

  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily Check in: Friday
    Food: Logged, over
    Water: not enough
    Exercise & steps: 30 min dog walk, 90 min yoga class; 10,550 steps

    Busy day yesterday. Took the dogs for a quick walk. Its pretty warm and not cooling off at night so I think my long hikes are on hold until cooler overnight temps return. Yoga was challenging... lots of transitions into planks. Then had my annual OB/GYN appt. All the girly parts look good. Phew... glad that's over. Went in first thing this morning to get blood drawn for lab tests. I'm curious to see how things look after losing so much weight. Most everything was within normal range last time but my cholesterol was a bit high. Afterwards I walked around the farmers market to up my step count but still not a ton of variety yet. Didn't really need anything anyway as I have a short week. Flying to PA to visit hubby at the end of the week. I'm loving reading about everyone's amazing vacations and I'm over here like "Hey, I'm flying to Harrisburg" LOL!

    Been craving (and eating) more carbs then usual the last 2 days. I'm having some trouble sleeping because of the heat so I think my body is wanting some fast fuel. Need to rein that in quickly.

    @carlsoda I've been cooking boneless country style ribs in the InstantPot recently... they come out so tender!!

    @kirsten11872 How cool your husband plays pool! Have fun in Vegas! I haven't been there in years but always enjoyed the buzz and bustling. Wow, nice loss! Looks like you're back on track.

    So proud of how you've been doing lately @cyndiesstuff Keep that shi* up girl!

    Hope everyone is having a nice weekend!
  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    Week 2
    Pw: 141
    Cw: 141.4
  • Julie8468
    Julie8468 Posts: 151 Member
    PW: 139.2
    CW: 139.8
    Up by .6.

    Sorry I haven’t checked in in a while. Hard to explain what is going on in my head right now. But feels like I don’t have the same energy or control than in previous months, so many things I put aside got back into my routine. Still working on it.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,453 Member
    @pacsnc6 It sure has been hot! Sounds like you found some good ways to beat the heat. If you want to get some steps in, I highly recommend the Leslie Sansone videos on YouTube. She has long and short videos. They are fun and you can get a lot of steps in.
    @ljdanny You have been so consistent with your exercise and sounds like you are eating healthy. You really have been doing great!
    @kirsten11872 Awesome loss!! I am not surprised, you had a great week!
    @amsandos That life guard training sounds intense! I was a lifeguard in High School and College. I am glad you are back in it and doing well! So far, so good for me!
    @nstephenson01 Looks like you see all the extremes with the weather by you! Hope the heat breaks a little so you can get back to your hikes. I am glad that everything checked out at the gyn. and I bet the lab work comes back in normal range too! I still can't believe your husband drove to Harrisburg. I am sure you are looking forward to your trip but I am glad you are flying Lol! I know you will have a good week before you go.
    @DananaNanas That is just a small gain, don't let it derail you. I hope everything is going ok. Check in if you need us.
    @julie8468 Please let us know if there is anything we can do to get you back on track. You were doing so well, you just need to get back in your groove.
  • Moarrein
    Moarrein Posts: 3,128 Member
    I just managed to weigh in:
    My current weight is 122.7 lb
    Sorry but I'm in the car and on my phone, so can't dig up my precious weight right now.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Daily check in for Saturday
    Food on plan
    Water lots
    Exercise 2 - 30 minute walks and master bath spring clean
    Steps 12067

    beautiful day yesterday. it was a hot hazy summer day. 90 degrees with 80 % humidity. smoldering. did the laundry. and then cleaned the master bath top to bottom. took a break and made lunch and ate with the ole boy and then sent him off to the farm. i then cleaned the kitchen and took a nap. drank a beer with Jim. an amazing coffee stout. 12% alcohol. woooo... all you need is one and at 300 calories it was all i could afford. but it certainly was a treat. for dinner was homemade chicken fajitas. it was the perfect day. today is menu plan, grocery shop, old folks chores, and food prep. i didnt sleep well last night. i am feeling kinda off.

