Daily check-in for keto friends... volume 3



  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    Feeling so discouraged right now... what if I can't get below 250? What if I'm stuck at this size for the rest of my life? :'(

    You have to remember how well you've done so far now you are a belt wearing lady! Weight loss is not linear that's why we measure as well and look at the NSVs. Sure the scales are encouraging but it's the other things that count.

    I'm now the same weight as when we went to live in China (2007) and we had to have a full health check including being weighed (that was fun I'm not sure there was a western who didn't come out that health check without being obese and having a fatty liver!!) and yet the clothes I had then are much too big for me but I'm back to that weight again but obviously smaller in size so although I don't say forget the scales because if you are like me you can't, don't let them dominate your life and mood as you actually know you've achieved a great deal. Concentrate on that and know the weight will come off and that many other things count. <3
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    Feeling so discouraged right now... what if I can't get below 250? What if I'm stuck at this size for the rest of my life? :'(

    You can do this! Have you tried IF? I began that this past week and somehow managed to lose 4lbs. I never thought I could do it, however I have been able to (so far) and have felt great. I also go to the gym 5-6 days a week since I was already on that regimen before starting Keto and it helps me feel better as well.

    You aren't stuck! Don't give up! Keep changing things up a little and find that sweet spot that works for you, both mentally and physically!
  • xDaniDragonflyx
    xDaniDragonflyx Posts: 201 Member
    edited May 2018
    Thanks ladies for your kind and encouraging words. My husband said very similar things and that helped me feel better. But now...
    How could I be 250.0 on the dot last night, but 245.6 this morning?!

    (Tried sending this from my phone and it didn't get the whole thing...)

    So I normally weight myself at 9am on Sunday mornings, but I was curious last night and so weighed in at 250. I didn't realize the body could fluctuate that much! But at the same time, I am wondering if I can trust my scale. :sweat_smile:

    @laneybird I did kind of try IF, doing 18:6, and that doesn't really work for me with my work schedule. I try to do 16:8 now which is working a lot better. I think I want to try a full 24 hour fast, but am nervous to do so.

    So my freak out last night may have been for nothing, but weight loss seriously stresses me out sometimes. Someday I'll stop thinking of the scale number as the be all end all in my progress.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    @xDaniDragonflyx, I have frequently weighed my self before going to bed and nearly always weight myself also in the AM. Without exception-ever-I will weigh 2-3 pounds heavier at night than in the morning. It, of course, makes sense since I have food and water in my system that is not there when I choose to weigh-in in the AM.

    Looks like you crushed that 250 mark! High 5!
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    edited May 2018
    Thanks ladies for your kind and encouraging words. My husband said very similar things and that helped me feel better. But now...
    How could I be 250.0 on the dot last night, but 245.6 this morning?!

    (Tried sending this from my phone and it didn't get the whole thing...)

    So I normally weight myself at 9am on Sunday mornings, but I was curious last night and so weighed in at 250. I didn't realize the body could fluctuate that much! But at the same time, I am wondering if I can trust my scale. :sweat_smile:

    @laneybird I did kind of try IF, doing 18:6, and that doesn't really work for me with my work schedule. I try to do 16:8 now which is working a lot better. I think I want to try a full 24 hour fast, but am nervous to do so.

    So my freak out last night may have been for nothing, but weight loss seriously stresses me out sometimes. Someday I'll stop thinking of the scale number as the be all end all in my progress.

    Wow! That’s awesome! Maybe it was just a matter of needing to go to the washroom. Sometimes it’s also that our bodies just need time to catch up to all of the changes we are making.

    I’m too impatient and often fall off the wagon out of discouragement and often end up undoing progress before I’ve even been able to reap the benefits of it...

    I wish I had taken mine and everyone else’s advice much sooner, but honestly... DON’T GIVE UP! It’s still working... even when you can’t see it on the scale.
  • ElorasMomForever
    ElorasMomForever Posts: 12 Member
    Sesquy wrote: »
    During my low carb weeks, I allowed myself a cheat day. On keto? I have this weird motivation where I don't even want a cheat day. I happily turned down their "one bite and you can be happy and walk away" in favor of staying strong and proud of my dietary choices. This is coming from a guy who just a month ago would say "*kitten* it" and eat like a half bag of Reese's.

