TEAM: The Slimsons (July)



  • lsjhudson
    lsjhudson Posts: 181 Member
    @o0kody0o look at youuuu! Well done you must be so chuffed.
  • lsjhudson
    lsjhudson Posts: 181 Member
    Daily Post: July 3rd

    Track: Yes
    Calories under goal: No, a little over
    Exercise: 11,100 steps

    This has been a really terrible day for me personally. There was a house that blew up in Charlotte yesterday, the husband survived but his wife was killed. I found out this morning that it was someone I knew. About an hour after that I found out that a long time co-worker has been moved to hospice with only days to live (metastatic breast cancer). To top all of that off, I had to go in for a repeat mammogram this afternoon because the first one was abnormal. It was abnormal too. Now I need to go for a biopsy next week. If it is cancer, the doctor said that it is stage 0 which is a really early stage. They told me that more than likely it is totally benign but they don't want to take any chances.

    So, yeah, this has been a lousy day.

    I'm so sorry to hear this lovely, these kind of days really test us. I know the waiting will be hard but stay strong and it sounds like you'll be okay *hugs* But I am also sad to hear about your friends. Hopefully you have some others you can talk to about it? X
  • SallyLuvsFitness
    SallyLuvsFitness Posts: 13,724 Member
    Daily Post: July 3rd

    Track: Yes
    Calories under goal: No, a little over
    Exercise: 11,100 steps

    This has been a really terrible day for me personally. There was a house that blew up in Charlotte yesterday, the husband survived but his wife was killed. I found out this morning that it was someone I knew. About an hour after that I found out that a long time co-worker has been moved to hospice with only days to live (metastatic breast cancer). To top all of that off, I had to go in for a repeat mammogram this afternoon because the first one was abnormal. It was abnormal too. Now I need to go for a biopsy next week. If it is cancer, the doctor said that it is stage 0 which is a really early stage. They told me that more than likely it is totally benign but they don't want to take any chances.

    So, yeah, this has been a lousy day.

    Sorry to hear and prayers!
  • SallyLuvsFitness
    SallyLuvsFitness Posts: 13,724 Member
    Daily check in
    7.4 Daily Check IN (Thur) 💃🤸‍♀️💃
    Track: Yes✔️
    Calories: Yes ✔️ I will be for the day.
    Exercise: Hot Yoga 75 mins

    Happy Fourth of July!
  • mylosinggametowin
    mylosinggametowin Posts: 53 Member
    Daily Post, Thursday July 4

    Track: Yes ✅
    Calories: Kinda ✅
    Exercise: Yes ✅ Ran 60/30 X7, walked 25 minutes; woke up at 6 out the door by 6:40 🤣
    Goals/Day/Comments: Happy 4th of July everyone!!!! Today we celebrated with our family in Tulsa. Great company and great food. Be safe and enjoy time with family/friends.
  • o0kody0o
    o0kody0o Posts: 642 Member
    @lsjhudson I’ve been craving salads too because of this lovely weather - it’s great! When it’s miserable outside or winter time I used to love comfort foods and cosy nights in with films and takeaways...not anymore though lol. Well done for sticking to/within your calorie allowance, it can be tough to do sometimes, but you’ve nailed it once again 🙌🏻 and thanks very much Laura, I’m definitely chuffed 🤗 💕
  • jeapri17
    jeapri17 Posts: 63 Member
    Daily Post, Thursday, 7/4/19

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes, pretty close though!
    Exercise: Yes. Hiking, 60 min.

    Glad to get out for a hike - despite heat, humidity and bugs! Much nicer hiking in the Smokey Mountains, TN, last week on vacation! Ate dinner at a salad bar tonight - a little of everything added up to lots of calories!

  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    @jeapri17 Nice day!

    @13point1runnermomma Nice day, lots of activity!

    @Fitness327wk Another great day!!

    @lsjhudson Nice job staying under and nice walk!!

    @o0kody0o Awesome day and Nice pics, really paints a pretty picture! Great job! You look great!

    @gjaholy33 Awesome loss!! You're chipping away at it!

