
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Finally got back out there and did a day hike today! Now to just keep my eating under control!!!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Well done on the hike, Suzy! Looks like an amazing place. Good luck with the eating. I'm trying to keep mine under control too - I can't believe it's still so hard. There's never a stop point. But needs must, and my knees are begging me - lol! Seeing you out there hiking really inspires me!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    omg yay youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    edited July 2019
    Suzy - love all the pics!!!
    Gail- sorry your job is so hectic. Were you able to change your shift hours?
    Carol- happy soon to be retirement
    Snoozie- as always , enjoy your wit and humor, including the pictures :-) When are you leaving for your big trip again?
    Vail- good luck with the new plan- are you liking it any better?

    So, June was quite the month for me. Planned and carried out the baby shower and luncheon for 24 peeps with my friend and co hostess who is more OCD than I am lol, helped plan my father's funeral, flew to Michigan and back (took be 18 hours to fly back from Michigan to Tucson because of Airline issues!) just in time to turn around and fly to Sante Fe for my friend's daughter's wedding, and have been dealing with my family and will/estate issues continuously, as well as meeting with my own attorney to write a will. Crazy , crazy crazy.
    I'm grateful that I had my friends and Sante Fe after Michigan to put me back in good spirits l while I was there.
    All of this has wreaked havoc on the scale, and boy am I up in weight- yikes! I haven't been in the right emotional space to really deal with it. but today I just had it, and am making the commitment to get back on track. So back to logging in, tracking, and doing what I need to do to make the scale go the other way! Off to the grocery store I go...
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    I'm not surprised your weight is up with so much going on, and of course you are grieving and I feel that affects our bodies in strange ways sometimes. I'm glad you managed to have a good time with friends, and hope you're getting some "me" time now. Well done on making that commitment and good luck with the weight loss!

    I'm doing OK with the new plan, thanks. I'm back on track after my little break. I'm hoping that attending the classes and paying the money will give my focus, and I think it's helping. I can't afford to do it for long, but maybe it will give me a boost and get me into good habits, even if I don't stick to the particular eating plan. They really promote foods with articifial sweeteners which I don't like - lots of mentions of diet coke and so on. I even made a recipe for "diet coke chicken" (edible, but I don't think I'd do it again), before deciding that I can follow the general guidelines without all that stuff, so I'm aiming more for replacing foods with vegetables and fruit. I had stopped eating much fruit as I'd thought it was better to eat vegetables (calorie wise), so it's a bit of a treat to have an apple as a snack! But I'm keeping a close eye on my portions. I know the diet isn't magical in any way, and although they say you can have unlimited pasta, rice, etc., I have gone back to small portions!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Thanks again Vail for your support :) BTW, I know what you mean about paid plans. I agree they can be helpful commitment wise as well. I also find that I have to tweak a plan, though. Like with WW, one can have unlimited fruit, but I know that isn't good for my blood sugar. And I got tired of eating so much chicken, so I let pork count as a no point food, too.
    I totally agree with you about avoiding artificial sweeteners. Aspartame turns me into a total insomniac. I try to avoid things like non fat mayonnaise, too, cause mayo is basically fat and eggs, so if there is no fat, what the heck is in it? I've heard substituting sour cream for mayo is better for one actually.
    I'm trying to decide if I want to go back to WW. I also have a lifetime membership to Jenny Craig which my mother purchased for me decades ago, but geez, their food is all processed, and at least with WW I can still go out to eat. And low fat diets mess up my blood sugar. As with everything in life, it seems like balance is the key. Overall, it still amazes me just how easy it is to pack the pound on and how crazy difficult it is to take it off!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Oh my gosh! How could your weight not go up with all that going on?! I really hope everything calms down for you so that you can feel more in control and then take that control over your routine and life. I hate feeling like everything is being thrown at me while my hands are tied behind my back. I’ve yet to figure out how to handle it and I’m getting on in years!

    I’ve tried WW (eons ago) and it just ended up being a game of figuring out how to get the most food for the least points. I ended up eating so much processed fake food that I felt terrible. Of course, lately I’ve been eating a lot of high calorie junk and drinking alcohol and now I feel terrible. So I guess I haven’t learned anything. Well...I’ve learned, I’ve just been ignoring my lessons. Ha!

    I’m getting back on track now. Today was good. I’ve got to keep making every day good.

    Are all of you suffering with this heat this summer? It’s hard to get outside and do anything at all. Hopefully tomorrow we’ll be able to get up to the mountains and it won’t rain. Fingers crossed!

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    I hope the weather's good for you, Suzy. We have had a bit of rain, but mostly hot and humid. It does make me feel lazy! And I haven't felt like exercising. I have a gym class booked tomorrow after work, debating whether to cancel as I just keep feeling the gym is too hard for me. But I need to commit to something else if not doing gym. I have mainly just been doing a bit of walking and I know it's not enough.

