
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    hi all !!

    Gail - lovely to hear from you but so sorry the new job is running you ragged!! LOVE the idea of the masking tape writing - im not sure i could handle the pain of a tattoo!

    I abolstuely loved your comment about feeling confident this year re weight loss!! i totally beleive you can reach onederland but i was most happy hearing how great you feel about getting what you want!!

    before i joined my current job 35 yrs ago i worked straight afternoons the 1-9 shift.. i loved it as i had the morning to myself and still was able to live a normal life as i was home by 10pm.. but its gotta be whatever works best for you - would u be able to do a trial run for 3 months or something and then return to your current sched if it didnt work out?

    and yes for gods sake keep it a secret how much you love having the baby lol -- my best friend when she became a grandma let them know from the start she wasnt a built in babysitter... and actualy turned them down once or twice the first few years so they wouldnt come to "expect it"....and once they were kinda shocked cause i guess they expected her to jump at it.. and seemed a little put out she wouldnt take him... truth told she would have nabbed him every opportunity but wanted to draw the line at the start and will never let em know she wants him all the time lol!!

    Suzy - i did laugh at your too hot moment - truth be told again we canadians are often whining about it being too cold or too hot too! but i would like the opportunity to say its its too hot right now as its bitching cold and windy here and it seems like spring is never gonna come!

    i cant believe you lived in amsterdam for 2 yrs how awesome is that??? and even more that your daugher has lovely memorie and wants to go back ? THATS amazing! i've never been to Belgium either - i'd love to go to Ireland too so looking forward to living vicariously thru your photos!!

    i haven't talked much with my sister and cousins yet about the trip - but as you mentioned, i do NOT want to jam pack it with sight seeing and tours and 15 hr days of trying to see everything - we know it can't be done anyway in 10 days.. there are some places and things we do want to see of course... but i did say i wouldnt mind a few "down" days to just wander wherever we are - sit at an outdoor trattoria and have a slice of pizza and a glass of wine and people watch, or just meander around and turns out they all feel the same way so i hope you get the chance to do the same on your trip!!

    and Gail - i never thot i'd be doing a trip to italy either to be honest - so ya never know what may come along!!

    and i just ordered a pizza for dinner and had 2 glasses of wine with it.. and im still in my jammies lol. yup and i have no guilt or qualms about it either - this was a desperately needed self care day and altho some days self care means moving and eating well, other times it means pizza and wine or curled up with a good book!!!

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Yes, I asked him, if I could do a trial run, or come back to days if it didn't work out, but I think I will like it!!

    I agree with the way she did it....never let them get too confident!

    Not much doine today...
    I vacuumed the floor and that is all I did towards cleaning... maybe next week.

    Tuesday the 14th is my birthday...59 years in body...somewhere around late 30's in my mind!! lol
    …..mmmmm Pizza! I want some now ...maybe for my birthday.
    we'll see...
    nite all
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Gail, you absolutely can hit your 15 pound loss goal by the end of the year! The first step is believing in yourself and you’ve got that! Onederland here you come! Good luck with the shift change. I never worked shift work but 1:00 to 9:00ish sounds pretty ideal. I’m not a morning person either. It’s funny, my daughter mentioned once that I was going to watch her babies when she had to go back to work...when she has them. I had to tell her that no, I wasn’t doing that. I don’t want to be the daily caregiver; I want to be grandma. I’m happy to help out occasionally, if baby or momma isn’t feeling well or something and of course we’ll babysit if they want a night or weekend off. She was surprised that I didn’t want five days a week, 6:30 to 5:00, all school year! Ha! The exciting news is that they are starting this month on trying to start their family!!!

    Pizza and wine sounds lovely! And still being in your jammies???? Excellent!!!

    I overindulged for Mother’s Day. Oh well. It was a wonderful weekend and I’m okay with it.

    Susan, if you’re checking in I hope you’re doing okay. You’ve got a lot on your shoulders. We’re here if you need some support.

    Vail, how’s everything going? I see you recording your fluctuations so you’re staying on top of it. I think the danger lies in just giving in and not recording anything.

    Milove, how are you doing?

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Gail....I meant to wish you a happy birthday for tomorrow!! I completely agree about the age thing. I’ll be 58 in a few weeks and I swear that mentally I’m still in my thirties. Physically I sometimes feel older than 58 but I think that I’m mostly doing okay.... I could be worse and I could be better. Happy birthday!!! Have that pizza, if that’s what you want!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    Morning Hatters!!

    Gail i hope you had a lovely time celebrating your birthday yesterday!!

