January 2019!! Monthly Challenge



  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 811 Member
    River Goddess wrote: Awe, that is so nice I love that she's willing to make you food that works for you. Thats awesome! Also, psst - I think there are low-carb beers available, if you're not a purist perhaps you could buy a pack to taste and she could try one too? )

    That is a great suggestion RG. I’m not a purist and I already like light beer and low carb beer. Unfortunately, my reluctant keto cook/wife is a purist. She’s a “beer” purist and loves her full throttle beer. I’m lucky enough to bowl with two women on a three-person team. Both the girls wear shirts that say, “Take a Pitcher, It last longer”. The shirts have a picture of a pitcher of beer on them. I wear my “I can’t, I’m in Ketosis” T-shirt. Our team-name is “Irritable Bowl Syndrome” (IBS).

    As you might guess the lady’s priority is not bowling. Their motto is “Here for Beer”. I <3 bowling every week with them. However, I’m not supposed to put my shoulder at risk for at least 5 more weeks. So, the keto cook/wife bowls and drinks her beer without me for the next 5 weeks.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,747 Member
    edited January 2019
    Tuesday 01/01 145.1 (lost some of the holiday weight 👍🏼)
    Sunday 01/06 - 144.8 (I bought a new scale that syncs with MFP) I need something to keep me honest, lol
    Sunday 01/13 144.7
    Sunday 01/20
    Sunday 01/27
    Thursday 01/31. for those who want to finish the month!
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    River Goddess wrote: Awe, that is so nice I love that she's willing to make you food that works for you. Thats awesome! Also, psst - I think there are low-carb beers available, if you're not a purist perhaps you could buy a pack to taste and she could try one too? )

    That is a great suggestion RG. I’m not a purist and I already like light beer and low carb beer. Unfortunately, my reluctant keto cook/wife is a purist. She’s a “beer” purist and loves her full throttle beer. I’m lucky enough to bowl with two women on a three-person team. Both the girls wear shirts that say, “Take a Pitcher, It last longer”. The shirts have a picture of a pitcher of beer on them. I wear my “I can’t, I’m in Ketosis” T-shirt. Our team-name is “Irritable Bowl Syndrome” (IBS).

    As you might guess the lady’s priority is not bowling. Their motto is “Here for Beer”. I <3 bowling every week with them. However, I’m not supposed to put my shoulder at risk for at least 5 more weeks. So, the keto cook/wife bowls and drinks her beer without me for the next 5 weeks.

    Yet another thing we have in common, Stormy! I love bowling, and I'm pretty good too 😁 I bowled for 10 years before moving too far away from any bowling alley to continue. I'll do still kick butt when I go into town with my co-workers or friends haha 😉
  • cmbalint
    cmbalint Posts: 71 Member
    01/01 184.3
    01/07 181.7
    01/13 183.2
    tough week need to get back on track lots of out of bounds snacks
  • VeronicaMarie27
    VeronicaMarie27 Posts: 40 Member
    I’m so glad we weigh in on Sundays, because this morning I was back up again. Ugh! I think i might not be drinking enough water...? Any other chronic weigh-ers out there? Thinking of starting a support group! :D:D:D:D
  • BadAtitude
    BadAtitude Posts: 167 Member
    First time Keto follower here. I thought about doing Keto for months but it scared me....now that I actually started it seems easier then I thought. I really love the food choices and am actually attempting to cook, which is a huge milestone for me as I hate cooking (even bought a Keto cookbook :o ). Hope to do well, thanks for letting me join.

    SW -192.2 lbs
    GW-140 lbs

    Sunday 1/6- 192.2
    Sunday 1/13- 187.2
    Sunday 1/20
    Sunday- 1/27
    Thursday 1/31
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 811 Member
    I’m so glad we weigh in on Sundays, because this morning I was back up again. Ugh! I think i might not be drinking enough water...? Any other chronic weigh-ers out there? Thinking of starting a support group! :D:D:D:D

    I’m the worst. I weigh myself at least twice a day. I know I’m not supposed to, but I can’t help myself. I weigh in the morning when I’m as light as I know I will be, and I weigh in the evening so I can see how much I lose in my sleep. I just must know! Believe it or not I have been challenged by friends on this thread to not weigh between our Sunday check-ins. I did it once, but it made me crazier than I already am.

    I tend to be compulsive about lots of things. The truth is, it is my normal, and altering the things I’m compulsive about disturbs me. I understand and acknowledge all the healthy reasons not weighing so often. It just doesn’t work for me, and now, I know I’m not alone. Ha! Actually, there are others on this forum that feel the same as we do.

    That said, I do not encourage bad behavior. However, count me in for your support group. >:)

  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    I’m so glad we weigh in on Sundays, because this morning I was back up again. Ugh! I think i might not be drinking enough water...? Any other chronic weigh-ers out there? Thinking of starting a support group! :D:D:D:D

    night and morning, night and morning and when I don't that's when I know I'm cheating and hoping the scales won't catch me passing by!
  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    @VeronicaMarie27 morning, night, and occasionally after/before the first meal of the day (depending on how late in the day my first meal is).
    I don’t know if it is why the group decided on sundays, but there is scientific evidence that Monday’s cause weight gain and weekends cause weight loss (as with all things, YMMV)
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    edited January 2019
    The spreadsheet hates me! I have bee been able to add myself or edit it...

