Summer of Sleep



  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Been reading these...I think the the sleep tracking is interesting. I like to look at my deep sleep, but don't seem to get enough, IMO. I should be going to bed earlier, not getting wrapped up in MFP forums. :)

    This made me laugh because I do the same thing! I have the best intentions of going to sleep early at night, but that is when I usually curl up in bed with my iPad and catch up on my MFP groups. I never seem to have time during the day... :)
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,112 Member
    edited July 2018
    7/26 5:30
    7/27 10:15
    7/28 9:45 (I think I only really slept 6)
    7/29 10:02 Quality Sleep: 8:11
    7/30 9:42 QS: 7:50 (seemed like less)
    7/31 8:15 (great nite’s Sleep)

    Must Achieve earlier bed time/no screens...
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    I got just over 8 hours sleep! Woot!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    7 hours 50 minutes! I actually fell asleep at 10:18 last night and slept until 7:20 this morning (after hitting the Snooze about 8 times, unfortunately). I'm just really happy that i fell asleep earlier. My husband falling asleep early and being able to turn the TV off and read for a bit really helped!
  • travelling_lots
    travelling_lots Posts: 377 Member
    First night in months 6 hours of light sleep rest is awake.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    So happy for you @PinkyPan1, @PackerFanInGB, and @travelling_lots! Sleep is downright magical, isn’t it?
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    edited August 2018
    Last night my tracker was off and said I fell asleep at 1am. I actually fell asleep around 11. So that's 6hr14min.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,112 Member
    My sleep is going much better...still working towards earlier bedtime :)
  • travelling_lots
    travelling_lots Posts: 377 Member
    I’m still having bad sleep. 21/2 hours deep sleep and 31/2 light sleep the rest is all awake everywhere through the night
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,112 Member
    Did not so well a couple of days, but am now back on track
  • travelling_lots
    travelling_lots Posts: 377 Member
    I can't seem to get better. I've cut down on my naps and seems I'm more drained and exhausted. Today I tried to nap not even that happened. As if my body is on overdrive and can't get off that gear now.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Was sleeping by 10:30 so that was good. Awake over an hour around 2:00 a.m. Seems to be a pattern of waking up a lot around that time. I'll have to pay attention to what is going on around me at that time.

    7H 2MIN
    1H 8m awake
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,112 Member
    Simply horrible night’s sleep. Late night work stress.
    Slept 3:15-7:30 (hubby got up)

    I finally got to sleep by playing g soothing music and repeating, “Let it goooo!” As I breathed deeply, exhaling as I thought “goooo.”
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    Sleep really is a process, isn’t it? I’m trying to create a buffer a few hours before I turn in, where I do nothing stressful. My husband was watching a movie the other night and suggested I watch it with him. It was a movie about World War II. I knew the last thing I needed before I went to bed was a war movie... that’s certainly not conducive to restful sleep.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,112 Member
    Yes, it is! I remember that my in-laws took brief warm/hot baths each night *right* before turning in. Have been pondering trying that as 1) relaxing, 2) I’ve read a drop in temp can help us fall asleep (ie as we get out of bath) 3) is force myself to put phone on charger etc prior to bath ie no screens after bath.

    I’m also considering getting a. bedside light that dims over time (Oprah mag) so if I’m reading my not-too-engaging book, I will get cues it’s time to sleep.

    Finally, I have a message set that tells me “You’re approaching your ideal bedtime” and I find it helps me disengage from phone/reminds me of my sleep am going to move that 15 mins earlier! The things we have to do sometimes to change our habits!! Haha!
  • travelling_lots
    travelling_lots Posts: 377 Member
    Yes, it is! I remember that my in-laws took brief warm/hot baths each night *right* before turning in. Have been pondering trying that as 1) relaxing, 2) I’ve read a drop in temp can help us fall asleep (ie as we get out of bath) 3) is force myself to put phone on charger etc prior to bath ie no screens after bath.

    I’m also considering getting a. bedside light that dims over time (Oprah mag) so if I’m reading my not-too-engaging book, I will get cues it’s time to sleep.

    Finally, I have a message set that tells me “You’re approaching your ideal bedtime” and I find it helps me disengage from phone/reminds me of my sleep am going to move that 15 mins earlier! The things we have to do sometimes to change our habits!! Haha!

    All inspirational ideas.
    I used to take baths everynuggt before bed. And yes used go sleep like a baby. Maybe something to look at again. Thanks
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,112 Member
    Yes, it is! I remember that my in-laws took brief warm/hot baths each night *right* before turning in. Have been pondering trying that as 1) relaxing, 2) I’ve read a drop in temp can help us fall asleep (ie as we get out of bath) 3) is force myself to put phone on charger etc prior to bath ie no screens after bath.

    I’m also considering getting a. bedside light that dims over time (Oprah mag) so if I’m reading my not-too-engaging book, I will get cues it’s time to sleep.

    Finally, I have a message set that tells me “You’re approaching your ideal bedtime” and I find it helps me disengage from phone/reminds me of my sleep am going to move that 15 mins earlier! The things we have to do sometimes to change our habits!! Haha!

    All inspirational ideas.
    I used to take baths everynuggt before bed. And yes used go sleep like a baby. Maybe something to look at again. Thanks

    Oh great! I will definitely try it then!! Thanks!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    I think a relaxing pre-bedtime routine is important for sleeping well. Baths, light reading, crossword puzzles, simple stretches all work well for me. I can’t read up on news or watch news on TV in the hours before bed. Too stressful.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    I listened to a really great podcast by Dr. Steve Orma, a psychologist and noted sleep therapist. He stressed the importance of having a nightly bedtime routine at least an hour before bed, but preferably 2-3 hours before bed. Nothing stressful or invigorating, just calm and relaxing. Practiced nightly, this pre-bedtime routine becomes the trigger that tells our body that it will soon be time to go to sleep.

    We will be winding down this "Summer of Sleep" challenge the end of August. I would love to hear what your takeaways have been. Has the challenge helped you in some way sleep better?

    I've learned that for me, getting good sleep boils down to going to bed every night at a reasonable hour. I can't control how much REM sleep or deep sleep I get, but I do control my bedtime.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    I have been sleeping much better since I started sleeping with little or no clothes. Limiting the technology has worked wonders. Also, eating at least 3 hours before bed. My stomach is not so worked up when I go to bed. Definitely not arguing, or having life changing conversations before bed, watching maybe a little tv ( I choose uplifting shows or travel shows) calms me down.

    Thanks for this challenge. I had never paid that much attention before to my sleep routine and was always sleeping 3 to 4 hours. Now it has been 7 minimum. This is life changing.