Spring in to Summer: June weight-loss and accountability



  • peppermintcaroline
    peppermintcaroline Posts: 151 Member
    June 7: 112.7

    Progress.. slow but hopefully steady. So busy recently. Which leads to bad eating/no meal prep at times.

    @rianneonamission I get the munchies too. Hope it goes smoothly and you aren't too far outside your goals!
  • RobinAlex666
    RobinAlex666 Posts: 144 Member
    I think my main goal for the next 2 months is just to not gain weight. Summer classes started and the stress normally makes me gain weight even though my eating habits and exercise remain the same. I'm also going to start doing as many pushups as I can when I get home from work. I used to do that and my max quadrupled in only about 5 months. I need to cool it with the Taco Bell and Steak 'n Shake during the week too. It hasn't really been making me gain weight, but I also haven't been losing much either.

    HW: 176
    CW: 153.5
    June Goal: 152
    Ultimate Goal Weight: low 150's

    June 7: 153.5
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    @rianneonamission It's conservative (physio) to start with to strengthen the surrounding muscle but if I still don't have my full range of motion/at a manageable level of pain/discomfort then it's surgery. The labrum has a minimal blood supply and cannot heal itself. Surgery would be to preserve the labral tissue I have and the hip against osteoarthritis for a few more years. I'm under no illusions that it's not coming for me with this morning's revelation that I have a small bone spur. Both my mother and grandfather had it, but my mum also has rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis, the latter of which was early onset in her 40s. I've had snapping hip since my early teens so that has to have some effect on my pathology despite it being non-painful. It's still rubbing cartilage.

    Strength training isn't such a big problem as I can use my own bodyweight relatively well and my loss of ROM is mostly anterior upper flexion/extension and anterior straight leg movements (raises/walking). What I worry about more is my cardio. I want to get an exercise bike where I can adjust the seat high enough so that it takes the pressure off my hip (I'm currently not allowed to bring my knee above 90 degrees to protect the hip) but I currently don't have space -- I've become a storage facility for my brother's moving stuff. Hopefully, he'll be moved out by the end of July, bank approving the mortgage pending.

    My current focus is just strengthening what I've got so I can at least walk and improving my posture/alignment, I have a posterior pelvic tilt from my tight hammies, because I am living in a small amount of hope that it's a torn ligament/tendon. Doubtful, but we can dream.
  • DomesticKat
    DomesticKat Posts: 565 Member
    Still holding steady 133. My plan is a half pound a week from here on out. I was sick last week and now not sleeping well, so my workout recovery has suffered. I also feel I've reached the point where I can't increase weight or intensity for certain lifts anymore without fatigue, so that's a sign that I'm getting close to the end I think. Nobody told me that you can go through that awkward, mushy, lumpy fat stage more than once while losing, and that's currently happening again so I think another big change shape-wise is coming.

    @rianneonamission - Thanks, it's on the 10th!

    Height: 5'1"
    HW: 195lbs.
    June Goal: Hit a healthy BMI of 131 pounds.
    Ultimate goal: Still not sure yet. I'm now leaning toward 120 and then continuing with strength training and recomp.

    June 1st: 133.6
    June 7th: 133
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,993 Member
    Height: 5' 7"
    HW: ~163
    CW: 152.9 (actual) 153.7 (trend)
    Ultimate GW: 128-140 (unsure due to muscle mass vs previous weight)
    Current GW: 140
    June GW: 150 (trend)

    June 1: 152.9 (actual) 153.7 (trend)
    June 7: 152.6 (actual) 153.1 (trend)
  • gutsnglory6
    gutsnglory6 Posts: 76 Member
    @gutsnglory6 Life is short and thus needs to be enjoyed. As long as you are in control, then that’s fine. For some that’s counting even on a night out, for others it’s knowing they can have a blowout because they are in control outside of that. Whatever works for you. Just don’t ever stop enjoying life and food and all that comes with that. Happy birthday for tomorrow! Enjoy the birthday food and drink!
    Thanks and totally agree! I want to work on that control — actually enjoying the decadent stuff I’m eating and drinking and not overdoing it — rather than just being
  • loe_loe23
    loe_loe23 Posts: 74 Member
    Height: 5'3"
    SW: 150ish
    CW: 124.3
    Goal Weight was 120 but now I'm thinking I might aim for 115. I have a small frame so I still have fat to lose. 115 won't be too skinny I don't think. I do want to gain some muscle because I lost a ton since I've lost 25 pounds... So I also don't know how much my weight will go up when I starting putting muscle back on me. (Mainly just my glutes :p )
  • Letitiamcd
    Letitiamcd Posts: 13 Member
    edited June 2018
    Thanks, @rianneonamission for the words of advice on the BBQ. It ended up being a bust since the weather was not the best here. Plus, I was in a CRAZY step challenge with some of the local ladies that I had to win so I got 66,000 steps in on Sunday which I think helped combat too many calories eaten over the weekend.