    I have been on a feeding frenzy these past few days; i can't stop eating! i'm not sure why although i did realize last night my mind is whirling trying to figure out the retirement stuff; its weird one minute i'm excited beyond belief and the next minute i'm thinking omg what am i gonna do if i retire! I think i have deep down fears about becoming a couch potato.. realistically i know that's totally in my control NOT to do... but lurking in there are some of those thoughts! but i also know its the right time for me... i think it's just there's so much going on in my head about a few things that i did the old "turn to food" thing... however i've reset my head this morning; and i refuse to change my ticker because i'm going to be back at where it is shortly!!

    The sun is SUPPOSED to come out at some point today (apologies to those already suffering in the heat and humidity) but its been cold and raining here for so long.. and again today but i'm gonna get dressed and the minute i see even a HINT of the sun i'm hitting the lake lol.. its my last day off before back to work tomorrow and i have a gig at the LAC tonite so at least that will keep me off the couch for one day!!

    Suzy - are you getting excited about your trip??? being a selfish person i am really hoping for lots of pics from you after you get back!!

    Vail, Milove - hope all is well in your worlds - miss ya!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Snoozie, I think your doubts and fears about retirement are perfectly normal. I think everyone should have some solid plans on what they’re going to do once they don’t have to go to work anymore. I would suggest reaching out to your friends and asking them to help you stay busy at least part of the week once you retire. You have pickle ball, your friends, the LAC and you’ll find other things. Most importantly, you’re already concerned and aware so you won’t just melt into the couch. You’ll take those few pounds off quickly, no worries!

    We’re supposed to get into the low 90’s (the 30’s) this weekend!!! We’re planning a hike that we’ve done several times and it’s a doozy! Our weather has actually been pretty mild for this time of year. I hope you get your sunshine today!

    I’m very excited and also extremely anxious about our trip. I’m a worrier by nature but I’m trying to not let it get to me. I’m the one who does all the planning so it makes me feel responsible for everything going right and everyone having a good time. My husband (God bless him) is one of the most laid back calm people you’ll ever meet, so that helps a lot. Right now I’m stressing over what to pack. Remember your comment about trying to decide whether to buy the shoes? I’m completely wigged out about what clothes to bring. I’ll figure it out. I’ve just got to make a decision. Lol!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    Suzy I can totally relate to the "worrier" part - with all the event planning over the last 20 yrs with the retirement dinners etc i'm always the one who makes sure everything goes seamlessly; unexpected surprises are quietly dealt with and that no one is sitting alone yada yada ... i always feel responsible for everyone having a good time at every event i'm involved in, and since i stepped back 2 years ago from a lot of it, i STILL find myself soemtimes looking around and going over to talk to someone alone, or keeping on eye on whoever is being honored theyre looked after yada yada... its a hard habit to break!! But i'm doing much better now - AND what you said about feeling anxious as you're the one doing the planning is something i actually worreid about with my poor cousin! She has been the one doing all the finding of flights and hotels/apartments for the whole trip - and we joke with her about doing a yelp review of her efforts after the trip, but im actually worried about HER worrying about because she's the one booking everything, someone won't like somewhere or whatever... i keep telling her im just so grateful she was willing to take on the logistics that she won't hear one word of complaint from me - i am honestly not going to get stressed at all about this trip... i am seriously just planning to go with the flow and take whatever adventure (or misadventure if that happens!) in stride and enjoy every minute!! Which is gonna be hard for me i admit as i am a planner in some ways and not great at "winging it" sometimes - but i am bound and determined not to try to take charge and just stay relaxed and in the moment...So i bet the others in your group are feeling exactly the same - just so grateful you took on the planning and will be thrilled with everything!! And i told my cousin my having a good time or not - is entirely dependent on ME and my attitude so i'm hoping that takes any pressure off her as well!

    im absolutely NO help with the packing obviously LOL.. i have my 'personal" bag picked out; it will meet the requirements and hold my day purse and travel pillow and meds LOL.. and a friend is lending me her carry on size wheeled bag; i'm going to look at it tomorrow to see if it fits the dimensions for our airline and if so i'll borrow hers... i've been reading a million articles about how to pack light - and honestly at this point i'm planning to spend the entire 10 days in jeans and a sweatshirt with a t shirt underneath HA!! ok not quite.. but...

    I AM going to do a trial pack the week before tho... pack absolutely everything and see how it goes.. there is a group on FB i joined called Italy trip planning - loads of peeps who have been or are going and lots of recommends for everything from transport to things to see to packing lol... so helpful with all the peeps sharing info.... so so all i can do right now is wish you the best of luck with the packing!!

