TEAM: The Slimsons (May)



  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hello all, my name is Cindy and I'm 56 years old. I joined this group in November and it really helps me stay accountable. Everyone here is awesome. I joined MFP in October after returning home from a business trip. I could barely fit in the airplane seat, was fat shamed by another passenger, and was miserable with all of the walking at the airport & conference. I'm only 5'2" but my starting weight was 273 lbs. So far I've lost 66 lbs.....almost mid way to my goal of 138.

    May goals: Make it to Onederland, average 10K steps per day, participate in the step challenge at work, and get in three 20 minute cardio workouts per week (my biggest weakness).


    Welcome to our May Challenge it's going to be great to have your dedication apart of this team, once again. I hate that you had to experience being fatshame. It's an awful experience that many of us go through I've been through it since I was 5years old and it doesn't get easier. I encourage you to continue on your journey and meeting your goals abd I will be ROOTING FOR YOU TO HIT THE ONE-DER-LAND THIS MONTH! With your motivation I am SURE lots of team members will be inspired to push and strive for their goals, as well.👍🏾👍🏾💪🏽💪🏽👏🏾👏🏾
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    OkieGina wrote: »
    Hi! I’m Gina. It seems like I’ve been somewhat overweight most of my life. Although I did get in fairly good shape before my wedding 11+ years ago and before our trip to Hawaii about a year after that. Then I started gaining the “happily married” weight. Got back into shape about 7 years ago, but then got pregnant and frankly didn’t care that much anymore. Anyway, 2 kids later, I’m now 41 with 2 young (almost 6 and almost 4) kids and I work full time. I tried getting back to the gym last year, but my husband was working nights and it was just too much. I did manage to lose a decent amount of weight by dieting, but it wasn’t a sustainable diet (meaning, it wasn’t something that really worked for me every day, long term, and as soon as I quit I started gaining it all back). I re-joined the gym I used before in January, and although I have definitely gotten stronger, I don’t feel like my body has changed that much. So, as much as I HATE / LOATHE / DESTEST tracking food, here I am (again). I eat fairly healthy, but feel like I should be making more progress. And I think checking in here daily, weekly… will help hold me accountable.

    I’ve also been doing IF (approx. 16:8) most days, mainly because it’s an easy way to reduce my calorie intake. I also like IF because, if I am just absolutely ravenous one morning, I can go ahead and eat and not completely screw everything up. (And, quite often on the weekends, I don’t follow IF, because I may be at church or somewhere else when I’m supposed to eat my first meal and it just doesn’t work out – so I go ahead and eat something before I leave.) I don’t really follow a specific diet plan, although I do use a lot of W30 and paleo recipes. For me, even if it slows down my weight loss, I don’t want to be on a “diet” any more. I eat mostly whole, healthy foods. But I never want to tell my kids that I can’t have a bite of whatever they are offering me (unless I really just don’t like it). If they save me a bite of their cookie (or want to eat one with me), I’m going to do it. I want to be able to have a cupcake on their birthdays (and cake on mine), a piece of chocolate when I’m really craving it, a glass of wine after a long day at work without feeling guilty about it or feeling like I’ve completely screwed up my diet. (Wow…sorry for the soapbox there. After trying what feels like a gazillion different diets, and doing at least 3 of them in 2018 along, I finally figured out what I want / how I want to eat. And I get a little passionate about it sometimes!)

    My goals:
    -Workout an average of 3-4 times per week (I’ve been pretty good about this. I work out with a trainer once a week, and follow her work outs the other days.)
    -Lose some weight (I would love to lose 5+ pounds in May (and honestly, I have enough to lose that 8-10 lbs would not be unheard of), but since I mainly do strength training, I know the scale may go up before it goes down, so I’m not too worried about the number)
    -Continue to meal prep consistently (because I really don’t have time during the week to cook much)
    -Be more consistent with my eating / water intake on the weekend
    -Feel like I can wear short-sleeves again (I’m not sure if that’s a “by the end of May” or “by the 4th of July” goal…)
    -Fit into some of my smaller clothes again


