TEAM: Gutbusters (July)



  • cjscoey
    cjscoey Posts: 57 Member
    July 3
    Exercised?: Yes Swam 30 mins
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes
  • jenfett1
    jenfett1 Posts: 157 Member
    July 3
    Exercise: Yes, almost 14k steps, including 60 minutes on treadmill incline of 4.
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
  • fe452436
    fe452436 Posts: 255 Member
    July 2


    I went outside for 3 hours day before yesterday.And for two days I am unable to move at all.Not even within the house.Did tracking and kept calories under limit.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    LesIckaBod wrote: »
    We haven't had daily questions in this group in a while, but I've had one on my mind for a while, and maybe you'd like to participate? Here goes:
    • What sort of habits/choices/routines do you have on "autopilot" to help you meet your MFP goals?

    Here's mine: I always make sure to have hard-boiled eggs in the fridge. They take one food decision off the table for me everyday, since I almost always eat the whites for breakfast with my coffee, and if I need a quick lunch or snack, they're there for that, too. And if we're running late for dinner and the kids are defcon hangry, it's super quick and easy to make egg salad on toast for them.

    (The downside to this is that I buy a ton of eggs. The last time I was at the grocery store, the man in line behind me commented on the number of eggs I was buying. What can I say? Our family likes eggs, dude!)

    @LesIckaBod. Thanks for kicking this off (been crazy busy with work and travel).

    My autopilot is essentially:
    • Preference for gluten free food (mental switch so that I think for me that gluten is a low-grade poison, I can have a little and it won't hurt, but too much is bad). This means, by preference, no bread, toast, cookies, biscuits, pizza or pasta (I find I don't really miss them apart from convenience). I don't hunt for GF alternatives (like GF bread), my diet is foods that are normally GF (meat, vegetables, deserts (like ice-cream and chocolate), etc...). Apart from pure sugars (and rice), most naturally GF food is very filling.
    • No snacking (if avoidable - save calories for bigger/better meals).
    • Water and black tea as main beverages (lots of water).
    • Some sort of dessert after dinner each day (ice-cream or pavlova by preference - daily treat).
    • When I get something out to eat, I portion it out onto a plate or dish, put the remainder AWAY. THEN I can eat what I have portioned out. (This way if I want another portion I must get it out again instead of absent mindedly continuing on food that is already out).
    • Track eating to ensure I eat enough (if left in "pure autopilot" I will under-eat daily calories on a mainly GF diet).
    • Daily activity (walking, 10000+ steps, simple HIIT style bodyweight exercise, etc...)

    I have bacon and eggs nearly every morning for breakfast and maybe a protein bar if daily protein will come in short (based on tracking). Always try ensure I get enough protein every. MFP makes tracking really simple.

    No food is "off limits". I can join in celebrations and usually find something I can eat or drink.

    (I also go through a lot of eggs - at least 2 per day for breakfast - and my two favourite desserts either use egg yolks (ice cream) or egg whites (pavlova)).
  • ginjennie
    ginjennie Posts: 80 Member
    Exercise:yes, walking 14,000 step target, achieved 23,000 steps
    Calories:yes Although I was under my calorie goal yesterday I did not eat that healthy, too much salt and processed foods. Currently aiming to stop too much processed foods reducing my salt intake.
  • caitlynns727
    caitlynns727 Posts: 80 Member
    Username: caitlynns727
    Weigh in week: July - Week 1
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    Previous Week's weight: 188.1
    Today's Weight: 187.6
  • klmac8
    klmac8 Posts: 11 Member
    sername: klmac8
    Weigh in week: July - Week 1
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    Previous Week's weight: 201.4
    Today's Weight: 200.2
  • caitlynns727
    caitlynns727 Posts: 80 Member
    July 4
    Exercise: Lifting (leg day) and 3 m on the arc trainer
    Tracked: Yes
    Calories: Yes
  • cjscoey
    cjscoey Posts: 57 Member
    Hope everyone had a great 4th! I did and as such did not exercise, track and probably did not stay under calories. Back on the grind tomorrow!
  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,944 Member
    Username: inshapeCK
    Weigh in week: July Week 1
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    Previous Week's weight: 146.7 pounds
    Today's Weight: 146.6 pounds

