
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    All is good...just so busy at work and when I get home , I never get near the computer....tooo tired. but I have been reading the posts on my breaks ....can't wait for the pics Suzy & Susan and Snoozie!!

    Vail ...where are we going? lol


    I Find I eat more if I am alone...bored eating! in fact ...hungry right now, still trying to manage those PILLS!!

    Got to go , headed home , a long day at work...10 hrs!! ugh!

    Bye!! KFC, here I come!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    Love the reason for the bus dream Gail ! Road trip !
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    edited May 2019
    hmm ok that's better lol

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Keep me a seat on that bus! :D .

    Funny that you should mention travel insurance, Snoozie. I was just trying to sort that out last night. I've been through lots of companies, all massively expensive, finally was recommended a company by somebody with serious medical problems, spend forever going through all their questions, and they rejected me! Very frustrating! So I think I'll just have to go back to the other companies and pay over the odds, or not go at all. I've tried going through SAGA, and a heart charity and a comparism site, but it's all just so expensive. More than the cost of the trip, lol!

    Meanwhile, I'm trying to get a grip with my weight. I would never have said I was an emotional eater in the past, and I don't know what's happened recently, but it just feels like my resistance is really low. I plan what I'm going to eat or not eat, and then somehow find myself eating rubbish, or eating too much generally. I should not use the words "find myself", because obviously I have made a decision to pick up that food and put it in my mouth, it's just that it's not even feeling like a decision these days.

    Anyway, I can sympathise with the emotional eating. It made me laugh about it being for any emotion, lol! I would never have called myself an emotional eater previously, but I think I'm moving that way, and yes, any emotion, or feeling in general. I'm eating just because I'm tired, for goodness sake. You'd think tired would mean I was too tired to eat, but oh no. I'm not even particularly stressed at the moment.

    Can't wait to hear about your trips!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    edited June 2019
    Vail i can relate to the travel insurance - i had no idea that ANY pre existing medical condition could get you denied.. or have to sell your firstborn to afford it! im like omg most people over 50 have something going on; so how are they all excluded or become bankrupt because of it? I did get a really good "list" of things to check are covered; the fine print if you will..- all of which become immaterial if we're denied as you said from the beginning.. i am going to call a few of the companies that do accept medical stuff in person and see if i can get something reasonable over the phone rather than online - fingers crossed you can get something doable as well..

    and omg on the mindless or emotional eating - whatever we wanna call it same here!! i was up at 330am this morning wandering... and literally still falling asleep but found myself peeling an orange and eating it.. nope not the least bit hungry ... and your sentence "its not even feeling like a decision these days" is exactly what i'm feeling...

    the only thing that might help me right now is that yesterday afternoon it was supposed to be a really nice day and i was meeting a friend for lunch on an outdoor patio.. first patio of the season.. so i had dug out my capris and a summeryish top and my sandals.. and the darn patio was closed because of construction going on in front of the restaurant.. grrrr lol.. BUT... even tho the capris were stretchy material .. they were tight and i was pretty uncomfortable sitting there and i thot... ok really... even dropping 10 lbs would make these comfortable.. and everything is tight lately ... so i may keep those capris around and wear em to force me to stop shoving things into my face :(

    and on that note.. it's almost 5am so i'm going back to bed lol...
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    edited June 2019
    Hi there Hatters . Love all your fun upcoming travel plans , and Suzy , hope you are having a wonderful time!
    Maui was absolutely wonderful . Scale wise, I was up 5 pound from too many Mai Tais and eating out , but managed to get that off since I’ve been back. Worked hard to get it back off right away with the exception of Thursday night when I binged. I felt like just awful the next day - you think I would learn .

    I’m sad to say I got “the call “ this morning that my dad passed away . The memorial service isn’t until the Saturday, June 22nd, so I will fly back somewhat earlier to help as much as possible with making a dent in cleaning out his office and huge house filled with stuff and memorial service preparations . .

    When I return , I leave a few days later to attend a good friend ‘s daughters’s wedding in Sante Fe . And I’m hosting a baby shower the weekend before I leave , so , with all of this going on , my hope at the end of it all is that whatever weight I gain is can take off quickly . I am feeling out of sorts do to speak and not sleeping much particularly this last week with so many early phone calls concerning my now late dad . But time is my best friend , and I know things will ease up as time goes by . In the meantime , I am just going to do the best I can to try to employ healthy coping strategies to help balance my unhealthy ones !
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Oh, I'm so sorry about your dad! I know it was expected, but such a loss ... you have been through so much over the last year or two. And it sounds like you have so much to do and organise. Sending you good wishes x x
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    edited June 2019
    Thanks so much for your kind words Vail. I really appreciate your support <3
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    Susan my condolences to you and your family on the news of your father passing; take time for some self care with whatever options work for you; we as women tend to internalize stressors so its important to take care of ourselves; whether that be in jammies watching bad tv or focusing on keeping healthy; it doesnt matter what it is as long as you take a few minutes when you can for a little self care.
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Thanks so much Snoozie for your condolences and caring advice. I’m taking one day at a time, and trying to stay balanced and centered while helping to take care of so many things along with my sisters who are quite the challenge themselves! My husband reminded me that it is our anniversary tomorrow, and the baby shower is approaching, so I have some happy things to celebrate as well thank goodness :)
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    Well I caved this morning and adjusted my weight - i'm up 5 lbs from what my last recorded weight was and while I resisted changing it... i'm hoping by seeing my REAL weight it will keep me on the straight and narrow!