    I know it's only been a week, but it's amazing the willpower and personal pride keto has given me.
    That’s so awesome! It’s been super difficult for me to say no at times when all I want is what I want! Ha! And I completely understand about being quiet about it leading to setbacks. Happened to me too. I really rely heavily on the support here at MFP. Feel free to add me if you’d like another keto friend!
  • xDaniDragonflyx
    xDaniDragonflyx Posts: 201 Member
    Highfive back @kpk54
    @4031isaiah I won't give up! I'm still keto-ing on! ^_^ Thanks everyone for the support! I truly appreciate it!

    @Sesquy I'm curious what your favorite pizza is and couldn't you eat just the toppings? My husband orders Pizza Hut every now and then and I just pick off the cheese/meat/sauce and eat only that when the cravings are very bad. Just an idea.

    But I'm right there with you with being unwilling and proud to not cheat on keto! I let myself eat pork rinds, and a lot of them, because they are 0 carbs. At least they're not Doritos! ^_^

  • Sesquy
    Sesquy Posts: 58 Member
    @Sesquy I'm curious what your favorite pizza is and couldn't you eat just the toppings? My husband orders Pizza Hut every now and then and I just pick off the cheese/meat/sauce and eat only that when the cravings are very bad. Just an idea.

    But I'm right there with you with being unwilling and proud to not cheat on keto! I let myself eat pork rinds, and a lot of them, because they are 0 carbs. At least they're not Doritos! ^_^


    The part about pizza I miss is the fluffy carb laden crust! lol But even though I could probably squeeze a slice in and still be possibly safe, I don't want to give my willpower and excuse to waver. I don't trust myself yet, so I'm being strict. (I was notoriously one of those "one Reese's turns to half the bag" types.)
  • xDaniDragonflyx
    xDaniDragonflyx Posts: 201 Member
    @Sesquy Gotcha! Yeah, I totally understand. I have been very strict as well. Once you pop, you can't stop! :lol: So better to not start! Congrats on the willpower! Keep it up. :smile:
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    After a very stressful month I'm back and ready to get fully back into Keto. I have had such success with it in general health and well-being I find it hard to believe I slipped back into bad habits simply because of stress. But I did and now I'm slapping myself and getting back on board. I don't have far to go as I was doing pretty much an 80% keto diet.. it was just the drastic binge days that got me. lol so no binging. What I really need to do and am pursuing is better stress management. And the realization that this season won't last forever, it's just a blip on the year, helps.

    Been traveling. Went scuba diving. Went to visit the father-in-law and prevent financial fraud being perpetrated against him by a family member (hence the stress), found out that grandbaby #14 is on the way and celebrated 40 years of marriage.

    The biggest issue in my life right now is staying cool. It's darned hot in Houston!

    taking deep breaths and letting it all go in Houston
  • cbishop7777
    cbishop7777 Posts: 86 Member
    @Marcelynh Congratulations on the anniversary and new grandbaby! Welcome back!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member

    This too shall pass. Remember that keto helps manage stress cravings...mostly. :) Keep calm, keto on...
  • h4power
    h4power Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, new here and just 11 days in, trying to go keto but finding it really hard to get more fat than protein, cutting the carbs out has been easy for me, less than 50g a day no problem. Not looking to lose a lot of weight but just reduce body fat %..
  • h4power
    h4power Posts: 13 Member
    Breakfast done... white tea is my weakness

  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    h4power wrote: »
    Breakfast done... white tea is my weakness


    Can you drink the tea unsweetened or with a low carb sweetener?
  • h4power
    h4power Posts: 13 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    h4power wrote: »
    Breakfast done... white tea is my weakness


    Can you drink the tea unsweetened or with a low carb sweetener?

    I think I am going to gradually decrease the amount of sugar until i don't notice anymore. 2/3rds of a spoon, 1/2, 1/4 etc etc
  • h4power
    h4power Posts: 13 Member
    Lunch done, not missing bread and rice etc at all

  • xDaniDragonflyx
    xDaniDragonflyx Posts: 201 Member
    Yeah, I just ate 4 cookies with my morning tea... lol! I'm planning on cheeseburgers for dinner so I'm not too worried. And they were good! ^_^
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