April 2018 Challenge



  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    edited April 2018
    mznik114 wrote: »
    So sick of the roller coaster :s:(
    March 31st: 244.6

    Sunday 4/1: 246.4 (+1.8)
    Sunday 4/8: 242.6 (-3.8)
    Sunday 4/15: 243.4 (+0.8)
    Sunday 4/22:
    Monday 4/29:

    I call it the weight loss cha-cha... 2 steps forward, one step bad. As long as your overall trend is down, you're doing it right. I understand the frustration though!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Hey everyone.

    I have been stuck in the 240s for months now.
    I am still doing keto and OMAD and I just gave up alcohol altogether even though I was only doing keto friendly drinks.

    I went to see my doctor and she thinks I have a bunch of issues with my thyroid, insulin (no diabetes), ovaries and she tested my testosterone which is too high. It sounds like my hormones are out of whack and she is positive that that is causing my weight gain and my difficulty in getting rid of it.

    I felt so discouraged that when I got home, I got 2 slices of pizza and a brownie. The next day a whole wheat raisin English muffin with butter and a massive non keto salad with dried cranberries. The day after that a diet coke, a burrito and ice cream. I mean, I did it all. I feel like all my hard work is not paying off because my body is actually refusing to cooperate.

    Anywho, I am wrapping up my pity party and I am back on Keto OMAD tomorrow while I wait for all my blood work results to get in. I had so many tubes of blood drawn :bawling: !

    @JoannaVenuto - I just wanted to share that any time my hormones (all of those you listed plus my adrenal hormones, too) are out of whack, skipping meals is one of the worst things to do. It can cause spikes in your adrenaline and cortisol, which basically ratchet up the insulin resistance and levels and just toss fuel to the fire...

    The thyroid and insulin naturally kind of due a yin/yang thing. Any time I got my TSH to go down (and my FT4 and FT3 to go up), my insulin would jump up. Any time I got my insulin to come down, my TSH would skyrocket!

    So just know that if your reactions are that intense, there is still something out of whack in the overall system...

    Take a deep breath and wait on those labs. We all have moments of hesitation and doubt. Don't let them derail you long term. (hugs)
  • Jen_Free
    Jen_Free Posts: 7 Member
    I forgot but 1 more down
    Sunday 04/15 149
  • JoannaVenuto
    JoannaVenuto Posts: 46 Member
    @JoannaVenuto That's a total pain for you and very understandable that you are really fed up! The good thing is though that you may find out what is happening and why you aren't loosing any weight currently. I just wonder if it is worth trying eating twice a day, not sure why but it might just switch your body up a bit. Also on the bright side although you haven't lost you have at least been sticking around the same weight which is excellent although it may not feel like that just now. I'm not sure about you but in the past if I've not been loosing weight I've not been watching what I eat therefore I've put lots on, you haven't, you've stuck with it and you haven't gained so that's a definite positive. Frustrating but positive <3<3

    Thank you so much for the kind and encouraging words! I am hanging in there and back to keto, one meal at a time!
    Massive hugs!
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    SW: 256.4 1/06/2018

    4/01/2018 222
    4/08/2018 221
    4/15/2018 218

    Not bad. I was able to hit my target. Hoping to finish April around 210-214 lbs. My initial goal was 220. Now I’m going for 200. Annnnnd I’m buying a house. So I guess there’s been a lot of change in my life recently.

    well done re the target and amazing.......buying a house!! Soon you won't be able to afford food so that's more weight lost!! :D
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    mznik114 wrote: »
    So sick of the roller coaster :s:(
    March 31st: 244.6

    Sunday 4/1: 246.4 (+1.8)
    Sunday 4/8: 242.6 (-3.8)
    Sunday 4/15: 243.4 (+0.8)
    Sunday 4/22:
    Monday 4/29:

    stick on in there it will come off, lots of us do this down and up down and up but as long as the trend is down it may take a while but you'll get there <3
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @chinatowninchina @NikkiJRM @eggfooyamyam @KnitOrMiss
    Thank you all SO MUCH for your kind and encouraging words!
    After my carb binge I did in fact lose 3 pounds :/ ...Not complaining! Just not sure what is going on in this body of mine :D !
    I agree, I think I am going to ease out on the OMAD and incorporate a keto breakfast (back on my yummy keto McMuffins :smile: !) in my meals.
    I will revisit OMAD/IF when I get my lab results and a solid idea of what the issue is.

    On the plus side, I left my terrible doctor and met with my new one. She is absolutely amazing, knows and loves keto, understands the benefits of IF and OMAD. YAY! She also mentioned I should add another meal or snack. So you were definitely right.

    @JoannaVenuto - That's such great news!!!
  • rae1388
    rae1388 Posts: 45 Member
    @chinatowninchina @NikkiJRM @eggfooyamyam @KnitOrMiss
    Thank you all SO MUCH for your kind and encouraging words!
    After my carb binge I did in fact lose 3 pounds :/ ...Not complaining! Just not sure what is going on in this body of mine :D !
    I agree, I think I am going to ease out on the OMAD and incorporate a keto breakfast (back on my yummy keto McMuffins :smile: !) in my meals.
    I will revisit OMAD/IF when I get my lab results and a solid idea of what the issue is.

    On the plus side, I left my terrible doctor and met with my new one. She is absolutely amazing, knows and loves keto, understands the benefits of IF and OMAD. YAY! She also mentioned I should add another meal or snack. So you were definitely right.