    Down 0.1 pounds.
    Struggling to re-lose weight I gained back.
    Need to re-lose 0.5 pounds to get back to 146.1 pounds which was my weight on June 13th.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    July 4
    Exercised?: Yes. 10km in 60+ mins (Lunch walk and over bridge).
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Walk over lunch and then another over harbour bridge for dinner. Lunch was a business lunch. Working out how to get me engaged on a project in the Netherlands (as if Sydney is not far enough away from home :) )

    Cafe at which I have breakfast now does a perfect breakfast for me. Bacon & eggs with worstershire sauce. Taken a few week to gently train, but worth the effort.

    Well under calories for the day.

    Happy 4th of July to all the US MFP'ers

    July 5
    Exercised?: Yes. 10km in 60+ mins (Lunch walk and over bridge (again)).
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Walk over lunch and then another for dinner. Nice weather in Sydney today. Beautify weather for walking.

    Working on refreshing working knowledge of Japaneese language. After Netherlands, Japan project possible.

    Yet again, well under calories for the day.

    Looking forward to flying home tomorrow.

    Daily Strength challenge

    Challenge for July 05 is sit-ups or crunches (abs day - be sure to use a mat or towel for cushioning - )

    2 sets
    • First set till the point where you can do no more, wait 2 mins
    • Second set of 50% of the number you did in the first set (half)

    The reason for only 2 sets for this exercise is that it ideally should be balanced with back strengthening exercises (which plank variants provide).
  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    July 3
    Exercise: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Tracked: Yes

    July 4
    Exercise: Yes, if I count walking around sightseeing most of the day. Not a "workout" though
    Calories: No
    Tracked: Yes, after the fact
  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    edited July 2018
    I hope all US/ American MFPers had a great 4th yesterday! I'm inspired to ask another question of the day for those of you interested:

    On holidays/special events, do you continue tracking your food, or do you deliberately choose not to track?

    I do my best to stay a tracker. Keeping to my autopilot breakfast (egg whites and coffee - it does a body good!) and a couple autopilot snacks (almonds or protein drink) helps me stay on track whenever I have strong control over the food options and choices. When I know I'll be at a potluck/picnic/restaurant/gathering where I won't have strong control, I try to have a plan, like "only drink seltzer or unsweetened ice tea" to save my calories for the food. At the event, I do my best to keep to that plan and my overall goals, and then I try to remember everything I can to log the food after the event. I know I don't have perfect recall, so I try to overestimate a bit to hedge my poor guesses.

    Why do I bother with tracking after the fact? If I didn't keep track of these, I wouldn't know that I tend to naturally follow these high calorie days with low calorie days where I'm just not hungry, and eat well below goal. So, when I keep track of both kinds of days, at the end of the week I can look at the average and, ideally, see a deficit.

    Plus, to be honest, I think it's important to know how much calories and macros are in the choices I make at these events. I'm learning to savor the things that are most costly, trying to apply the same thrifty attitude I have toward buying things to eating things. Does that make exercise a form of couponing? :)
  • caitlynns727
    caitlynns727 Posts: 80 Member
    LesIckaBod wrote: »
    I hope all US/ American MFPers had a great 4th yesterday! I'm inspired to ask another question of the day for those of you interested:

    On holidays/special events, do you continue tracking your food, or do you deliberately choose not to track?

    I do my best to stay a tracker. Keeping to my autopilot breakfast (egg whites and coffee - it does a body good!) and a couple autopilot snacks (almonds or protein drink) helps me stay on track whenever I have strong control over the food options and choices. When I know I'll be at a potluck/picnic/restaurant/gathering where I won't have strong control, I try to have a plan, like "only drink seltzer or unsweetened ice tea" to save my calories for the food. At the event, I do my best to keep to that plan and my overall goals, and then I try to remember everything I can to log the food after the event. I know I don't have perfect recall, so I try to overestimate a bit to hedge my poor guesses.

    Why do I bother with tracking after the fact? If I didn't keep track of these, I wouldn't know that I tend to naturally follow these high calorie days with low calorie days where I'm just not hungry, and eat well below goal. So, when I keep track of both kinds of days, at the end of the week I can look at the average and, ideally, see a deficit.

