

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited March 2019
    Now that nights are done for a few months i have no excuse for not taking better care of myself (well nites wasnt an excuse either to be fair... but in my head they were so that counts lol) and with the weather slowly starting to climb out of winter (i think there's still snow in the forecast for sunday but after that we should be at least heading above 0) so it's time to get cracking - i cannot believe 3 months have already gone by since the new year!

    i've been thinking a lot about the Italy trip - and now i'm leaning towards.. why not.. it will be an adventure and i think i need to add something new and outside my comfort zone; i'm becoming a little too settled and i think in prepping for retirement, i going to need to seek out new adventures and try new things... and this may be a good jumping off point as i'll be with my cousins and sista.... i also think i'll either have to embrace it 100% as a new adventure... or not go at all.. and stay on my couch... i haven't made the final decision but i'm much more on the go side now that the not... lol

    I'm off to get some groceries and do some meal planning for this week as i start dayshift tomorrow and i'm doing an extra shift this afternoon to cover for someone else.. hello overtime lol.. so better get my butt in gear. Have a great weekend Hatters!

    ohhhhhhh and i found out how i can edit the posts now! I didnt get a reply from MFP, but i was fiddling around... and when i clicked on the DATE at the bottom left of my post (to the left of the "inspiring/like/woo/ buttons? it brought me to a new post box under this one... BUT the gear box suddenly appeared in THIS box... with the edit option! woo hoo...
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Snoozie, I’m sure you would love Italy and attitude is everything. If you decide to go then just embrace every minute! You made me laugh with climbing out of winter but still have snow in the forecast. I’m so spoiled with living in the south! We were considering an overnight backpacking trip this weekend but it may dip into the 30’s at night. Lol!

    I’m pretty bummed that I’m ending the month at the same weight I started it. I’ve really got to get a grip on myself when I get off my routine and am away from home. So far....I’m home until the very end of April. I’ve got to make this next four weeks count! We’re going to the mountains at the end of the month for five days of hiking then the next weekend is a girl’s wine weekend.

    How are you doing: Vail, Milove, Gail, Susan?
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Oh...and I don’t get a date at the bottom of my post. I have to leave the “community” page and then go back into our discussion, then I get the gear box on my post. Weird.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Thank you for all the accolades!! It is because I can't eat and take a daytime pill........so some suffering went into this loss. but I will take it!! lol But come "get off work time"...... I am READT to EaT!! It still makes me have to ...."you know"....but at least I am home.
    I seem to be losing it mostly in my legs, which I am not wanting, but I am getting in 8000 to 10000 steps a day in my new work, so I hope that will help me keep from losing muscle. Plus adding in Protein drinks to keep protein up....Premier Choc. is the only premixed I can tolerate.

    New job doesn't allow much free time , so I am reading posts quickly ..... and they are great posts!

    Yea, I really need the edit button, so forgive Me If I misspell most of the time.. : )

    Have a awesome weekend, You deserve it!!

    Newest G-Baby is doing great! so precious!!
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Good Morning Mad Hatters!! <3

    I have enjoyed reading the posts. Thanks for the ideas in the recipes and the resilient video is how I have lived my life. When you fall down brush it off and continue on.

    My cholesterol numbers went back up again. I don't know I guess I went back to my old habits. So I am back to a low fat and low carb diet for the most part. I am up a few and down a few because I weigh everyday. But at the end I am dropping a pound about every 2 to 3 weeks. I can live with that. No more fried chicken or fried fish and slowing down on the red meat going to miss my steaks. Hopefully, in six months my cholesterol will be back to normal.

    I would love to go to Italy and France. My little cousin might have an opportunity to dance in Poland for next December. I will know soon and if so I am planning on going there to see her dance. And of course travel to at least England and France.

    Glad to see you had an enjoyable vacation Gail, and enjoy yours Suzy. And welcome back to days Snoozie.

    I am still climbing the stairs at work had to slow down because I saw my knee swell up. Hopefully, when the weight come off the knee will tolerate the stairs better.