    Welcome to TEAM SLIMSONS! Don't worry about being a soapbox 😃😃😃 We've all have our stories to tell. I gave also been big most of my life and I've been put on so many diets as a xhold then as an adult when I decided to lose weight for myself. I agree 100% we should not limit ourselves to what we can eat. I have the luxury of not having any kids so I don't have the additional struggles many of our team members may have but I do suggest that you try to meal prep on weekends when possible as during the week it is harder when you have so many responsibilities. My motto now is to EAT EMPOWERED chose tour healthy lifestyle and try to make meals that you can continue to eat after you reach your goal weight. Since I found this new way of eating, I do not dread my meals and if I want a piece of chocolate, I can have it and get right back to my eating schedule. This is the way it should be but it's all about changing your mindset, portion control and chosing healthier options but being creative with those healthy options. I wish you the best this month and I am ROOTING FOR YOU TO MEET YOUR GOALS THROUGHOUT THIS JOURNEY 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽👌🏾👌🏾
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    DeshotelK wrote: »
    Hi guys! Previous posters are right, this is an awesome group and I'm so happy I joined!

    My name is Kristy and I'm back for a second month. I didn't do as well as I'd hoped in April. I've been on MFP since 2012. Lost around 45 lbs and was very active and fit. Had a couple of injuries that sidelined me and I fell back into old habits. Gained 25-27 lbs in the last 2-3 years. I haven't been very good at taking care of myself and I'm feeling it. Now I'm trying to find a balance between taking care of myself and my family. I'm 40 yrs old and have the achy body of someone much older. The extra weight isn't helping.

    May Goals:
    -Lose 5 lbs (6 if you count that 1 lb from April that I didn't lose)
    -Drink more water
    -Exercise at least 3-4 times per week

    Hey Kristy, welcome to our May Challenge it's going to be great to have your dedication as apart of this team. Please do not beat yourself up cause you did not meet all your goals but remember to celebrate the small victories. With your continue motivation I am SURE lots of team members will be inspired to push and strive for their goals.
  • vicky2767
    vicky2767 Posts: 2,472 Member
    Good morning everyone. My name is Vicky. I’m 44 married with 2 teenage boys. I’ve been with this group since Jan. It’s been a struggle the past 2 months but I’m determined to get back on track. This group is fantastic. I like to run but I’ve been told I need to add weight bearing exercises at least once a week to my exercise routine. Struggling to do that. I’m also boderline high cholesterol so I’ve been trying to watch my fat intake along with my carbs but like I said it’s been a struggle.
    Goals for May lose 5 pounds.
  • aadubb
    aadubb Posts: 67 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm Andrea.
    I signed up for the weight loss grant in 2017 at 171lbs and was told I had to get down to 143lbs to get my money reimbursed.
    I was 9lbs away from that goal in July 2018 and then when Christmas season came around I guess I let it go and gained tons of weight. As of April 15th 2019 I weighed 183.2.
    Which only gave me 12 week's to lose the weight. I decided on a low carb, low fat, med to high protein plan which I've done years ago ( WITH Dr. Bernstein). I won't be paying to his clinic but am trying to follow the plan that I received back then.

    For the past few weeks I've been following the plan and am now at 169.8lbs
    Most of my days my carb levels are between 30 to 45g, with a few days above depending on my workout but nothing past 70g of carbs.
    If I continue to lose 3.5 to 5lbs per week I will definitely meet my goal. Hoping this group will help keep me motivated, as my head is finally in the game!

    My goal for May is to lose a minimum of 10lbs.
    I work out about 5 days per week sometimes twice in a day. Most workouts range from 30 to 60 min
  • nbatch456
    nbatch456 Posts: 47 Member
    Hello Slimsons Team!
    This is my 2nd month & I’m glad to be here. My name is Nancy (49). I work 10hrs a day in my office and trying my best to lose some weight. I do go to the gym during my lunch but it’s the food that I’m shoveling into my mouth that’s keeping me down. Month of April was good until I went on vacation & got sidetracked. I started IF in April 3 days a week (Thanks Gloria!) and IF has helped me with my eating & carb intake. I’m looking forward to this adventure with all of you & my goal is to be 125lbs. It’s a long way to go from 178.5 but I’m ready for hard work ahead.

    May Goals:
    - Lose 5-8lbs
    - Eat Healthy Portions
    - Stay Motivated
    BEASTFIELD314 Posts: 660 Member
    Hello team Slimsons! It's nice to be back. I am rooting for each of you! I think I have sent friend requests to all of you, but if I missed anyone (sorry!), send me a request. The more we have supporting and cheering for one another, the better the chances to ROCK IT!

    My first weigh in is tomorrow. While I am sure it's not going to be much (first week for me is never the best), I will take anything! Have a great weekend, team!

