TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (February)



  • Bradleys8299
    Bradleys8299 Posts: 136 Member
    Challenge Sw: 248.2
    Week 1: 244.4
    Week 2: 244.8

    Week 3: 243.4

  • karrihowlett
    karrihowlett Posts: 122 Member
    Feb 21 Mini challenge

    Tracked: Yes
    Under: Yes
    Exercise: 50 minutes walking
    Water: 8 cups
  • karrihowlett
    karrihowlett Posts: 122 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Weigh in

    Starting weight: 181
    Last week: 182
    This week: 180 🙂

    Back in the right direction! I was surprised at the loss given I have been sick and not eating well, but I’ll take it!

    @karrihowlett, Like we said to Mike last week....take it and run!! A loss is a loss! I am glad you are feeling better. You have to be feeling better to go showshoeing, as that is a tough workout!! Well done!!

    Thanks! And it was a FUN time snowshoeing. Climbing hills and leaping into the snowbanks. I haven’t done that in years! Glad to be feeling better to do that.

    @HASWLRS Thanks for your continued inspiration and encouragement. I’m so glad I joined this challenge.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,000 Member
    Challenge Sw: 248.2
    Week 1: 244.4
    Week 2: 244.8

    Week 3: 243.4

    @womanofgod4893, After your water retention from last week, you lost a true pound!! Nicely done!!
  • T34S3l
    T34S3l Posts: 93 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    T34S3l wrote: »
    Hi everyone! I hope you're all doing well. I've had a blip (more like a 3 week blip) they do say it wanes and waxes. I'm starting a new job on Monday and I was determined (or I thought I was) to feel good about myself when I started but having no work and no set routine combined with some bad environmental triggers, I've done the opposite. I start working shifts again on Monday and I'm not sure what it'll do to my diet and routine. I won't lie, I'm scared of going to the classes in the gym and my all or nothing attitude had broken me.

    PW: 193.7
    CW: 196.3

    I'm looking forward to getting some routine back and smashing this gain. I'm not daft and I know I can do CICO, I have just lacked determination to overcome some obstacles. If I can't turn this around this week, I'll leave because gaining is not the point of being here, I understand that. Thank you for your patience everyone.

    @T34S3l, Hey, T. Yes, you may have gained a little, but you've also learned a lot, and that is worth almost as much as a drop on the scales!! You've learned that routine is crucial for success. You've identified some environmental triggers that cause you to reach for food and the obstacles that will require the most mental energy from you to overcome. You've also recognized that your all or nothing attitude eventually leads to your downfall every single time! You are still here, working through it. You haven't given up, and by that standard, you have earned your place on this team. Don't leave because you have had three bad weeks. Stay because you have had three bad weeks and continue to work though it!

    As far as the apprehension about going to the classes at the gym is concerned, can you seek out the instructor ahead of time? Introduce yourself, and tell him/her about your anxiety and they will undoubtedly reassure you that you will be fine. This way, too, the instructor will not be a stranger and the recognition between the two of you will also help to put you at ease.

    Thank you so much for your understanding @HASWLRS I actually didn't expect that. I feel very different this afternoon to what I did this morning. I know I am conquering my triggers and thinking patterns little by little and with 30+ years of bad habits to overcome, I'm doing okay (it's about that bigger picture amirite?). Even if I fluctuate until September (when I finally get a permanent job with proper hours), I'm going to give it my best and learn as much as I can until then. As soon as I know my hours for next week, I'm going to book in for a class. I did the meet and greet with a trainer but he was hitting on me and wouldn't leave me alone so I'm in a different gym now, new approach!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,000 Member
    @T34S3l, glad to hear you are feeling better and that you found a new gym!!! It's flattering, for sure, but when you are there to work out, you definitely don't need someone following you around!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,000 Member
    Still looking for Friday Weigh-Ins from:

    @GrandmaJackie, @Lucianaflo16 and @murdog3t
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,286 Member
    DATE: Thursday February 21, 2019
    Logged food: ✅
    Under calories: ✅
    Exercises: ✅ (Treadmill/Squat challenge/Yoga Burn )
    Steps: 19,696
    February 22
    Weigh in day - Friday
    Previous - 145
    Current - 146 😈😫😈

    It’s funny how it’s one day of not eating healthy can up the scale. On the bright side it was only one day, :)
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,000 Member
    edited February 2019
    DATE: Thursday February 21, 2019
    Logged food: ✅
    Under calories: ✅
    Exercises: ✅ (Treadmill/Squat challenge/Yoga Burn )
    Steps: 19,696
    February 22
    Weigh in day - Friday
    Previous - 145
    Current - 146 😈😫😈

    It’s funny how it’s one day of not eating healthy can up the scale. On the bright side it was only one day, :)

    @GrandmaJackie, It was only one day, and only one pound, so just some retained water perhaps? Consider it normal fluctuations, and move on from here!!
  • mikea2g
    mikea2g Posts: 384 Member
    DATE: Friday, February 22, 2019
    Logged food: Yes
    Under calories: No
    Exercises: Yes - 35 minutes light effort elliptical / 10 minutes stretching /
    Steps as of posting: 16,416