    @carlsoda the model i posted is a great tool to learn to change your feelings. i believe that is what you have been working on. it is such a huge part of the weight loss. and many of those letters were making me cry. but... time moves on and people move in and out of our lives. it's life. and distraction breaks a pattern. distraction is important for sure. and yes, you can go as slow as you want to go. remember, no matter how slow you go, you are still working harder than the person sitting on the couch!!

    @sleepymom5 great job using your tools. now... reel in your mind and have a great time with your family. did you do the exercise i posted above? i think you really should spend some time on it. it will help you find our what you have control over. so you have the ability to change it. and i dont remember where i got it from. it was a few months ago.

    @pacsnc6 a couple of short walks is better than no walks. has turning off the tv and working on crafts and books helped you with your snacking?

    @ljdanny great job getting those fruit and veggies instead of zebra cakes. those things are a mouth full of sugar. ok, so lets follow the model. the fact was that your stomach was not full when you went to bed. the thought or your feeling was, this is going to kill me. the feeling needs to change. first off, being hungry is not going to kill you. be very careful of your words. what could you think instead? if you continue to think it is going to kill you it is going to be very hard to stick to your plan. to change your outcome, change your thought about the fact.

    @kirsten11872 holy moly girl. that is a huge loss! woooo whoo. lets get it. you can do this.

    @amsandos my oldest son was a life guard for a while. i watched him take his classes. it was very interesting. you are doing great lady. you keep being active and moving. maybe... and i dont know, it is just a thought. maybe you might try veggies as a snack. veggies with some hummus or some greek dressing. this will provide you with some fat and fiber to keep you going. i really don't think your problem is snacking. i think it is stopping. that is where your strength lies.

    @nstephenson01 i am really interested as well about your blood results. please share when you get them. it is going to be so exciting to see hubby. do you have some special hubby time planned? yup... proud of you too. were really working this plan!!

    @DananaNanas thats just a baby gain. you got this. what will you do today?

    @Julie8468 up a half pound is not bad. don't you give up. that is just not allowed. you just keep moving forward. i know you have been feeling like it's too hard. but honestly it is exactly how hard you let it feel. start applying the model above to some of your situations. do some journaling. see if you can get your self out of the funk.

    @Moarrein your previous weight was 121.4. so a little gain. you enjoy your trip but not at the expense of you health. moderation is key!! thanks for checking in!!

  • Moarrein
    Moarrein Posts: 3,128 Member
    The vacation is over and right now I'm in the car back home. I'll try to check in daily from now on. For the past 3 days I ate mostly on track, but had some wine, a little ice cream and several chocolate candies. Since the vacation is over I'm planning to be more strict about "no sugar". I managed to do some beach running and walking, swimming, and curquit training. I hope my gain is mainly because of the monthly water detention + the fact I wasn't using my own scale. Yet I'm not going to fool myself and blame it all to that.
    But after all for me finishing a vacation with that little gain is considered a success... I usually get back home with 10 lb over ;-)
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,453 Member
    Daily check in for Saturday
    Food Not logged, over I am sure but happy with my choices
    Water not enough
    Exercise none
    Steps 4,484

    I had a fun day with family yesterday. It was so hot out yesterday I stayed in the shade instead of going in the water. It ended up being an unplanned rest day. Today is going to be even hotter. I am going to see how it is out, I may do a short Leslie Sansone video if I can't get out on my bike or my kayak. I am going to take advantage of the hot day to plan the week. I have a new journal so I am kinda excited to use it. Jim is supposed to come down today or tomorrow so it will actually be the two of us since MK has to go back to Pa for some doctor's appointments. It will be nice, I am looking forward to it. The following week I FINALLY start PT. I can't wait, I really want to get on the road to healing and also know what I should and should not be be doing. Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!