    ~ Jason
  • cydneebauman
    cydneebauman Posts: 122 Member
    Hello Hello team! This is my first month doing this biggest loser and I am super excited!!
    I have been going strong for 2 weeks so far. I have been severely lactose intolerant my entire life and 2 weeks ago I decided to give up dairy for good, and what better time to work on my health!!?! I stopped drinking pop, consuming dairy, drinking(i do sometimes miss my wine) and all sweets besides fresh fruit. HOWEVER, the only thing I'm strict about is the dairy, the rest just kinda happened by not wanting to waste my calories. I walk every day at lunch since we get an hour lunch. I shoot for 3 miles during lunch. I plan on starting back at the gym this week, we shall see how that goes. 14 days and I have came in below my calorie goal every day!! I think my struggle is actually getting enough, since when I track calories I kind of get obsessed and eat too little.

    I am committed to my health this go around more than ever and I am so excited to share in this journey with all of you!!

    My long term Goal is to get down to a healthy weight, which for my height is around 135. I started this at 209 and I am currently at 199!!! Felt amazing to get out of the 200s today!!!

    My may goal is to get below 190.


    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • thelandkraken
    thelandkraken Posts: 91 Member
    Hello all!

    I’m back again for my second month, and hopefully it’ll be a bit better than the first. I had a lot of bad days then, yo yo’d in weight, and essentially lost almost nothing.

    But I’m determined to keep trying, so here’s to a better May.
  • rosina89
    rosina89 Posts: 15 Member
    Username: rosina89
    Week: week 1
    PW: 205.7
    CW: 204.5

    Yay it is in the right direction. 4.5lbs left to hit my May goal. I Will Do This!
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hello all!

    I’m back again for my second month, and hopefully it’ll be a bit better than the first. I had a lot of bad days then, yo yo’d in weight, and essentially lost almost nothing.

    But I’m determined to keep trying, so here’s to a better May.

    Welcome back, keep trying and just don't give up.
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hello Hello team! This is my first month doing this biggest loser and I am super excited!!
    I have been going strong for 2 weeks so far. I have been severely lactose intolerant my entire life and 2 weeks ago I decided to give up dairy for good, and what better time to work on my health!!?! I stopped drinking pop, consuming dairy, drinking(i do sometimes miss my wine) and all sweets besides fresh fruit. HOWEVER, the only thing I'm strict about is the dairy, the rest just kinda happened by not wanting to waste my calories. I walk every day at lunch since we get an hour lunch. I shoot for 3 miles during lunch. I plan on starting back at the gym this week, we shall see how that goes. 14 days and I have came in below my calorie goal every day!! I think my struggle is actually getting enough, since when I track calories I kind of get obsessed and eat too little.

    I am committed to my health this go around more than ever and I am so excited to share in this journey with all of you!!

    My long term Goal is to get down to a healthy weight, which for my height is around 135. I started this at 209 and I am currently at 199!!! Felt amazing to get out of the 200s today!!!

    My may goal is to get below 190.


    Feel free to add me as a friend!

    You're doing so awesome already👍🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 This group is all about inspiring and motivating one another so I think you'll enjoy it and fit right in😃😃
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hello team Slimsons! It's nice to be back. I am rooting for each of you! I think I have sent friend requests to all of you, but if I missed anyone (sorry!), send me a request. The more we have supporting and cheering for one another, the better the chances to ROCK IT!

    My first weigh in is tomorrow. While I am sure it's not going to be much (first week for me is never the best), I will take anything! Have a great weekend, team!

    ~ Jason

    Welcome Back Jason. I for one appreciate your continue support and pretty sure you will continue to be inspired and motivated by one another in this group. We're ROOTING FOR YOUR SUCCESS AS WELL👍🏾👏🏾💪🏽💪🏽😃😃
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    aadubb wrote: »
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm Andrea.
    I signed up for the weight loss grant in 2017 at 171lbs and was told I had to get down to 143lbs to get my money reimbursed.
    I was 9lbs away from that goal in July 2018 and then when Christmas season came around I guess I let it go and gained tons of weight. As of April 15th 2019 I weighed 183.2.
    Which only gave me 12 week's to lose the weight. I decided on a low carb, low fat, med to high protein plan which I've done years ago ( WITH Dr. Bernstein). I won't be paying to his clinic but am trying to follow the plan that I received back then.

    For the past few weeks I've been following the plan and am now at 169.8lbs
    Most of my days my carb levels are between 30 to 45g, with a few days above depending on my workout but nothing past 70g of carbs.
    If I continue to lose 3.5 to 5lbs per week I will definitely meet my goal. Hoping this group will help keep me motivated, as my head is finally in the game!

