

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    edited February 2019
    I'm always using it when I tell my son "it's too hot!! to do a deep cleaning of the house, or it's too cold! to clean! He says it's NEVER "just right" for me..... so I tell him, yes! I have Goldilock's Syndrome! lol

    (edited for Spll ck.)
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Pickleball looks really hard! I don't think I could possibly keep up. Would love to give it a go, though.

    My weight loss is only fluctation. Still trying to push for a new low, but it's not coming!

    Time2Lose, I noticed you had lost weight due to illness - how awful for you! I hope you've recovered now.

    Congratulations on the loss, Suzy!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy - another loss is awesome!! and THAT is what you can take with you when you go to see hubbys family next week - the reminder that you have been consistently losing and moving towards your goal and seeing the results from your hard work!!! I think you should weigh in the day before you go cause i bet you'll be down another bit and that will help keep you in the zone!! Well done!!

    Gail im so sorry you have a stomach bug; I hate throwing up - i think we've discussed that before in here lol.... i'm glad to hear you're on the mend and how cool would it be if you and milove met while you were there?

    Keep in mind those PB players in the video are pros... lol for me its just about moving the parts and having a blast doing it.. and when you start you aren't moving at all, you're just learning the serving and strategy and rules so you're just doing drills - so it doesn't scare you off like watching them actually play does lol... its almost a gradual slide into the moving part so you don't realize you're actually running around til you are :)

    Vail - you'll get to a new loss soon i know you will! I'm hoping for the same thing... i'm not changing my ticker til I weigh in on monday tho.. (and it better be DOWN MOVING... as right now it's still just wobbling back and forth 1/2 lb up and down..

    off to shower; had a good time at PB but i was hurting this morning; joint pain and the overall owies that happen sometimes, i hoped playing would help and it did somewhat, but after 2 hrs and maybe 5 or 6 games i packed it in... i have a short gig at the LAC this evening then start dayshift tomorrow so best get everything prepped - including putting that darn chicken in the oven lol! have a great weekend hatters!!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Just popping in before bed to see how it went with the walk Vail - but i'm not sure of the time difference so i'll check in the morning !
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    The walk went well, but I have to say the pace was a bit fast for me, as I suspected. It turned out that there was very little elevation, but when we went up hill I really felt it! It was a bit frustrating, because it's not as if I'm sedentary - I do walk quite a lot, although I suppose it's almost all on quite level ground, so I'm not getting the "training" in. Maybe my "stair training" (going up and down the stairs at home over and over!) will help. It did make me realise that I don't think I could keep up with the group if it had been more hilly.

    There were some beautiful views, but I felt I couldn't stop and look or take photographs or enjoy it, because I had to keep up! We did have a stop for lunch, though. Excluding the lunch stop, we covered about 3 miles an hour, which felt fast for me even on the completely flat bits.

    So it was a success! But it made me realise that I couldn't have done it if it had been any more hilly. The pace has always been a problem for me, even when I was young and fit and regularly going up mountains, so I don't expect that to improve! I will look out for walks that appear suitable.

    I was one of the oldest there, but there were mixed ages. I was definitely the fattest! Which is often the case when I go to the gym or anything. Despite the weight loss, my BMI is still in the overweight range by quite a lot (about 12lb at the moment). I did wonder if I would be finding it easier if I lost that extra weight! That should be easy - I just need to not eat so much, lol!

    Oh, and no blisters! If I keep this up though, I may buy the socks Suzy suggested, as my feet were hot and sore. The weather was fantastic for February too, very mild, misty then sunny.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Vail, I’m so proud of you for going and proving to yourself that you could do it...even if you had to push yourself a bit! The best results of any exercise come from pushing yourself a bit outside your comfort zone. Three miles an hour is a brisk pace. How far or long did you go? Yay to no blisters!!! Did you meet any nice people? Were there any that were at your level? If so, maybe you could start your own group of those who want to work up to the hills. Just a thought. Again.... I’m so proud of you for going!

    We had my daughter and her husband over for dinner last night. I made her favorite, lasagna. I did pretty good, only ate half a piece and the rest of my plate was salad, no bread. I did, however, drink three glasses of wine and had a bit of dessert. All in all I felt like I used restraint and made good decisions. I’m okay with it and managed to come in just under my daily calories...somehow. We’re walking today (since we have a break in the rain and the sun is actually out)!
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Pickle ball is awesome Snoozie. I use to play tennis when I was in my 20s and again mid 50s. I would love to do this. I have to look to see if they have this here.

    Gail, sorry you are not well, I hope you feel better soon.

