TEAM: The Slimsons (May)

AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
Welcome to the Challenge new and returning teammates!! This is the conversation/weigh in thread for your Team :) Keep on losing because our first weigh ins begin THIS Sunday! I am here for you should you need anything - simply message me or tag me by putting an '@' just before my username (NO SPACES) and I will get to you asap! ~ Ashley @AB0215.


  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    edited April 2019
    Hello Team Slimsons and Welcome to May!!

    My name is Ashley @AB0215 I will be your captain for this month.

    Here's a little about me:
    I am 33, and I have been overweight basically my entire life and in the last 2 years or so, I decided to change that, I have been working towards that goal for the past year. I'm down 90 lbs and I still have a way to go, but I will get there. Let's do this!

    Please feel free to introduce yourselves and share your goals for the month, I'd actually like to encourage this as I know that for me it helps me to have some accountability and helps me reach my goals when I share them..and with that in mind, my goal this month is to lose 5 pounds. I've been training for an Olympic Style Weight lifting competition and that was late last year, did okay, now I have some things to work on before my next one!

    I'd like to help us be as successful as possible and if I can help in any way, please let me know. Also, if you have any suggestions for the team or fun ideas to spice things up a bit, please feel free to share them, I look for new ways to help engagement and keep people motivated!!

    I am committed to this group and to help where I can, and please let me know if I can help in any way!!
    Side note--I follow a Ketogenic diet for any that may be interested, I have tons of recipes and resources for anyone interested.

    Welcome to May and let's make things happen this month together!!

    Your Captain,
    Ashley (@AB0215)
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    edited April 2019
    Hello Team Slimsons,

    🏋️‍♂️🤼‍♂️🤸‍♀️WELCOME TO OUR MAY CHALLENGE! 🤼‍♀️🤸‍♂️🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️

    My name is Gloria @gjaholy33, once again I will be your Co-captain which means motivating and keeping track of your weight.

    I am 40 years old and trying to lose 200lbs by April so I won't have to do the bariatric surgery. By God's grace I turned over my issues of my weight and He has instructed me to the Liver Reduction Eating Plan last month and hopefully I'll be surpassing the baraitric surgery as long as I continue to have success and my doctors are please with my progress. My goal is to weigh between 380-399 so no surgery ny August.

    A little more about my history: I have always been obese since the age of 8 weighing 176lbs. Even with parents and doctors putting me on various diets as I child.

    Just to encourage those who are struggling with staying on track I have been trying to get healthy since 2010 and it's a constant struggle but I've learn to set short attainable goals in order to succeed. I didn't seriously try to get healthy until I was 22 weighing 576lbs and was successful losing over 225lbs weighing my lowest as an adult 323lbs. Recently I've been disable due to a work injury in 2015 and need to lose weight in order to get better as I am severely obese at 535lbs in August 2018.

    Since August till April 18th I've lost 65lbs so now my weight is 472lbs. Slowly getting there. Which means I've been able to stop taking my asthma medication and using those inhal er rs my next goal is get rid of my sleep apnea CPAP machine.

    In the past there were a lot of days which the pain was unbearable along with additional health issues such as asthma and pulmonary hypertension due to a long slow gas leak in my apartment has not help matters. But that's in the past since the end of March I have been under new pain management regimen and working with my Physical Therapist, Connie, so things are getting better slowly but surely. Since I am determine to lose 200lbs I know I have to Stay positive and look forward and not back at what I did yesterday.

    I am currently STRUGGLING JUST TO MAINTAIN FROM DAY TO DAY on my weightloss journey. So I have been doing a lot of praying and meditating in order to remain positive which is my key to being successful at my goals.

    I always set goals for myself and this month my goal is to lose another 30lbs! Exercise 30 minutes when I do not have appts.

    Looking forward to this May Challenge!

    Your Co-captain,
    Glorious Gloria @gjaholy33😃👏🏾👌🏾👍🏾💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member

    We are also going to be running (Optional) Mini-challenges again this month: Question of the Week (assuming I can remember to do that) and Daily Posts

    First and foremost is that participation in these challenges is optional. It's up to you as to whether you want to try this. If you don't want to participate in these challenges, you don't have to, the choice is yours, but I would like to encourage you to participate as it seems to help keep us on track and thinking about our goals on a daily basis and it's encouraging to see other's successes and struggles so that we realize that we are not alone!!

    The Daily Posts Challenge is based on another challenge on MFP called UAC (Ultimate Accountability Challenge). The way UAC works is that the aim is to follow 5 basic rules.