    Start Weight Oct. 1, 2018 - 192.8 lbs

    January 1st - 179.8 lbs
    Sunday 01/06 - 179.2 lbs
    Sunday 01/13 - 179.8 lbs
    Sunday 01/20 -
    Sunday 01/27 -
    January 31st -

    December was a train wreck... I’m slowly getting back on track. I hope to see proof of my efforts next weigh in!
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    edited January 2019
    I’m so glad we weigh in on Sundays, because this morning I was back up again. Ugh! I think i might not be drinking enough water...? Any other chronic weigh-ers out there? Thinking of starting a support group! :D:D:D:D

    I weigh 3 - 4 x per week. I'm not phased by ups and downs, and I only record my weight if it's a new low. I love weighing in and seeing the daily and weekly fluctuations. I've gotten really good and knowing by how my body feels, what the scale will say :)
  • jemtred
    jemtred Posts: 672 Member
    I’m so glad we weigh in on Sundays, because this morning I was back up again. Ugh! I think i might not be drinking enough water...? Any other chronic weigh-ers out there? Thinking of starting a support group! :D:D:D:D

    Me too!! Every day many many times a day. But I don't let the fluctuations bother me - I just like to know! I only use my Sunday weight as my official weight and just keep a log of the morning one every day on the "just give me 10 days" forum.
  • lbride
    lbride Posts: 248 Member
    I did not really try to do keto this week, except that I did incorporate more fat into my life which apparently is not that easy for me to do. There was one day where all I ate was super low carb tortillas and peanut butter (two for breakfast, two for lunch, two for dinner) - For no particular reason except that this is what I was craving that day. My (based upon no science) assumption is that my body is now craving more fat (or I just really wanted peanut butter that day!).

    SW: 135
    Short term GW - 130 by Feb 1
    GW: 126 - by March 31

    01/01 - 135
    01/02 - 134
    01/06 - 133.5
    01/13 - 132

  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 811 Member
    shirli2018 wrote: »

    I’m sharing my first before and after picture. Before picture is from December 2018 and I think I probably was heavier by the time I started this journey in late May. The after picture was take on Christmas Eve before the pie 🤪

    You look fabulous! Doing the math in my head you’ve lost those 66.2 pounds in about 7 months. What an accomplishment! I also see your GW will put you in the over 100 pounds lost club. We are honored to have you in our forum and hope that you will continue to post your progress here for us to see. Stories like yours motivate people to believe they can do it too. A picture is worth a 1,000-words, and you look like a million bucks.

  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Beeee-autiful progress @shirli2018. Congrats on that!
  • KristinLeeD
    KristinLeeD Posts: 218 Member
    I’m so glad we weigh in on Sundays, because this morning I was back up again. Ugh! I think i might not be drinking enough water...? Any other chronic weigh-ers out there? Thinking of starting a support group! :D:D:D:D

    I am definitely a chronic weigh-er too! Some people feel very strongly about only weighing once a week or longer. I don't see a problem with daily weighing IF you are in the right frame of mind. If you are a person (as I used to be) who is affected and discouraged by an overnight gain of a couple of lbs, it is probably not the best idea.
    If you can keep in mind that an overnight gain of 2 lbs is most likely water and food, etc, not fat (because people don't gain 2 lbs of fat overnight) then, why not? I personally like seeing the trends in daily weighing. Once you have done it for a month or so, it's interesting (& encouraging) to see all the ups and downs and still the net loss at the end!
  • KristinLeeD
    KristinLeeD Posts: 218 Member
    shirli2018 wrote: »
    SW 248.2 lbs

    I’m sharing my first before and after picture. Before picture is from December 2018 and I think I probably was heavier by the time I started this journey in late May. The after picture was take on Christmas Eve before the pie 🤪

    You look beautiful. And your hard work and dedication is encouraging. Thanks for sharing!
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    Starting weight (July 24, 2018): 200.1
    Goal weight (by June 10, 2019 -my birthday!): 140
    Current weight (January 1, 2018): 169

    Tuesday 01/01 -169
    Sunday 01/06 -169
    Sunday 01/13 -165.4
    Sunday 01/20
    Sunday 01/27
    Thursday 01/31

    The scale finally moved, y'all, lol...I doubt I will see it drop into the 150s by the end of the month, but wouldn't that be an awesome surprise!

    I picked it back up at the gym three times a week, and found out my local library has a free yoga class every Saturday morning. I've actually never done yoga, and I am sure I could do with some more flexibility, so I think I might do that for a couple of months and see how I feel.

  • shirli2018
    shirli2018 Posts: 74 Member
    @stormywxs288 and @KristinLeeD thank you for all the kind words. It has been a good ride so far, and it took lots of work and planning, but I couldn't have done it without all of you here that have been encouraging with their success stories and tips. Great things are coming - happy Keto year
  • FunandFitMom
    FunandFitMom Posts: 146 Member
    SW: 196.5
    GW: 160 (by mid-May 2019)

    01/01 - 196.5
    01/06 - 196.2
    01/13 - 193.4
  • KristinLeeD
    KristinLeeD Posts: 218 Member

    Along with the keto WOE as the foundation, I have several other means in place to achieve goals. Without a doubt this group is one of those means. I am proud to say our monthly challenge and spreadsheet has been my inspiration to keep at it for over a year now. The inspiration, encouragement and advice I’ve received from my friends on this thread makes all of you the most valued tools in my keto tool chest. I look forward to another year with you at my side as we pursue those goals. I <3 keto and our group.

    Happy, happy birthday my friend! I appreciate your continual encouragement and support through all of the ups and downs. I'm looking forward to more "ups" for both of us this year! I also enjoy our friendly banter during baseball season :) Thanks for being a constant in this group and for sharing your journey with us! Hope you have a fabulous birthday!
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 811 Member
    KristinLeeD wrote: Happy, happy birthday my friend! I appreciate your continual encouragement and support through all of the ups and downs. I'm looking forward to more "ups" for both of us this year! I also enjoy our friendly banter during baseball season :) Thanks for being a constant in this group and for sharing your journey with us! Hope you have a fabulous birthday!

    Ditto KLD! Go Stros and Mariners