WAIST AWAYS - March 2019



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    micki48 wrote: »
    I love mushrooms so I’ll increase those in my menu. I’m fine with spinach. Guess I need to add more. I don’t think I’ve ever had bok choy. Do you have a favorite way to cook it?

    @AmyRobF it IS hard to change our mindset from years of snacking. But we can do it. One little victory at a time.

    Today, I am back on track. Hubby offered me a cookie while we were out shopping. After finding out it was 100 calories, I decided it wasn’t worth the calories. I came home put away groceries and opted for strawberries. I had 5 and the were so satisfying.

    BUT, except for steps during my day, I haven’t done any specific exercise besides cleaning today. And it’s 8:30 so...maybe not tonight. I don’t know.

    I love reading about your strawberries after refusing hubby's cookie offer - I'll bet they tasted amazing, and there were no hard feelings anywhere! It is great to share these little stories - I could taste those strawberries too. Thanks!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    Hoping to get the rest of the steps for this week tonight or Sunday morning!

    @Kittu125 - I just need last Saturday and today. Looking good!
    @reflectionofme - all of this week - can't wait to see your fabulous numbers :smile: you ruled last week!
    @Blackbeautysue - Thursday Friday Saturday and you're done for the week!

    And you last 3 - just need today. I know you're probably still stepping as I write this!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,275 Member

    Sunday 7,768
    Monday 8,233
    Tuesday 9,324
    Wednesday 8,013
    Thursday 9,114
    Friday 4,613
    Saturday 9,334
  • Kittu125
    Kittu125 Posts: 360 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    @Kittu125 - do you still have your steps for March 9th (last Saturday)? It is the only day that is missing from your otherwise stellar stepping record!

    I did post them twice I think as I save them in my notes

    Here is my stepping for March 9th and today March 16th. I post twice I Saturday, once in morning or afternoon so I don’t miss whatever I have and then again at night if I can.

    March 9th-13072
    March 16th-8281

    If you can please update today’s steps too. I didn’t have much in the morning
  • reflectionofme
    reflectionofme Posts: 310 Member
    edited March 2019

    They are not as impressive this week.

    Sunday 12,223
    Monday 18,019
    Tuesday 16,752
    Wednesday 9,342
    Thursday 20,865
    Friday 11,111
    Saturday 12,210
  • martinesther88
    martinesther88 Posts: 134 Member
    3/10- 6,059
    3/11- 10,775
    3/12- 6,500
    3/13- 11,210
    3/14- 11,357
    3/15- 12,093
    3/16- 3,913 😕 didn't do well this day my baby was sick so held her a lot and didnt make an effort to move much. I should have checked and tried to moved some more. I will do better today! I feel ashamed putting up so little steps for Saturday😔
  • sue_01
    sue_01 Posts: 2,767 Member
    Went shopping yesterday, I purchased everything I need to make MISHMASH, from Foodie Friday, thank you jugar.
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    I'm not having a good week :'( my little one (she's 11 months) has been up every hour during the night for the past week or so (probably teething) and the exhaustion is really messing with my mood and appetite.
    I'm trying very hard to stick to plan but it's becoming a struggle...
    Sorry for venting, thanks for listening.
  • Andreabroadley
    Andreabroadley Posts: 5,455 Member
    edited March 2019
    Week 3
    Weigh in day: Sunday
    Previous: 168.8
    Current: 168.5

    Made more seitan. Last nights dinner 350 calories..

  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Perla4686 wrote: »
    I'm not having a good week :'( my little one (she's 11 months) has been up every hour during the night for the past week or so (probably teething) and the exhaustion is really messing with my mood and appetite.
    I'm trying very hard to stick to plan but it's becoming a struggle...
    Sorry for venting, thanks for listening.

    I went through a tough week last week (though NOT nearly as stressful as a teething11 month old!!). Being tired, stressed and not getting sleep are real challenges.

    Be gentle with yourself. Do what you can. Reach for healthy foods (fruit, protein) as much as possible. Take a relaxing bath or shower. Sit down with a planned treat.

    Mostly, though, recognize that this will pass and then you can get right back on plan . This is a forever lifestyle change ... what happens this week or the next will be a miniscule blip in the path. The most important thing will be the choice you make to get back on plan when this time passes and not let it go from a week or so to months.