    I SO did not want to hit that ENTER button tho!! :'(
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    At least it's 5 lb and not 15 lb! Have you reset your weight? I still haven't had the guts to that, after seven years. I'm still desparately clinging to my 60lb lost- lol! In my defence, I do think it helps to inspire me to be reminded of the work I've put in previously and the success I've had. I don't want to feel I'm starting from the beginning again!

    As ever, things have been mixed for me. For some reason, I made tablet the other day. It's a Scottish sweet, and I don't really come across it here in England and had been craving it. There are lots of recipes, but it normally involves boiling up condensed milk, butter and sugar for about half an hour, then beating the mixture for several minutes. Obviously the beating burns a lot of calories which you can then spend on the eating. It's a bit like fudge, but ten times more delicious in my opinion. It's so sweet that you don't feel good if you eat too much, but it's so addictive that you tend to. Even my cat appreciates it, he knows where it's kept and goes nuts if anybody goes near the box.

    Anyway, what possesses me to create something so addictive and unhealthy, when I struggle to stop eating anyway, I don't know. I'm going to take most of it into work and see if I can palm it off on my slim colleagues before I eat it all!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    Yes Vail I did reset it!! I've got to do something to put the brakes on the gain and hopefully this help! and i totally get how seeing your loss is totally inspiring - i'm all for whatever works for each of us and honestly i'm just hoping this will kick my *kitten* AND inspire me lol! I also dug out the actual photo i have on my profile - when i was at my heaviest and put it smack dab on the fridge next to the handle!! I am gonna print out the one of me at my goal weight and stick that next to it as well... yup desperate times call for desperate measures!

    i had to laugh at your tablet - yes obviously the beating of the mix burns more than enuf cals to justify the eating !! I use that logic all the time haaaaaaa. Weirdly tho.. i never have an urge to chow down on a head of cabbage or broccoli ... hmmm! I was going to make ginger snap cookies when i got home from work today cause i was craving them - then realized i dindt have any eggs. And im too lazy to go out again! Saved by laziness - there's a first!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Saved by laziness indeed! That has actually happened to me when I've wanted a snack but have been too lazy to go to the kitchen and make one - lol! As far as baking ingredients go, I live about two minutes walk a corner shop which has all the basics, so it's not like it's it's a big expedition. Anyway, the tablet was a big hit at work, so I'm bringing the rest of it in today. Well, I might keep a small piece back for myself.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Hello Hatters! I’m back from an absolutely fantastic trip! We had such a wonderful time and everything went so well. The weather cooperated, all the hotels were lovely, we ate well, we walked a ton and made such lasting happy memories with our daughter and son in law. That being said, it was so nice to sleep in my own bed last night!

    Susan, I was really sorry to read that your dad passed on. My thoughts are with you, I know it must be so very hard to lose a parent. It sounds like you’re going to be kept rather busy I hope you’re doing okay.

    I’ve only spent the money on trip insurance once and that was the only time I had to use it...oddly enough. However, I found that my circumstances weren’t covered because of the fine print. So...definitely buyer beware. I always spend just a bit more on hotels by making sure that I get a room that can be canceled. It’s the airfare that’s so expensive though.

    I weighed this morning and amazingly I didn’t really gain weight. I’m still up five from before we left so it’s back to work on achieving my weight loss goal by the end of the year. I’ll post a few pictures. We took so many that it’s hard to choose but I won’t bore you with a ton!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member

    Giant’s Causeway
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    The Cliffs of Moher
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Welcome back, Suzy! I love your pictures and you look amazing! I want your jacket and shoes from the Giant's Causeway picture. But in a bigger size, lol! I'm so glad you caught the good weather, thankfully! Northern Europe seems to be wet and windy at the moment! Which was your favourite place? Did you indulge in any interesting local food?
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    One last photo:

    This was a ring fort outside Derry. It was one of my favorite places. There was a 360 degree view of the most amazing countryside! It would rain when we were driving sometimes and then stop just in time to get out and explore. We were so lucky!