    #1. Track EVERYTHING you eat that has calories.
    #2. Stay inside your allocated daily budget.
    #3. Try to do at least 20 minutes of activity a day (anything: walk, run, cycle, swim, gardening, housework, yoga, gym, etc.. As long as it gets you active and off the couch)
    #4. 1 pass day permitted per week (went over calories, could not track, not enough exercise, intentional pass)
    #5. Check in daily (tracking yes/no, calories yes/no, exercise yes/no).

    ****End of the week. those who have managed to keep to plan for 6 out of 7 days are recognized in the thread as being part of the weekly "Winners Circle".

    A side note as there has been a bit of confusion for new members in the past, this is not the same as the official results, which are weight based, this is just another tool to help you reach your weight loss goals.

    You set your own daily budget.
    You choose you own exercise and intensity (no step limit, no exercises you cannot or should not do, 20 mins of gardening counts as much as a 10 mile run, activity is activity, anything that gets you up and moving!).
    Is not weight based (as weight fluctuates day by day).
    Can continue beyond weight loss.

    Daily check in keeps you in touch with those doing similar. Longer term weight management is hard to do on your own.

    It also has frequent resets (as in a circle each week).

    It works on an honor system. Being honest with yourself and others is a key to making things work. Remember, this is a judgement free zone, everyone has good days and bad days, but the way to get to the finish line is by being honest and when we have a bad day, picking ourselves up and carrying on the next day!

    Consistency and new habits have been shown the only long term successful way to change weight. We all want the progress made here to last a lifetime.

    Your posts should look like this:
    Daily Post (Sunday/Date)

    Track: Yes/no
    Calories: Yes/no (were you under)
    Exercise: Yes/no (what type and how long)
    Goals/Day/Comments: (Tell us a brief description about your how your day went or your goals for the day)

    The Question of the Week Challenge is a fun participation booster and we will be using it sometimes just as fun and sometimes it can help to foster new ideas for others as we all are different and have different experiences so sharing ideas can help someone else with motivation of freshening up their routine even!! Keep on the lookout for these questions.

    Please post your weight on your scheduled weigh in day, as if you miss weigh-ins, you may be eliminated from the challenge and we don't want to see that happen!!

    Your posts should look like this:
    Week: May Week 1
    PW =(previous weight)
    CW=(current weight)

    Please, please setup your posts in that format as it really makes it much easier for us to track your progress for the challenges and the weight loss!!

    We'd like to help you be as successful as possible and if we can help in any way, please let us know. Also, if you have any suggestions for the team or fun ideas to spice things up a bit, please feel free to share them, we look for new ways to help engagement and keep people motivated!!

    We are committed to this group and to help where we can, and please let us know if we can help in any way!!

    Once again Welcome to May Challenge!🤼‍♀️🏋️‍♀️

    Your Captain Ashley (@AB0215) &
    Co-captain Gloria (@Gjaholy33)
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,309 Member
    Hi all! 👋😊 My name is Nancy... I'm rejoining the SLIMSONS yet again this May. I didn't make great strides in April.... May needs to be a better month for me. 💪🏻😅💦 (Been here since August).

    This a wonderful, motivational, inspiring and supportive team of peeps!

    A little about me...
    Started my journey in January 2015 at 240lbs.(I'm 5' 8"). I lost 80 lbs. in 10 months (January-October 2015) and then reached my goal weight by June of 2016, a total of 90 lbs. after I joined the gym and starting group x/spinning classes.

    I had regained a bit in 2017-2018 after being sidelined by grief (loss of my Mother) & injury (my back September 2017 and leg in February of 2018). Finally able to get back to the gym after 10 painful months of recovery last August.

    Goals for May:

    🔹 Lose 3 lbs.
    🔹 Continue with my IF plan this month
    🔹 Drink at least 150 oz. water each day
    🔹 Keep my workouts -- add more stretching and rest when needed to prevent injury
    🔹 Lower carbs to 50g or less on weight training days and 100g or less on cardio days

  • CindyJNC1963
    CindyJNC1963 Posts: 895 Member
    @gjaholy33 What does your doctor say about eventually getting off of the CPAP machine? I would be scared to death to discontinue using mine. I don't ever want to wake up gasping for air again.
  • CindyJNC1963
    CindyJNC1963 Posts: 895 Member
    Hello all, my name is Cindy and I'm 56 years old. I joined this group in November and it really helps me stay accountable. Everyone here is awesome. I joined MFP in October after returning home from a business trip. I could barely fit in the airplane seat, was fat shamed by another passenger, and was miserable with all of the walking at the airport & conference. I'm only 5'2" but my starting weight was 273 lbs. So far I've lost 66 lbs.....almost mid way to my goal of 138.