    My goal for this summer at age 62, I want to wear a bikini lol and look good in it. I have never wore one in my entire life. I want to walk on a beach where no one knows me of course. You guys can ignore me and laugh just wanted to share.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Milove, no laughing here! I say go for it and rock it!!! Confidence is much more beautiful than toned abs!

    Gail, good to hear from you. If only we could pick the area we want to lose weight from! Hug that grand baby for us!

    My husband and I walked this cool paved trail into a little town square near us yesterday. It’s about a two mile walk, pretty easy. Then we decided to sit outside and have a drink before walking back. It all went downhill from there. I ended up drinking four glasses of wine, ate fried fish tacos and then we had ice cream on the way home. Good lord!!! I had zero self control. So, yes I walked four miles but I also ate/drank about 2000 calories for dinner. Wine is not my friend.

  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    But Suzy that sound so enjoyable. Make up for it today or tomorrow. We still got to try to enjoy life. And food and drinks is such an important part of that.
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    And thanks for not laughing Suzy!!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    No laughter here, Milove. You can do it!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Milove - i think that's an AWESOME goal - and like the others, I absolutely know you can accomplish it and ROCK the bikini! And I agree with Suzy - confidence is the #1 attribute in feeling good about ourselves - and I think any of us who have ever struggled with weight have had confidence issues... but we all also know when we are wearing something that fits well and we FEEL great in it, our confidence soars and we feel great about ourselves no matter the size or shape we're in - i had a very hard time (and still struggle occasionally) getting AWAY from buying everything "baggy and loose"... took me a long time to realize something that fits me well (whatever size i'm at) looks a WHOLE lot better than just everything baggy! Show yourself off to the world, milove and know you're gonna look fabulous while you do! and I do hope you get to the dance recital !!

    I have my doc appt in a few weeks to see if the new T2 meds have brot my A1C down, and to check my cholestereol and the usual other stuff.. Will be interesting as i started adding back some red meat last month because of the low iron results - so we'll see if it impacts my cholesterol!

    Suzy - i know you're not happy about the indulgence... but honestly when i read your post.. my first thought was .. "how lovely!! out for a stroll with hubby, stumble across a lovely little outdoor patio, have a few drinks and some munchie and people watch - i would love that sort of thing!" so altho you may have consumed some extra cals today, it sounds like a lovely break from the norm with hubby and a delightful outing! We gotta remember its just as important to seize the moment so to speak - and as its sunday you can simply forget the calorie part (not the moment!) and get back to your " normal " for the start of a new week tomorrow!

    Gail - i am impressed because i can't choke down any protein shake stuff.. so good on ya! But did you mean you aren't eating at all all day ??? ack! Maybe you could talk to your doc about switching to a different kind of med for the T2 if you aren't able to eat all day because of the effects of the metformin chaining you to the bathroom if you do?? They have a lot of new meds to treat T2 .. ? Huge congrats on the steps per day holy cow well done you!! I have GOT to get back to walking every day..... today is the last day of March and its been snowing for 24 hrs .... !! But it shoudl be gone by midweek as the temps start to climb and i'll have absoltuely no excuse now!!!

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Yea, I have trouble with Protein Shakes being to chalky tasting.....The Premeir isn't , and BSN Syntha 6 is good.

    I get a smidge hungry through the day, but I am only missing Lunch. I eat a Breakfast an then at 5:30 pm...so not too bad....helps with the weight , too. Which is big plus towards helping me with my Diabetes and High Blood Pressure. I hope to see them go down some. We have our annual work fair checkup in May...so fingers crossed it will be a bit better in areas.

    Suzy, Life is too short... So glad you let yourself enjoy that walk and food with your hubby...

    Fingers crossed that your checkup shows great improvement, Snoozie
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Gail it sounds like you're doing great then with figuring out how to get in the meds and still managing to eat - well done you! Absolutely sounds like you will have a definite improvement in everying in May - and i'll keep my fingers crossed for ya!!