    Height: 5'2"
    SW: 116.5
    June Goal: 110
    Ultimate Goal: 105

    Jun 1: 116.1
    Jun 7: 113.1 (this seems kinda low...I typically have a low weight right when I start my cycle. Seems odd but happens every month.)
  • rainingribbons
    rainingribbons Posts: 1,051 Member
    @rianneonamission - Yeah I mean that the scale is low by 5-6 pounds we think, so usually I just take whatever number shows, and add 6! I do really need to purchase one soon, Amazon's a good idea. Probably going to get one after I finish typing this, while I'm still thinking about it!

    Height: 5'10"
    Goal Weight: 140lbs
    June Goal: 140lbs, less body fat!

    June 1st: 144 (I think?)
    June 8th: 142-ish.

    Luckily it seems that was all TOM waterweight from last week, that's a nice relief! About two pounds to go until goal weight and my birthday is just over a month away, hopefully I can shed them then! Planning to start C25K next week, so we'll see if that helps or not.
  • gutsnglory6
    gutsnglory6 Posts: 76 Member
    edited June 2018
    & half my comment didn’t post.
    @rianneonamission trying to work on better enjoyment over mindlessly stuffing my face and feeling like garbage after. Lots of excuses this summer to enjoy life to the detriment of my progress, so this weekend is good practice. We’ll see how it goes (but there WILL be cake tonight and tomorrow).
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    I'm under no illusions that it's not coming for me with this morning's revelation that I have a small bone spur. Both my mother and grandfather had it, but my mum also has rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis, the latter of which was early onset in her 40s. I've had snapping hip since my early teens so that has to have some effect on my pathology despite it being non-painful. It's still rubbing cartilage.

    I feel your pain. I have rheumatoid arthritis on one side of the family, and early onset osteoarthritis on the other side. I am half expecting that my wrist issues are something to do with the osteo (my grandparents both had it, and married each other; they were cousins :| ) which has caused my dad such a bad case that his hip needed replacing at the tender age of 36. He has psoriasis too, so not unthinkable that has made it worse than it already was. For the last few years fever pain has concentrated itself in my hips too. Fingers crossed I haven't had a proper fever for about years, but the few times before that I was in agony for longer than the fever. But yes, the wrists. Physio seems to think arthritis unlikely because of my age. I disagree with him given my family history. But hey ho, let's give physio a good go first. Back to see him on Thursday.

    Will properly respond to everyone later. But this just jumped out at me.

  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    Height 5'5.5 (I like to claim 5'6")
    June goal: 155 lbs
    Ultimate goal: 140 lbs.

    March 22 - 162.5
    April 13 - 160.2
    May 25 - 157.8

    June 1 - 159
    June 8 - 157.3
    June 15 -
    June 20 - (early weigh-in due to vacation)

    I'm just 11 days post-break and still have a lot of swelling in my leg from the broken fibula, but I'm happy to report a lower number than last week. I need to drink more water - I work out of my home, so my son fills my water bottle before going to work, and that's all I have for the day. Need to have him fill several bottles for me as I can't carry water using the walker. I did take a couple steps without the walker yesterday and had discomfort rather than pain, so that's a positive. I'm not eating much during the day because of the carry-with-the-walker issue, but dinners haven't been healthy with my husband and sons feeding me.

    I found some chair workouts on YouTube for the elderly (gasp!) and disabled. I did them last week but this week I'm in a funk and didn't do them. Will do them today, I promise. I'm hoping to be weight-bearing at some point next week and then will start roaming the house and the driveway...at this point that sounds amazing.

