TEAM: Gutbusters (May)



  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    edited May 2018
    April 30:

    Exercise: yes
    Calories: yes
    Tracked: yes

    The hearding of the cats seems to be slowing down, but I did not make it to the gym today. My husband is worse again and I was expecting him to call for a ride. Evidently, he has decided he isn't in too much pain to drive.. Still, more than 10k steps plus strength, so no guilt.

    I bought new pants today. They will look better in a few weeks, but I skipped a size from the same style late last summer. I am kind of hoping to stock up again at the end of the season with a smaller size yet. They are hiking pants, so I can wear them to work, but do yoga or whatever on my break. They have been great for no excuses.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    emmclean wrote: »
    So, good news: I found my wedding dress on Saturday! It was a size or two too small but close enough for me to know how it will look and fall in love with it. Today I get a call from the bridal shop, full of abject apologies as for whatever reason the dress is no longer in production and they weren't told so they could take it off the floor. I'm delighted - it's saved me over £200 by buying the sample instead (and they'll get it cleaned and pressed for me FoC) and it's one hell of a motivator to hit my goal weight! I knew that one was my dress :)

    @emmclean. Awesome. Nothing like finding just what you want and need and then having it cheaper than you were willing to pay. Also gives a great goal to strive for (size, not weight).

    Continue what you are doing and I can see you not only fitting the dress by the 1st Sept wedding, but maybe having to have it taken in.

    The daily focus on activity, tracking and keeping in budget will get you there (and keep you there LONG after you achieve your desired size).
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    Hi, all,

    Looking forward to getting going this month and back into the routine of diet and exercise.

    Weigh in day Monday
    Previous weight 187 lbs
    Current weight 183.8 lbs

    Exercised: yes - 30 minute brisk walk. 11,500 steps done today
    Calories: yes
    Tracked: yes - stayed under goal

    @susanbenita. Great start to the month. Keep it up.

    I find walking is the best exercise. No stress on the body and time to think in the fresh air. I listen to audiobooks while I walk to learn while I keep my body healthy.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    westray16 wrote: »
    Hi I'm Val and I live in the lake district, England. I am married with 2 children in their twenties, and 2 dogs. I am getting back into exercise after Achilles problems and am getting to love just being out in the fresh air, walking again. This is my third month of doing this and am finding it an excellent motivator.

    @westray16. Welcome back Val. You had a good month last month and hope this continues. A few fluctuations, but we all get that.

    Slow and steady always wins this race in the long term. The ultimate goal is to set up habits that keep you healthy well beyond this competition.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    Username: concordancia
    Day: Monday
    Week: 1
    Previous: 197.5
    Current: 194.5

    I was a bit disappointed given how bloated I was last week, but the two weeks still average out to 2lbs/week, so I was being unrealistic. That pretty much sums up my overall mental state over the past week.

    @concordancia. Still a good result. Last month you made onderland. This month you are on track to break 190.

    Consistent work is paying off.

    It is normal to have plateau's and wooshes when actively losing weight. It often takes time for the body to get the news as to what you are trying to do.

    Keep up the great work (and the tracking and the activity).

    When was the last time to revised your daily calorie target? When you lose a lot in a month, the target usually needs to change.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    mrsjlmann wrote: »
    Need to get in the habit of posting on here daily. Anyway, week 1 weight loss 0.5kg.

    @mrsjlmann. Good start. Posting daily is a great goal.

    The first change when losing weight happens in the mind. You decide to do something. Just posting and reading daily can help in getting you to start to create the right habits.

    Motion creates emotions. I strongly encourage you to post daily, even if it is just a short post and not relevant to losing weight. By successfully completing small things, bigger things seem less daunting and can be tackled step by step.

    Look forward to hearing more from you.

    Just as an aside. When posting the weekly weigh-in, please post a number (not just a loss figure). It helps me in tracking on the TBL progress spreadsheet.
  • krissturner
    krissturner Posts: 25 Member
    Hello everybody! My name is Kriss, I'm a dog lover, animal enthusiast and college student from California, US. This is my second month in this challenge.
    This challenge has really kept my head in a straighter line and everyone has been super helpful for me in me finding different things to do that can keep me moving and staying active when I don’t think I have the bloody time or strength! I love the daily challenges, one goal I have this month is to not only do them every day but to actively post. So far, I’m down 21 lbs since I started focusing on my health and I’m very grateful and hopeful to keep this trend going downwards.

    So here’s to a start of a hopeful month, I wish every one all the best!
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    LesIckaBod wrote: »
    May Week 1
    Last week: 212.2
    This week: 208.7

    Difference of 3.5 lbs. I'm really skeptical of today's weight. I bet I'm going to see a bounce back today and tomorrow, but who knows. Stay the course!

    @LesIckaBod. Take whatever positives you can get. Try expected the best. Perhaps the weight will not bounce up again. :)

    Half the battle in weight management is a mind game. What every you tell yourself over and over tends to occur. Tell yourself you cannot and you will be right. Tell yourself you can and you will also be correct.

    I weigh daily, but I only really take notice of the 7 day average. This way a single weight is never a bad thing. It is only a datapoint for my tracked weight. As weight fluctuatates, this is really the only way to get a true measure.