    And yes i have been talking to peeps about the retirement thing.. i dont really have a "plan" as such but i did start last year with my mini plan of doing 3 things before i retire to prepare - do more social activities (joined the meetup groups); start volunteering (LAC) and get physically moving more (pickleball).. i wanted some things in place before i actually went; i think its just like any change, a little apprehension but i know its the right time for me which helps a lot!!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Sorry, I'm just checking in again and have missed so much! Happy belated birthday, Gail! I hope you had a lovely day! Thanks for asking about my joint problems: I haven't been too careful with my diet recently, but to be honest, it doesn't seem to have made any difference! You sound incredibly busy. I hope you find what works with the shifts. I'm an ex shift worker, and I did prefer early shifts, but I think that's because I'm more of a morning person. Whatever, I tended to get given different shifts from day to day, which a lot of people liked (because of sometimes having the evening off and then the next morning), but personally I found it easier to work a few of the same shift in a row.

    I'm getting excited about these upcoming trips! I hope you manage to decide what to pack, Suzy, lol! I know that feeling! I've sometimes tried to ask myself what things could I really not buy in an emergency. Because it's usually always possible to buy a toothbrush, or suncream, or spare knickers or a raincoat, etc, wherever you're going ... although I have been to some really remote places where there really isn't anywhere to buy something, but usually there is. Just the thought that I can buy things in an emergency makes me a bit more relaxed.

    I had a lovely holiday in the west of Ireland once. It was very laid back and relaxing. I was travelling a bit round Galway, Aran Islands, etc. I hope it's as relaxing for you! Dublin was a bit more frenetic, but a lovely city.

    I used to love the planning part, years ago, but that was going on holiday with my son, and I'd be much more stressed if I was planning for other people! So yes, kudos to the people who take that on. I have been invited to go to Spain with a group of friends, nothing definite yet, but to be honest, I think I might find it difficult to give up the control - part of me really wants to do the planning, but on the other hand I know it will be less stressful to just fit in with them and accept that of course they might not make exactly the same choices as I would! So I understand where you're coming from, Snoozie, and I love your attitude to it!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    Suzy - how's the packing going???

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    That’s hilarious! I think I’ve got it figured out. I’m taking the approach that you mentioned, Vail. If I really need it then I’ll buy it. We took a trip a couple years back (y’all might remember) to Maine with our nieces and nephews. They did all the planning. We went in with the attitude that we were just along to enjoy their company. It wasn’t the trip I would have planned but we had a fantastic time and made such wonderful memories with them. So giving up the control sometimes can be rewarding.

    Btw, Spain would be lovely! I’ve never been and would love to go explore. We are going to drive through Galway and northwest along the coast to Westport. Then up to Derry, over to Giant’s Causeway on to Belfast and back to Dublin. I’m worried that I’ve packed too much into the itinerary but we’ll make it work. It’s a lot of driving but we really want to see the countryside. Fingers crossed for decent weather!!!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    edited May 2019
    Sorry i didn't have time for a full reply this morning as i wanted to hit the lake before work = but i did think of you when i saw that pic Suzy and had to post it LOL..

    Vail - i hope you do decide to consider it an "adventure" as such and do the trip with your friends! But i get you're kinda torn; altho trip planning isnt my thing as discussed i AM a bit of an "organizer" and plotter - and I have no doubt i will have to check some of my impulses and not let myself get frustrated at all because it's a hard habit to break lol... BUT.. i am honestly considering this an adventure for me rather than a "trip"... and THAT will help immensely i think to just go with the flow, be in the moment and just enjoy the adventure!

    I also hope you go because altho i dont have a "bucket list" as such.. I was just thinking to myself one day i'd love to go to Spain!! So i could live vicariously through you if you go LOL..

    I've been trying to start learning a little Italian but i'm finding it a tough go suprisingly... I'm still relatively passable in French even though its been 40 years since i left Quebec, ok enuf that i can still understand it and make myself understood that is lol. And i have a teeeny bit of Spanish ... but even learning a few basic phrases in Italian is stumping me at the moment.. they really pronounce the vowels in everything; even the simple "please, thank you, where is the (blank) - its just not sticking with me and i keep relapsing into french or spanish.. its quite frustrating but i have a few months to keep at it...and let's face it, as long as i can say "where's the bathroom please?" i'll be ok!! haaaa

    Suzy - glad to hear the packing is coming along! As Vail said, i too am just thinking i can buy something if i need it there as we won't be going anywhere remote! But I'm not gonna lie.. i stopped at my friends place on the way back from the lake yesterday and looked at the 20" bag...

    omg.... it's sooooooooo tiny!!! :o

    i had a moment of panic I admit lol... but i know when i'll be lugging it all over creation i'll be very glad its so small... i may need a few glasses of wine when it comes to actually putting everything into it tho!!