    Plus, to be honest, I think it's important to know how much calories and macros are in the choices I make at these events. I'm learning to savor the things that are most costly, trying to apply the same thrifty attitude I have toward buying things to eating things. Does that make exercise a form of couponing? :)

    It kind of depends where I'm at for me I think. For instance yesterday I tracked because I was at home with my husband celebrating so I could figure out the calories in everything. This weekend I'll be at my brother's home and won't really know. I could guess or ask (my s-i-l does mfp so she might know), but I would rather just enjoy everything in moderation and follow with a few lower calorie days. I also make sure I get a ton of steps in on days I know I'm going off plan.
  • caitlynns727
    caitlynns727 Posts: 80 Member
    July 5
    Exercise: 2.5 m run
    Tracked: Yes
    Calories: Yes
  • fe452436
    fe452436 Posts: 255 Member
    July 4
    Calories:yes (under limit)

    July 5
    Calories:yes (under limit)
  • eevang
    eevang Posts: 187 Member
    LesIckaBod wrote: »
    I hope all US/ American MFPers had a great 4th yesterday! I'm inspired to ask another question of the day for those of you interested:

    On holidays/special events, do you continue tracking your food, or do you deliberately choose not to track?

    I do my best to stay a tracker. Keeping to my autopilot breakfast (egg whites and coffee - it does a body good!) and a couple autopilot snacks (almonds or protein drink) helps me stay on track whenever I have strong control over the food options and choices. When I know I'll be at a potluck/picnic/restaurant/gathering where I won't have strong control, I try to have a plan, like "only drink seltzer or unsweetened ice tea" to save my calories for the food. At the event, I do my best to keep to that plan and my overall goals, and then I try to remember everything I can to log the food after the event. I know I don't have perfect recall, so I try to overestimate a bit to hedge my poor guesses.

    Why do I bother with tracking after the fact? If I didn't keep track of these, I wouldn't know that I tend to naturally follow these high calorie days with low calorie days where I'm just not hungry, and eat well below goal. So, when I keep track of both kinds of days, at the end of the week I can look at the average and, ideally, see a deficit.

    Plus, to be honest, I think it's important to know how much calories and macros are in the choices I make at these events. I'm learning to savor the things that are most costly, trying to apply the same thrifty attitude I have toward buying things to eating things. Does that make exercise a form of couponing? :)

    I always start the day tracking but if I know that I’ll be going over and want to eat a mystery food (some random homemade side or dessert that a family member brings), I’ll stop tracking.

    I’m much more regimented on non-holidays since homemade food is easy enough to track when you prepare it yourself!
  • ginjennie
    ginjennie Posts: 80 Member

    July 4
    Exercise:Yes walking only 14000 step target achieved 18000 steps. Not been feeling well but I did make sure to at least get a good walk in.

    July 5
    Exercise:Yes. Started the day doing nothing and was on track to continue this way after not feeling well. Got off my backside after dinner and went for a walk to at least achieve my step count of 14000 steps, about 6 mile walk.
  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    July 5
    Exercise: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Tracked: Yes

    @caitlynns727 and @eevang , thanks for answering my question yesterday! It looks like we have in common that we track when we're most capable, and have a plan (enjoy in moderation, exercise more, etc) when foods are more difficult to track. Either way, it doesn't look like anyone plans a full-on eating extravaganza on those days we know tracking will be more difficult.
    It kind of depends where I'm at for me I think. For instance yesterday I tracked because I was at home with my husband celebrating so I could figure out the calories in everything. This weekend I'll be at my brother's home and won't really know. I could guess or ask (my s-i-l does mfp so she might know), but I would rather just enjoy everything in moderation and follow with a few lower calorie days. I also make sure I get a ton of steps in on days I know I'm going off plan.
    eevang wrote: »
    I always start the day tracking but if I know that I’ll be going over and want to eat a mystery food (some random homemade side or dessert that a family member brings), I’ll stop tracking.

    I’m much more regimented on non-holidays since homemade food is easy enough to track when you prepare it yourself!

This discussion has been closed.