    The scale only measures mass under earths gravity at a set point in time. It is not a representation of your attractiveness, your compassion, your generosity, your virtue, your helpfulness to your family, friends and society.

    I highly encourage you to track size (chest, waist, hips). Size moves more predictably where weight will bounce around a lot.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    HSM2673 wrote: »
    Having trouble savings the thread, MFP I need vanilla to have permission to ⭐️

    @HSM2673. This is a known problem and I have an outstanding ticket with MFP support to try get this fixed. They just are moving VERY slowly on fixing.

    I will tag you in a post on your weigh day so this thread should come up in your "bell" list.

    You can also bookmark this thread in your browser using
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    April 30:

    Exercise: yes
    Calories: yes
    Tracked: yes

    The hearding of the cats seems to be slowing down, but I did not make it to the gym today. My husband is worse again and I was expecting him to call for a ride. Evidently, he has decided he isn't in too much pain to drive.. Still, more than 10k steps plus strength, so no guilt.

    I bought new pants today. They will look better in a few weeks, but I skipped a size from the same style late last summer. I am kind of hoping to stock up again at the end of the season with a smaller size yet. They are hiking pants, so I can wear them to work, but do yoga or whatever on my break. They have been great for no excuses.

    @concordancia. Your comment of herding cats reminds me of:

    Good that you can have clothes you can both work and workout in.
  • sunderland_mich93
    sunderland_mich93 Posts: 57 Member
    edited May 2018
    Here you go. I wasn’t sure if I had to weigh-in this Saturday or next, since this Saturday wasn’t technically May. Thanks!

    Username: sunderland_mich93
    Weigh-in Week: Week 1
    Weigh-in day: Saturday
    Previous weight: 196.4
    Current weight: 195.8

  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    Here you go. I wasn’t sure if I had to weigh-in this Saturday or next, since this Saturday wasn’t technically May. Thanks!

    Username: sunderland_mich93
    Weigh-in Week: Week 1
    Weigh-in day: Saturday
    Previous weight: 196.4
    Current weight: 195.8

    @sunderland_mich93. Thank you.

    Just needed the start weight for this month (which was the week ending Saturday Apr 28).

    On this coming Saturday (May 5) it will be week 1 for you.

  • mrsjlmann
    mrsjlmann Posts: 7 Member
    Exercise: yes
    Tracked: yes
    Calories: yes
  • eevang
    eevang Posts: 187 Member
    Username: eevang
    Weigh-in week: Week 1
    Weigh-in day: Monday
    Previous week's weight: 186.6
    Current weight: 186
  • HSM2673
    HSM2673 Posts: 48 Member
    Last week: 148.8
    Week 1: 145.8 :)
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    May 1
    Exercised?: Yes. Walk 6km in 45 mins (hills)
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Smoke haze from controlled burns in the area, not too bad but noticeable (and could taste it on the air).

    Daily Strength challenge

    Challenge for May 01 is side lunges ()

    3 sets
    • First set 10 or 15 each leg (if 10 is too easy continue to 15).
    • Second set 6 or 9 each leg.
    • Third set 5 or 8 each leg.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    Happy weigh in day Wednesday for: @aeloine. @inshapeCK.
  • eevang
    eevang Posts: 187 Member
    @craigo3154 "When you lose weight, where does the weight go?"

    Has the answer to this been posted yet? I want to make sure I don't miss it. I have no clue what the answer might be.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    edited May 2018
    craigo3154 wrote: »
    As we have a lot of new members, I'll start with a daily question that a few may already know the answer to.

    When you lose weight, where does the weight go?

    I'll include a reference tomorrow that will explain the full answer, but interested to know what people think.

    No takers on the daily question.

    Answer is that the extra weight leaves the body primarily through your breath. Fat (C55 H104 O6) combined with oxygen (78 x O2) creates carbon dioxide (55 x CO2) and water (52 x H2O). Both are part of what you exhale.

    Do activity to breath more and lose more weight (but ONLY if in calorie deficit).
    eevang wrote: »
    @craigo3154 "When you lose weight, where does the weight go?"

    Has the answer to this been posted yet? I want to make sure I don't miss it. I have no clue what the answer might be.

    @eevang. You posted this as I was posting the answer :)

    Todays question: What makes you feel good (apart from food)?

    For me, its helping people and solving problems. I consider myself intelligent and get a good feeling when using that intelligence to help people and generally make life better.

  • eevang
    eevang Posts: 187 Member
    NSV: I had a skirt that hugged my waist. It now settles above my hips. I'm definitely going to be asking my aunt who sews for some help with my clothes when I reach my goal. All my work clothes are getting pretty baggy...only four more weeks of school! I'm already excited for my back-to-school shopping trip in August. I'm going to put off buying things until then. I should be able to find old fitted T-shirts that'll get me through the summer.

    Despite the fact that I've felt self-conscious/uncomfortable wearing shorts while weighing less than I am now, I feel like I might actually wear shorts this summer. My legs are so much more muscular now than they've ever been before...
This discussion has been closed.