    @JoannaVenuto before I started Keto, I was looking into doing Carb Cycling. It's low carb most of the time, but then every once in awhile you have a high carb day. From the research I did, which was mostly just watching videos on YouTube, some people that talked about were on the Keto diet and said that sometimes if they just got to a point of not budging in weight no matter what they did, they would do a high carb day and it would throw the body off and they would be able to start losing again.
    I haven't done a lot of research on this, but seems like Keto, everyone seemed to do it a little differently. Some said they would do 2 high carb days a week that worked for them, and others said they would just do it once a month.
    But maybe that's just want your body needed to make it go "oh snap" and kick it back in gear.

    I have also heard that some people don't think Carb Cycling does you any good. I just believe everyone's body is different and what works for one person won't work for another, which I think is why dieting is so hard, there's no one golden diet that makes everyone look the way they want.
  • cgcrutch
    cgcrutch Posts: 223 Member
    I did a diet, which at the time I didn't know was a variation of keto (didn't count carbs from vegetables) and a cheat day/ meal was allowed once a week after becoming fat adapted (2-8 weeks). I steadily lost weight after cheat day, but it was SOOOOO difficult to get back on the diet with a cheat day that often. I was always tempted and NEVER really got over those unhealthy foods mentally. I think it depends on willpower, or doin a clean night carb day
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member

    Calorie cycling is better for the people who suffer when they have a carb up day and struggle to regain ketosis...

    But different doctors have different ideas for how to approach carb cycling. So feel free to try different plans and see what works for you. Just reset between each different type for a few weeks... Good luck.
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 795 Member
    cgcrutch wrote: »
    I steadily lost weight after cheat day, but it was SOOOOO difficult to get back on the diet with a cheat day that often. I was always tempted and NEVER really got over those unhealthy foods mentally. I think it depends on willpower, or doin a clean night carb day

    My motto used to be, “If you’re not cheatin you’re not tryin”. However, I’ve got to tell you it has never worked for me. My cheat meal would turn into a cheat day which would turn into, oh well, what’s another day going to hurt………and now I’ve blown it, so I’ll just revert to my old bad eating habits.

    That doesn’t mean I don’t cheat. I still do, I just don’t plan on it. In fact, I’ve cheated the last two days because of events that overwhelmed my will power. In both cases I decided to eliminate all the bad eating choices by consuming them. :# I’m just not good at saying no. I can usually control bad choices from coming into my house but in the out of the house environment there are cheesecakes lurking around every corner.

    My point is I don’t PLAN on cheating. I PLAN on eating well. When I do cheat it is not because I’ve given myself a preplanned pass to eat badly. It is because I’ve caved. And I will cave again. And I will regret it. However, I’m not going to beat myself up over it. Today I’m back on it. I’m safe in my cheesecake-free house where I can weigh myself daily, log my macros and obsess over things in my control.

    In my opinion, rewarding your good eating habits with bad eating habits seems counter-productive. That said, I know at some point I will cave again. I know the scale is likely to go the wrong way for a while when it happens. I won’t try to make up for it by fasting or restricting calories. I will keto on just like it never happened. I will move on as if it were just another I <3 eating fat keto day.

  • rae1388
    rae1388 Posts: 45 Member
    @stormywxs288 if you ever find yourself desiring cheesecake there are a ton of keto cheesecakes recipes out there, traditional and no-bake, since the main ingredient is cream cheese. :smiley:
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 795 Member
    rae1388 wrote: »
    @stormywxs288 if you ever find yourself desiring cheesecake there are a ton of keto cheesecakes recipes out there, traditional and no-bake, since the main ingredient is cream cheese. :smiley:

    Ha Ha! I love the way you think. Maybe I'll try a whole week of nothing but keto cheesecake. Then I'd be able to say no to the real deal the next time my will power is challenged. ;)

  • NikkiJRM
    NikkiJRM Posts: 328 Member
    I periodically allow myself meals with higher carb. I don't consider it a cheat for me, just enjoying life & food with family. It happens about once a month and I don't go all crazy, just a small something, then back to Keto. I don't like feeling like I'm depriving myself.

    I don't really carb cycle because I get the wicked cravings afterward and I don't enjoy the torture, but I do have higher calorie days with more protein and fat than usual. That works to kickstart things when the weight loss is slow going for me.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    So, @JoannaVenuto

    Are we talking Hashimoto's or Graves? There are several ladies with Hashi's on the boards... I think perhaps one with Graves?
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    rae1388 wrote: »
    @stormywxs288 if you ever find yourself desiring cheesecake there are a ton of keto cheesecakes recipes out there, traditional and no-bake, since the main ingredient is cream cheese. :smiley:

    Ha Ha! I love the way you think. Maybe I'll try a whole week of nothing but keto cheesecake. Then I'd be able to say no to the real deal the next time my will power is challenged. ;)


    I don't know about you, but for me, that argument of burning myself out on a food or on making myself sick on a food never holds weight. I might abstain for a few days or weeks, but the desire always returns, in full force, when least convenient.

    And sadly, I've tested that theory many, many, almost countless times.

    And it's because our body is auto-set to forget the worst of any situation. It's why women can be intimate again after rough childbirth, why people go after the wrong type of significant other, why we forget how sick something makes us, why we think we can do better this time, etc.

    The memories are "softened" so that we can cope with all of life's...adventures?...without staying in perpetual fight or flight mode, etc.

    P.S. I believe there is at least once cheesecake related recipe on one of the egg fast short term fat fast protocols, so as long as it was baked, you could probably do it...
  • eggfooyamyam
    eggfooyamyam Posts: 196 Member
    @JoannaVenuto Wow, it must be such a relief to have that knowledge, and confirmation that you are on the right track and something else it at play. Seriously, your Doc sounds outstanding! I'd love to know what your course of action will be. Thank you for sharing your story with all of us, please continue.