Cathartic Thread For Injured Runners, er support for managing injuries. ;-)



  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    sarahthes wrote: »
    shanaber wrote: »
    Oh @sarahthes - I didn't know about Eat & Run. I will have to check it out now too!

    It doubles as a vegan cookbook!

    Does it use a lot of soy products? Or just real basic foods?

    He doesn't discriminate from what I recall. I have a copy at home that I can check (I leave work in 5 minutes woo-oo). He's very hippie and does things like make his own almond milk and grind his own flour.

    Some of his recipes are available online.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Jurek? How did i miss that? Cool. I'll check them out! Dh is gone wed-friday and we girls plan on some chick food! No more burgers, hot dogs, pizza, cookies and soda!

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Day 14

    Doc seemed happy yesterday that I had been able the day prior (day 12), to put ~85 lbs on my right leg. Day before was ~65. Yesterday after the long drive, much walking (~0.5 miles), and no pain meds I was able to do 82 lbs. The pain still wakes me at night, but I’m able to go a bit longer between doses. Last night was 6 hours. So that’s just 4 or 5 pain pills yesterday. I went 12 hours without to prove to dh I wasn’t addicted. He said “when you go a month, I’ll know your not addicted”. Well... kitten that then, I hurt: I'm taking them. Poo poo on you. I do plan on trying to switch to Tylenol during the day, but am concerned about pushing the upper allowable acetaminophen dose if I do that. I’m cautious of ibuprofen, it tends to inflame my guts, so I think i can do it once a week, maybe twice and reserve it for kitten pain-as it works well.

    X-rays show the bone hadn’t begun to knit yet. I was surprised. But guess that’s normal. I had a perfect piece of cheesecake on our trip. Mmm. Love it when you find that rich not overly sweet cheesecake.

    I forgot to ask about swimming. So I phoned back and am waiting to hear. I figured I should be able too. I can put tegaderm over the large incision just incase. It still has glue over it but seems to be at the point where it’ll start pealing off with activity.

    My blood calcium was a tad low before and after the surgery. So I had dh pick up some calcium chews. My bone density was in the top 1% for my age (DXA 9/2018), so I figure I really don’t need them. But why risk it.

    Dh is gone for a few days... guess I better figure out something to cook. Dd and I are going to do the Walmart pick up thing. She’s been a little lost adulting y’all know. I think she’s decided to go to school. I’m jealous and in awe of her choice thus far to set a course for a pathologist degree. Rule the world little one!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    @Elise4270 - Hope the doc comes back that you can swim even if you are just using your arms. I bet the water will just feel good all around. I also think it is a bit early for Eric to be worrying that you are addicted. What did the doctor think?
    Great that DD is figuring things out. Sometimes it takes a while to get to where you know what you want to be when you grow up. Some of us never really figure it out or get the chance to. I don't think I could ever be a pathologist but I think it could be really interesting trying to figure out the cause of illness or death. Is she going to go to school nearby?

    Oh also I didn't comment on your other post but I am glad that Alex was ok even though the bad dream! I hate when you wake up thinking something terrible has happened to someone you love and end up in a panic thinking something really might have.

    Last night my left knee (old meniscus tear) was hurting. I put ice on it and then the heating pad when I wen to bed. Got up and it was mostly better but I was cautious to run on it. I really don't want to hurt anything else! It was complaining when I was doing my pre-run walk but once I started running it was fine. I am not talking an endorphin mask of the pain, it really stopped hurting and didn't hurt on my walk intervals either. So strange. I am icing it again and will put some heat on it too. I must have just tweaked it to irritate just enough. My foot on the other hand is doing great. I have been doing my exercises every day so I am sure that is helping and I get my new orthotics next week.

    *** I must have gotten distracted. I typed this all in yesterday and never posted it ***
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Haha! Funny your computer kept the unposted reply! Glad your knee calmed down. Knee pain just worries me. That seems like something that can be fatal to any running or biking endeavors. I wonder if you could have some loose bits floating that hurt only occasionally.

    I think dd is planning to start locally with core classes. I know she’s excited and that can quickly become panic when it gets too real. She got her replacement ged diploma in the mail, and I think the next step of enrolling is a bit unnerving. She passed the ged with flying colors with basically 6 months of hs. Her anxiety/depression kept her from going, no matter how I tried. She is brilliant. (Motherly bias).