    May goals: Make it to Onederland, average 10K steps per day, participate in the step challenge at work, and get in three 20 minute cardio workouts per week (my biggest weakness).

    BEASTFIELD314 Posts: 660 Member
    Hey Hey Hey! My name is Jason! Nice to make your acquaintance. Been around, been gone, been back, left. Got down to 140 at the end of last October. Since then, made my way back up to 170.

    I agree with @SLIMn2016 ... This is an awesome group of people. Inspiring stories, and everyone is always here trying to offer advice and help any way they can!

    The biggest reason (or excuse) that I gained my weight back - I took a new job - working as an insurance agent. I am sitting at my desk, on the phone approx. 95% of my day. I used to work a physical warehouse job which helped me burn calories during the day. It has also been pretty crappy weather wise - I was walking almost every day for at least an hour. I even got to the point I could jog 2 full miles non-stop. Now, I am winded after about 10 minutes.

    The other issue I need help with is my snacking. It's all I do. I can eat my lunch, and 10 minutes later I want to snack. And do. Whatever there is - I just snack on it. I did really well before, using the 16:8 Intermittent Fasting guide. I have tried to get back to that schedule, but you know... excuses.

    Things I want to accomplish this go-around:
    þ Lose 6 lbs.
    þ Make time to get walking/jogging in at least 4 times/week
    þ Get back onthe 16:8 IF Schedule and stick to it.

    Best wishes to everyone this time around!

    ~ Jason
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    @SLIMn2016 Welcome back Nancy!! You've been doing great! Those are some great goals, the stretching is important, something I had to learn the hard way, it's not something I like to do, I hate how long it takes, but it's necessary!

    @CindyJNC1963 Welcome back Cindy!! You have come so far!! You are doing an amazing job!! Keep up the awesome work! You will be at your goal in no time!!

    @BEASTFIELD314 Great goals for May!! Glad you're getting back to your goals, getting settled into your new job, congrats again btw, and you will succeed!! Welcome back Jason!
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm Tina. I have been on and off MFP since 2012. I got back on in 2017 to get rid of baby weight, and all the weight I gained "pre-baby".... I started on MFP at 215 lbs. I joined this group when I was about 180 lbs, back in December 2017. I have a total loss of 64.2 lbs so far, and am now at 150.8! I have lost all the weight I had gained during my 2 years of depression, and am now at a weight I haven't seen since about 2006-2007! I am hoping to push this even further and actually hit my ultimate goal this year, of 135 lbs!

    May Goal:
    I am looking to lose about 5 lbs for this month. Basically, I want to hit 145 lbs (or lower!) by the end of May.
  • DeshotelK
    DeshotelK Posts: 183 Member
    Hi guys! Previous posters are right, this is an awesome group and I'm so happy I joined!

    My name is Kristy and I'm back for a second month. I didn't do as well as I'd hoped in April. I've been on MFP since 2012. Lost around 45 lbs and was very active and fit. Had a couple of injuries that sidelined me and I fell back into old habits. Gained 25-27 lbs in the last 2-3 years. I haven't been very good at taking care of myself and I'm feeling it. Now I'm trying to find a balance between taking care of myself and my family. I'm 40 yrs old and have the achy body of someone much older. The extra weight isn't helping.

    May Goals:
    -Lose 5 lbs (6 if you count that 1 lb from April that I didn't lose)
    -Drink more water
    -Exercise at least 3-4 times per week
  • OkieGina
    OkieGina Posts: 126 Member
    Hi! I’m Gina. It seems like I’ve been somewhat overweight most of my life. Although I did get in fairly good shape before my wedding 11+ years ago and before our trip to Hawaii about a year after that. Then I started gaining the “happily married” weight. Got back into shape about 7 years ago, but then got pregnant and frankly didn’t care that much anymore. Anyway, 2 kids later, I’m now 41 with 2 young (almost 6 and almost 4) kids and I work full time. I tried getting back to the gym last year, but my husband was working nights and it was just too much. I did manage to lose a decent amount of weight by dieting, but it wasn’t a sustainable diet (meaning, it wasn’t something that really worked for me every day, long term, and as soon as I quit I started gaining it all back). I re-joined the gym I used before in January, and although I have definitely gotten stronger, I don’t feel like my body has changed that much. So, as much as I HATE / LOATHE / DESTEST tracking food, here I am (again). I eat fairly healthy, but feel like I should be making more progress. And I think checking in here daily, weekly… will help hold me accountable.

