TEAM: Run Track Minds (June)



  • Watchme1989
    Watchme1989 Posts: 7 Member
    Weigh in day: Sunday
    PW: 292.2
    CW: 298.6 (this is from a Sunday weigh in of 294.6, 4 lbs in 2 days, no binging maybe water retention?)
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Daily Post (Tuesday 6/18)
    Track: Yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: Yes
    8+ water: 16
    Daily Goals/Habits:
    • Morning Affirmations:
    • Plan / pre-log food
    • Exercise goals> 2-3x/day, 30+m, 2-3/wk resistance: =42 mins
      =22m Cardio
      6m w/up
      5.5m dance
      6.5m Zumba (sorta)
      4m c/d stretch
      =10m before work walk
      =10m after work walk
    • One post-dinner snack: NONE.
    • Kitchen Closed! - YES!
    Exercise is becoming a little easier, because I’m not fighting my body (pain) or my mind. I have a variety of in-home routines from two machines, strength training videos, dance videos, and hand weights to choose from AND I actually want to do it! Plus, I’ve noticed the same for wanting to eat well and not more! I’m not fighting myself. Aaaaahhhhhhhhh! This feels good. Even more so, Monday night (yesterday) was a 4th day in a 4-day streak of no night binges after dinner. This month that is my longest streak. My goal is to be binge free the rest of the month and my reward will be a sugar foot scrub. And I might make my own, again, to save money. :) I made it over a year ago with a group of older ladies. I have a simple recipe that uses coconut oil, sugar, and essential oils. And I have all three! I love having mini-spas on Sundays: a soaking bath, a foot soak, a manicure, painting my nails, etc. It’s time to get the feet ready for sandals!! I think summer might finally be here. So with that goal/reward in mind, I should be able to conquer tonight after this post to make it 5 nights in a row. Good night my friends! A peaceful night and a restful slumber bringing you a great start tomorrow!
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @Fivepts~ Thanks for sharing. Good post and rattling of your cage. Way to shake off those excuses. You got this! Your health is important. YOU matter!
    @jwall309~ Glad you're not beating yourself up. You can overcome. Why do people want to feed us? This would be a good topic of conversation to have with j0d13mcc ...miss her.
    @Qbaimee~ Congrats on keeping 100# off. Wow! Yes, let's make this a lifestyle change. We can eat good foods and moderation being the key. You're doing great!!
    @watchme1989~ Bummer about the gain. Keep your chin up and head high. Work your plan, track and move, it will come off. You can do it! Together, we can!
  • skullsandskeletons
    skullsandskeletons Posts: 675 Member
    Daily post Tuesday June 18:
    Tracked: yes
    Calories: over
    Exercise: no