  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    edited May 2019
    Gail- I’ll be in your shoes soon watching my grandson to be ( due August 9). I’m so excited to be blessed with a grandson, but I was rather shocked when my DIL told me she didn’t want to work the evening shifts so she would need me to watch him 4 days a week from 6 AM to 3 :30! Needless to say, I had to set my boundaries!

    Vail and Gail - thanks for the compliments about the flowers . I must give Sarah the credit as she is the one who loves sunflowers 🌻, and I had the florist, who is a friend of mine, add some other ones to it to make it nicer than just plain sunflowers, included periwinkle blue hydrangeas for the center pieces.


    And Vail I can totally relate to the weight fluctuations and physical issues holding you back. It’s a challenge for sure !

    Gail - I hate early rising , too. Hope it works for you to take the second shift.

    Suzy- that 2.5 is such a reasonable amount from a vacation - hoping I can do the same on mine . Your trip to Europe sound wonderful !

    Snooozie- sounds like you’ve gotten a lot accomplished with your travel plans. I totally agree with having a down day . You must be excited about your upcoming trip,as well as your upcoming retirement! I feel for you with all those crazy shifts!

    Speaking of trips and vacations , I am in Maui right now - it is soooo beautiful! Unfortunately, my sinuses went berserk from the two hour plane descent , and I felt like absolute crap on my first day here yesterday ; so loaded up on Benadryl , Claritin D, Aspirin and Tylenol and laid low at the beach and waterfall pools sipping on Mai Tais. I was able to change our lua reservations to Sunday and was able to cancel my horseback riding for now so I could just chill, and that helped .I am feeling about 70% better today, so about to get ready to go hiking through a bamboo forest and take a dip in a water full pond in the middle of it.


  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Snoozie: summer has arrived n Georgia

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Hope you're feeling better now! Maui looks beautiful. Of course you're off hiking rather than sitting on the beach! Have a wonderful time!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Leaving for Amsterdam today! Unfortunately I’m up five pounds already. I’m going to try and use restraint but I’m not going to stress over food. I’ll try to keep in touch!

    I still want to see what happens if I don’t give up!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    omg i thot you were already gone and i've been checking for any photos and updates LOLOLOL... have an amazing time and love your idea of being mindful but not stressing at all - exactly as it should be for these moments!!! enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Hope you're having a fantastic time, Suzy!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    I think we're both on tenterhooks waiting for photos from Suzy, Vail!!

    Hope you're doing ok... i saw your post on your wall the other day and can totally relate.. i have no idea whats going on... but i'm like an eating machine lately.. or a hoover vaccuum might be more appropriate :( and the scale is showing it! Spring has finally raised its heads here and there in Toronto, and I refuse to buy any new clothes since i bought a lot last year - but i have to get my head out of my butt and smarten up!

    I was going over some of my blood test results from back when i had hit my goal weight..everything was so much better and you would think that alone would be great motivation! But i forget that every time i open the fridge...

    i think some of it is .. emotional eating? I won't say stress eating cause i'm not stressed, but i think having decided to retire for sure this year might be part of it - i had some weird dreams the past few days (one of them being that my shift gave me a BUS for a retirement gift.. and i was trying to look pleased while inside thinking what the hell... that will never fit in my underground parking lot! (ya... note i didn't ask why they gave me a BUS, just that it wouldnt fit in my parking space haaaaaa)... and I think i'm a little worried about b eing a couch potato.. and even tho i know the choice not to be is mine, i think perhaps all the thoughts milling around in my head are part of what's driving me to the fridge - i've always been an emotional eater and the prob is doesnt matter what the emotion - happy, sad, frustrated, angry, joyful.. doesnt matter which one seems food has always been a reward or a consolation.. i also started looking into travel insurance the other day and realized that people with existing medical conditions have a much tougher (and more expensive) time getting that! grrrr

    maybe just saying stuff out loud will help me control it a bit. .we'll see!! I'm on vacation still for another 10 days and we've had crappy weather this week but next week looking better so hopefully will be able to get out and about more.. i've managed to hit pickleball twice this week and have the 2020 season launch at the LAC tonite so at least i'll be moving some.

    Hope all is well in your world Vail...

    Gail - havent seen you since your birthday - hope all is okay with you as well??