    I’ve also been doing IF (approx. 16:8) most days, mainly because it’s an easy way to reduce my calorie intake. I also like IF because, if I am just absolutely ravenous one morning, I can go ahead and eat and not completely screw everything up. (And, quite often on the weekends, I don’t follow IF, because I may be at church or somewhere else when I’m supposed to eat my first meal and it just doesn’t work out – so I go ahead and eat something before I leave.) I don’t really follow a specific diet plan, although I do use a lot of W30 and paleo recipes. For me, even if it slows down my weight loss, I don’t want to be on a “diet” any more. I eat mostly whole, healthy foods. But I never want to tell my kids that I can’t have a bite of whatever they are offering me (unless I really just don’t like it). If they save me a bite of their cookie (or want to eat one with me), I’m going to do it. I want to be able to have a cupcake on their birthdays (and cake on mine), a piece of chocolate when I’m really craving it, a glass of wine after a long day at work without feeling guilty about it or feeling like I’ve completely screwed up my diet. (Wow…sorry for the soapbox there. After trying what feels like a gazillion different diets, and doing at least 3 of them in 2018 along, I finally figured out what I want / how I want to eat. And I get a little passionate about it sometimes!)

    My goals:
    -Workout an average of 3-4 times per week (I’ve been pretty good about this. I work out with a trainer once a week, and follow her work outs the other days.)
    -Lose some weight (I would love to lose 5+ pounds in May (and honestly, I have enough to lose that 8-10 lbs would not be unheard of), but since I mainly do strength training, I know the scale may go up before it goes down, so I’m not too worried about the number)
    -Continue to meal prep consistently (because I really don’t have time during the week to cook much)
    -Be more consistent with my eating / water intake on the weekend
    -Feel like I can wear short-sleeves again (I’m not sure if that’s a “by the end of May” or “by the 4th of July” goal…)
    -Fit into some of my smaller clothes again
  • melodyis4reals
    melodyis4reals Posts: 186 Member
    Hello Everyone! My name is Melody. I am 41 years old and weigh 175 lbs. My ultimate goal is to lose 25 pounds.

    I use to bike ride everywhere, until I got a job 2 blocks from my home. I didn't understand why I gained so much weight over the next couple of years, until it finally dawned on me that my bike commuting was exercise, which I had eliminated.

    When I realized this I used MFP and lost the weight by tracking meals and exercising. I even ran a 5k! I went down to 148 lbs and I felt fantastic, until I got pregnant. I gained a lot of weight in my pregnancy and after I gave birth I was at 205 lbs.

    I went down to 165 and recently started to gain weight again. I am stress eating and feeling hopeless. 6 days ago, I checked back into MFP. I need to lose weight for my self-esteem, health, and ability to keep up with my little.

    My kid is almost 3, and I still want to lose some of that weight. I have used breastfeeding as an excuse to eat anything I want and I need to stop that. My MAY GOALS are as followed:
    • Tracking food accurately and daily
    • 10,000 steps daily
    • Eating more raw veggies

    I am happy to be part of this group and will work my hardest to be a big loser!
  • o0kody0o
    o0kody0o Posts: 642 Member
    Hey team!

    My name is Avryl & I’m 28 years old. I decided to lose weight in February this year, a few months after having my first child. I started out weighing 183lbs in the February, and am currently down to 158lbs. My end goal weight is 147lbs so I have 11 lbs to go.

    I joined the Slimsons last month and I’m so glad I was put into this group because everyone is so encouraging and positive 💕

    ⭐️ Goals for May ⭐️

    Lose 6lbs
    Use my exercise bike at least 5 times a week, for at least 20 mins each time

    Here’s to another great month this May 🥂
  • rosina89
    rosina89 Posts: 15 Member
    Morning all,

    I am a returning member I started in April and it didn't go to plan.

    Unfortunately due to chocolate and hurting my foot I did not lose any weight.

    My goals this month:

    1. To home cook all my food so that I can ensure that I can log accurately.
    2. To exercise as much as I can with my foot.
    3. To lose some weight.

    To get below 200lb
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    SLIMn2016 wrote: »
    Hi all! 👋😊 My name is Nancy... I'm rejoining the SLIMSONS yet again this May. I didn't make great strides in April.... May needs to be a better month for me. 💪🏻😅💦 (Been here since August).

    This a wonderful, motivational, inspiring and supportive team of peeps!