    @tinak33 I think you're not giving yourself enough credit, you have done an amazing job this far, taking a little time for yourself isn't a bad idea. While I don't specifically know what feelings you're eating, I might suggest finding a different outlet for them, I tend to weightlift when I'm bored, even if it's just light technique work, and I tend to clean when I'm angry. Cleaning is like therapy for me for some reason. I've been known to clean out the pantry or the linen closet when I'm angry lol. Hang in there, take it one day at a time until you get back into your groove.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Daily Post (Thursday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes 30 mins walking, 60 mins weight training--Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squats, Snatches, Cleans + Front Squats, Half Handstands, and Lateral Crunches

    Comments: Much better day today than yesterday food wise, although, Aunt Flo is visiting, which is likely the reason for yesterdays food debacle, today had a much better handle on it.
  • eromligyppah
    eromligyppah Posts: 112 Member
    Weekly Thursday
    Last week: 197
    Today: 195.6
  • CindyJNC1963
    CindyJNC1963 Posts: 895 Member
    Daily Post: July 5th

    Track: Yes
    Calories under goal: Yes
    Exercise: Spent a couple of hours cleaning my Dad's room and rearranging the furniture. They are replacing some of the windows in the house tomorrow so I needed to make sure they have a clear path to each window. My Dad is a pack-rat so his room was a mess.
  • Kin59vara
    Kin59vara Posts: 608 Member
    Daily Post: July 5
    Calories: under (in looking at my breakdown I see that my yogurt choice has a great deal of sugar.....probably the reason I like it!.......I will look for a brand with lower sugar.)
    Water: 12 cups
    Exercise: Daily Burn: 21358

    Goals July goals
    1) Track: track as soon as a meal over :/, not dinner seeing a pattern so will need to switch that habit
    2) Steps at least 100,000 steps a week :/ ( week total 96852)
    3)Strength at least once a day <3
    4) Diet one salad, one fruit: <3
  • Kin59vara
    Kin59vara Posts: 608 Member
    CindyJNC1963: I had a lumpectomy many, many years ago and it is scary but luckily mine was benign. I remember the one thing that I did at the time is that they asked me if they found it was cancerous could they do a mastectomy. I was in my twenties and I had recently read an article that said that you could say 'no' so I did. There were two interns asking me to sign. I just knew that I would be really nervous about it and rather make one decision at a time. I know that I was fortunate. In my fifties ( Yes, I am older than that!), I had a parotidectomy for a lump. A parotidectomy is the surgical excision of the parotid gland, the major and largest of the salivary glands. The procedure is most typically performed due to neoplasms, which are growths of rapidly and abnormally dividing cells. It too was benign. So hang in there, sending you prayers.

  • o0kody0o
    o0kody0o Posts: 642 Member
    @Kin59vara thanks very much 🤗
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,816 Member
    Thursday Check in
    Calories: under
    Water: over
    Exericse: yard work 120 mins
  • batgirl140
    batgirl140 Posts: 433 Member
    Weigh in July week 1
    Friday weigh in

    PW: 197.0
    CW: 198.8

    Just trying to stay under 200 at this point. I’ve totally fallen away from my routine. I need to find a new routine for the summer, something I can stick with. Get active with my kids, whatever I can to counteract the foods we end up eating through the day. No way am I giving up just didn’t think I’d be struggling just to maintain right now.
  • Bm00re2u
    Bm00re2u Posts: 426 Member
    It's my babys 9th birthday. She has so much planned, luckily most involves moving and not food🤣

    Happy birthday to her! 🥳
  • Bm00re2u
    Bm00re2u Posts: 426 Member
    vicky2767 wrote: »
    It's my babys 9th birthday. She has so much planned, luckily most involves moving and not food🤣
    Have a great day. Happy Birthday to your (not such a) baby (anymore).
    Bm00re2u wrote: »
    Daily Post (Wednesday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes

    75 minute upper body workout with 10 minute HIIT rowing. Upper day was tough because my triceps are probably my weakest body part. I increased weight though which is a major accomplishment for me! 💪

    Good for you

    Thank you!
  • Bm00re2u
    Bm00re2u Posts: 426 Member
    vicky2767 wrote: »
    Started a new challenge this month. Last month I did an ab challenge with a cousin and her bf, and it was tough. Can’t believe it, But I did all 30 days. And the end was getting brutal.
    My husband started the ab challenge with us but was unable to finish. One exercise in particular (leg lifts) was bothering his sciatica. So this month we kinda made our own. And we have more people who wanted to join in the group. Wish me luck.

    That sounds challenging, but rewarding! I'm glad you have a group participating and wish you best of luck! You all will crush it!
  • Bm00re2u
    Bm00re2u Posts: 426 Member
    gjaholy33 wrote: »
    Bm00re2u wrote: »
    HAPPY JULY 4TH! 🇺🇸🎉🎇
    My name is Brittany, a reoccurring member of the BLC. I have really fallen off track the last couple of months. However, I'm not discouraged! My main goal is to be consistent logging daily. What you eat is half the battle! I also have the goals of drinking at least 60oz of water daily and working out at least 3 times per week. Good luck to everyone!

    Starting weight for July: 132.4 lbs.
    July goal: 127 lbs.
    Overall goal: 115 lbs.

    You got this Brittany great to see you back for another month with great goals to start off

    Thank you Gloria!
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