    From @cyndiesstuff 's exercise yesterday that I didn't get to do-

    Unhelpful (the thought pattern I am trying to change)
    Event-I overate something I knew I shouldn't
    Thought-I am a failure, I can't do this
    Feeling-Discouraged and hopeless
    Action-give up or eat more

    Event-I overate something I knew I shouldn't
    Thought -I know I ate off plan but I will get right back on track now and journal my thoughts about what happened.
    Feeling -Proud I stopped, hopeful I will figure this out
    Action -Not continuing and getting back on track and reflection on what happened

    @cyndiesstuff I hope you aren't coming down with something. Hope you are feeling better soon. The power of suggestion...I think I am going to make chicken fajitas tonight if I have the seasonings Lol! If not, this week sometime. Guess you are going to be busy at work until you are done. It is an exciting and scary time. Just keep focused on your goals and keep planning. This change is going to be a good one for you.
    @Moarrein I think it sounds like you did well on your vacation. You were active and stayed on track with eating for the most part. Sounds like you already have a plan moving forward too. I agree-I would consider your vacation a success too!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Went for a 5.33 mile run this morning on the beach running path. Ran through the neighborhoods as well for over an hour. Mostly I did it because I told this team I was going to do it. Very proud of myself. It was hot at 6:30 am but I did it anyway. I did well. I’m missing my daughter. Molly won’t swim in the ocean so I swam by myself. Robin would have joined me in all physical pursuits. Plus I eat different than everyone else. Robin is plant based as well. The 2 meals out were disappointing but the feast I brought from home was exceptional. Fresh cantaloupe and raspberries, organic bread, mesclun lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, hummus, sprouts, cucumbers, blue organic chips, green salsa, dark stevia chocolate chips, smart popcorn, frozen Amy’s Chinese food, big Sur vegan breakfast burritos, unsweetened dried tart cherries, raw sunflower seeds, a quart of exquisite fresh organic plums (we ate all of them at the beach), hazelnut tea and bottles of water.
    I planned well and ate well.
    There’s a freedom being on vacation and not worrying about the scale. I ate what I wanted when I wanted. With all the exercise you would expect my weight to stay the same right? That’s what’s so deceiving but I’m aware of it.
    I’m still a woman with addictive tendencies. Just because I have hit goal doesn’t mean that changes. But I’m learning about myself and what I need to do differently. Overall I feel this weekend was a success.

    Sorry I’m not responding more to each of you but I’m proud of each and everyone of you that shows up and keeps posting. We are in this together!!!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,420 Member
    Saturday check in

    Food - Whole30 but not as balanced as I would have liked
    Water - almost got it all in
    Exercise - 11,000+ steps, no yoga

    Went to Red Wing Minnesota yesterday and had a fun time. First stop was a HUGE antique shop. Had fun looking at everything, then we went downtown and had a quick lunch of applegate farms turkey lunch meat, tessemmee cilantro lime dressing, lots of veg and fruit, then hit the Red Wing shoe store with a huge clearance basement. Fell in love with lots of boots there but out of my budget right now. Imagine paying $230.00 for 2nds. Mind you 1st are around $350.00+ next door was a Duluth Trading Store, it has super fun stuff in it. They also had a clearance section in the basement, and boy I found some good stuff. Plaid flannel shirt for fall for $5.00, wool jacket for $5.00 too. Then we decided to walk around town and they were having a music festival so was able to take in some Johnny Cash renditions from a pretty good band. Lots of construction going on so we couldn’t figure out how to get to the bluff for the hike up. Went home via Wisconsin which is so pretty and ended up at our favorite park in the Twin Cities, it’s a man made lake with a paved trail. They have stores, restaurants and office building around it. Paddle boats, mini golf and bocce ball and all around the path they play music. Such a fun walk then hit Trader Joe’s and went home. Fun day.