  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    jan110144 wrote: »
    Perla4686 wrote: »
    I'm not having a good week :'( my little one (she's 11 months) has been up every hour during the night for the past week or so (probably teething) and the exhaustion is really messing with my mood and appetite.
    I'm trying very hard to stick to plan but it's becoming a struggle...
    Sorry for venting, thanks for listening.

    I went through a tough week last week (though NOT nearly as stressful as a teething11 month old!!). Being tired, stressed and not getting sleep are real challenges.

    Be gentle with yourself. Do what you can. Reach for healthy foods (fruit, protein) as much as possible. Take a relaxing bath or shower. Sit down with a planned treat.

    Mostly, though, recognize that this will pass and then you can get right back on plan . This is a forever lifestyle change ... what happens this week or the next will be a miniscule blip in the path. The most important thing will be the choice you make to get back on plan when this time passes and not let it go from a week or so to months.


    Thanks!! Hubby has just offered to watch the kids while I go have a nap... that'll hopefully help me get back on it!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    Kittu125 wrote: »
    jugar wrote: »
    @Kittu125 - do you still have your steps for March 9th (last Saturday)? It is the only day that is missing from your otherwise stellar stepping record!

    I did post them twice I think as I save them in my notes

    Here is my stepping for March 9th and today March 16th. I post twice I Saturday, once in morning or afternoon so I don’t miss whatever I have and then again at night if I can.

    March 9th-13072
    March 16th-8281

    If you can please update today’s steps too. I didn’t have much in the morning

    Sorry I missed them! They are all recorded now. thanks!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    @martinesther88 and @Perla4686
    Babies are such a wonderful and exhausting challenge. I can remember sinking down on the floor and crying when my daughter would not sleep - the hours we spend carrying, worrying, trying everything under the sun are hard but more important than anything. But it is too easy to forget to try everything under the sun to help yourself feel good too.

    It is SO good to have you in this group. All of you with small children coming here to work at your own health and happiness is something wonderful. You might stumble around, miss days, go up and down - but you're here. Thanks for taking the time to share with us. I hope that those of us at different stages of our lives can help you through the crazy times!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    sue_01 wrote: »
    Went shopping yesterday, I purchased everything I need to make MISHMASH, from Foodie Friday, thank you jugar.

    Woo Hoo for Mishmash! Adjust anything you want - it is a super flexible recipe. You can even put ketchup on it, if you're feeling kidlike!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,424 Member
    Those stepping numbers are SOOOOOO AWE-some!!!!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,424 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »

    Both challenges were designed to help keep you going and enjoy the journey you are on. Please take a look and enjoy WEEK 3 Challenges!

    Reading back over the various challenges many have faced this past week, whether due to external factors like teething babies, or internal struggles like adapting long-standing late-night snacking habits ....

    I'd like to declare today "Sustainable Self-Care Sunday"

    Do something just for YOU that you enjoy (it can be however you define "fun"! Something meditative / relaxing OR something active and energizing.

    The only "qualifying factor" I ask that you consider, is that it be something that you can visualize as becoming a sustainable, on-going part of how you see your re-shaped "just-what-I-do" life. (like the strawberries-instead-of-cookie incident).

    Make a point of making room for it in your day today. If you can't (just at this moment) see a way to keep it as a daily or weekly personal habit / ritual .... do Layering Exercise we talked about earlier in the week.

    What is your desired "End State" goal? (getting this regularly into your life)

    What is stopping you?

    What is the first one or two tiny tweaks you COULD manage, towards eventually getting it regularly into your life.

    Let us know what you did.

    Let us know what layering steps you will take to make room for a new sustainable, self-supporting, Self-Care habit.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,424 Member
    Does Extra-Virgin Olive Oil go stale if it was never unsealed / opened?

    I just found a bottle in the back of my pantry.... and don't know how long it's been there ......

    I thought I would ask BEFORE possibly using it in the Seitan recipe.
  • sue_01
    sue_01 Posts: 2,767 Member
    March Steps:

    10- 5,200
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,424 Member
    Inspiring numbers, @sue_01 !
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