    My goal for May is to lose a minimum of 10lbs.
    I work out about 5 days per week sometimes twice in a day. Most workouts range from 30 to 60 min

    Hi Andrea, this group will definitely help you stay on point by the help of others inspiring and motivating one another.
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    🤼‍♂️🤼‍♀️WELCOME TEAM SLIMSONS🏋️‍♂️🏋️‍♀️
    🤸‍♂️🤸‍♀️1ST DAY OF MAY CHALLENGE! 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♂️



    Praying everyone have a productive and wonderful day.

    Glorious Gloria
  • CindyJNC1963
    CindyJNC1963 Posts: 895 Member
    gjaholy33 wrote: »
    @gjaholy33 What does your doctor say about eventually getting off of the CPAP machine? I would be scared to death to discontinue using mine. I don't ever want to wake up gasping for air again.

    Yeah Cindy, that's a scary thought in itself. But since I've been losing so much weight my levels have gone down.

    Basically it's a lot of medical jargon but I'll try to explain it. Some people need the CPAP machine because of a condition called pulmonary hypertension which may or may not be caused from visceral fat around the heart and lungs. I happen to be a person who needs the CPAP because of the visceral fat around my heart and lungs so the more weight I lose the less I would need to use the CPAP machine. So my pulmonologist said I will be retested once I lose 150lbs so that's my goal.

    Hope this explains it in more detail.

    That's great that you will be able to get off of it. I'm almost halfway to goal but I accidentally fell asleep without it and woke up with a coughing attack almost immediately. I hate it but I guess I'm stuck with it.

  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,818 Member
    gjaholy33 wrote: »
    @gjaholy33 What does your doctor say about eventually getting off of the CPAP machine? I would be scared to death to discontinue using mine. I don't ever want to wake up gasping for air again.

    Yeah Cindy, that's a scary thought in itself. But since I've been losing so much weight my levels have gone down.

    Basically it's a lot of medical jargon but I'll try to explain it. Some people need the CPAP machine because of a condition called pulmonary hypertension which may or may not be caused from visceral fat around the heart and lungs. I happen to be a person who needs the CPAP because of the visceral fat around my heart and lungs so the more weight I lose the less I would need to use the CPAP machine. So my pulmonologist said I will be retested once I lose 150lbs so that's my goal.

    Hope this explains it in more detail.

    That's great that you will be able to get off of it. I'm almost halfway to goal but I accidentally fell asleep without it and woke up with a coughing attack almost immediately. I hate it but I guess I'm stuck with it.

    I also have a machine and my doctor wanted me retested since i lost weight. Got retested and i went from really bad to moderate because of weiht loss. Will keep using the machine and will get retested in about a year
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,818 Member
    Hi team. My name is Mike and I have been doing this for a few months. I have not been working since March 2018 due to heath reasons. I am doing Keto with IF. Ijust had hernia surgery and hope to be back working out in about 4-6 weeks. In the mean time just lots of walking. Please friend me if i missed you. This is a great group of people and very surportive. Looking forward this month
  • CindyJNC1963
    CindyJNC1963 Posts: 895 Member
    digger61 wrote: »
    gjaholy33 wrote: »
    @gjaholy33 What does your doctor say about eventually getting off of the CPAP machine? I would be scared to death to discontinue using mine. I don't ever want to wake up gasping for air again.

    Yeah Cindy, that's a scary thought in itself. But since I've been losing so much weight my levels have gone down.

    Basically it's a lot of medical jargon but I'll try to explain it. Some people need the CPAP machine because of a condition called pulmonary hypertension which may or may not be caused from visceral fat around the heart and lungs. I happen to be a person who needs the CPAP because of the visceral fat around my heart and lungs so the more weight I lose the less I would need to use the CPAP machine. So my pulmonologist said I will be retested once I lose 150lbs so that's my goal.

    Hope this explains it in more detail.

    That's great that you will be able to get off of it. I'm almost halfway to goal but I accidentally fell asleep without it and woke up with a coughing attack almost immediately. I hate it but I guess I'm stuck with it.

    I also have a machine and my doctor wanted me retested since i lost weight. Got retested and i went from really bad to moderate because of weiht loss. Will keep using the machine and will get retested in about a year

    That's awesome. I might get retested when I am close to goal, but I think mine is more of a hereditary disorder than a weight related issue. My Dad has the same problem and he doesn't have a weight problem.
This discussion has been closed.