    Went over calories but just about 150. So that’s still 350 below maintenance!
  • jupdyke
    jupdyke Posts: 325 Member
    Daily Post (Tuesday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: total body cardio fix
    Goal/Day: It was raining this morning,
    so I put a dvd in and did a workout since I couldn't run. Getting closer to the end of the school year. We leave a week from tomorrow for vacation, so it's coming super quick! Can't wait.
  • jupdyke
    jupdyke Posts: 325 Member
    @johicks Sounds like you are hooked an enjoying the benefits of working out and eating right. I am proud of you. No doubt you will reach your goal and earn that foot scrub!
  • ajaia2001
    ajaia2001 Posts: 216 Member
    edited June 2019
    Daily Post (Tuesday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Over by 55 calories
    Exercise: 1 hr-bootcamp/1 hr-cardio group
    Goal/Day: Went over my calories today. I didn't like how I felt once I log all my meals. Normally it's no bootcamp on Tuesdays but I decided to go and do my Tuesday night group to work off calories. The workouts were amazing today and I am so happy I did both!!
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @skullsandskeletons~ shake it off, no worries. You got this. Lets crush June!!
    @jupdyke ~ Darn rain! But you rocked it again. So close to summer vaca ..yeah! Thanks! Yes, exercise is so much easier when knees aren't always sore.
    @ajaia2001~ Whoa girl! You killed it, tonight!! Hope you can walk tomorrow… lol j/k. That's awesome!
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @MaelynMayhem we miss you! Sending you good vibes and a router.... Lol. Hugs
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Be sure to look yourself in the mirror and say it out loud... "Yes, I can!
    I can do it!"
  • victorious55
    victorious55 Posts: 3,303 Member
    @johicks I am so sorry for my participation or weigh-in this pass week. I have been very stressed and sick. But I am recovery. I will be back as soon as possible. There is no letting go... This journey is about my health and life. :)
  • jwall309
    jwall309 Posts: 332 Member
    Daily Post (Tuesday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Over by 14, 1374/1360
    Day: BF made a pasta dinner tonight....did my best to record it and guess serving size of what he put in it. I love him, but even after all these months of me meticulously tracking, he still doesn't bother to measure what he puts in our food when he cooks for both of us, a bit frustrating. And on the other hand, I avoid saying too much cause I don't want to seem ungrateful when he takes care of dinner and has it ready when I get home from work....but it is what it is, it happened, moving on
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @victorious55 ~ I am so sorry you are ill. You are being thought of and well wishes being sent. Take care. We WILL be here when you're better. HUGS
    @jwall309 ~LOL I just about had a heart attack. Thanks for the HIIT cardio moment and laugh. When I first glanced at your post I saw 14,374. My eyes didn't read the 1 in your post... 14, 1374. LOL. I of course read it again and said, "Phew! Slow down, Jo." Lol I too struggle with gratitude towards hubby when he cooks. It's frustrating, but what can we do? I WILL measure what I can and mine doesn't mind me asking questions about how much of this or that he put in. I wonder how @Tomkinsone is doing? Her bf cooks for her, too. All we can do is our best. Maybe you can ask him to give you the recipe, especially if you like it and he plans to make it again.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Daily Post (Wednesday 6/19)
    Track: Yes
    Calories: over, but under maintenance
    Exercise: Yes
    8+ water: 15+
    Daily Goals/Habits:
    • Morning Affirmations:
    • Plan / pre-log food
    • Exercise goals> 2-3x/day, 30+m, 2-3/wk resistance: =60 mins
      =35m am workout
      12m bike
      15m Upper Body toning BodyFit by Amy - using 5# weights.
      3m Glider ~upper/lower
      5m Stretch
      =10m walk mid-day
      =15+m yard work w/mom
    • One post-dinner snack: ONE.
    • Kitchen Closed! - YES!
    My legs were a little too sore to do upper & lower body weight training; so it was just some arms. I am really liking that BodyFit by Amy. I’m glad to report that my entire body is NOT sore. LOL I thought for sure after that workout of the triceps this morning, that I’d still be feeling it tonight. Especially since I used weights today! On my way to work some of our friends’ kids were having a bake sale. I had some quarters in the car so thought what they hay…. I can always give them away. Well! I put two of the items in my mom’s freezer, put one in my freezer for Sunday’s breakfast, and ate ⅓ of the other and threw the rest away. I told myself when I decided to keep them. I am going to FIRST figure out the best I can the calories to make an informed decision. So after dinner with mom (we had a yummy wedge salad and some shrimp and pork. Yum!), I figured out one item and holy cow!! It’s loaded. So that’s when I figured I could only have a taste. I thought “Okay, I’ll have that when I get home, I’ll taste it and freeze the rest for tomorrow.” I got home found the house a disaster. Hubby had a friend over that he’s helping sell books. Dinner was still out and he’s passed out in bed, the dog barking and in its kennel. I was NOT happy! My first thought was FINE! I’ll eat the whole thing! I calmed down and started to put things away in a very noisy fashion! Not out of anger, but to just be rude. (I’m evil, aren’t I !?) Then I had to put my stuff away. I had myself giggling a little because I couldn't find where I set my bags down. My normal spot was still covered in books. So I went back out to the car. Looked in the living room, kitchen, laundry room, and my office. Then repeated. Ooops! Silly me, they were on the floor behind the desk where I couldn’t see from the doorway. LOL So that lightened my spirits. I put my tea in the microwave to be heated. Froze the one thing, then cut off a piece. It was good, but not that good! So I soaked it in water and threw it away. I chose to let it go to WASTE, not my waist! And then I thought I still needed a few more minutes to settle down and in for the night, so you all get this long story! And I feel better, chewing my gum and sipping my tea I am. I was hoping there would be more posts for me to comment on…. But oh well! MOre for the morning. So… the good news… mom & I had fun making a nice light dinner and then some yard work at her house and then sat outside to enjoy the fresh air and cool breeze. She’s taking pride in being able to do the lawn herself. My dad passed away in 2013 and he was meticulous about keeping up the yard. She wasn’t able to do it in years past and now she is healthy and wants to be able to do it. So proud of her. I’m blessed to be able to spend so much time with her. Anyhooo! That ONE moment of my night didn’t ruin my good day or all my good efforts towards my overall wellness. I can now go to bed with a peaceful mind and happy heart. Thanks for letting me share!!
  • ajaia2001
    ajaia2001 Posts: 216 Member
    Daily Post (Wednesday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: 1 hr-bootcamp
    Goal/Day: Surprisingly after the 2 hr workout yesterday I thought I would be extremely sore today but actually not that sore at all. After bootcamp class today though my fatigue level is high right now so it's gonna be an early night 😴
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    ajaia2001 wrote: »
    Daily Post (Wednesday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: 1 hr-bootcamp
    Goal/Day: Surprisingly after the 2 hr workout yesterday I thought I would be extremely sore today but actually not that sore at all. After bootcamp class today though my fatigue level is high right now so it's gonna be an early night 😴

    Absolutely amazing & inspiring!
  • skullsandskeletons
    skullsandskeletons Posts: 675 Member
    Daily post Wednesday June 19:
    Tracked: yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: no

    Exhausting day at work. Good night friends!
  • JamieD328
    JamieD328 Posts: 976 Member
    Daily post Wednesday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under.
    Water: Not bad, but not great.
    Exercise: only a few minutes in the pool and a few chasing the kids in the yard.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @skullsandskeletons ~ Way to go on Wednesday!
    @JamieD328 ~ A good day. And some is better than none. :)
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Who says you need a gym? Or a machine? Or a video?
    What can you do in the last week of June?
    How many days in a row? How many of each exercise?
    Set yourself up for success. Make a plan.
    Report back at the end of the week as to what you were able to accomplish. Remember...
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