    And, I would just love to meet up with you in as you say N'awlins lol, that would be simply wonderful.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail item so proud of you for trying something new with the walk. I get that you found it difficult and not being able to stop when you might've wanted to look at the lovely nature scenery or just enjoy the moment so to speak I did try group walking once but came to realize that because I walk for my mental health im much better walking on my own so I can do exactly that - sit on the picnic bench for a few minutes when I feel like it and enjoy the birds in the water, and to be able to stroll when I feel like it and powerwalk when I feel like it. But the important thing is that you put yourself out there to a new situation that was a little daunting and we all know how scary that can be so huge congrats girl I'm having to use my phone right now and Siri but Susie big congrats on the lasagna and the restraint and my love pickle ball is the fastest growing sport in North America so you may very well just find something near you. More later from home when I can actually type on the computer!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Well done on the lasagne, Suzy! It's great the way you can keep on track while entertaining and enjoying yourself. I hope the walk went well!

    The walk was only about 7.5 miles, and a lot of it was fairly level. I think the other women usually do more than 10, and were talking about 26 mile day walks, so I think I was a bit out of my league! Yes, I did meet some nice people and a couple were at a similar life stage (grownup children). Most were in their 40s, I think. I walked some of the way with a grandmother who was very short and said she had difficulty keeping up, but she was still better than me! We all went for coffee afterwards. I know what you mean about preferring solo walks, Snoozie. I'm usually solo, and do enjoy it. I will look out for other suitable group walks, but will try to get some more challenging solo walks done for training! There is a beginners section on this group, but I haven't seen any walks specifically for beginners. I think you're right, Suzy, that it might be a good idea to organise one myself, then I can be clear about what level it's at!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    7+ miles!!! 10 miles??? 26 miles??!!! Good lord, Vail!!! Did you stumble upon a tribe of Amazon warriors?!!! :o 7+ miles on a first walk is amazing! We walked 6+ yesterday on relatively flat ground and it’s not easy. I’m doubly impressed with you now! I do enjoy my solo walks, too. It gives you a chance to decompress while doing something healthy.

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Saw this online today and it spoke to me:


  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Love it Suzy and vail also agree with Suzy on your accomplishment !!!!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Thank you! And I love the quote! So true!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I must not be accurately recording my calories or something. I got on the scale this morning (because I’m one of those OCD types who weighs every day) and I’m up when I thought I might see some downward movement. I’m trying to remind myself that fluctuations are perfectly normal but it’s still a bit of a hit motivationally. I’m not giving up on myself!

    There’s been a break in the rain but I’ve been a lazy couch potato. I’m going walking today though. I hope you’re all having a great week!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I'm a daily weigher too, and I never know if I'm coming or going with the fluctation! I find it best to look at the graph longer term (i.e. at least a month). But I know what you mean about the motivation! So frustrating. Well done on not giving up!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    i weigh every day too, and yep its just fluctuation suzy.. but i get why seeing it go up at all for any reason kinda freaked you out.. just remember every once in a while your body needs time to adjust a bit to the awesome weight loss you've been consistently making happen!! its just taking a minute to adjust to the new you so keep the faith and keep remembering you are doing fabulous and you aint gonna give up on yourself now!!

    I am so sick of driving in blizzards.. we had another 20cm of snow yesterday and the drive home from work was brutal... i am done with winter!! whichever one of our hatters lives somewhere where its above 50F ?? be warned i'm heading your way!!

    Today was gorgeous of course.... beautiful and sunny and the plows had been on the major streets at least .. which was good cause i had to take a couple of hours off at the start cause i had my apt with the gastro surgeon who did the tests on me last month for the results - i admit i was a little nervous waiting to hear but its all good!! She did biopsies on some brumps in my stomach and upper bowel - (she said they werent unusual bumps but because of the reson for the tests sent them off - and all negative for bad stuff.. yay... she sent a tummy sample off for bacteria check - also negative yay... and no ulcer of any kind.. yay the blood tests i had done for her still showed low iron (which was the reason for the tests) but she said its only been 3 weeks not enuf time for the meds to have worked yet to heal the stomach, so said stay on the meds for anotehr 8 weeks and then get blood tests and in the interim to eat lots of high iron food; no supplements just food as iron is absorbed better by our bodies from food than pills... so i was like so i can have STEAK again??? lol she said yup red meat and dark green veggies.. no problem for me!! of course she also said liver was a great source but i said thats not happening lol... so we'll check again in the 8 weeks and if no improvement in the iron will consider then doing a colonoscopy... yes ok perhaps too much info but if ya can't share with your internet peeps, who can ya huh? gotta fly now... home from work and doing a shift at the LAC for a couple of hours but will pop in tomorrow to see.. suzy i think you're off now as of wed to see the inlaws? hope its going well!

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Snoozie, sounds like good news overall. Sounds like a great time for a steak dinner! I don’t blame you for being tired of snow. We fly to Kansas City on Saturday and they’re expecting five inches of snow on Sunday. Brrrrr! I’m not used to driving in those conditions so we may not be going out much.