    I bought an Instant Pot (pressure cooker) in the Amazon Prime sale. Just getting to grips with it, and haven't had much success so far. I'd heard such great reviews, but nothing is coming out as good as if I'd just cooked it the normal way. I imagined making wonderful meals in one pot, with minimal washing up. Maybe it just takes practice. I do like being able to just set it and leave it, and it's not nearly as scary as the old style pressure cookers!

    Slimming World is going OK, and I'm trying to avoid too much of the processed stuff they promote. I agree about things like mayonaise - I tend to suit a higher fat diet anyway, but the whole thing is a bit anti-fat. I'm used to using creme fraiche in recipes and no, ultra low-fat yoghurt or quark is not the same thing, lol! I had my weigh in and had gained despite sticking to it. They really focus on the weekly weigh in thing, which doesn't suit me as I know my weight fluctuates so much. I see other people getting frustrated and disappointed when they weigh in and haven't lost or have "only" lost half a pound. However ... I do feel it's helping to keep me focused, so sticking with it for now.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I think it was Snoozie who said something like, take what works for you from the program and incorporate that into your routine. Exercise in the heat of summer is difficult. I’m going to put some serious effort into going back to the gym on Tuesday. I’ve got plans on Monday with my daughter. We decided to just do our usual walk tonight after dinner instead of hiking today...just too darn hot!

    I’ve thought about trying an insta pot but just haven’t done it. I’m also interested in an air fryer. Does anyone have any experience with one of those?

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    Hi ho Hatters!
    Just came off a 7 day stretch of days and spent Saturday being a complete slug - i did manage to get in my walk at the lake but in regards to the heat - we are having it here too and i find either early morning or around 7pm are the only times i venture out!! Today i played pickleball indoors as I stupidly booked apts this coming week on pb outdoor days... what a dummy :) ah well thankfully there will be a few indoor sessions i can hit instead...

    i can relate to the frustrated - I am about 2 pounds away (STILL) from a new set of numbers (and actual new loss!) and i just cannot break that "0" to a "9".. every time i get close back up i go.. its the same damn 2 lbs back and forth... I have been eating realtively well this week; lots of veggies and protein but a few outings of course wreak havoc.. but i've also been eating way too much of the healthy stuff... huge portions.. i am a firm believer that weight loss is 80% fork and 20% exercise... so I need to focus more on prepping better.. i wait too long to make something then i am starving so even its its "healthy" i chow down like there's no tomorrow.. sigh.. but i am bound and freaken determined to break the 0 by the end of the month.. maybe i'll get my hair cut or my lip waxed...? see if that tips the scale enuf?? :p

    I recall from some class.. maybe the diabetes one? not to buy anything low fat - mayo, sour cream, yogurt, etc.. because when they take the fat out they add sugar.. and if you look at the nutrition label on a tub of full fat sour cream there is 0 sugar.. but go to the low fat one and sure enuf there is sugar.. they said you are better off having a small amount of the regular stuff than going low fat..

    Susan - glad the month of June is behind you and hope you get some breathing room to focus on you now... been a tough go for you

    Vail - i commend you on trying the Instapot... not something i would ever get as i hate cooking lol.. even with the hope that one pot would make it easier! People swear by it.. but then again they swear by crock pots too.. and i have to say.. im not a fan of those either.. most stuff i make in there.. cooking for 8 hrs.. it all comes out the same consistency.. and the meat unless you want to shred it.. well anyway... its ok for chilis and soups but i prefer making those in a pot on the stove anyway... however i have become a bit of a one pot person for many things lol.. last nite i made green beans, carrots and baby potatos in the same pot LOL.. while my piggie chop cooked in the oven.. i just tossed each one in about 5 min apart, drained em all together, and put the butter and salt and ppepper right in the pot and served it out of there onto my plate :) I'm surprised i didnt throw the pig in the pot and jsut eat right out of there anyway!

    Suzy - totally agree on the exercise and the heat.. my sister is going to aquafit indoors to try to get some movement in and stay cool too.. what are you and your daughter up to monday? inquiring minds wanna know!! :)

    k gotta shower - downside to loving the pb is the amount of laundry as everythign is drenched afterwards... i bought another pair of shorts and a 3rd dri weave shirt just to give me an extra day to get the laundry done haaaaaaaa....
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    edited July 2019
    Well Snoozie....it’s supposed to be a secret until after the first twelve weeks....hint, hint! I’m going with her to a doctor appointment to find out when exactly that twelve weeks is up...if you get my drift. ;)

    I’m so excited! And scared for her...I am her mom after all. BUT...you didn’t hear it from me and you certainly didn’t hear it until about another three or four weeks from now.