    Was out and about today. Lots of calorie dense food bars and no planned or prepared meals. Feel like I’ve barely eaten but I’ve been snacking all day. It’s amazing the difference a few food swaps can make on overall calories. And satiation. More carbs for me equals hungrier feelings. More nuts equal WAY more calories
    Oh well. Tomorrow’s another opportunity to do things the correct way.
  • Bradleys8299
    Bradleys8299 Posts: 136 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Challenge Sw: 248.2
    Week 1: 244.4
    Week 2: 244.8

    Week 3: 243.4

    @womanofgod4893, After your water retention from last week, you lost a true pound!! Nicely done!!

    Thank you! It's funny because I actually ate more this week lol.
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,018 Member
    Under: yes
    Exercise: 55 minutes elliptical, 31 minutes walking.

    Tomorrow will be gym, work and then straight to my boyfriend's house to do some yoga, and unwind with a glass of wine 😊 Sunday will be a bit more active than usual. We are going to dollar bowling, and it's our first date out in a while. Usually we stay in and Netflix binge all day(which I will miss!)
  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    Username : murdog3t
    Weight in week: 3
    Weight in day:Friday
    Previous weeks weight: 146.4
    Today’s weight: 146.4

    I let go when I rest in silent awareness

    “Every day and in every possible way, I trust my intuition and the powers of my subconscious.”

    Feb 21
    Tracking: yes
    Calories: yes
    Exercise: yes
    60 min yoga & meditation
    15 min walk
    60 min HIIT/strength
    Steps: 10115
    Water:88 oz
  • Nicoletime4me
    Nicoletime4me Posts: 531 Member
    February 22
    Tracking- yes
    Calories- yes
    Exercise- no
  • prehistoricmoongoddess
    prehistoricmoongoddess Posts: 1,002 Member
    edited February 2019
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Weigh in Friday this week only (usually on a Wednesday)

    Starting weight: 170.0
    Current weight: 158.8
    Goal weight: 126.0

    Last week 157.2
    This week 158.8

    Increase of 1.6lb. Spent the last 4 days away at a spa with my daughter to celebrate her birthday...will soon be back on track

    @prehistoricmoongoddess, you only put on 1.6 pounds while you were away from home for four days...that is not bad at all! It will fall off in no time, especially now that you are home and all relaxed from being away at a spa! Hope you had a wonderful time with your daughter!

    Thank you - but actually I only put 0.2lb on while I was away - the rest was before I went. However, I am now worried because despite having only having 1049 calories yesterday (out of 1200 allowed) and having earned 211 exercise calories, leaving me with 362 calories left that I could have had, I got up this morning to an increase of 1lb.
  • heaz10
    heaz10 Posts: 311 Member
    Tracked: yes
    Under: broke even
    Exercise: yes 30 min swimming, 60 min walk,

    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: lots of hiking and swimming
  • swauters
    swauters Posts: 426 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Weigh in Friday this week only (usually on a Wednesday)

    Starting weight: 170.0
    Current weight: 158.8
    Goal weight: 126.0

    Last week 157.2
    This week 158.8

    Increase of 1.6lb. Spent the last 4 days away at a spa with my daughter to celebrate her birthday...will soon be back on track

    @prehistoricmoongoddess, you only put on 1.6 pounds while you were away from home for four days...that is not bad at all! It will fall off in no time, especially now that you are home and all relaxed from being away at a spa! Hope you had a wonderful time with your daughter!

    Thank you - but actually I only put 0.2lb on while I was away - the rest was before I went. However, I am now worried because despite having only having 1049 calories yesterday (out of 1200 allowed) and having earned 211 exercise calories, leaving me with 362 calories left that I could have had, I got up this morning to an increase of 1lb.

    for me personally, it takes a few days to a week to see the results/ consequences of my eating and exercise habits. If I go off the wagon, it doesn't show up on the scale for 3-7 days. The same thing happens when I am diligent with calories and exercise. I dont see the results right away. There is a bit of a lag. I can't explain it, and scientifically it shouldn't make sense, but that is just how my body works.

    So I guess I am saying the gain could still be from vacation. Hang in there for a few days and hard work will show.
  • karrihowlett
    karrihowlett Posts: 122 Member
    Feb 22 Mini challenge

    Tracked: Yes
    Under: Yes
    Exercise: 60 minutes Orange Theory, 15 minutes walking
    Water: 12 cups
  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    Feb 22
    Tracking: yes
    Calories: yes
    Exercise: yes
    60 min yoga & meditation
    15 min walk
    35 min elliptical
    Steps: 10997
    Water:88 oz
    Happy Saturday 😎
  • Jaynee1961
    Jaynee1961 Posts: 109 Member
    Weight last week 257.4
    This week weigh in 253.8 -3.6 lbs
This discussion has been closed.