    Haven’t figured out today yet since it’s going to be super hot.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 586 Member
    So much going on, I completely forgot to get batteries for my scale again, so no weigh in for me today. Sorry! 😔
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily Check In: Saturday
    Food: Not logged... too many carbs
    Water: Great
    Exercise & steps: 30 minute dog walk; 11,907 steps

    Met all my weekly mini-goals... 2 vegetarian dinners/week; 2 long hikes; 2 yoga classes; at least 90,000 steps (got 109,252) but I got off track the last few days. Rather than plan my dinners ahead of time I went with what I was craving which always ends badly. So weight this morning was back up to 169 and it will take a miracle to get to my goal of 165 when I leave to visit my husband. I start out strong at the first of the month and then fizzle out. Its not like I don't know what I need to do to lose weight #@%$!! If I think too much about what I need to do to get to 165 I get overwhelmed. But if I plan and follow my schedule rather than think, I do much better. LOL So.. back to basics. Daily exercise and dinners are noted in my calendar. Days are easy as I pretty much eat the same thing right now. Will work really hard to behave and just follow my plan. Rather disappointed in my lack of discipline the last couple of days. Fortunately its a new week and a new chance to do better.

    @carlsoda sounds like a great day!!
    @twyla77 Great picture of you and what a beautiful horse! Looking forward to hearing how Under the Big Sky Festival went

    Hope everyone is having a nice weekend!
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    PW: 136
    CW: 136

    STS I will take that I almost feel like I got away with something. The course was good but I got a bit upset because we did a fitness test and I failed. I got tangled up in some weeds. I asked to do it again and I passed just. I am going to do some work on it this week.

    @cyndiesstuff you could be right I will give it a go, i defintely think that I am addicted to sugar though. I had a biscuit for lunch with on my course and i just kept eating. I felt really hungry when I got in from my course. I forgot to say well done and congratulation on your new job and your wedding.

  • Moarrein
    Moarrein Posts: 3,128 Member
    Check in for Sunday:
    food: logged and a little over (no sugar after I got back home and no late night snacks, but had lots on watermelon and 2 glasses of white wine)
    water: 2+ liters
    exercise: none (spent most of the day packing, traveling and unpacking)
    steps: 6119

    I know we're not suppose to weigh in more than once a week, but wanted to share with you that when I used my scale this morning it turned out I actually managed to maintain my previous weight (121.4 lbs) B)
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Daily check in for Sunday
    Food not bad
    Water not enough
    Exercise rest day
    Steps 5985

    got up early yesterday and got my day going. made the weekly food plan, got the grocerys. then picked up my son Josh from church and we went to my parents house. jim and dad mowed grass and me and josh hung out with my mom. then took josh home and came home and i was spent. took a nap and felt worse when i woke up. so i just rested. which was fine cause i worked so hard saturday. in the evening, as the sun was starting to set, i went out and watered. boy it's dry. we went from one extreme to another. today, i am trying not to feel weird about leaving my current job. i am sure i am going to have to start dealing with the good byes. i am really not looking forward to that. but, it is what it is.

    @Moarrein and the fact was, the scale showed a gain, what you think about that, will determine the action you take. remember you need to be able to live your life and be healthy. i believe you did that. ohhhh yes!! and a maintain on vacation is great!! you are showing us all how to live life and have fun!!

    @sleepymom5 lol i took an unplanned rest day yesterday. sometimes you just need that. i was thinking about you last night. how is that bar doing? you never really say? i hope pt helps you. it will be good for you regardless.

    @Mrsbell8well i am so glad you are enjoying your vacation. and you food as always sounds delish!!

    @carlsoda omgosh. you day sounds amazing. what fun. i love summer. and you made the most of it.

    @CassieGetsFit2013 how are you feeling lady?

    @twyla77 no, no worries, we can use that weight. lol we have become so addicted to these steppers. lol. what a crazy world. the horse is beautiful. but not as lovely as you! look at how cute you are!!!

    @nstephenson01 maybe.... your problem is not thinking but what your think. change the way you think and you will change the action. this would be a very good situation to work thru the model i posted earlier. and be very careful what you say to yourself. words are powerfull.

    @ljdanny and your sunday sounds lovely. what amazing self care. good job.

    @amsandos you got tangles up in some weeds? how did that happen. i want to hear the story. maintains are good. so you just keep learning how to live this new life. the new you thanks you in advance for the work you are putting in. she loves you!! and so do we by the way.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member


    New week!! lets make this a great week. what will you do this week? what is your plan? I am going to make it 4 days in a row without binging.


    Late weigh in

    Today's weigh ins

    Tomorrow's weigh in
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