    I don’t think the doc thought anything of my narcotic “habit”, he gave me more and told me the pain might return with a vengeance. I think I’m quickly getting to where I only need them at night. Hooray! Whew! Cuz for a while, it seemed bleak.

    I still haven’t heard about the pool.... I really wanna go, and have checked my incision site twice thinking it’s prob fine... but know to wait for the all clear from the doc. I even peeled some of the glue (with the scabs) to make sure I’m seeing the skin is closed. Doesn’t seem to be any openings. But I’ll wait.... respect the medical team.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Could you maybe give them a call back just to make sure they haven't lost your question or forgotten to call back with the doctor's reply? Sometimes they just get busy and things get misplaced or forgotten so might be worth a call back just to see...
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Weird I was going to edit my last comment but appears I can't....
    I talked to my trainer about my knee weirdness and he thinks it is because I am walking differently without the old orthotics. They had no correction to help the meniscus tear in anyway but it could just be angry that things are hitting, rubbing differently. It isn't swollen or red so who knows. The ice/heat seemed to help and if it happens again I will repeat. I can also ask the PT about it next week.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Nah.. I’ll wait. He’s only in that office once a week. So, I’ll give him some more time
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Day 17.

    So tired. Pain has returned. I hope this is what the doc was talking about. It’s not horrible, but enough to keep your attention. With the addition of the baby monster kitten, my baby cat HATES me. I tried to sit with her yesterday outside in the dirt (play dirt games-stick). Maybe it’s the up and down that’s got me achy. I didn’t sleep well. My baby cat kept moving when I’d go to her, then hissed at me when I actually got to rub her head. So I laid in the dirt and cried. Dh laughed at me, said I’d given a cat emotional control... well, she’s my lovey baby that doesn’t love me. And I’m stuck with this baby monster that is so far in my colon all day long, sleeps on me, eats my food, farts on me, licks me, is always on me... ugh is so needy.... hurry up and quit being a baby... I like him fine, just want my cat back.

    Pain is enough that I look in the rx bottle and have a bit of anxiety with the dwindling supply. I did make it 19 hours yesterday without any. I’m seeing a fair amount of atrophy, which I’m sure will come back easily. I stepped on the scale and put 95 pounds on the leg yesterday. I have sharp pains in the front of my hip that seems reminiscent of the labrum tear. My first doc wants to see me same day as my 3 month follow up for sx#3... I asked about addressing the labrum... and he said we talk about it then. So... I suspect he knew it’d be problematic. I was hopefully it’d fix itself. Maybe it’ll calm down between now and then. I’m so physically broken.

    Good news, dd wants to go enroll in a few classes Monday! @shanaber she was stoked seeing the Harry Potter coloring posters. I had to relinquish it, haha! Hope you don’t mind.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Awww @elise4270 - sucks that the pain is back and just when you were doing so well with it all! I hope it goes away again soon! I don't think your baby cat hates you, sounds like she is jealous of the time monster cat has been monopolizing you and she is taking it out on you.
    How do they fix a labrum tear or do they?
    Tell DD to enjoy the posters! Glad she is excited about them but she has to share the pencils with you so you can color too or use them to write or draw in your journal.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    Awww @elise4270 - sucks that the pain is back and just when you were doing so well with it all! I hope it goes away again soon! I don't think your baby cat hates you, sounds like she is jealous of the time monster cat has been monopolizing you and she is taking it out on you.
    How do they fix a labrum tear or do they?
    Tell DD to enjoy the posters! Glad she is excited about them but she has to share the pencils with you so you can color too or use them to write or draw in your journal.

    She has her own pencils hehe! The awesome pencil set is mine!

    Baby cat let me pet her today. Yay!

    The labral tear is, uh distracting the femur and tacking/stitching the labrum back. Debriding any loose bits, maybe reshape acetabulum if needed. It a total guess at this point. it may just still be inflmmed and thats causing pain. It may have nothing to do with the labrum at all.

