I hung in there and did not cave and munch on all the things I could have munched on, and the things I did eat I tried to make sure was higher in fat to try to subside the hunger.

    What I try to remember is that unless you ate 3500 calories OVER your maintenance calorie number, you didn't even gain a true pound of fat. ALL YOU DID WAS SLOW DOWN YOUR WEIGHT LOSS.

    By not eating all the carbs and focusing on content rather than quantity...this is all you did... Slow it down. To me, that's a HUGE WIN. So HIGH 5!!!!!
  • cbishop7777
    cbishop7777 Posts: 86 Member
    Good for you in that you made the decision to buckle down and do it right! You have a beautiful granddaughter, almost as beautiful as mine! ;) May God give you the strength to persevere and improve your health as you lose the pounds.
  • cbishop7777
    cbishop7777 Posts: 86 Member
    rae1388 wrote: »
    Man, today was a struggle. I felt like my stomach was a bottomless pit. Work stress didn't help, I'm typically a stress eater. :/ I hung in there and did not cave and munch on all the things I could have munched on, and the things I did eat I tried to make sure was higher in fat to try to subside the hunger.

    That happens to me after I've indulged in something carby. It really does make a difference. Way to go not caving! Protein and fat are the ticket to beating the hungries.
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    @char1iej Wow, she is absolutely beautiful! I mean it, she's gorgeous :)
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @KnitOrMiss I need to remember that while my weight fluctuates like a mad thing and I go whyyyyyyyyeeeee????
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