    Mum’s the word! (Or grandmum!)

    But seriously... I have family on this app so shhhhhh!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    OH oh ohhhhh 👌👏😀 shhhhhhh 👏👏. Ohhhhhh yay shhhhhh 😀😀😀😀😀😀👌👌 oh Wow awesome shhhhhhhh👍👏😀😀💓
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    Well.. of COURSE this morning I hop on the scale and finally saw the " 9.8 " - just two ounces but still finally into that new set of numbers LOL.. i'm not going to log it yet tho; i'm going to wait til the end of the week to make sure it STAYS there! But it will definitely helped with the motivation and to remind me to be consistent - because of COURSE yes I downed half a dozen of the "thin" cookies just last night!!

    Have a good week Hatters - remember to be kind to yourself and take a few minutes each day just for YOU to do whatever it is that brings you small joys.. mine's gonna start with another coffee and a chapter of my Bill Bryson book! Then i'll hit the lake...
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Oh, Suzy, I know you haven't said anything, but I'm very pleased for you and your daughter and wishing her well! It's lovely that you are going to the appointment with her!

    I haven't owned an air fryer, but have come across them and I know people swear by them. I'm with you on the crockpot, Snooozie - I have a small slow cooker, but it drives me nuts - it does tend to just soften things up, and what's worse is that the house smells of food all day and makes me hungry! The Instant Pot is much better as it's quicker, but at the moment, it's still tending to make everything kind of blend together, so it's difficult to distinguish individual vegetables. I'm disappointed, but will keep experimenting. The recipes seem to be of the stew/curry/chilli type, and although I do eat that sort of food sometimes, I'm a big fan of fresh tasting, crispy, chewy food! I'm going to try a big lot of steamed veg soon and see how that goes.

    At least I didn't buy a food mixer, which was the other thing I was looking at in the sale, because if I had, I know I would have made cakes with it!

    Snoozie, you made me laugh with the idea of getting your hair cut for weight loss! The lengths we go to! I didn't know you were so very close to new territory - wow! You must have been committed recently! Congratulations on the new set of numbers - that must be such a good feeling! Even if it's up tomorrow, you know it's on the way down if you've crossed that line! I agree about it being mainly diet, rather than exercise. Which Bill Bryson book are you reading?

    Remembering to look for small joys is a great idea! It was good today that I'd experimented with the Instant Pot, because I had some soup to take in for lunch, and had leftover bake thing for tea - so good not having to cook! (I know I'm strange, but if I'm on my own, I often just eat leftover food cold. So yes, cold soup, etc.). I'm going to have a relaxing bath and an early night. I hope you all find something nice to do - love this idea!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    So far so good with the scale last week. Need to keep motivated to keep it going this week , too! And as far as my emotional needs, I decided I needed to get a little beach escape from responsibilities and the heat, so booked a room at a hotel right on the beach in La Jolla, California mid August (which is the first I can get away). I am so looking forward to that !

    Thanks Suzy for your understanding. Sounds like you have an exciting secret! I know how you feel, as when I first got the news from my son and DIL, it seemed surreal and too good to be true, and I worried a lot in the first several months. Now just 18 days predicted to go until our big event - it's going to be a long 18 days of anticipation! Hope all goes well today at the appointment and in general.
    Thanks Snoozie for your understanding as well. So happy for you that you were able to break the 0!!! I can relate to the struggle with the same few pounds and trying to break a plateau, so kudos to you. Appreciate the reminder about the small joys.
    Vail- sorry for the frustration part of the weekly weigh ins. I'm surprised peeps aren't have more success on the scale if they are following the program. As far as the instant pot, I have never tried anything like that, so sorry, can't be of any help.

    Here's to a new week and new joys!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    Vail I'm reading "The Lost Continent"; i love his books and his style of writing-keeps me laughing and an easy pick up/put down type of book; perfect for those small joy moments!
    and I TOTALLY agree with you about the "smushyness" of veg and stuff in the crock pot - everything goes kinda grey and mushy - like you i like my veggies to have different textures and be able to bite into them, not gum them to death! I hope you get the IP to work for you; a lot of my friends have them and swear by them!

    As for the leftovers - i live by them too... If i can cook once and eat twice, hallelujah! altho i admit if it's food thats supposed to be hot i do have to reheat it lol.. except leftover pizza! you reminded me i have those green beans and carrots still left from the farmers market i'll have to cook up today! Hope you enjoyed your bubble bath last night.. that's one of my small joys.. bubble bath with a glass of wine and a book and call me happy!!

    and yup the scale was back at the 0 today haaaaaaaaa.. but that's ok as you pointed out at least it's hovering there now instead of at the 2-3 where i was stuck for so long! I hope you are able to work out the program you're following so you get the loss AND get to skip the processed stuff you aren't fond of... as much as i hate to cook i AM trying to eat less processed and more fresh... altho i'm sad to say i am still throwing out a lot of stuff, terrible waste.. as you know cooking for one is just as expensive i swear as for a family, cause you have to buy a whole head of lettuce, or a whole thing of celery - a whole cabbage, etc.. i bought some cherries at the market and am trying to eat them all before they go bad.. ya that's my excuse and i'm gonna stick to it!