    I've had a not so great week with body parts not working or hurting lo.. the usual things that come and go but it was a moderately high pain week ... and then the bathroom vanity door broke at the hinge and my car is having a few probs and i was thinking lordy... it's been a not so great week .... and then i thought well there will always be ouchies - and there will always be cars that need fixing and things that need repairing and there will always be good days and bad days physically...... so why the hell am i waffling about going to Italy with my sister and cousins in the fall... i had a very long talk with myself and thought - what do you WANT outta life.. do u wanna sit at home and worry about if i'm gonna be able to walk or if my back is gonna go out or if the fridge dies or whatever..... and just ... have that be your life ... and i decided in that moment I'M GOING TO ITALY! and i did an attitude adjustment and decided if i'm going to go i either have to be all in or nothing.. so i decided i'm not only going to go - i'm going to consider it a wonderful opportunity and an adventure, and just enjoy whatever comes our way - so i texted my sister and told her I'm in.. i'm 100% in! So I'm going to italy in October :)
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Good for you, Snoozie!!!! Italy is awesome! If you want any travel tips I may have a few. I planned a two week trip for four people and we went in 2011. It was one of our best vacations ever! Like all of you reminded me...life is short, enjoy the ride!!

    Gail and Snoozie...if you’re getting your blood levels checked then maybe I need to bite the bullet and get mine done finally. I think part of me is just plain chicken. I’m not sure that I want to know. I’m going to make an appointment and get all my health stuff done. Im getting too old to let it all slide.

    I’ve been “phoning it in” lately...if you know what I mean. I lost my motivation that I started the year with but today I feel a renewal of my goals. I’ve got a whole month of no traveling and no commitments so I’m going to focus on me!

    Snoozie....snowing for 24 hours on the last day of March?!?!! Brrrr! I hope spring is just around the corner for you up in Frozenland!

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Yay!! Suzanne! I hope you have an awesome trip! That is totally the right attitude. Just enjoy every moment of it for those of us(me) who will never make it there. Family can be tricky, but try to look at them as individuals on an adventure and leave all the family drama at home.....even if they pack theirs! lol

    Suzy, glad you are getting it checked! I found out having Diabetes saved my life. I had felt bad for so long and never knew what was happening to me. Not saying you will get a bad diagnosis, at all, but I put it off for so long and feel so much better now.

    …...can't sleep......up eating Munchos, water and sugar free sugar wafers! go figure!! lol
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Just checking in here. I'm experiencing a lack of motivation at the moment. I do feel motivated sometimes, but then it goes and I'm giving in far too much, resulting in edging back up the scale again. I'm getting a feelin of deja vu ....

    I'm sorry about your non-functioning and painful body parts, Snooozie! Pain is so demotivating, I think. I have been struggling a little with pain too (arthritis), and it keeps putting me off exercise. I know I need to bite the bullet. I hope your body feels better soon. And I hope you enjoy Italy, now you've decided to go! Whereabouts are you going? I've been to Venice, Florence, Rome, Verona and the Italian Lakes - all of them wonderful and would love to go back!

    I'm glad you're feeling motivated, Suzy. Maybe the month without commitments is just what you need. You have sounded so busy. The walk and meal with wine just sounds like a lovely day to me - I think we've got to have them sometimes! I don't regret the calories at special times like those - it's the mindless ones that I need to avoid!

    I love your bikini goal, Milove!

    Good luck to everybody with all your tests. I have some coming up too.

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Went to the Botanical Garden with my daughter today. Here’s a picture to give you a lift from all that snow, Snoozie! Something to look forward to.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited April 2019
    ohhhhhhhh i am SO jealous Suzy!!!! but those are stunning and gorgeous and yessssssssssssssssss hope springs eternal LOL.. can't wait to see spring flowers blooming!! and my sister got 10cm of snow down east yesterday so i'll stop whining here for a while lol.... will pop in at work to respond to the posts!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hi Hatters! Finally finished dayshift and have a few days off now ... and today the sun came out a bit here and there and the temps hit 4C (around 40F) so i took myself off to the lake this morning and had a lovely walk for an hour or so.. it was def a mental health walk not a power walk, but i went the full trail i used to do and noted along the way how quickly i got tired so its defintely on my must do list now to get back to walking every day somewhere, somehow to build up my stamina again.