    OK, so goals this upcoming week:
    - drink more water
    - chair workout daily
  • Treehugger_88
    Treehugger_88 Posts: 207 Member
    Height: 5'7"
    CW: 138
    GW: 128
    June GW: 136

    June 1: 138
    June 8: 137.2 -a step in the right direction.
    June 15:
    June 22:
    June 29:

    Need to get rid of these 10 pounds i have gained in the last few years.

  • mclduck
    mclduck Posts: 7 Member
    I had a rough week and actually gained a pound. Where I did well was faithfully logging my food and walking 20000 steps every day. I am hoping I see some easy places to cut calories for next week (looking at you gummy fruit snacks). I hope every one has successful second weeks!
  • itseclair
    itseclair Posts: 43 Member
    Height: 165cm
    Sw June: 141 lbs
    June goal: 137 lbs!

    June 9th: 141 lbs (no change)

    June Plan:
    - 1300 cals
    - 15 min treadmill 5x a week
    - 10000 steps 3x a week
    - 6500 steps 4x a week
    - more water!
  • itseclair
    itseclair Posts: 43 Member
    @rianneonamission I actually want to get into weights, but because i'm still in school time doesn't permit me to learn the proper way... maybe next month?
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    I'm under no illusions that it's not coming for me with this morning's revelation that I have a small bone spur. Both my mother and grandfather had it, but my mum also has rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis, the latter of which was early onset in her 40s. I've had snapping hip since my early teens so that has to have some effect on my pathology despite it being non-painful. It's still rubbing cartilage.

    I feel your pain. I have rheumatoid arthritis on one side of the family, and early onset osteoarthritis on the other side. I am half expecting that my wrist issues are something to do with the osteo (my grandparents both had it, and married each other; they were cousins :| ) which has caused my dad such a bad case that his hip needed replacing at the tender age of 36. He has psoriasis too, so not unthinkable that has made it worse than it already was. For the last few years fever pain has concentrated itself in my hips too. Fingers crossed I haven't had a proper fever for about years, but the few times before that I was in agony for longer than the fever. But yes, the wrists. Physio seems to think arthritis unlikely because of my age. I disagree with him given my family history. But hey ho, let's give physio a good go first. Back to see him on Thursday.

    Will properly respond to everyone later. But this just jumped out at me.

    Have you had an x-ray? How are your joint spaces? What is his best guess if it's not arthritis, RSI?

    I completely forgot that my mum has ankylosing spondylitis (a type of arthritis that primarily affects the spine) so jeez Louise, our parents handed us a couple of duff hands, huh? How did your dad's hip replacement go? Wouldn't he have needed a new hip pretty regularly? (Every 10 years or so?)

    I feel I'm in the same boat a bit. Like, is this not just the start of the decline of my whole body until I fall apart and die? /cue dramatic music :lol: I don't know. And I can't really tell if physio doing anything other than making my bum ache, but it's only been 6 days. :lol: That being said, it's helping a smidge with my tailbone -- the first thing to do so in the 6 months it's been bothering me (2 doctors visits and nothing). Loosening up my hammies is probably helping to correct my posterior pelvic tilt so that I can sit on my bum properly.

    How about you? I saw your post about having a 'normal-ish' day not so long ago, that's good, right?
  • Cora0477
    Cora0477 Posts: 326 Member
    edited June 2018
    Height 5'4"
    May 31: 126.2
    June 6: 125.6
    June 10: 124.4
    June 17:
    June 24:
    June Goal: 125
    Ultimate GW: 120

    I made my goal!! So I’ve updated my ultimate goal to my true ultimate goal weight. I didn’t use that at first because I wasn’t sure I could make it there again, but now I’m feeling good about my odds :)

    Honest talk for a minute though. Although I’m liking the way my body is shaping up, I started this diet because I had a closet full of cute clothes that were getting way too small. Now I have a closet full of cute clothes that are too big. So what should have felt like elation at success, kind feels like disappointment. I am enjoying feeling stronger and healthier, as well as feeling more comfortable in my skin, so the payoff is still there, just not as great as I expected.