    Seehe glad you decided to take some time for yourself and recharge and good job on the scale moving!

    Suzy - umm... i'll just say hope you had a FABULOUS day yesterday on your outing with your daughter... yup that's all i will say but you can read between the lines!!

    Going to head to the lake ... i'm hoping to get more pb in this week as i go back on evenings which means i can play in the early morning - we are finally rid of the humidity and high heat and its just a lovely week coming up so i won't melt in the outdoor pb :) and was able to open the windows last night which was fab!

    Now to figure out today's small joy for myself!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Yesterday’s appointment was wonderful! It’s a bit earlier than she thought but so far everything is grand!

    I admit that I don’t use the crockpot very often. Usually just for pulled pork or chicken. I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned the Chicken Francese recipe on Skinnytaste.com? I made it again the other night and it was so delicious. And I had leftovers which, like Snoozie said, is great!

    Unfortunately I had a bit of a grazing debacle last night. I knew I was doing it but that didn’t stop me. I ended up about 700 calories in the hole. I’m not going to let it derail me...back on it today.

    Congratulations on reaching your new set of numbers Snoozie!! Fluctuation happens but you’ve worked hard and you’re there! Yay!! I love that you’ve found pickleball and enjoy it so much. We’ve just got to keep moving!!!

    I’m not sure about eating leftovers cold, Vail....maybe pizza? Wouldn’t it be nice if eating them cold meant less calories?! Ha!

    Susan, 18 days!!!! So exciting!!! And a beach vacay? I’m so jealous! I want to go to the beach in the worst way. You deserve a beach break and some “me time.”

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    YAY on appointment being wonderful!! still in "shhhhhhh" mode til you tell us otherwise so I'll do the "dancing on the inside" moment for now!

    if you recall Suzy i ate 6 cookies the other night - and nope not a derailment simply a choice .. (regrettable one afterward as it hit my tummy pretty hard LOL) BUT the occasional incident won't derail any of us.. for me its just trying to minimize the NUMBER of those choices i make! I still allow myself some kind of "crap" almost every day (I almost said treat except i'm trying to get out of the mindset of seeing junk food as a "treat" so crap works better for me mentally!)

    I was at a deparmtent type store this aft and some poor woman came in with her 88 yr old mom and asked the guy behind me in line if she could use his cellphone cause she had just locked her phone and keys in the car.. and the prick said no.. omg.. anyway i handed her mine and said help yourself... and when i turned back to the cash the guy had rung up my order.. and said it will be $186.00 i'm like WTF??????? i dont think so dude!! So i look at his till and he's charged me for a $125 carpet?????? i'm like.. i bought a sweater and some socks and some tin foil ... do you SEE a carpet?? But I ALMOST automatically swiped my card without even looking... holy cow...

    anyway this poor woman with the locked car.. her 88 yr old mom had flown in from Sault St Marie (about 1000km away) for a specialist eye appointment in a town west of here... so the daughter and her had left toronto this morning for a leisurely day before the apt to shop and have lunch and didnt she end up in this nightmare.. so long story short, her hubby calls the auto club who say 45 min.. i say i'll stay with you so u have a phone.. then about 30 min later auto club calls to say they will be there in 90 min.. she's like omg no... no way can she miss this apt and you told me 30 min ago it would be 45.. now its gonna be 90?? poor thing.. so i offered to drive her mom to the doc and drop her there and as its a 2 hr apt she could go pick her up after they got her car open... thankfully a gym next door let us wait inside and sit at a table where we could see out the window as it was hotter than hell outside... anyway we waited and waited.. finally was getting late so i was about to take her mom to the doc when the guy showed up and she got in... such a lovely mom and daughter the mom gave me a hug when they left lol.... so THAT was my small joy today.. was able to help someone out as I have been helped out before.. having the chance to pay it forward is indeed my small joy!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Snoozie!!! That is no SMALL joy! You were a huge blessing to those two women! You are such a kind and giving person and we are all lucky to have such a positive person in our lives. And booo to that mean selfish guy who wouldn’t even let her use his phone. I am so guilty of not paying close enough attention to my total at the register when doing a big grocery run. I’ll have to pay closer attention.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    Everyone here would have done exactly the same Suzy - but thank you for the kind words! I will say tho YES double check the total before you swipe LOL!!