    What did you guys to for your dh's birthday?
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    edited March 2019
    We ate cake 😁

    Actually we went to dinner with his brother and SIL (and then ate cake!). He loves having them back in the States and spending time with them. He didn't want to go do anything in particular other than going out for dinner. He is going to Vegas this week for a week to watch a national bowling tournament. In another life before I knew him he was on his way to be a pro and then life interceded. He did bowl for the Navy though and loves to watch it, now the kids of pro-bowlers he knew are pro-bowlers! I was going to go and when asked if he would mind if I stayed home he was relieved. He was worried about finding a hotel where we could have Hobbes and what would we do while he was at the tournament. I am not a big Vegas fan, um not a fan at all so not really a lot there I would want to do except maybe run. We also heard from our DD and looks like she may be able to come down for a few days in a couple of weeks. Haven't seen her since November!

    Hope the tear is just inflammation! The repair sounds... painful... again!
    Yay for Baby cat! You know she still loves you! Just had to make sure you knew she was pissed at monster cat 🤣
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Week 3.

    The last week had been much improved with pain. I am reluctantly replacing narcotics with Tylenol and Advil, with the exception of one before bed and the most needed is one upon waking. The last few nights I’ve tried to wait out the pain that wakes me between 2 and 6 am. That’s just dumb. Worst pain of the day, take something. Dh has finally conceded that I’m not an addict. He works with them, and is in recovery, as most of you know. His ex (one of them, haha), had been dependent on them and had a non healing tibia fracture. So, a little ptsd there for him. I understand. I have a high tolerance for narcotics, so.. I don’t find any pay off other than pain relief and some sleep. Which Tylenol will provide, but it’s too easy to hit that daily maximum dose, and my liver enzymes are on the rise. Which I’ll have retested in a few weeks.

    I put 90-95 lbs on the leg yesterday. It’s incredibly stiff today, every little movement is “!!”. I’m tired. I have class tonight and am struggling with any motivation. Perhaps it’ll turn around shortly.

    At this point I have no problem driving. My leg is fine, no pain. In and out of the car is another story. I enrolled in a basic life support class this Friday. I forgot I was on crutches. That might be physically awkward. But, I gotta keep busy. I’m ready to get that violin out after I get caught up with class work.

    Y’all rock on. Thanks for listening.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    W3 D3.

    So achey today. I think a 5.5 hour BLS class (cpr) did me in. The class was great , I’m just not ready for floor work.

    I have a stitch trying to work out. They are desolvable, but one just pokes through the skin. So if I manage to go swim I’ll make sure to put some liquid skin bandage or some tegaderm on it. Dh helped put a bandage and neon on it last night . Looks better this morning, and I’m not sure there’s any risk of infection, but I want to be careful.

    Zero narcotics 36 hours now. I hurt but not bad enough for one, unless I get a nap later. Which is a real possibility. Dh is going to visit a friend so sounds opportune to make the roast and nap til it’s done.

    Stay well peeps. Don’t take those two legs for granted, treat them well.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    That is great going 36 hours w/o any pain killers @Elise4270! Sounds like things are finally mending a bit. How long before the stitches should be out/gone? I only remember them pulling (ouch!) then itching so bad but I couldn't touch them. Hope you get that nap in!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I don't know how long til the sutures desolve. The skin is still puckered where they are intact under the skin, so it may be a bit longer. I remember once i had deep stitches and heard one pop. So odd. yes, they have started to tug in a very odd sensation.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Day 5 of wearing the boot. Still the easy part of the process. I've cut calories, and managed to keep my weight stable for these 5 days. Keeping it up will become either routine or increasingly challenging, but I don't want to deal with excess weight in addition to de-conditioning when I start running again.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    @mobycarp - any chance for some water running to help maintain your conditioning?
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @mobycarp - any chance for some water running to help maintain your conditioning?

    *Everything* is less convenient with the boot. I can take it off to drive, but the hassle of taking it off and putting it back on makes me think about where I want to go, how long it will take to get there, and how I need to be careful when I'm not in the boot.

    So . . . I canceled my last gym membership years ago, because it was too much hassle to drive and park to exercise. The chances of my finding a gym, signing up for a membership, and actually getting there to deliberately water run for any significant number of sessions are not good.

    Been here before. The cardio will come back when the foot will tolerate doing stuff. When I get out of the boot, it will probably be warm enough for some cycling before I'm allowed to do any significant running. But cardio is the least of my worries.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @mobycarp Our YMCA has a one day pass for 10$. Ya know, if you find that fits your schedule...

    Being on crutches, I don’t even wanna visit the restroom, cook or shower. Such a hassle and painful. I understand about the boot. Nothing is easy.