    A little about me...
    Started my journey in January 2015 at 240lbs.(I'm 5' 8"). I lost 80 lbs. in 10 months (January-October 2015) and then reached my goal weight by June of 2016, a total of 90 lbs. after I joined the gym and starting group x/spinning classes.

    I had regained a bit in 2017-2018 after being sidelined by grief (loss of my Mother) & injury (my back September 2017 and leg in February of 2018). Finally able to get back to the gym after 10 painful months of recovery last August.

    Goals for May:

    🔹 Lose 3 lbs.
    🔹 Continue with my IF plan this month
    🔹 Drink at least 150 oz. water each day
    🔹 Keep my workouts -- add more stretching and rest when needed to prevent injury
    🔹 Lower carbs to 50g or less on weight training days and 100g or less on cardio days


    Hey Nancy, welcome to our May Challenge it's going to be great to have your dedication apart of this team. With your motivation I am you SURE lots of team members will be inspired to push and strive for their goals.😍😍
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    rosina89 wrote: »
    Morning all,

    I am a returning member I started in April and it didn't go to plan.

    Unfortunately due to chocolate and hurting my foot I did not lose any weight.

    My goals this month:

    1. To home cook all my food so that I can ensure that I can log accurately.
    2. To exercise as much as I can with my foot.
    3. To lose some weight.

    To get below 200lb

    Don't despair Rosina, we all have had those months where we did not meet our goals as expected. The point is that you're still here and determined to succeed, that's an awesome achievement in itself showing that you're not giving up on yourself. So continue to push & strive to meet your goals we're all here to help and motivate you through your journey.
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    o0kody0o wrote: »
    Hey team!

    My name is Avryl & I’m 28 years old. I decided to lose weight in February this year, a few months after having my first child. I started out weighing 183lbs in the February, and am currently down to 158lbs. My end goal weight is 147lbs so I have 11 lbs to go.

    I joined the Slimsons last month and I’m so glad I was put into this group because everyone is so encouraging and positive 💕

    ⭐️ Goals for May ⭐️

    Lose 6lbs
    Use my exercise bike at least 5 times a week, for at least 20 mins each time

    Here’s to another great month this May 🥂

    Hey Avryl, welcome to our May Challenge it's going to be great to have your dedication once again as apart of this team. With your motivation I am SURE lots of team members will be inspired to push and strive for their goals as you are so close to your goal weight. So proud of your success so far.👍🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾😍😍😍
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hello Everyone! My name is Melody. I am 41 years old and weigh 175 lbs. My ultimate goal is to lose 25 pounds.

    I use to bike ride everywhere, until I got a job 2 blocks from my home. I didn't understand why I gained so much weight over the next couple of years, until it finally dawned on me that my bike commuting was exercise, which I had eliminated.

    When I realized this I used MFP and lost the weight by tracking meals and exercising. I even ran a 5k! I went down to 148 lbs and I felt fantastic, until I got pregnant. I gained a lot of weight in my pregnancy and after I gave birth I was at 205 lbs.

    I went down to 165 and recently started to gain weight again. I am stress eating and feeling hopeless. 6 days ago, I checked back into MFP. I need to lose weight for my self-esteem, health, and ability to keep up with my little.

    My kid is almost 3, and I still want to lose some of that weight. I have used breastfeeding as an excuse to eat anything I want and I need to stop that. My MAY GOALS are as followed:
    • Tracking food accurately and daily
    • 10,000 steps daily
    • Eating more raw veggies

    I am happy to be part of this group and will work my hardest to be a big loser!


    Welcome to Team SLIMSONS, it seems you have already had a lot of accomplishments so you will fit right in with thos group as we are all about motivating and inspiring one another to meet there goals. I am sure you will achieve all your goals you've set for your journey.
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    @gjaholy33 What does your doctor say about eventually getting off of the CPAP machine? I would be scared to death to discontinue using mine. I don't ever want to wake up gasping for air again.

    Yeah Cindy, that's a scary thought in itself. But since I've been losing so much weight my levels have gone down.

    Basically it's a lot of medical jargon but I'll try to explain it. Some people need the CPAP machine because of a condition called pulmonary hypertension which may or may not be caused from visceral fat around the heart and lungs. I happen to be a person who needs the CPAP because of the visceral fat around my heart and lungs so the more weight I lose the less I would need to use the CPAP machine. So my pulmonologist said I will be retested once I lose 150lbs so that's my goal.

    Hope this explains it in more detail.
This discussion has been closed.