    Official weigh in tomorrow so we’ll see what happens.

    Vail, do you think that hike helped with the 2+ pound loss? I’m hoping it’s staying off!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I'm really pleased about your results, Snooozie! I hope the diet sorts out the anaemia and you don't need any more investigations.

    Funnily enough, I've just started eating more red meat too. Well, I wasn't eating much meat at all. But I just wanted to make sure I was getting enough B vitamins, and then I thought that red meat has the extra iron too, so I might as well have that.

    Suzy, I don't know if the hike helped, because I ate a lot afterwards! (Funnily enough, not during, I took some lunch but wasn't really hungry and didn't it eat it all). It has stayed off, but I have a feeling that my scales are playing up, because I've been getting exactly the same weight every morning. That never happens! Tomorrow I plan to try my other scales and see if there's any difference.

    Good luck with your weigh-in tomorrow!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Great news on your test, Snoozie.... hope it is fixed with the iron rich food and meds. Come on down...we have 70 degree weather , then down in the 30's a few days and then back to the 40's then the 70's. We can accommodate all your winter ,summer clothes in one week!

    I weigh every day...sometimes more...yep, one of those...

    I know my life in weight numbers more than life itself!!

    Vail, yea for the loss!! glad you liked the walk overall.
    Suzy, best wishes sent for driving in the4 snow. I believe it is different up north....My son says they usually know how to prepare the roads better than us southerners.

    Sugar is up extremely high the last few weeks. I fell out of taking my metformin at night, and when I realized I couldn't see very well at all ,the usual things like large signs(blurry), I knew I was in trouble. I hope it will get better, not sure how that works. I am trying to take my 1000 mg pill at 10:00 pm( 2 hours after eating, so no bathroom trips) then eat brekkie by 8:00 am so I can take another pill at 10:00 am 1000 mg... nothing in between until supper. I have never been able to find a way to take 2 daily... for 2 days it has worked....finger and toes crossed it will help me get my eyesight aback and BG back down...
    Plus it is helping to drop a few much needed lbs.

    P>S> Going on Vaca' to my friend's house near the beach..... March 12 through 17 .YEA!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Gail - im so sorry about your high sugars... and the eyesight probs!! Please please take care of yourself... the insidious damage T2 does to our organs especially eyes and kidneys is so scary - i really hope you can tolerate the metformin.. interesting you take yours 2 hours after eating? When i was on it i had to take mine with food... and 12 hrs apart (2x a day).. that was hard sometimes on the shifts, but if i was late taking one (say due at 8pm but didnt take til 10pm then i took the next at 10am etc... every 12 hrs was how i looked at it rather than 2x a day.. was easier for me to track i guess. But whatever way works for you, its just so important you take those meds as when the sugar is high in your bloodstream that it runs around looking for those organs.. and the meds will at least help to keep it down..

    I had the same bathroom issues with metformin btw.. but you just kinda get used to it... however my doc switched me to . Janumet/Januvia ? something like that.. its a combo of metformin and something else - she thinks it will work better at lowering my sugars better than metofrmin alone.. i won't know the results til end of april and its still one pill 2x a day.. (the metformin i was on 2 pills 2x a day so less pills now lol) anyway i have noticed i dont have the bathorom issue with this med so if you really can't tolerate the metformin, perhaps ask your doc about any other options? But whatever you're on, maybe try to think of it as taking "protection" pills - maybe mentally that will help you remember to take em? Just please take care of yourself my friend!!!!

    Suzy - i'll be happy to come along and be your chauffeur in the snow lol - i had a lot of practice lol. have a good trip and will keep fingers crossed the snow is just a squall and not a biggie!

    Vail funny you mention the B vitamins.. i was thinking of that too because i know a lot of times epecially with much older people, a lack of B12 can cause the same symptoms as early dementia... !!! a lot of seniors are misdiagnosed when a simple blood test can check the B levels.. my senior friend i used to look after had that happen so now i'm like a pitbull on the subject!! She had to get monthly injections of the B12 to keep her levels up but it absolutely made a difference to her cognitive state too with the mild confusion and short term memory issues she was having... i was googling foods high in iron . and weirdly.. turns out my fibre 1 honey clusters cereal is one of the best sources.. almost 50% of a normal daily allowance of iron?? what the heck.. i guess its fortified .. i rarely eat cereal i just kind of keep it around for emergency breakfasts lol... but i may have to start eating it a few times a week! Liver is still the best and highest but that aint never gonna happen here... ha...

    im finally on days off... gonna go try a bit of pickleball this morning but my feet and legs are a little sore as i've been doing a couple of shifts at the LAC after work and a lot of standing.. but i will just play a few games wont overdue ... have a good day hatters!!