    Suzy - thanks for the offer of the travel tips; and Vail if we are going to any of those places i'll let you know... as at this point i am literally just along for the ride LOL.. my cousin (god bless her) has taken on the herculean task of planning the entire trip and as 3 of the 4 going all live down east near each other, and they are doing the places/travel/itinerary along with her, i gave them free reign to plan whatever they want and i'll be fine with whatever and wherever we go. I don't know if i mentioned - the plan is to do the trip with carry on baggage only.. yup.... no checked bags just what you can carry as we'll be doing a lot of getting from place to place on the train and lynn is booking hotels within a 5-10 min walk of the places they wanna see i gather... i did laugh at first at the thought of just carry on to do Italy for 10 days?? and then i thought (with my attitude adjustment) why the hell not... part of my "embrance it as an adventure you never thought you'd get to do" and enjoy every minute! So i'll keep ya updated.. apparently the itinerary has changed a bit recently lol... we havent actually booked the flights or hotels as yet until that part is settled but we want to book in the next week or two so shouldnt be long. The logisitics of the flights will be the biggest as my sister and 2 cousins will have to fly to either Toronto or Montreal to get the flight to Italy, so if they come here great; if they go to Mtl i'll just hop on a flight there and meet them so we can all sit together. Coming back ill book directly to Toronto no matter where they go lol.. but thats the plan at the moment ...

    Suzy - i get the ostrich thing with the tests.. what you don't know can't hurt ya, and once you do know.. there's no going back... that was me for many years.. but i am grateful now i found out about the T2 and the cholesterol and as much as i hate the pills, i try to remember they are helping me manage both and hopefully help me enjoy many more years. It also helps sometimes as a motivator when i see the numbers going up to get my *kitten* back on track, and when they are down keeps me on track... so i vote yes for you getting them done but you gotta do what's comfortable for you so let us know how it goes with the decision making process!

    Gail - im guessing i wont have room to pack any drama in just the carryons.. phew!! glad to hear the new grandbaby is doing well and i hope the new job isn't making you crazy - you seem to be getting in an awesome # of steps these days, well done you !!!!

    Righto - I need to get up and move; hoping to get back to pickleball this week to up the parts and keep em flowing.. i'm working a show tonite at the LAC that's a female comedian who apprently is really good (didnt know that when i booked it) and her theme for this show is apparently "what now after 50?" soooooooo let's hope im not stationed in the parking lot again but inside the theatre tonite ha!!

    have a great weekend Hatters!

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Snoozie, I’m so glad that you got to enjoy your lake again! It doesn’t matter if it’s a power walk or stroll, at least you’re out there. 10 days with a carry on can be done...or at least that’s what some people on the internet claim. It would be a challenge for me. Look online, there are all kinds of tips to help you make it a reality. I would love to go on a vacay that someone else planned. I always, always have to be the planner. It’s so stressful!!! I’m jealous that you get to just go with the flow and be surprised by everything. It’s gonna be awesome!

    I’m back down to where I was (plus just a tiny bit) before I went to Texas. I’m trying to step up my game but I’m just soooooo tired all the time. Definitely need to get that bloodwork done.

    I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    suzy big kudos on getting back to pre texas weight! the tiredness could be menopause fatigue, or perhaps just low iron? dont push too much physically til you feel less tired; just stick with the food choice consistency youve been doing and you'll be fine!
    i did an extra 2 hrs at the LAC as its dance season and nobody wants to work em lol.. my feet hurt but on the plus side, it kept me from stuffing my face on the couch tonite for a change! off to beddy bye